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Coaching You To Health
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25.01.2022 Research says that only 1 adult in 10 gets their recommended vegatbles intake per day! And through coaching people and actually seeing what they eat I can confirm that these figures are correct! And to be honest, I find myself not meeting my daily requirement when I’m busy and not being intentional about my food.... Where we fall short is at breakfast and lunch time, as normally we are in a hurry and just grabbing whatever is ready or we can hold with our hands! Normally a sandwich . Vegetables are so important for many bodily functions, including; - digestion and energy production: they provide fiber for our gut bacteria. They also slow down digestion as your body has to work harder to break them down alongside the other foods, this lowers the rate at which glucose goes up in our body. This is crucial for diabetics. Including plenty of veg in all their meals provides them with constant energy throughly the day. Vegetables also help the body to absorb the nutrients from food and use in energy production. They aid in weight loss: Vegetables provide very low calories to our bodies but they fill us up. Having lots of veg on your plate will make you eat less calories overall as they are big in volume filling your stomach up. So if your goal is to lose weight, increase your vegetables intake! Aim for 1/2 your plate to be veg for every meal. Ways to add more veg to your diet: - have leafy greens on hand to add to your meals. For example if you are having a toast in the morning with eggs, put a handful of spinach or rocket under the eggs - Bulk up your sauces with shredded Vegetables. For example, bolognese sauce can hide a lot of veg if the kids are fussy! -have frozen veg on hand in the freezer that way you can have some when your fridge is empty. -make your lunch a salad instead of a sandwich. There is a great Jar Salad recipe on my IGTV.
25.01.2022 Why is it that the majority of people who lost weight regain it after some time? The research is clear up to 75% of people who lose weight tend to put it back on in the next 2 to 5 years. That’s a huge percentage! ... There are a few reasons why this is the case; 1) the way they lost the weight was too extreme (fad diets or extremely low calories). 2)they probably never worked on their body image or self love! Which means when they got to their goal weight they were still unhappy with themselves and self sabotage kicked in. 3) they did not work on their mindset! Mindset plays a huge part in permanent weight loss. 4) they never learned about healthy eating and lifestyle habits, they were given a program to blindly follow when they lost the weight. The other percentage who were successful would have lost the weight in sustainable ways while learning to to love their body as is, learned all about nutrition and healthy habits and changed their mindset. To be successful in losing weight and KEEPING it off you cannot take any shortcuts! You need to do it holistically and in a smart way. Yours in health Coach Abby.
22.01.2022 Steak with greens and a delicious creamy turmeric cauliflower sauce! Recipe for the sauce; 2 cups cauliflower diced ... 1 tablespoon extra virgin olive oil 1/3 cup heavy cream Salt and pepper to taste 1/2 teaspoon turmeric 1/2 teaspoon garlic powder 1/4 cup Parmesan cheese. Sauté the cauliflower with olive oil until tender, add the cream and spices and cook for a further 5 min until the cauliflower is soft. Add the cheese and cook until all combined and the sauce has thickened
22.01.2022 Simple and Delicious Beetroot Salad. Beetroots are in season now in Victoria, which makes them cheaper and fresher Beetroots are packed with essential nutrients, they are a great source of fiber, folate (vitamin B9), manganese, potassium, iron, and vitamin C. Beetroots and beetroot juice have been associated with numerous health benefits, including improved blood flow, lower blood pressure, and increased exercise performance.... And this salad makes it easy to include beetroot in your diet. Beetroot Salad: Ingredients 1 bunch of beetroots (4-5 heads) 1 close garlic A handful of parsley cut thin. Juice of 1 lemon 2 tablespoons extra virgin olive oil Salt to taste. Method: Refer to the picture if you are a visual person . Cut the beetroots in big chunks, cover with water and bring to the boil. Once the water is boiling bring the heat down and simmer until just tender. Test by inserting a knife or fork in the beetroot, you want it to be cooked but not too soft. It’s nice to have a bit of bite to it in the salad. Once cooked and cooled in the water, take half the beetroots and cut into smaller pieces. Crush the garlic and add it to the beetroots, add the salt, lemon juice and olive oil. Top with the parsley and serve. Refrigerate the other half of beetroots to be made into Saad again the next few days (can last in the fridge for at least 3 days). OPTIONAL: You can also top the salad with some feta cheese and/or walnuts. WARNING: the beetroots will dye everything it comes in contact with in the colour red, even your pee the next day will be red (totally normal don’t freak out ).
20.01.2022 Day of eating on keto/low carb Keto doesn’t have to be just meat and butter A well thought out menu can include lots of colorful vegetables, nuts and seeds.... While keto is defined as 20gm net carbs per day, many people can still maintain a state of ketosis on a higher carb count, myself included. With any diet you want to try, make sure that your food is mostly whole foods (meats, veg, fruit, nuts, seeds, legumes and beans). This way you will make sure that you are getting all the nutrition you need. Another major thing to consider, is your portion sizes. If you have been trying to lose weight with no success, it’s most likely you are eating more than your energy requirement. It’s not your hormones, your age, or your genes! While these factors might influence your metabolism and appetite slightly, the major players in your metabolism are: 1- your muscle mass (how much muscles you carry on your body, as muscles use a lot of energy to work, ie they burn more calories. While fat cells don’t) 2- the type of food you are eating! by eating a diet rich in whole, minimally processed foods, the number of calories you absorb can be significantly less than what you expect. Plus they require more calories to digest. Conversely, you will absorb more calories by eating lots of highly processed foods, plus burn fewer calories in the digestive process. 3-How active you are! Moving requires a lot of energy. Simple! We all have different bodies and different energy needs, but there are things to do to improve your metabolism. 1- Strength train to build more muscles! 2- Eat a predominantly whole food diet, including protein at every meal as the body burns more energy to digest protein. 3- Keep active daily. 4- Lower your stress. 5- Get your 7 hours of sleep (that’s vital for general well-being and even weight loss). You can improve your metabolism! Your metabolism is not broken. It’s actually working very well adapting to your lifestyle!
19.01.2022 Did you know your breakfast can change the way you eat for the rest of the day? I have spoken before about the importance of eating a high protein breakfast. It keeps you satiated for longer and regulates your blood glucose, which gives you constant energy and lowers your cravings throughout the day. Eating a low GI breakfast keeps you full, satiated and energetic!... Glycemic Index (GI) is a measure of how quickly a carbohydrate food raises your blood glucose levels. Low GI foods are 55 and under (for example rolled oats), and high GI foods are 100 (for example table sugar). These numbers are correct when a carbohydrate food is eaten on its own, once combined with other food that number changes. Hence why eating a meal mixed with all the other nutrients will raise your blood sugars at a lower rate, keeping you feeling great and energetic. Eating a highly processed and high in sugar breakfast, for example a muffin or cereal, will spike your blood sugars quickly and to a high level beyond what the body likes, the quick raise in your blood sugars and then the quick drop is what causes energy slumps and increases the cravings. If we eat a high GI diet mainly and in big amounts, we increase our risk of getting diabetes in the long run. Now if you have been following me for a while you would know that I don’t label food as good or bad, so having explained the affect of breakfast on your blood glucose levels and energy levels, I am by no means saying you cannot have a muffin and a coffee for breakfast ever I do occasionally (or when cafes where open ). Remember you don’t get healthy after just 1 healthy mea just as you don’t get unhealthy for eating 1 unhealthy meal! Your diet 80% of the time is what counts Food freedom is something that took me years to master in my own life. You can get there just keep listening to your body or work with me to fast track your journey to a healthier, happier YOU
19.01.2022 The keto (or ketogenic) diet is a very low-carb, higher-fat diet. It was first used as a therapeutic diet for children with epilepsy in 1921 to help with refusing seizures. Currently it’s used by many for weight loss and other health benefits. Our bodies usually run on energy which we get from glucose in food. Our body can’t store large amounts of glucose, and we only have about one days supply. restricting your carbohydrate intake on purpose will cause your body to feel that... it’s starving, so it will generate a secondary energy source from fat called ‘keytones’. When your body is using keytones or fat energy it gets into a metabolic state called ketosis, where fat, from your diet and from your body, is burned for energy. What this means is that your body is burning fat continuously. Some of the benefit of keto are: -It’s anti inflammatory -Fat is very satiating so you feel full and satisfied on it. -It’s an appetite suppressant diet -quicker weight loss (initially you lose fluids as carbs make you hold more fluids in the body, so when you restrict the carbs you lose this water) -It provides continuous energy without the ups and downs of blood glucose levels. There’s always fat cells to use for energy if there’s no food around. -It provides increased alertness and mental focus. -A ketogenic diet also has been shown to improve blood sugar control for patients with type 2 diabetes So what does the diet look like? It follows a meal plan that’s 60-75% fat, 15-30% protein, and 5-10% carbs. Ideally you need to be at 20gm of carbs (after you minus the fiber in your foods) but you can start with 50gm. As we are all different, different percentages will work best for us. This is not a magic pill diet, however for some it works really well as it gets you off sugar and eating more Whole Foods, and reducing your caloric intake as you are not as hungry. I used it 2 years ago after I had gained some weight and had many body aches and pains from not exercising. I used it because I couldn’t just stop eating sweet things and control my portions and exercise! I had no energy so those things felt very hard! Doing keto helped me lose the first 4 kilos quickly as well
17.01.2022 No judgement here! I do all of these things sometimes . However if your goal is #fatloss (ie weight loss) and you have been at it for a while without seeing results, then most likely you are unknowingly making some of these mistakes. Review them and think about which one could be hindering your progress.... Share this with someone you think might benefit from it
17.01.2022 These are my 6 tips to reduce your sugar consumption over time . Make sure to share them with your friends .
17.01.2022 I had to share this quote! Many times we find ourselves someplace we never thought we would be. And we shrink back and concentrate on how unfair life is to us! Why things are happening to us! But what if we concentrated on how we can make the best of our situation or circumstances?... If we concentrated on how we would bloom or shine regardless of where we are? This is a reminder to you guys and myself that we need to shine no matter where we are in life and no matter what’s happening to us. We can be stronger than our circumstances #spring2020 #bloomwhereyoureplanted #bloomwhereyouareplanted
16.01.2022 What will you get in this personalized report? A 17 page report, which will include: - Your target calorie, macro and PORTION guide. So following this personalized plan doesn’t mean you count calories! But you can just use portion sizes to make life easier.... - Meal ideas - How to use the portion method to achieve your goals. - How to meet your daily targets. - A daily portions tracking sheet. - What foods you should be aiming to eat. - And lastly, how to adjust your portions for further progress! Once you have all this information you should be able to follow this on your own to achieve your weight and physique goals.
16.01.2022 Easy meal prep recipe
14.01.2022 Moroccan Chicken Bake Spice blend 1 teaspoon Ground Coriander 1 teaspoon ground cumin 1 teaspoon smoked paprika 1/2 teaspoon ground turmeric 1/2 teaspoon sea salt 1/4 teaspoon garlic powder... 1/4 teaspoon cinnamon powder 1/4 cayenne powder (optional) Prepare the spice blend to use on one kilo chicken. If you want you can use more or less of the blend as per your preference. 1 kilo chicken drumsticks (8 pieces) 1 serving of spice blend or more 1 can diced tomatoes 4 cloves of garlic minced 1 onion diced Prepare the marinade by combining the diced tomatoes, diced onions, minced garlic and spice blend. Mix it with the chicken, then bake (or refresher are to bake the next day) Serve with brown rice and some green veg and enjoy Or for a low carb option serve with some cauliflower rice.
13.01.2022 Think about that. When will your life circumstances be perfect so that you can prioritize your health? I would say the answer is NEVER.... If you feel heavy, tired, lethargic and unhappy with your health and the way you look! Then I would say the time is NOW to prioritize your health. What people forget is that our health is worth our time and resources because if we don’t prioritize it now most likely we will have to at one stage when we aren’t feeling our best. Don’t settle for living with aches and pains from living a sedentary lifestyle thinking this is the norm! Don’t settle for wearing clothes you don’t like just because they hide the weight you put on! Don’t settle for looking at the mirror and not being proud of your body. Don’t settle for not being able to run around with your kids or grandkids. Take charge of your health and the way you feel. Wellness is a choice Reach out to me if you need support.
12.01.2022 It’s selfish to take care of yourself as a mum! Is this how you feel as a mum? I’m glad that I learned early on in my motherhood journey that taking care of myself meant I’m taking care of my family.... I always loved the analogy of put your mask on in case of an emergency on those airplane safety demos. As a parent you might think to save your kid’s first! But if you are passed out, what good are you to your kids . This applies to your health too! If you aren’t taking care of yourself and prioritizing your health, what good are you to your kids in the long run? I know you might be feeling some guilt around taking time away from your kids, but think about it this way; [] by taking time to exercise you are teaching your kids an important life lesson! To prioritize their health and make exercise a habit from early on. [] by taking time to shop and cook healthy you are also teaching your kids important life lessons, many kids grow up without the essential skills of shopping and making their food. [] by taking the time to exercise and eat healthy you are insuring that you have enough energy and stamina to keep up with the kids physically and emotionally! [] by taking the time to take good care of your health now, you are making sure that you age gracefully and with no health issues for your kids to worry about later on. [] by taking care of yourself now you are ensuring that you are healthy and strong when your kids start having their own family and they need your support. You see, you think that you are being selfish for taking time to take care of your health BUT I’m telling you you are being selfish by not prioritizing your health!! Your kids need you for many years to come. You need to be there for them. And there’s always ways to include your kids in your health journey, you can shop and cook together. You can exercise together. So please, do me and your kids a favor and let go of the guilt around taking the time to look after your health!! What are your thoughts
09.01.2022 I would love to get your opinion on this! Why is there so much confusion about nutrition? Let me know what you think in the comments below And if you like, you can ask me your burning questions about anything to do with nutrition
05.01.2022 French toast on keto/low carb ! Yes please! Ingredients:... -2 low carb bread slices (5gm net carbs) -1 egg -1 teaspoon cream (optional) -vanilla essence -10gm butter -1/2 cup blueberries -4 strawberries -1 teaspoon monk fruit sweetener (powdered) Method: -Crack and egg in a wide base deep dish (pasta plate), add the vanilla and cream to it. Whisk together. -Place one slice at a time on the mixture and flip it making sure it completely soaked with the mixture. -Heat a pan on the stove and add half the butter (yes 5 grams we need to save every bit of it) -Cook the toast a few minutes on each side until done. -Top with the remaining butter berries and sprinkle with the powdered sugar. Alternatively you can add any no calories sugar free maple syrup. Also you can replace with normal bread or sour dough if that’s your jam . Recipe as is has 20gm net carbs! If you want it less you can remove the blueberries
04.01.2022 Zattar Pizza ( mankosha): Ingredients for dough: 3 cups white flour ... 1 cup wholemeal flour 1 tsp salt 1 large egg whisked 1/2 cup olive oil 1 tbsp active dry yeast 1 tbsp sugar 1 1/4 cup (300 ml) milk (regular or low fat) This recipe yields 18 piece (each dough 55 g) Ingredients for topping: You'll need 1/2 cup za'atar (can be bout from middle eastern grocer or the international section of Woolworths) and 1/2 cup olive oil. Make the dough by mixing the dry ingredients then adding the wet ingredients and kneading either by hand (15 min) or using a machine (4min). Shape into a ball and let rise in an oiled bowl. After 45 min, preheat the oven to 220c fan forced. Divide the dough into 18 pieces (55gm each) and shape into small balls. Let them rest for 10 min, then put them on the baking sheets you will be baking them on. Press each ball down by hand, then using your fingers press down and stretch to form a 5 inch pizza base. Put about a teaspoon of the zattar mixture on top and again using your hands to spread it. Make sure you have them all ready before you start baking as they cook very quickly (5-7 min). Serve with cut up vegetables, olives and labna dip (find the recipe in my highlights) .
01.01.2022 Keto Choc Chip Cookies Makes 12-14 cookies 1 1/4 cups almond meal/flour... 1/2 cup @noshu sugar free choc chips 1/2 cup Shredded unsweetened coconut 1/2 Teaspoon baking powder 1/4 tsp salt 1/3 cup @natvialiving Sweetner 1 large egg 3 Tablespoon coconut oil 1/2 Teaspoon vanilla extract 1/3 cup walnuts (added to the dough just before baking) optional. Method: 1- Mix all dry ingredients together (excepts for walnuts) 2- In a different bowl beat the egg until uniform in color and doubled in volume. 3- whisk in the wet ingredients being the coconut oil and vanilla to the egg. 4-gently mix the wet ingredients into the dry ingredients until all blended. 5- using a tablespoon divide the dough into 14 balls, press the walnut pieces into the cookies. 6-Bake at 190 degrees for 7min or until edges begin to brown. Cool and enjoy! Nutrition: Calories per cookie (if you made 14) 169 calories Fiber 1.7gm Net carb 2.2 gm Protein 4.2gm Fat 15gm
01.01.2022 So this just happened . I am getting my Personal Training Certification . I want to be a one stop shop for all things health and fitness coaching ... @cleanhealthfitnessinstitute
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