Coastal Zen Yoga | Interest
Coastal Zen Yoga
Phone: +61 434 908 545
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25.01.2022 One of our amazing customers @mel.limhow_aerials showing an awesome flow on one of our rigs, How amazing is she . - - - #coastalzenyoga #aerialhoop #aerialhooptricks #aerialhooplove #aerialrig #lovethemusic #lovetheflow #loveourcustomers #aerialist #aerisllove #aerialdance #isolationcreation #trysomethingnew
24.01.2022 How amazing are these girls Going through the photos on my camera & came across these pics which I forgot to post. These amazing girls quite often paddle around #theentrancechannel while their Mum @liztallon attends #suppilates & #supyoga with us. Just look at the rubbish in our waterways . This channel feeds one of the major Lakes on The #centralcoast & it is devastating to see the amount of rubbish these guys collected. There is no excuse for this as @centralcoastcouncil provides plenty of bins in the area.I think this load took the girls roughly an hour to collect. Well done girls you are amazing .Weekend Warrior Outdoors another use for your awesome boards .
23.01.2022 Mothers Day To all the beautiful Mums out there, We hope you are all having a wonderful day and spoiling yourselves @liztallon - -... - #coastalzenyoga #mothersday #spoilyourself #theentrancensw #centralcoastnsw See more
23.01.2022 "Three good friends went for a swim. The one who was fat wished she was thin. The one who was curvy wished she was clever. The one who was clever wished she swa...m better. The really great swimmer wished she was witty. The one who was witty wished she was pretty. All three friends thought the other two were just fine. If only they could let their own bright light shine. So throw on your swimsuit if youre fat or youre thin. Enjoy fun and friendship .... love the skin that youre in! " What a marvellous poem! Gorgeous painting by: Watercolours by Rachel Toll Shared from Joanne GF
22.01.2022 Eco- Friendly Mats We love our Shelley Beach Eco -Friendly Mat Its extra thick for comfort, extra wide for luxury and extra grippy so you dont slip during practice Worldwide available Follow the link to get yours ... See more
21.01.2022 World Thyroid Day How is your Thyroid Health? Slow these moves down and take 20 deep breaths for each pose for a great relaxing flow for your Thyroid and Hips - -... - #coastalzenyoga #aerialflow #thyroid #hips #worldthyroidday #aerialyoga #thyroidhealth See more
20.01.2022 Aerial Yoga Workshop Inversion Immersion - Monday 16th March-5.30pm This #workshop is for beginners to advanced and will give you lots of tips and tricks to get you #upsidedown .This video shows just some of the fun ways with #handstanddrills to increase your strength and endurance with the support of the #hammock. Follow the link to book ... See more
19.01.2022 If anyone is looking for Lawn and Garden maintenance, We can highly recommend this business
18.01.2022 Crow Prep How are your Abs after the flow that we posted in May? Now lets get lower and really switch on those #abs with some #crow prep.If you are like me and are #scared of falling on your face then this is perfect for you, The fabric holds you in so you wont fall on your face I PROMISE . This is also a great all over body workout and is wonderful for toning and strengthening your arms .Do 3 reps of 10 then hold for a count of 10 on the last one, You will be #flying in crow before you know it Our 350 hour Aerial Yoga Teacher Training will be available online soon , We cant wait
18.01.2022 Eco - Friendly Mats Lucky Bamboo Many people believe that the number of bamboo symbolize different things ,Here are some of the most common beliefs: 1 stalk = good fortune , 2 stalks = love , 3 stalks = happiness, wealth, and longevity (also represent PAST, PRESENT, and FUTURE). 4 stalks = stable, strong, or power. ,5 stalks = wealth or fortune ,6 stalks = prosperity , 7 stalks = good health ,... 8 stalks = growth or wealth ,9 stalks = general good fortune ,10 stalks = completeness or perfection ,21 stalks = blessings This beautiful #luckybamboo Mat comes with a carry strap and is great for taking to your next class #worldwide #shipping available Follow the link if you would like one See more
17.01.2022 Love this video footage from one of our beautiful customers @its_me_nic_x . Life is better upside down - - - #coastalzenyoga #happycustomer #aerialrig #aerialhoops #aerialfun #lifeisbetterupsidesown #inversion #aerialhoop #aerialhooptricks #swivel #rig #aerials
17.01.2022 Go with the Flow When the world is turned upside down, Go with the flow - - -... #coastalzenyoga #supfun #centralcoastnsw See more
14.01.2022 Handstand Prep Changing it up with some #flyingcrunches and #hipextension , except I kept forgetting if I was #flying or #crunching , #handstanding or doing #hipextensions . Anyway this #exercise is great Handstand prep but it also helps to #strengthen both your #abs & your #back and also #stretch your #hipflexors and its heaps of #fun - - -... #coastalzenyoga #handstandfun #aerialyoga See more
11.01.2022 No Time ? You dont need alot of time to keep your body flexible. This routine takes less than 15 minutes and stretches your entire body from head to toe. A great workout after a long day to keep your body moving even when you dont feel like it . - - -... #coastalzenyoga #aerialyoga See more
11.01.2022 TIME Time is Free, but it is priceless. You cant own it, but you can use it. You cant keep it, but you can spend it. Once youve lost it you can never get it back! Spend it wisely ... How amazing is my Teacher @bipinyoga , Now thats time spent wisely Can highly recommend him if you are looking for a teacher - - - #coastalzenyoga #yoga #time #timeless #amazing #yogateachers #yogapractice #yogaeveryday See more
11.01.2022 Dont hide your beautiful self So many of our beautiful Teenagers sell themselves short , I see too many walking around with their heads down and shoulders hunched, these teens are beautiful but many believe within themselves that they are worthless , this breaks my heart , For anybody reading this that may feel worthless, Please lift your head up and pull your shoulders back, Stand tall and live the life you deserve, You are not worthless, you never were and you never will be , You are beautiful just as you are ,so instead of looking down, look up and smile and help make somebody else feel better about themselves @coastal_zen_yoga #beautifulteens #smile #youarebeautiful #youareamazing #standtall #loveyourself
11.01.2022 Aerial Yoga Flow Remember your Abs ? Can guarantee you wont forget them after this flow .Slow these moves down and do 3 to 5 reps of 5 to set your core on fire . Also excellent #handstand prep #aerialyogateachertraining Coming soon My awesome shirt is by Haunted Clothing, they have some awesome winter Tees out now so head over to their page & check them out -... - - #coastalzenyoga #aerialfitness #aerialworkout See more
10.01.2022 SALE Om/Aum Rectangle Mat SPECIAL $59.95 + $10 postage Australia wide This simple and stylish comfortable Mat is suitable for everyone ... It comes with a carry strap to make it easy to take with you to your next class Get yours at
10.01.2022 Winter Solstice Our shortest day of the year and usually a cold one , Looking forward to the warmer days and extended hours of sunshine . Happy International Yoga Day everyone , Hope your day was peaceful, enjoyable and happy - - -... #coastalzenyoga #supyoga #internationalyogaday #wintersolstice See more
07.01.2022 For anyone who may need an understanding ear, Can highly recommend these guys, They are local to the Coast and offer a great service
06.01.2022 Should we still be surfing? Lots of people have asked this question Hope this answers it for you James Rivers
06.01.2022 Thankyou Thankyou to all our amazing supyogis & suppilates fans , It was a bit of a weird season with lockdowns and the many changes of theentrancechannel with the wild weather, Hope to see you all again in the springtime - - -... #coastalzenyoga #supyoga See more
05.01.2022 Om/Aum Rectangle Mat This simple and stylish comfortable Mat is suitable for everyone It comes with a carry strap to make it easy to take with you to your next class Worldwide Shipping available Follow the link if you would like one ... See more
04.01.2022 Sound Healing Stoked , Our new soundhealing gong has arrived from Wind Chimes Australia, it has a beautiful sound .Cant wait to use it with our singingbowls . Check them out if you are after quality gongs
03.01.2022 These are quality Rigs that are built to take extra weight to keep you safe while you fly A fantastic portable alternative for hanging your Hammock ,Take it anywhere ,Easy to erect Made from a combination of Magnesium Alloy and Steel this Aerial Yoga Stand will hold up to 600kg in weight. It has an adjustable height from 1 - 3.4m.... Width of the top bar is 1.4m and also comes with an adjustable centre steel attachment to attach your Hammock ,Hoop, Lyra or Punching Bag etc. Width at bottom when fully extended is 4m. Hammocks and Mats are sold seperately Free Shipping Worldwide Follow the link to get yours See more
03.01.2022 Feel the Sunshine today Bring it on , Feels like Spring is in the air - - - #coastalzenyoga #supyoga #suppilates #supfun #sunnydays #feelslikespring #saltwaterfun #supfitness
02.01.2022 Yoga is Endless One of my teachers once said Yoga is like a well that has no base - It has endless depth. How true is this statement! I have attended so many Yoga Teacher Trainings and still everyday I step on my mat, I learn something new . Yes I am a Yoga Teacher but I will always be a student.I have learnt so much from each and every one of my beautiful and wonderful Teachers and I am so looking forward to guiding others through this wonderful journey that is - - - #coastalzenyoga #alwaysastudent #yoga #aerialyoga #inversions #hangingaround #upsidedown #lovetolearn #guru #yogaisendless #centralcoastnsw See more
02.01.2022 Aerial Yoga 350 hour Teacher Training Phew it’s nearly here , We have been chipping away at this project for quite a few years now and was hoping to launch it at the beginning of this year,It has taken much longer than anticipated due to a few hiccups this year but the content is now finished due to the help of some beautiful friends and will be due for release next month. We believe it is important to learn to teach yoga correctly on the ground before taking it to th...e air so this training will certify you as a Yoga Teacher and Aerial Yoga Teacher. This is the first coarse of its kind and offers over 60 Hatha based Yoga Poses and over 190 Hatha based Aerial Yoga poses. This course is certified by Yoga Alliance and on successful completion, you can register with Yoga Alliance as a 200 hour Yoga Teacher Inside this Training Manual are 548 pages of information to guide you and give detailed information on every pose within the training You will also receive ongoing support with your Yoga journey Will be available both online and face to face We are so excited to launch it and can’t wait to share it with you
01.01.2022 One of our amazing customers @_kaitlinjade on our Aerial Rig , Isnt she amazing . - -Posted @withregram @_kaitlinjade Today was meant to be our Pro Course photo shoot so I did a little home shoot myself - #coastalzenyoga #aerialsilks #aerial #aerialrig #aerialsplits #aerialdance #aerialyoga #superstar #amazingcustomers #trysomethingnew #isolationcreation
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