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Matilda Wand

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25.01.2022 Sunshine and hiking by day, foot spas and coaching in the afternoons, and dining with local produce and wine by night! Now that's my type of experience. Our Twelve Apostle Walking Expedition is still on the cards. We will see how the restrictions ease over time leading up to October, but no need to worry, there is a 24 month guarantee to re book to another walk if restrictions don't ease. (see website for details.) This walking expedition is limited to 9 people due to the siz...e fo the certified eco lodge. There are 3 spots left. Call or email Di from The Australian Walking Company to reserve your spot.

24.01.2022 We all have these titles, lets call them ‘masks’ (which aren’t actually our true authentic self) but we wear them for different relationships, situations or roles. Even though they come from, and make up parts of our authentic self, we must remember we are not just one of those masks but we are many, in many different circumstances. We may behave a certain way when at work, then different when with a loved one or then changing again when we are with our oldest friends. We ma...y behave a certain way when we have a certain role; a mother, brother, daughter, parent, career, boss, coach, subordinate, mentor etc.... Read on in our blog. #selfleadership #whoareyou #selfdiscovery #professionalcoaching

23.01.2022 Would you like to create abundance in your life? I have just recorded and added a "Creating Abundance" hypnotherapy track to my free video training series. You can have instant access to this right here. ... You're welcome

22.01.2022 I am so excited to announce the launch of my free Video Training Series and my Online Mastermind Program ! Here is the link to start your free training. #selfgrowth #personalgrowth #selfawareness #selfdevelopment #successhabits #successmindset #personaldevelopement #mindsetmatters #freestuff

22.01.2022 Motorbiking Firefighting Gridiron Yoga ... Some of my fav things incorporated into one awesome shot @themasterofmuscle @harleydavidson @harleyaustralia

22.01.2022 . Challenge Accepted . Absolutely love the idea of women feeling strong, empowered and beautiful exactly the way they are! Every woman is unique and perfect in their way, so own it and believe it with your whole heart!!!! .... Thanks for the nomination @genevieve_julianne_goodwin + @megsy.beukers.xo . I nominate these sexy gals show off a black and white pic of all their gloriousness @bigggiie @zimradouglas___ @sarahroddom @angel.wings.666 @madhatterconcept #empoweringwomen #challengeaccepted #womenempoweringwomen #womeninspiringwomen #womenencouragingwomen #girlpower #strongwomen #beautyinsideandout #somuchlove #loveyourself

17.01.2022 Are you ready to create the necessary changes in your life to create the freedom you desire?

15.01.2022 Posted @withregram @jodiandharley Dear Father Christmas. This year I would like some new hiking boots please... So incredibly excited to have locked in a 4 day challenge of walking the Great Ocean Road with my amazing client @freedomdiariestilly in January. This is partnered with @taswalkingco for a challenging and rewarding 4 day event to connect back in with myself and start the New Year off with more motivation and goals than ever before So excited and pumped to meet the crew joining me I hope you all like a good story...... Follow Jodi for fun and adventure filled stories

15.01.2022 Freedom on two wheels @freedomdiariestilly ... @themasterofmuscle @harleydavidson @harleyaustralia See more

14.01.2022 All in a days work #firefighter #horserescue #firebrigade #ggs

14.01.2022 If you were to project yourself 5 years into the future... looking back to now, what advice would you give yourself? Mine would be: keep your routine, regardless of the external circumstances After no yoga for three days I could feel my body yearning for it. Having a routine is so important to who we are and how we think, feel and do things in our everyday life. ... Namaste

12.01.2022 Executives and Leaders' Retreat Discover how experiencing joy and freedom, letting go, and being in the moment enhances efficient and effective leadership. On this four day experience, we will have the magnificent Lady Eugenie, a luxurious, 23-metre (75-ft) ketch-rigged yacht as our home base in the gorgeous Wineglass Bay in Tasmania.... Have you ever finished a bush-walk to have a linen-topped table waiting with oysters and Tasmanian sparkling? You will! Bookings are open now. 6 spots left for 2021 April 1-4 + group and team bookings available on request. #leadership #joy #freedom #executive #managers #director #retreat #wineglassbay #sailwalk

11.01.2022 Can you do that for me? Are you free? Are you available to...? These questions can sometimes make people say "yes" when deep down they really want to say "NO!"... How do we say "no" without sounding rude? Firstly let’s bring some awareness as to WHY we say yes. How does saying yes make YOU feel? By saying yes what are YOU saying no to? Do you have someone to model how to say no in a respectful way? If not you can practice a few 'lines’ when the opportunity arrises in the future to answer in alignment with what you really want. Q: Would you be able to stay back today? A: I am not available for that but thank you for asking me. There does NOT have to be an excuse here. You do not need to make things up. Being honest is on most peoples lists of things highly valued so please live by that value. Be HONEST. Maybe it’s something that you just don't want to do and you’re not emotionally available for it. I had a friend recently ask me to accompany her shopping. I replied with "No thank you I don't want to do that as I don't truly enjoy it". I didn't make up an excuse about how my aunty Agnus has fallen down the stairs & I have to take her to the hospital so I can't go. What new lines will you practise when you really WANT to say no instead of saying yes then regretting it later?

11.01.2022 Isolation and lockdown can be a trap in life. Walking in beautiful places is great for your mental health and the perfect setting for learning from a life coach... and behaviour expert. Matilda’s experience was formed at remote mines supervising teams and driving enormous trucks, representing Australia in gridiron, leading women on motorbikes, and fighting fires. Matilda’s real-life experience of immense challenges and a dedication to overcoming them means that she can help you move from lost to unstoppable. For more information

09.01.2022 Freedom is Within is off on a research & development trip taking part in the Bay of Fires Walk on the 20th Dec so I can plan out my facilitation of coaching during this epic experience late next year. Posted @withregram @taswalkingco Spring has sprung, and the weather is starting to get that bit warmer. This shot was taken on the first day of spring at the Bay of Fires, can you imagine walking along these beautiful beaches on such a fine day! #taswalkingco #bayoffireslodg...ewalk _________________________________ #tasmania #seeaustralia #discovertasmania #australia #ig_australia #tassiestyle #focusaustralia #australiawalks #eastcoasttasmania #tasmaniaparks #greatwalks #hiking #greatwalksofaustralia #explore #eastcoasttasmania #bayoffires #exploreaustralia #nature #bayoffires #tasmaniagram #inluxury #wanderlust See more

09.01.2022 WHY WE TRAIN AND KEEP FIT. When a firefighter attends an incident involving a fire in a structure, they must wear appropriate Personal Protective clothing (PPC)... to protect themselves from heat, water (steam), smoke and other hazards. The PPC ensemble includes helmet, coat, pants, boots, flash hood and gloves. Our PPC also helps identifies us to the general public and other services who we are. In conjunction with the PPC, a variety of tools are needed to carry out the task. Such tools are radios for communication, Thermal imaging camera (TIC) to aid with visibility to see through the smoke and darkness, entry tools such as the Halligan and sledge axe to forcibly open doors or windows. Self-contained air breathing apparatus (SCABA) to help with breathing in hot toxic environments, and a quick attack bag which has a hose, branch, adaptors and spanners located in it. The photo below shows a firefighter wearing the PPC and equipment required. The equipment in total weights 25kg and the PPC up to 10-12kg. With this extra weight, add high heat, near to no visibility, climbing, crawling, dragging hoses, loud noises and explosions, working for prolonged periods and in unfamiliar environments..THIS IS WHY FIREFIGHTERS NEED TO KEEP FIT.

09.01.2022 Thursday to Sunday feeling free under the stars & full moon Letting go of old stories and celebrating the new manifestations for the final chapter to this amazing year. #strength #courage #newbegginings

09.01.2022 Definitely missing the face to face workshops at the moment but am also enjoying the amount of one on one clients who are ready to take their life to the next level. hashtag#successhabits hashtag#personaldevelopement hashtag#mindsetmatters hashtag#personalgrowth hashtag#selfdevelopment hashtag#successmindset hashtag#selfgrowth

08.01.2022 Reading one book will expand your mind, reading several of these books is going to make you more interesting, help you learn new skills - & maybe even make you & your team better, if you can implement some of the strategies & create them into a habit. Here are some book ideas to get you thinking: Think (or rethink?) who you are with books like Breaking The Habit Of Being Yourself and Evolve Your Brain by Dr Joe Dispenza or The Power Of Vulnerability by Dr Brene Brown or... The Art of Thinking Clearly by Rolf Dobelli or Presence by Amy Cuddy Get personally inspired with "Dare to Lead: Brave Work. Tough Conversations. Whole Hearts" and "The Gifts of Imperfection" by Brene Brown, or "Man's Search for Meaning" by Viktor E. Frankl and The Twelve Rules for Life by Jordan B. Peterson. Learn about leadership & teams with The Five Dysfunctions of A Team by Patrick Lencioni or Measure What Matters by John Doerr or Effective Communication by Dalton Kehoe, or Find Your Why & Leaders Eat Last by Simon Sinek Learn about the human mind with The Idiot Brian by Dean Burnett or Unthinkable by Helen Thomson or Subliminal by Leonard Mlodinow What book will you choose to read this week? #learn #growth #explore #mind #motivation #personaldevelopment

08.01.2022 Even with all the uncertainty right now it is still important to have things to look forward to. Repeat after me "This.... Shall.... Pass" Feel safe with these guarantees:... *No payments required on your walk booking until travel to Victoria is possible from your place of residence. *Guarantee that you can postpone your walk booking for up to 24 months with no additional charges if travel restrictions are in place within 30 days prior to your departure (including right up until the day of departure). *To find out more about our booking guarantee, as well as our COVID safe plans and travel information, please visit: I am really looking forward to this walking expedition and if it gets postponed then that's okay too. I am hopeful. Stay safe everyone.

05.01.2022 There’s something about a camp fire that is so nourishing to the soul. Better yet, with the company of my husband and doggies. Last night we made Cape Nachos. Named from when I made this on our Cape York trip last year. ... We even gave @firetofork apple pie recipe a crack and had it straight off the fire with ice cream for dessert. #backtobasics #firetofork #nourishthesoul #campingtrip #fire

05.01.2022 I just saw a post saying "I want every little girl who someone says 'they're bossy' to be told instead, 'you have leadership skills'".... Since when did being 'bossy' mean you are a good leader? Being bossy and demanding is not a great approach to leadership. If this is how leadership is portrayed to little girls what are we expecting from our leaders when they grow up??... Women... you do not need to be bossy to be a leader. Instead of inserting excuses here as to why you 'need' to be; mainly I hear the projections it's because of (blaming) others behaviours.... Just take this in. Learning skills where you can be authentic in your own leadership, being able to speak up and out for what you truly believe in, with full compassion, is far more powerful than raising your voice and being demanding. Having courage and confidence to be yourself and speak without fear or anger can take practice if you haven't had it modelled to you before (or haven't practised it) but it can be done. It all starts with changing YOUR behaviour. Not others. We cannot change others behaviours but we can choose to change ours. There is no one to blame for our behaviour except ourselves. RUN YOUR OWN RACE #leadership #compassion #courage

03.01.2022 Anchoring..... I have anchored the feeling of gratitude every time I get into bed. I smile psychically, feel gratitude emotionally and mentally think how lucky am I ?... You too can anchor these emotions into your every day life. QUESTION: What feelings do you want to feel more of on a day to day basis? Love? Gratitude? Excitement? Confidence? How can you consciously choose to bring this into your life more? Is there something you can anchor this too?

03.01.2022 A little article about my coaching journey and how I got here

02.01.2022 F-E-A-R: has two meanings: Forget Everything And Run OR... Face Everything And Rise. The choice is yours. Zig Ziglar. Tommy Larkin

01.01.2022 For all the coaches and online course creators check out Kartra This is what I have been using to create my online courses, email campaigns, crm and basically everything you need to run an online business, digital products, affiliate marketing... the list goes on. I am so proud and happy with the four courses I have just launched using this platform. It also replaces click funnels, infusionsoft, calendal, ontraport, kajabi, Yo...uTube, Vimeo.... Do yourself a favour and check it out.

01.01.2022 I can’t wait for live trainings to come back. But for now there are so many options for online trainings and I’ve just released 4 online courses so you can start your coaching journey with this free, three part video training series.

01.01.2022 October please hurry up !

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