Coach Landon Reading in Gold Coast, Queensland | Personal coach
Coach Landon Reading
Locality: Gold Coast, Queensland
Address: 987 Gold Coast Highway 4221 Gold Coast, QLD, Australia
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24.01.2022 If you're a guy who's been walked on before, then read this... Did you know that muscular people command more respect from others? This was first demonstrated in a study where superiors were asked to rank potential inferiors by how they looked...... Those with broader shoulders, thicker necks and leaner jaws were perceived as being harder working and more trustworthy. Interestingly enough, I had my own experience with this... After adding 50lbs of muscle to my 125lb frame in just 2 years, I suddenly received a ton of attention from those around me. Guys who were too cool and girls who were too hot all suddenly wanted to hang out. But it's not just your #muscular physique that they're attracted to... It's your energy. When you dedicate yourself to a project, that tests and transforms you, then you can't help but change your energy. So yeah, you're right, having muscle that fills out your clothes definitely catches attention, but it's your #energy that will keep that attention. At that point, girls flock to you, other guys #respect you and job opportunities just seem to open up for you. This is the life you want to be living... To claim your free assessment to know how much muscle you can build and how long it will take, send me a message with the word "assessment" and I'll be happy to give you my honest advice. Coach Landon #naturalbodybuilding #mostmuscular #naturalbodybuildingmotivation #naturalathlete #gymjourney #bettermyself #chooseyourhard #mytransformation #progress #getbigger #gymgains #musclenation # See more
24.01.2022 Here's a secret strength hack that allows you to build more muscle... Did you know that #lifting heavier and heavier weights overtime leads to more #musclegrowth ? The problem is, eventually it gets really hard to lift heavier and heavier...... So here's a secret #strengthhack that allows you to lift heavier weights, break through plateaus and build more #muscle : Start your lift with low rep, heavy weight sets (2-6 reps works best). Gradually increase the weight over 4-5 sets (the more weight you are able to lift, the more sets you will require). After hitting a top set, rest for 3 minutes and drop the weight right back to your regular weight that you would use for 8 reps. You will now be able to lift that 8 rep weight for 11-12 reps. And wallah, you're now back into progression mode and making more #gains. Caution: you can only do this for 3 weeks at a time before needing a break. Like and share this post with a friend who wants to build more muscle! Coach Landon #getbigordietrying #gainscity #fitnessknowledge #leanmusclemass #oldschoolmuscle #ironlifestyle #musclegain #liftingheavy #musclenation #squat #squatmore #squatlife See more
22.01.2022 Here's three tips on how you can get #abs without trying too hard... Did you know that getting abs ISN'T about what you should be doing as much as it is about what you shouldn't be doing? Saying that, these three tips are just things that I stopped doing that allowed me to see more #progress on my stomach: ... 1. I stopped eating heavy carbs with every meal. Gone are the days where I would eat a massive bowl of oats for breakfast, a burrito with rice for lunch and bread and chips with dinner. Now I focus more on getting my energy from fruit and veggies for most of the day and usually having heavier #carbs with just dinner - try this and you'll thank me. 2. I stopped staying up late watching Netflix. A lack of quality sleep puts fat on your stomach like crazy. It's not commonly known, but for every hour less than 8 hours sleep you get, your body burns 10% less calories during the day. That means if you stay up too late and only get a 5-6 hour sleep, your body will now store an entire meal as fat instead of burning it off 3. I stopped sitting around. I used to think that crushing my workout in the morning was enough activity for one day... it's not. You've got to be super #active if you want abs, physically moving around as much as possible. If you work at a computer most of the day like I do, then use the Pommodoro Method. Work for 25 minutes, then walk around for 5 minutes. You may need to get creative like faking bathroom breaks to do this. Walking around for 5 minutes every half hour will help you get your daily activity levels up and burn off excess calories. Like this post and comment below, which tip can you start doing? Coach Landon #fitnessmotivation #fitnesstips #sixpack #sixpacktips #abs #chest #pecs #weightlossjourney #diet #macros #iifym #paleo #keto #nutritiontips See more
18.01.2022 If you want to drop other people's jaws when you take your clothes off, then read this... Did you know #fitnessinfluencers these days aren't actually healthy? #Health and #fitness used to be a pair, but the advent of numerous fads between the two has caused a divorce.... Now it's "normal" to be healthy without being fit and fit without actually being healthy. But if you want to make serious long-term progress with your #physique, then you need to focus on being as #healthyaf. Here's three health markers you need to watch for, if you want to have a body that commands respect and attention. 1. Your eyes should be white. If you're eyes aren't white, then you're overtired, dehydrated or both. In either case, your muscles will look lifeless and your nervous system won't have the juice for you to push hard in your #workout. Drink enough water that you're peeing relatively clearly and prioritise getting to bed on time. 2. Your finger nails shouldn't have spots or divots. If your fingernails have white spots or divots, then it's because you're low in crucial micronutrients. If you're serious about your results, then you need to commit to eating better. Fast food might fill you up but it does nothing for your health. 3. You don't smile or laugh as much. The muscles in your face that allow you to effortlessly smile are turned off when you're stressed out or overworked. Similarly, the division of your nervous system that allows you to have a knee-slapping laugh also gets turned off. Because smiling and laughing run on the same division of your nervous system as building #muscle, if you can't smile or laugh effortlessly then you can't build muscle effortlessly. If you have a work schedule then you also need to have a play schedule. If you can't laugh or smile effortlessly then it's because your work/play balance is out. So like this post and comment below, which tip do you think you could improve on? Coach Landon #healthtips #fitnesstips #bodybuilding #training #fitnessphysique #healthylifestyle #healthyfood #sleep See more
18.01.2022 Something I would tell my younger self is... No matter how hard you think you have it now, your life is only going to get harder. So flip your script...... Stop pitying yourself for how busy you are and pretending that's a legitmate excuse. Stop giving the microphone to the weak thoughts that hide in the back of your mind. Start pushing the dog in you back into the ring. You need to FIGHT FOR THE THINGS YOU WANT! Your life is so short and then you're gone forever... So then wouldn't you agree that you NEED to live a life worth bragging about? You're smart, so of course you would. So then get off your ass and get going! Now, if you're someone who's planning to live an extraordinary life then comment below with a Coach Landon #motivation #fitnessmotivation #motivationwednesday #mindseteverything #successfulday #mindset #chaseyourgoals #worktowardsyourgoals #berelentless #igmotivation See more
18.01.2022 Three BIG MISTAKES you keep making when you train calves... Did you know most people blame their genetics when they can't get results? Although genetics play a big role (in everything), pointing the finger at that will never get you better grades, make you more money or build you bigger muscles. ... So here's what you need to stop doing: 1. Training with your toe elevated. Every calf training machine ever has always had this set up... It's wrong. Every athlete who has awesome calves (cyclists, ballet dancers, boxers) train flat footed. When you over stretch your calf muscle the tension leaves your muscle and goes to your achilles tendon. This is great for training power, but not so much for building badass calves. 2. Distributing your weight evenly. A table with one leg shorter than the others will lean towards the short leg. This is how your foot is designed to work as your pinky toe is much smaller than your big toe. Your pinky toe is that short table leg that you need to stay off of. Instead, push off and balance on the cushion where your big toe attaches. This is a game changer. 3. Performing weak af contractions. You're not peaking over your neighbors fence to see what they're BBQing... You're trying to build fat guy calves so start acting like it! When you push up, think about trying to touch the back of your heel into the back of your knee. It will almost feel crampy - that's good, because that means you're now working your calves for the first time in your life SHARE this post with a friend who wants BIGGER calves! Coach Landon Ps: comment which mistake you've been making below! #calves #calftraining #bodybuilding #calfraise #muscleknowledge #training #getbigordietrying #musclebuilding #musclegrowth #hypertrophy #hypertrophytraining #fitnesstips #fitnessmotivation #metal #metalcore #homegym #camo See more
15.01.2022 If you value the truth and your health, then read on... Did you know that the majority of prescription medicine comes from oil? Unfortunately, oil runs the world.... Oil also runs pharmaceutical companies. Oil took over the health care industry around the same time it was demonizing hemp and other forms of nature and herbal medicine. Doctors who refused to prescribe oil-based medicine were listed as "alternative". Despite healing people for centuries, natural medicine is now considered to be useless or even taboo. Oil-based medicine, which is only decades old, is now thought to be the sensical approach. Remember, treating yourself the natural way is now the "alternative way". Wouldn't you agree that makes no sense and is completely backwards? The largest con in the world right now is that you are being sold the poison and the antidote from the SAME PERSON. So, it begs the question... Can you trust your doctor? Well, that's your call. Your doctor might be awesome... But just remember that they have to get approved by and work for the same person who is trying to make you sick. What are your thoughts? Share this post and comment below! Coach Landon #realtalk #healthcare #nature #health #alternativemedicine #naturalmedicine #traditionalmedicine #chinesemedicine #naturopathy #homeopathy #wellbeing
15.01.2022 If you find fitness advice confusing, then let me simplify it for you... Did you know that Superheroes don't obsess over what they eat or how they look? Okay, you're right, their physiques do command our attention and respect, but that doesn't mean they waste all of their time counting their calories and jumping to a new style of training every other week...... You see, Superheroes have busy schedules, so of course you'd understand that they need to keep their #training and #nutrition very simple. Their training is focused on one element: getting stronger with the main #functional movement patterns of the body. Thus squatting, bending, pulling and pushing are the main ingredients their muscles eat. Superheroes also love to eat food that comes from farms and not factories. For Superheroes, eating a source of protein like eggs or meat 4x a day and snacking on fruit and vegetables fuel their bodies adequately, but SuperHeros also understand that keeping portions controlled and FEELING HUNGRY sometimes is a GOOD THING. You see, hunger is the sensation that reminds a Superhero that their metabolism is working... Hunger is the sensation that motivates one to pursue unrealistic goals... like saving the world. Hunger is the sensation, figuratively and literally, that will get you to transform your body into one that others can't help but notice. Like this post and comment below, what are you hungry to accomplish in life? Coach Landon #superheroes #superherobody #abs #sixpack #fitnesstips #fitnessmotivation #workoutmotivation #bodybuilding #morningroutine #fitnessroutine See more
14.01.2022 THREE MISTAKES you keep making that stop chin-ups from giving you a jacked back! Did you know chin-ups have the potential to get you seriously #jacked up? They do, but you have to do them right!... So here's three mistakes you've been making that prevent you from seeing the #gains. 1. You bend your knees. Your biggest back muscles attach onto your lower spine and your lower spine attaches to your hips. Thus, the position of your legs will affect the position of your hips and the amount of tension on your back muscles. Instead, put your feet forward for more #core and back gains. 2. You flare your elbows out. If you just let your elbows go loose and flare out, then like mistake 1, you're decreasing the amount of tension the muscle could be taking on. Instead, think about keeping your elbows together for greater tension on your wing muscles. 3. You pull yourself up. When you "think" about just trying to pull yourself up, then you'll most likely use a tonne of biceps and not much back. You can reverse that and hit your back harder by thinking about pulling the bar down and smashing your elbows into your ribs. When you "think" about leading with the part of your body that your back muscles actually attach to, then you will engage them WAY MORE. TAG a friend who wants a bigger back and comment below, what mistake have you been making? Coach Landon See more
11.01.2022 Three Tips to Build a Bigger Chest with Dips! Did you know most guys don't actually work their chest when they do dips? Here's 3 tips that will make your chest GROW like crazy from doing dips: ... 1. Stop bending your knees. Put your feet forward of your body, allow your hips to push back and lean your chest over your hands. 2. Stop bouncing your reps. Your chest is working hardest in the bottom of the rep. You can make it work even harder by holding that position for 4 seconds before you push back up. 3. Stop pushing yourself up. Your chest is designed to bring your arm across your body like a cable fly. You can hit your chest harder by thinking about bringing your hands together as you ascend. This will keep way more tension on your chest. Like this post and then comment below, which tip will you add in to grow a bigger chest? Coach Landon Ps: I made this video based off a request from one of my followers. Is there something that you'd like to see? Let me know and I'll make a video for you! #pecs #chest #delts #triceps #dips #getbigordietrying #oldschoolphysiques #pumpchaser #bodybuilding #biggerstrongerfaster #chestworkout #calisthenics #movementislife #fitnessmotivation #workout #training #dips #strengthtraining See more
10.01.2022 Here's an easy strategy I discovered that allows you to build muscle faster... Did you know your #abs are your #biohack coach that determine how much food you should be eating to build muscle? Here's how it works: ... If you've got Brad Pitt fight club abs, then your overall food intake is definitely too low to #buildmuscle. But if you've got a #DadBod, and you can't see your abs, then your food intake is probably too high to build muscle. Your overall food intake is at the right level when you have a "soft six pack". You see, when you put on too much weight and you lose your abs, your body's chemistry no longer favours #musclebuilding. This has to do with some boring science stuff called nutrient partitioning and insulin sensitivity. So instead of obsessing over how many calories you're eating, when you're trying to put on more size, just keep an eye on your stomach. Overtime, eat more and more food UNTIL you get to the point that your abs are blurry on an empty stomach in the morning. At that point, you're eating the right amount of food for putting on size. Of course, it's not just about the total amount of food you eat. The type food you eat makes a HUGE DIFFERENCE and should come from protein and nutrient rich foods like meat and plants... You know, earth shit. Now tag a friend or share this post with someone you know who's trying to put on more #muscle size. Coach Landon Ps: I'll share videos of how my stomach changes as I work to build more muscle size over the next few months. #getbigordietrying #fitnessknowledge #leanmusclemass #oldschoolmuscle #ironlifestyle #gainscity #musclegain #liftingheavy #musclenation See more
07.01.2022 I never used to want to be a dad... I also didn't think I'd be the kind of person to get married either. On top of that, I used to think people who worked out were douchebags ... Did you used to have beliefs about yourself that worked out to be the opposite? Because now I love being a Dad, I love being married and I love working out! You're smart, so you've probably learned by now not to have a pre-conceived idea about... well everything. Of course, you're aware that most people tell themselves what they can and can't do and then wait for their first bad experience to confirm it, which then just gives them permission to complain about it. Women tell me that they're fat and that it's their genetics fault. Guys tell me that they can't build any muscle and it's their genetics fault. These are just preconceived ideas that it's easy to point your finger at. Never give them the microphone. You owe it to yourself to live the life you want to live! Tell me in the comments the things you want to accomplish in your life or they'll never come true! Coach Landon #dadlife #designerlife #liveyourdreams #nevergiveup #motivation #fitnessmotivation #dadbod #dadswithdaughters See more
06.01.2022 HUGE congrats to Vytautas (@vytautas ) for making this insane #transformation using my SuperHero Body Challenge! Vytautas didn't let a global health pandemic or some other bullshit stop him from building his crazy #jacked body... Vytautas understands, like all strong-minded people do, that life WILL ALWAYS throw you obstacles.... Vytautas understands, like all successful people do, that the MORE OBSTACLES you need to overcome, the greater the sense of accomplishment you get. The more obstacles (aka excuses) you have not to be able to do something THE BETTER IT FEELS to achieve it! Show him some love by liking this post and comment below, what obstacles are in your way? Coach Landon Ps: he used only his bodyweight and a pair of dumbells to get these #results. #bodybuilding #training #transformation #fitnessmotivation #muscle #musclebuilding #jacked #ripped #strong #fitness See more
06.01.2022 Here's an easy strategy I discovered that allows you to build muscle faster... Did you know your #abs are your #biohack coach that determine how much food you should be eating to build muscle? Here's how it works: ... If you've got Brad Pitt fight club abs, then your overall food intake is definitely too low to #buildmuscle. But if you've got a #DadBod, and you can't see your abs, then your food intake is probably too high to build muscle. Your overall food intake is at the right level when you have a "soft six pack". You see, when you put on too much weight and you lose your abs, your body's chemistry no longer favours #musclebuilding. This has to do with some boring science stuff called nutrient partitioning and insulin sensitivity. So instead of obsessing over how many calories you're eating, when you're trying to put on more size, just keep an eye on your stomach. Overtime, eat more and more food UNTIL you get to the point that your abs are blurry on an empty stomach in the morning. At that point, you're eating the right amount of food for putting on size. Of course, it's not just about the total amount of food you eat. The type food you eat makes a HUGE DIFFERENCE and should come from protein and nutrient rich foods like meat and plants... You know, earth shit. Now tag a friend or share this post with someone you know who's trying to put on more #muscle size. Coach Landon Ps: I'll share videos of how my stomach changes as I work to build more muscle size over the next few months. #getbigordietrying #fitnessknowledge #leanmusclemass #oldschoolmuscle #ironlifestyle #gainscity #musclegain #liftingheavy #musclenation See more
05.01.2022 Quick question: do you know what I do for a living? I help people who don't get noticed by anyone, become people who get noticed by everyone. But I don't work with just anybody...... Watch this video and comment below if you pass my criteria, Coach Landon
04.01.2022 If you drink coffee, then see if you can pay attention long enough to read all of this... Did you know that #coffee DOES NOT GIVE YOU ENERGY? There's no need to rub your tired eyes, you read that right.... Most people make the mistake of thinking coffee gives them #energy, but it doesn't. Here's my proof: If coffee gave you energy, then why do people who drink it feel tired all the time? The truth is, besides staining your teeth worse than anything else, coffee STEALS your body's natural ability to make energy. Once you get #addicted, then you need it just to "feel normal". That's a bad place to be. Forget about actually getting a buzz from it, if you start drinking coffee then you will always need to drink it just to function. The more you drink, the further into debt you go with your body's natural ability to be energetic. Essentially, you become a #slave to the bean. You're smart and you don't want to live like that... So here's three things you need to do if you want to feel like a kid again: 1. Stop wasting your money on a product that doesn't serve you. 2. Switch to caffeine pills to break the social habit first. 3. Slowly ween yourself to a lower dose until you feel confident enough to just let it go and live freely. The truth hurts and that's why what I said was offensive to you. But the real truth is, everyone I know who has cleansed themselves of the brown acid has felt better for it. Like this post and share it with a friend who you double dare to follow those 3 steps with! Coach Landon #straightedge #healthyaf #healthtips #fitnesstips #fatlosstips #smile #cleanteeth #clean #health #healthy #wellbeing #wellness #cafe See more
04.01.2022 If there's 3 things I wish I did differently, it would be this... 1. Sleep. No one told me how important sleep was. In fact, my idols used to say, "sleep is for weak". ... What a stupid thing to say! Your #muscle grows while you sleep. When you get bad sleep your #testosterone tanks and so does your #metabolism. Taking a magnesium supplement and #deepbreathing before bed will make such a difference to your sleep habits, energy levels and progress. 2. Ego lifting. I used to lift waay to heavy. I would only think about making the weight travel from point A to point B and not about making my muscles do the work or how my form looked. What I learned is, if you're not in control of the weight, then it's too heavy. You'll just end up finding a way to manipulate your levers or use #momentum to move the weight, which takes the #tension off of your muscles and puts it onto your joints. 3. A program. I knew how to lift... so why would I of needed a program? What I learned the hard way is, your program is your map to your results. Sure, you could just drive around in circles hoping to find them... but using a map teaches you how to go straight there. When you follow a proven program, you get better results even faster and without the headaches. So if you're sick of wasting time and just want someone else to handle all of the guesswork, message me right now with the word "ready". Coach Landon See more
03.01.2022 If covid culture is what's really made you sick so far, then read on... Did you know that the only thing that's more contagious than #covid is being scared of getting covid? What most people forget about #fear is that it's an illness.... Fear shuts down the region of your brain that's responsible for critical thinking. Those who write the news have known this since collaborating with psychologists in the early 1900's. If you structure information in a way that makes someone scared first, then the critical thinking region of their brain shuts down and they're more likely to believe whatever information comes next. This process is then amplified when other people also accept the same information to be true at the same time you do. When multiple sources all arrive at the same conclusion, it becomes harder to dispute and more logical to accept. This is why EVERY large news channel repeats the same thing at the same time. But that's not all fear does... Fear also shuts down your parasympathetic nervous system, which then makes you old, weak and SICK very quickly. Notice how most people are sick, weak, overweight and unhealthy these days? Do you think that's normal? Do you think that's how God intended it? It's not a coincidence... Here's what you need to do: 1. Get in fucking shape, asap. If you don't know what to do, then my online SuperHeroBody Challenge would be perfect for you. 2. Stop watching the news. Quote me on this, "watching the news is as good for your health as crystal meth is". 3. Breathe slow and deep. Your #breath is linked to your ability to critically think. When you're scared, you're breathing speeds up and becomes more shallow. This breathing pattern turns off energy to your brain. Slow your breathing down to at least 4 seconds in through your nose and 4 seconds (or more) out through your mouth. Do it for as long as you have time to. You'll #think so much clearer! Like this post and comment below, what tip are you going to implement today? Coach Landon #powertothepeople #justice #society #culture See more
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