Coach Jarratt | Public figure
Coach Jarratt
Phone: +61 447 437 187
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25.01.2022 ... We need to look at nutrition as a WHOLE. It’s not just calories and it’s far more than macros We need to also understand micros and ingredients ... Micronutrients provide the FOUNDATION for mindbody function, and if our micronutrient status is imbalanced, we will be imbalanced So how do you ensure you meet your needs? Eat the RAINBOW. Eat WHOLEFOODS. Eat vegetables (especially greens) with every meal you can! So what’s in my lunch today and why? : probiotic rich vegetable that modulates immune system - up to 10 trillion commensal bacteria in 150g , & : brilliant sources of carotenoids and Vit. C, B Vitamins, Vit. K, phosphorus and potassium : antioxidant rich - high in nitrates for increased cardiovascular health and performance : source of anthocyanins (powerful antioxidant) not found as much in orange or yellow carrots : source of calcium, monounsaturated (healthy) fats and polyphenols : probiotic rich food with high levels of beta-carotene (body turns into Vit. A) : Amazing for Vit. C, E and K as well as many of the B Vits, including Folate (B9) : beautiful source of monounsaturated fat, with high copper, Vit. B5 and Folate & : source of complete protein, with no gluten, fillers, additives, preservatives or flavours. These are special! & : incredible amount of electrolytes and sodium without all of the dangerous artificial additives compared to commercial sports drinks : neutral alternative to the inflammatory, insulinogenic and mucous triggering dairy ’ ! If you’d like to know more - join my FREE - !
20.01.2022 ' Today I’m in hospital for a day surgery - colonoscopy. BUT! It’s just a check up, and I’m absolutely certain my results will BLOW the surgeons’ minds!!! Allow me to explain why - the power of the MIND is incredible ... Over the last 12-18 months, I’ve gradually increased my application and research on all areas of optimising health and performance, reversing autoimmune disease and preventing lifestyle diseases that are spiking from modern behaviours I’ve altered my diet following up to 8 tested processes, stepped away from all work and conscious stress, removed high intensity training, implemented supplement programs, increase my sleep to up to 12 hours per night every night, taken up in depth meditation via courses and daily practice, been on hormone therapy, seen psychologists and kinesiologists, and been on all types of heavy and lethal immune suppression medication But the big change came over the weekend, when I was asked to LET GO of the label of ulcerative colitis and dis-ease, and let go of the belief that this disease and the medication with it control my life. This is something that I’ve been working on for months, but when it’s threatened your life, it’s a lot easier said than done What letting go has enabled me to do, is untie the emotions and fear linked to these labels, and thus allow my mind to let go of its chemical messages being sent to keep the body in that perpetual state of sickness So what changed? My symptoms VANISHED. They literally disappeared. I completely let go of the attention I was giving my dis-ease and it’s like it all just fell away The anchor I kept using to redirect my focus and thus my energy away from my symptoms was simply the click of my fingers and saying the word Freedom. It took me from needing the bathroom every 5-10 minutes, to not needing AT ALL! I’ve never been so convinced of the power of the mind for epigenetic change and the reversal of dis-ease It’s easier said than done. It involves a deep trust in the fact that if you created this condition internally you can heal it internally - something people are scared to believe because it puts the responsibility on them. But if you want to heal, I’ll do all that I possibly can to help This is my purpose in life
18.01.2022 Due to this health pandemic, I’m running a LIVE Masterclass on How to optimise your immune system and fight this chaos Comment for detailsDue to this health pandemic, I’m running a LIVE Masterclass on How to optimise your immune system and fight this chaos Comment for details
18.01.2022 Through my personal experiences & research I truly believe that we are energetic / spiritual beings in a human experience. I was a science based professional, who doubted and questioned anything that could not be shown empirically.... However, the acceptance of death and facing it brings a transformation in oneself that cannot be explained, it can only be experienced. I realised through facing and accepting death if it were to take me that there is far more to this experience than everyone realises. This more is our consciousness or truth. This is the unlimited potential that we all have within us, that we are born with. The more we delayer the ego (previous video) and connect with our consciousness, the more we are guided, supported and have all that we desire flow to us. I used to hear info like this and call it sh*t... That’s until I experienced our truth and I am absolutely certain of this now. You can call it what you like - Source, Consciousness, All, God, Universe... It has made itself known to me for a reason and it is my mission in life to now share what I have been so fortunate to experience. Know that when you lead with your heart, FEEL - feel light, feel pulled forward, feel like things are lining up easily, this is your consciousness path. More to come on these experiences, so turn on your notifications if you’d appreciate learning more. #mindset #psychology #growthmindset #neuroscience #consciousness
17.01.2022 ... You’re thinking no shit Todd So why the fuck are you feeding yourself with worry, fear and stress derived from everyone else? ...Continue reading
16.01.2022 ’ This may be the scariest and most vulnerable post I’ve ever put to social media... but that’s why I need to post it - to let go of that fear I have a lot of suppressed frustration and anger inside me. You may not pick it, but every now and then over the years, like a volcano, I would erupt...... I was so ashamed of myself. I didn’t want anyone to see it, because I hated myself for it. It literally tore me up inside and terrified me. Only recently I realised both 1 why I’ve had these anger eruptions, and 2 why I’ve felt so ashamed about it... 1 I had a particular occurrence as a child where I showed a lot of anger (due to my fear of rejection being realised) and it embarrassed my family. I was scalded for this behaviour and told to never express anger again... So I didn’t... For years, if it started arising, I’d push it down and distract myself from it somehow... It was so hard and it wore me out, but I managed for the most part. But what happens when it finally does crack the surface? It’s like a volcanic eruption and I let everything I’ve been trying so hard to hold in - out, in a big and painful way... 2 Because of my view of never expressing anger, I felt disgustingly ashamed of myself I was embarrassed and scared... Embarrassed because as a child I’d been told how I’d be perceived if I showed anger - violent... This scared me to my core, because I have two beautiful sisters and my feminine love is so high, that the thought of ever being perceived as violent, especially around woman, was my deepest fear. This suppression of anger, leads to an accumulation of it internally, and when that builds, it upsets the body’s equilibrium... Cellular dysfunction arises and and if that goes on long enough, it literally causes disease I’ve recently found that frustration and anger are linked directly to the stomach. Surprise for me and what I’ve been through? Not at all now that I know... So, I’m taking it upon myself to let go of all this, express my fears and thus be able to take back the power from it and the dis-ease the surgeons want me to believe I have. That will enable me to start healing at a deeper level and live a life of enjoyable expression. This was daunting for me to write, but as soon as I click post I know a weight I’ve been bearing nearly my whole life will lift from my shoulders. So thank you legend, for enabling me to share this with you. I’m grateful for you
16.01.2022 ! I set myself the following performance goals for the first quarter (Jan 1 to March 31) of 2020! 135kg Deadlift ... 150kg (Surpassed 15kg) 40kg Strict Press 60kg (Surpassed 20kg) 70kg Bench Press 85kg (Surpassed 15kg) 40kg Snatch 60kg (Surpassed 20kg) 62.5kg Clean 85kg (Surpassed 22.5kg) 2 min 24 sec Active Plank 3 min (Surpassed 36 sec) 10 Strict Pull Ups 10 (Met) How? Discipline! Just a daily commitment to achieving my goals in health, wealth and wisdom! If you want to join me on massive progress, we have a challenge coming up in the (FREE Facebook Community) - just fill out the questions and apply to join See you on the inside and at the top!
15.01.2022 He told me I’d fail... I believed him... The ego / egoic mind is the part of our being that wants to limit and restrict us to our past identity.... The ego is basically all of the stories we have come to tell ourselves about who we are, what we can achieve, what we deserves and how we act day to day... But, it’s all based on past experience. So if our past has been negative, so will our future as it’s automated from the unconscious stories. The only way to reach our true goals and fulfilment (truth) is to dissolve the egoic stories. We do this by: 1 becoming aware of what the negative voice is saying 2 being aware of how it makes you feel (physical changes) 3 being aware of where the story stems from (past negative experience) 4 feeling into your inner body (energy and vibration within) 5 realising what is fact, and moving past the ego story 6 slowing down your breathing and feeling into your chest (where heart is - creates coherence) 7 creating a solution of how you’ll overcome the story now and when it arises in the future Added bonus - The ego can also be known as the negative / small self / dark side / shadow / pain body / attachment / conditioned self / physical body etc. #mindset #mindfulness #psychology #neuroscience #ego #consciousness #energy #truth
14.01.2022 I’m a man and I cry. Yesterday when I shared my tears on Instagram a lot of people thought I was having a breakdown. I wasn’t. I was having a HUGE breakthrough in my identity and these were tears of both pain and gratitude.... A lot of people reached out sharing how empowering it was to see someone expressing their emotions completely vulnerably for all to see. I was also told how brave it was for me to do it as a man. Now, let me explain something important. It is natural to cry. We are designed to cry. When an emotion becomes too great for us to express with words, we express through tears. This is human psychology 101. Watch this - the birth of your child and the death of a loved one, both bring tears. But for very different reasons. One comes from an overwhelm of positive emotion and the other from overwhelm of painful emotion. The most important thing to know though, is that when someone expresses their emotion for you to see, it shows you that they feel strong enough within to be the REAL them in your presence. This trust goes well beyond any words could ever express A lot of people are told to hide their emotions, because it’s a sign of weakness. This is a toxic conditioned belief in society - here’s why. As crying is typically linked to the most painful emotional triggers, if you willingly lean into these areas and cry it does not show weakness AT ALL. In fact, it shows the ultimate strength a human has as they are CHOOSING to face the biggest challenges they have. These challenges go far deeper than pushing into the hurtlocker training, winning a championship or breaking your arm. When most run and hide from pain by suppressing and not addressing therefore not crying it’s actually because they don’t have the internal strength yet to face the emotional challenge. Then they project their internal insecurity onto others, which makes others feel the same insecurity. Hey presto - society suppression. So, for those who say crying is weak, I call for you to look inside. If not for yourself, do it for the others you are hurting. Sending you strength and passion. Remember - vulnerability is the ULTIMATE human strength.
14.01.2022 Here’s the motivation you want. No BS.
12.01.2022 I’ve been quiet on socials the last month or so, as unfortunately I’ve been extremely unwell again. On March 25th I got a call from my gastroenterologists / specialists saying that unfortunately the heavy (cytotoxic) medication I’ve been on since hospital last year (that’s supposed to save me) was potentially failing as I hadn’t gotten to remission in the 7 months on the drugs......Continue reading
09.01.2022 2 Today, for the first time since late March, I got outside to exercise Not my usual form of exercise, just a timid walk with Mum, but a monumental day and huge win for me on this journey back to HEALTH free of medication! ... To put things in perspective for you - this was simply a walk around the block, and by the end I was absolutely exhausted, back lying on the couch So, if anything I hope this gives you a little reminder of how fortunate you are to have your health - because I’d certainly love to have mine back right now However, it’s a big step in the right direction - it means I’m on track with my small goals and heading in the right direction! My daily discipline to every small healing task I undertake is paying off and I’m incredibly grateful for that Who knows what tomorrow will bring after this effort - but you know whatever it is I’ll be giving it 100% The #roadtoripped begins
08.01.2022 . I am absolutely certain of one thing in life - my purpose and ability to educate and empower beings to take COMPLETE control of their life and health! . I’m honestly hurting seeing the negativity each day being shared around the world - not because I don’t understand the fear people are experiencing... But because the more everyone deepens their stance in the negativity - the more their unconscious stress pathway increases and their immune system (and other maj...or organ systems) diminish... . One of my deepest areas of study and personal experience - the immune system, is the ONE thing everyone needs to take COMPLETE control of right now. Trust me! . Know that the more you worry, the more you catastrophise this situation, the more you buy into the hysteria and the more you hide away from life - the worse YOU make yourself . You literally change your gene expression (via the histone tails of the DNA strands) when we are worried - meaning we’re MORE likely to create and CONTRACT disease... . Further, the more you worry about the risk of contracting corona, the more you not only become the ultimate placebo (which people have self-created cancer through), but the more you also increase your risk of ALL diseases... . There IS a bright side though! . We absolutely CAN boost our health and immune function in so many ways - that I’ve personally done myself . Particular anti inflammatory and immune modulating foods, quality movements (especially anti gravity and spinal movement - for lymphatics), mindfulness practices (mind and stress control), directed conversations and supplements are all accessible under the right guidance! . If you’d appreciate having specific guidance and the ability to ask all the questions you have - I’ll do a LIVE class in the Holistic Health Community on FB (request to join) next week giving you the low down on exactly what to do NOW! . We are humans. We reap what we sew. Don’t be surprised by the hysteria, OUR population has sewn it... BUT! I will live my purpose and help you rise above it - as a family! . #corona #covid_19 #health #immunity #wellness #holistichealth #nutrition #training #mindset #mindfulness See more
07.01.2022 ... You’re thinking no shit Todd So why the fuck are you feeding yourselves with worry, fear and stress derived from everyone else? ...Continue reading
07.01.2022 We have two types of mindsets: Growth & Fixed. These sets have been studied and popularised by Prof. Carol Dweck. To have a fixed mindset is to believe the traits, characteristics and abilities we are born with are largely unchangeable and thus fixed.... A growth mindset on the alternative is to believe that the traits and abilities we are born with are only a starting point and we can grow in any area we commit to. I like to look at the mindset in ratios, e.g. 80% Growth (G) and 20% Fixed (F) rather than solely one or the other. The reason for this, is that the ratio depends on the stories we’ve been conditioned to believe about ourself and these vary according to the areas of life. For example a successful business person may be 90G and 10F in business, 30G and 70F in health, and 60G and 40F in relationship. Therefore, going a little beyond the standard devotions and uses, I move under the guise that we each have differing ratios and the more aware of ourself we become, the more we can shift all aspects of our life to Growth
05.01.2022 Nutrition can’t heal you. Meditation can’t heal you. Exercise can’t heal you.... Ice bathing can’t heal you. Medicine can’t heal you. The ONLY thing that heals us is our OWN mindbody. To heal / transform our mind or body (I refer to them as one, as our head is connected to our body - crazy huh?! ) we need the internal environment (organ systems, organs and cells) to be functioning optimally If you have been trying to build muscle or drop fat but have been doing so with imbalanced hormones - it’s like sprinting up a hill, only to realise you’ve been running up the wrong hill... It’s inefficient and largely a waste of time for the long term Likewise, if you’ve been trying to heal excess inflammation via nutrition and supplementation, but your kidney and adrenal glands aren’t functioning properly - it’s like trying to speed up while having the brakes jammed on For example, if you just get supps to fix the adrenal issue, but don’t address the fact that it’s stress and worry you’re experiencing causing the adrenal dysfunction - all the supps in the world WON’T fix you You MUST address the stress and worry via mindset work to alleviate the load on the kidney and adrenals, and all the systems affected down stream like the endocrine, muscular, digestive, nervous system to name a few - before any major progress can be made The aim of implementing the methods is to help reestablish the optimal environment, and THEN the mindbody can take off the brakes and give you what you want I made the reliance mistake for years on my journey thinking this or that method will heal me, but they can’t and they won’t. Trust me, I’ve learned the hard way and that’s why I’m sharing this with you - so you don’t have to go through the hardship I have You must address the root cause first, then you can determine the best way forward Most of the time the root causes and contributing factors are emotion and mindset issues - so if you truly want your results, you’ve got to be open to working through a little short term struggle And if you were wondering - the short term struggle is very much worth the long term benefit! I’ve been deep on this journey for years and for the first time I’m truly healing - FREE of medication, because I’m cleaning up the internal environment rather than just trying to bandaid the issue with external stimuli I hope you learn from my life threatening mistakes to start looking internally for the answers - because that’s where they lie
04.01.2022 Want to learn about the transformation from being a stressed out, not sleeping, externally driven, unaware workaholic... To a centred, optimal health focused, internally driven, mindful, productivity advocate? Alexander Sandalis and I caught up on his incredible, new podcast - Talking Chimps to go deep into training, health, mindset, mindfulness and accessing a higher consciousness ... It’s available on YouTube, Apple Podcasts and Spotify etc. - just click the links below to enjoy! : : Hot tip - the last 15 minutes are the deepest and most influential, so enjoy the journey to those! Thank you so much Alex for having me on the show and being able to share insight to a journey that EVERYONE needs to experience! I look forward to Round 2 #talkingchimps #podcast #talkingchimpsshow #mindset #meditation #training #hormones #immunity
03.01.2022 UPDATE . After 6 weeks of being bed ridden at home on the Sunny Coast (QLD), I’ve been able to make it down to Bendigo (Vic) to be with my family and recover here . Dad was able to travel to QLD to care for me for a month, but as it’s going to require a few months of recovery, we decided I’d be best with family in Vic ... . So, Dad drive me down to Vic over five days, a long trip for 2,000km - but I wasn’t able to cope with much travel daily due to the pain, exhaustion and inability to sit upright for extended periods . Since stepping away from the hospital, gastroenterologists and medication, and now working closely with @mitchellvickridge all of my blood markers have improved dramatically (white blood cells are the best they’ve been in my entire journey ), although still disturbingly low my energy levels have increased , my pain has decreased , my hunger has increased , and my organ systems (immune, endocrine and digestive) are all functioning a little better . I dropped from 56.4kg at my previous post date, down to 55kg last week. Though upon check in this morning, I’m up to 56.8kg (the healing a mother’s love can do @judej63 ) . I’ve been told it’ll be another week until I can walk for leisure again, and that I’ll be fully healed 100% without using ANY medication within 3-6 months . I’ll take it day by day and give my best every moment - then I know I’ll have done all I can . My energy has never been this low and it’s actually sad and frustrating for me - as I’m so incapable at the moment. I can’t even bend over to pick up my pen... So, for now I’ll need at least another week of full rest and compounding my energy before I can see or chat to anyone - so I appreciate your patience, support and understanding in this time . We are heading in the right direction right now, so I’m incredibly grateful for that and those supporting me Thank you . It’s incredible what belief, faith and confidence can do to heal the human body . #mindset #growthmindset #IBD #autoimmune #ulcerativecolitis #lettinggo #transformation #progress @ Bendigo, Victoria See more
01.01.2022 In the ultimate analysis of life, name and fame are irrelevant. All that matters in the final reckoning is how you lived each moment of your life. Was it a joy, was it a celebration? In small things, were you happy? ... Taking a bath, training, sipping tea, cleaning the floor, roaming around the shops, planting trees, talking to a friend, sitting silently with your loved one, looking at the moon, or just listening to the birds - were you happy in all these moments? Was each moment radiant with joy? That’s what matters. How do we achieve happiness? Well, it’s not happiness that brings us gratitude. It’s gratitude that brings us happiness. So practice gratitude for the small things daily and experience your happiness soar #mindset #happiness #adversity #challenge #resilience #routines #habits #holistichealth