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Coast & Vines Church in Willunga, South Australia | Christian church

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Coast & Vines Church

Locality: Willunga, South Australia

Phone: +61 8 8556 2585

Address: 12-14 Aldinga Rd 5172 Willunga, SA, Australia


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24.01.2022 Hello to everyone - here is the briefest of updates! Christmas Eve service: - if you were not able to make it to our Christmas Eve service I wanted to let you know that it was a truly wonderful time! ...Continue reading

24.01.2022 We are so blessed to be able to meet together and have beautiful worship and celebrate baptisms

24.01.2022 Hi to one and all, I trust your week is going really well and that your times in His word and in prayer are becoming even richer and more fruitful. ..How good He is! If you missed last Sunday I strongly encourage you to watch the YouTube recording. Especially to hear George Van-Zyl’s incredible message; (start at 42:50 to hear George). In my view it was one of the most deeply meaningful and emotional messages I have heard. N...Continue reading

23.01.2022 We will be using the QR Code contact tracing system on Sunday and this explains the system very well for those who are a bit wary about what information will be kept, etc. We will also have the paper based record keeping available for those that are not able to either download the app, or don't wish to scan the QR Code.

22.01.2022 Good afternoon to one and all on this warm Spring day. Well it would seem my message on Sunday on the theme of ’sowing in tears - reaping in joy’ had a prophetic edge. Here we are on the brink of a very stringent lockdown. so first to the implications/changes that will be around this - possibly for some time;...Continue reading

21.01.2022 Hi all, hope you are doing well on this very warm day. Today I want to speak about an issue that has been uppermost in my mind of late. On Saturday February 6 Alice and I attended the 'walk for life' rally with many others from Coast and Vines church. At this event more than 5,000 people attended, ..despite the rain. ...Continue reading

21.01.2022 Hi everyone. We hope you are all well. Here is the recording of our second service today - shorter but still very relevant

21.01.2022 Hi to all, this will be a brief mid-week update today. First up regarding Sunday’s meeting just gone; ...oh my goodness it was just amazing to say the least, even with numbers of our folk away the place was full and buzzing with expectancy. We started our meeting as we normally do with a time of worship, and for me it was a time with God that I have rarely experienced before; His presence was so strong in the room. It was emotional and deeply impacting, Thank you so much to ...Continue reading

21.01.2022 We are so blessed to be able to praise our Heavenly Father

20.01.2022 Hi to one and all - trust you are going well on yet another mild Spring day : ) First up I just wanted to thank all those who helped out last Sunday with our 10:00am gathering; without this help Alice and I would not have been able to get away for the weekend to Yorke Peninsula. A special mention also to Leigh Kordahi who spoke on Sunday - it was a wonderfully heartfelt and super encouraging word! (Alice and I watched the service on-line on Sunday night - so good)...Continue reading

19.01.2022 Hi everyone, hope you are doing very well. Alice and I are still on the north coast of Tasmania at Shearwater taking part in the A2A National Leadership Team retreat and business meetings. We flew over here via Sydney Airport because travelling through Melbourne would have meant that we would have to quarantine for 14 days when we returned. We had booked to go through Melbourne to Devonport but had to rebook through Sydney - our plans changed!... 2020 (and so far 2021), have brought us all this regular experience of 'our plans changed.’ In May 2020 Alice and I with our son Josiah and his wife Sara were going to be in Guatemala of course this also all went out the window with the breakout of Covid 19. This sense of uncertainty and our needful readiness to adapt quickly to significant disruption has been consistent for nearly 12 months now. Most people would agree this has been tiring to say the least and on many occasions much more difficult - even traumatic. So how would God have us navigate these days? As always God encourages us and speaks to us from His word. God is our refuge and strength, an ever-present help in trouble. Therefore we will not fear, though the earth give way and the mountains fall into the heart of the sea, though its waters roar and foam and the mountains quake with their surging. (Psalm 46 : 1-3) During these days and at this time we are to simply ’trust again’ Right through scripture we read that God is calling us and encouraging us to trust in Him; to have faith that He has everything covered for all of our lives. Nothing is too difficult for Him. His incredible love holds us, guards us, and guides us. His ever sufficient grace enables us and empowers us for the roads ahead, no matter how rocky, and for the days ahead no matter how stormy. He is our loving Shepherd, our provider, our closest friend, our deliverer! Being here is Taz has given me some space to simply dwell on how great our God truly is - words are never sufficient to describe Him; but know of a surety we can trust in Him in any and all situations! His love covers all. On another note I heard from a number of people on just how amazing last Sunday’s meeting was. Thank you so much for all who served in seeing this all come together. When I think on what God has been doing in our midst of late I often get emotional! : ) His goodness is touching our lives afresh in the most profound manner. Cant wait to see you all soon! Acres of love - Rod and Alice

19.01.2022 Have a very merry Christmas.

19.01.2022 Hello to everyone on this lovely day, First up I just wanted to say how blessed Alice and I are to be shepherds of such a wonderful amazing and inspiring church! Our thoughts echos Paul words in scripture:...Continue reading

17.01.2022 An amazing message from Leigh today.

16.01.2022 Hi all, not sure what happened to the video I posted tonight but it hasn’t appeared If it does later on then it will be posted twice Anyway hope you can watch it - it’s what I believe is a prophetic word for the church. ... Hope to see you soon! Xo Rod

15.01.2022 Who is willing to get dirty and help the woman find the lost coin?

13.01.2022 God is so, so good!

13.01.2022 Update on last update! Ok so for this Sunday I will just post a message on Facebook - it’s too much of a scramble to have the worship team at church. No matter ... Enjoy your Sunday and we hope to catch up again as things progress! x Rod

10.01.2022 Get excited ladies, it's that time of year again! :) If you're keen to come along, better be quick as we'll be capping numbers at 23 this year (in keeping with Covid rules). Link for tickets can be found on the event page! Can't wait!

08.01.2022 Sorry for posting this so late in the week, but when the message is from God it is always relevant - yesterday, today and tomorrow

07.01.2022 Hello to everyone on this lovely mild day, First up to remind you of our Christmas Eve service; Thursday December 24 at 6:00pm. I hope that you can make it : ) It will be a short service of around 40-45 minutes with traditional carols, worship and a short word from the ‘Magnificat’ (Mary’s song) as recorded in the first chapter of Luke. I know it's going to be a wonderful time together....Continue reading

07.01.2022 Hi to one and all, hope that you are fairing really well. Good news! - our very strict lockdown is ending at midnight Saturday 21 Nov (tomorrow night) What this means for us currently:... - we will likely go ahead and have our worship team on Sunday morning, with a short word from me, streamed live from the church facility. I will confirm this before the day is out : ) If this does happen we will however do so in the absence of the gathered church. - if our Sunday live stream happens we would love you to tune in on youtube live on Sunday morning if you are able to - or watch it after the event (also on youtube) If it doesn’t go ahead I will upload a message on facebook. - restrictions from Saturday midnight revert to 100 people capped at venues but at the 4m2 per person rule. This limits us to around 45 people in our auditorium space. My hope is however that these restrictions will last only another 10-14 days or so before they revert back to the pre November 15 restrictions of 2m2 per person. We will stay closely tuned to all this in the coming days and will let you know ASAP what this means for our Sunday gatherings. Of course we are conscious also that the restrictions may go the other way and increase at any given moment. Every blessing! Love Rod xo What lies behind us and what lies before us are tiny matters compared to what lies within us (Walt Emerson) Forever, O Lord Your word is settled in heaven. Your faithfulness endures to all generations; You established the earth and it abides (Psalm 119: 89-90)

07.01.2022 We worship Him because He is the light in the darkness <3

06.01.2022 What a wonderful time together worshiping the great 'I am'!

04.01.2022 Beautiful worship and prayer! And a special bit in there for the children!

04.01.2022 Hi all - I have decided to call this mid-week update a blog instead. This is because this is a much more accurate description, the truth is I usually update very little! I do however take the opportunity around the middle of the week to share my thoughts ideas and take on a whole raft of things pertaining to our Christian walk. and now to some of these random thoughts of mine for today; What do you do when you feel overwhelmed? What do you do when you feel sad or lonely? Wha...Continue reading

03.01.2022 Beautiful worship and an amazing testimony by George!

02.01.2022 Sorry, it took so long to get this up on the Facebook page, but here is last Sunday's service

01.01.2022 Hi all, hope you are going really well. Apologies that this mid-week update is so late, I have actually had a couple of days off this week to try to tackle some very over-due tasks around home; ..and I have also been prepping for the Alpha weekend at Goolwa - this starts in a couple of hours and we are super excited for it! Well as you are likely aware the ongoing 4m2 per person restriction on indoor venues means we are still running 2 services this Sunday. One at 9:30am and ...the second at 11:00am. Both services are around 35mins and will mostly be worship with a 5-7 minute encouraging word. This gives us maximum time to catch up with others after. Please see my previous email on how to book a spot for either service: - if you missed this somehow just call Oliver Dowie and he will sort it 0437 376 847 And now just a quick re-cap of last weeks 6 minute message. Count it all joy my brothers when you encounter trials of various kinds, for you know that the testing of your faith produces steadfastness (James 1: 2-3) At first glance this scripture doesn’t look very appealing! We are to consider it all joy when we encounter trials because our faith gets tested and produces steadfastness?; well for the trials and pain steadfastness better be worth it! But a fuller understanding shows us why we can indeed count it all joy. Some short definitions for the three key words here helps: Joy - this is not just some chance happiness, in essence it is a deep contentment in Christ and is born out of God Himself. Joy is one of the fruits of the Holy Spirit. Faith - is believing that the promises of God that we do not yet see, we will indeed see. For faith is the substance of things hoped for, the evidence of things not yet seen. Heb 11: 1) Steadfastness - means a place where were are confidently established in Christ. A confidence that because we are established in Him we no longer are dependant on our own resources or efforts. This is wonderful! So why can we count it all joy when we encounter trials? - because in our trials we discover more of who God truly is, we encounter His promises and realise they are completely true for us personally. And importantly trials cause us to gain a deep immovable confidence in the goodness and power of God. So its not like God is saying to us ‘here are some trials, now be happy’ it is the truth that the trials in helping us become more steadfast in God produce true joy! On Christ the solid rock I stand, all other ground is sinking sand See you Sunday! Xo Rod

01.01.2022 Regarding our meeting this Sunday morning - important Hello to one and all - As you are all likely aware the current Covid 19 restrictions mean that we have to abide by the 4m2 per person ruling. This means we can only have 45 people in our main auditrorium. Understanding this and taking into account that we were unable to meet last Sunday due to the lockdown fallout, we are very keen to give the opportunity for as many as possible to catchup this coming Sunday. ...Continue reading

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