Coasters Counselling and Coaching in Bunbury, Western Australia | Business service
Coasters Counselling and Coaching
Locality: Bunbury, Western Australia
Phone: +61 487 270 102
Address: PO Box 1932 6230 Bunbury, WA, Australia
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25.01.2022 Did you let your fear of hurting a toxic person stop you from moving away from a relationship which was deeply wounding to you? . . ... If so, you need to get comfortable with letting go of your concern for the toxic person's feelings. Their feelings are not like yours. Don't project your feelings onto them. Plus, they take better care of their well-being than you do yours. . . It's time to start realising that your quality of life matters. . . Turn on POST NOTIFICATIONS so you don't miss a post from me. . .Don't forget to LIKE, COMMENT and SHARE your thoughts. . . #narcissism #narcissisticabuse #narcissisticabusesurvivor #toxicrelationships #healingjourney #timetoheal #knowyourworth #anniekaszina #selfcareisntselfish #learntoloveyourself #findingme #selfesteem #youdeservebetter #lettinggo #dontsettle #chooseyou #nextchapter #emotionalhealing #traumarecovery #toxicpeople #youareworthy manipulation #narcissist #valueyourself #lovebombing #selfcare #redflags #youmatter See more
25.01.2022 If you know someone this has happened to. You know how it feels. Watch till the end...
24.01.2022 Just when you need support the most, you’re made to feel defective, wrong and even crazy by everyone around you. Why is this? Because without you knowing it -... the narcissist has been covering their tracks. They have smeared you and accused you of doing what they have been doing all along. So for people looking in, the wrong person is actually the right person, the right person is the wrong person, and everything gets turned on its head. Narcissists like to make you dependent. They like to circle you and enclose you. And how that happens is they dismantle your support structure. I barely made it out of this damaging situation alive. When I was unravelling it to find a way through this, there really was no way to heal from this situation but now there is. My work is always about taking your power back and being able to empower yourself to heal and learn and get out of this and never find yourself in it again. So that’s why understanding your support structures is really important. If you are new to my Quantum work, I'd love you to join me in the next free Healing Webinar where you will get to experience a Quanta Freedom Healing for yourself - What is Quanta Freedom Healing? - Much love xo
24.01.2022 For many of us we have been needing to truly concentrate even more on working at keeping a balance for our wellness. Keep at it. Remember we are needing to ...continue to balance all parts of our being. You can do it x See more
24.01.2022 The Australian Centre for Grief and Bereavement (ACGB) last night launched the worlds first app specifically designed to support bereaved individuals and their... family and friends. The free MyGrief App, which is being rolled out in Australia, the US and the UK today, aims to support bereaved people, as well as those who are supporting them. We are very excited at the difference this app will make to the bereaved, and to those working in the sector to provide immediate access to a solid evidence-informed resource. We ask you share this with your members, staff, colleagues, bereaved families, and family and friends. See more
21.01.2022 Fear... Learning or Growth. What are you choosing?
20.01.2022 You will be too much for some people, Too loud, too soft, Too this, too that. But you will always be perfect for the people who love you.
20.01.2022 Talking about mental health can be tough. Learn how to touch base with small business owners you know with our support guide.
19.01.2022 Years of suffering pains, and a number of changes in me, for no apparent reason until the time comes when they tell you what you have. There are two feelings: t...he relief of finally knowing what you have and now how you face it. Every day is a battle won!! The lack of encouragement, wanting to lie down, frequent taking medication; an entire pharmacy in the bathroom. Then there are the thousands of comments, " Why did you put on weight? "Hey, your hair looks terrible and is falling out, how much hair have you lost?" "What has happened to you?" All this is true and that's why I share it. Silent and invisible diseases do exist. When you have an invisible disease, it's hard to fight with people who don't understand. They don't understand until it happens to them. But life takes many turns! Tired of being told, "Did you go to the doctor?" "Did you try this?" "Did you try that?" Yes, I already tried and I keep trying everything! Doctors say this disease is forever. That I will not heal. I won't give up though but I want to make others realize. A nap won't heal me but it will help me and a lot, yet many don't let the sick sleep much. I'm not lazy, I'm on meds and that makes me so sleepy all day. I struggle with pain, mobility problems, fatigue, extreme tiredness on a daily basis. The most frustrating part is that people look at me and say, "you look good" despite the fact that my body is experiencing excruciating pain everywhere. Of course, I try to look good always, it's a disease; it's #Invisible I apologize if I don't go to events I would love to attend, one day you will understand my daily struggles.This disease affects me physically, mentally and emotionally. I need your support, not judgement . If I fall, I don't need you to lift me up, I need you to get on the ground with me until I have strength, desire and encouragement to move on. Because rare autoimmune diseases DON'T SHOW, THEY FEEL. And they're there... attacking quietly, but extra painfully. I'm watching those who will take the time to read this post until the end. With the post comes the following request: Please in honour of someone who is fighting against: Autoimmune disease, including myalgic encephalomyelitis Chrons and Ulcerated Colitis. Hypothyroidism and hyperthyroidism. Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome. Rheumatoid arthritis. Psoriatic Arthritis Chronic pain Endometrosis Multiple sclerosis Myasthenia Gravis Pulmonary hypertension Chronic fatigue syndrome Diabetes Celiachia Anxiety & depression(panic attacks) Fibromyalgia Raynaud and Sclarodermia Lupus Trigemine Neuralgia Sjögren syndrome CUC Epilepsy ADD TEA and any other disease that is NOT seen. Please copy and paste to spread these words. I understand if you don't copy and paste. It's okay. Type "done" in comments below and thank you for your support. I would love to see five of my friends post this message (not share) to show you are always there if someone needs to talk. In support of a friend, a relative who is fighting for this disease!
19.01.2022 Narcissists LOVE a good argument. In fact, for them, any argument is a good argument because it allows them to do what they do best: twist, lie, gaslight, play... games, bully, guilt-trip. abuse, mindfuck etc. etc. . . No matter how articulate you are, you will never win an argument with them. You might win a round or two but, eventually, they will come back and win the match. . . That is why it is not worth arguing with them. It is pointlessly painful. . . The only solution is to have as little contact with them as is humanly possible. If you don't have shared offspring, no contact whatsoever is perfect.. #narcissisticabuse narcissisticabusesurvivor #toxicrelationships #healingjourney #knowyourworth #anniekaszina #toxic #learntoloveyourself #findingme #selfesteem #youdeservebetter #liar #dontsettle #chooseyou #nextchapter #emotionalhealing #traumarecovery #toxicpeople #youareworthy #manipulation #narcissist #valueyourself #gaslighting #selfcare #abuse #youmatter #narcissist #victim #mindfuck See more
19.01.2022 Hi plz welcome me nto the world ;)
18.01.2022 Joyce talks about the importance of trials in our lives. She explains below!
16.01.2022 Many people live their lives struggling against this current. They try to use force or resistance to will their lives into happening the way they think it shoul...d. Others move with this flow like a sailor using the wind, trusting that the universe is taking them exactly where they need to be at all times. This flow is accessible to everyone because it moves through and around us. We are always riding this flow. Its just a matter of whether we are willing to go with it or resist it. Tapping into the flow is often a matter of letting go of the notion that we need to be in control at all times. The flow is always taking you where you need to go. Its just a matter of deciding whether you plan on taking the ride or dragging your feet. When we move with the flow, rather than resisting it, we are riding on the universal current that allows us to flow with life. See more
16.01.2022 Today is the day to take all of your pain, all of your anger, all of the sadness about the unfairness of life, all of your fears about an uncertain future - and... release yourself from all of it. Watch it slip into the nether-realm of the past like an untethered boat filled with useless, outdated baggage that serves no purpose in your life. Watch as it floats farther and farther downriver until it is gone from your sight; some of it may still exist somewhere, for whomever should choose to hold onto it - but it is no longer tethered to you. Today you are free to fill a new boat with whatever supplies you choose to bring along for a happy, fulfilling and passionate life that reflects who you are right now, this very day. So bon voyage!!! See more
15.01.2022 The Narcissists never-ending psychodramas serve to keep you off kilter. That way, they blind you to the Bleeding Obvious (as we Brits term it) - that being ar...ound them causes your quality of life and self-esteem to plummet. Nobody loves or needs to be with a Narcissist enough to put up with that - once they fully connect their misery with the Narcissists agenda. Once you started to see beyond blaming yourself for the misery that a Narcissist foisted on you, how inclined were you to stick around out of love?
14.01.2022 Narcissists lie endlessly. They lie because it works for them. They know that if they tell the right lie, with enough conviction, they can get you to fall for... it. . . They also know that, once you have swallowed a few of their lies and become emotionally attached, it will take a LOT for you to recognise the ugly, unvarnished truth about them. . . When someone sounds almost too good to be true - based on their own words - you are, likely, being duped by a Narcissist. . . Be sure to turn on POST NOTIFICATIONS so you don't miss a post form me. . . Don't forget to LIKE, SHARE and leave a comment. . . #narcissists #narcissisticabuse #narcissisticabusesurvivor #toxicrelationships #healingjourney #trustyourgut #knowyourworth #anniekaszina #selfcareisntselfish #learntoloveyourself #findingme #selfesteem #youdeservebetter #lettinggo #dontsettle #chooseyou #nextchapter #emotionalhealing #traumarecovery #toxicpeople #youareworthy #putyourselffirst manipulation #narcissist #valueyourself #liar #selfcare #redflags #youmatter See more
14.01.2022 When I ran for president I was ridiculed frequently for talking about love as the answer to society’s ills. I had naively not expected that. I had read so much... of Gandhi and Martin Luther King Jr.; MLK said it’s time for a new dimension of love to be injected into the sinews of human civilization. Silly me. I thought everybody thought that! Seriously, I didn’t think that everybody thought it, but I thought and I still do, actually - that enough people think it to make it worth talking about in a presidential campaign. I came to understand a lot of things, including the factors that make the invalidation of a conversation easier. If only I was a sitting politician! If only I was a man! If only I was a scientist! Well, the furthest reaches of science today validate, not invalidate, the higher truths of consciousness and the idea that the heart has its own intelligence. No one lays it down more eloquently than Dr. Jim Doty does in his book Into the Magic Shop. He tells the true story of how when he was a 12-year-old juvenile delinquent raised in a poor home with a raging alcoholic father, a woman taught him what she called real magic and completely transformed his life. She transformed it so much in fact that he grew up to be a leading neurosurgeon and professor of medicine at Stanford University medical school. He now works with the Dalai Lama in spreading the word that the intelligence of the brain is matched by the intelligence of the heart. The lady in that magic shop was teaching him the deepest truths of eastern religion, universal metaphysics and brain science. This weeks podcast is my conversation with James R. Doty. I definitely feel it’s a #conversationsthatmatter. Something to engage both mind and heart #TheMWPodcast
14.01.2022 Any narcissistic relationship is set up in such a way that it progressively robs you of your sense of self. The Narcissist intends to be the sole priority in y...our life - hence their objection to you being a caring, empathic parent to your children (as well as a loving family member to your family and friend to your friends). . . When you finally walk away from a narcissistic relationship, your world and your sense of your place in the world don't "just" return to normal any more than the real world will "just" bounce back to our pre-pandemic normality. . . Rather, after narcissistic abuse,you have to rediscover how to be a central player in your own life, how to make yourself a priority, and even how to have a good and harmonious relationship with yourself , , Since you have to start somewhere, you might as well start by excluding from your life people who are careless with your feelings, judgmental or, worse still, the narcissist's henchmen and women. . . You need to focus on what heals you, NOT what hurts you. . . Be sure to turn on POST NOTIFICATIONS so you don't miss a post from me. . Don't forget to LIKE, COMMENT and SHARE your thoughts. . . #narcissism #narcissisticabuse #narcissisticabusesurvivor #toxicrelationships #healingjourney #timetoheal #knowyourworth #anniekaszina #selfcareisntselfish #learntoloveyourself #findingme #selfesteem #youdeservebetter #lettinggo #dontsettle #chooseyou #nextchapter #emotionalhealing #traumarecovery #toxicpeople #youareworthy manipulation #narcissist #valueyourself #lovebombing #selfcare #redflags #youmatter See more
12.01.2022 The truth is we're always dying... so why not live like we already know it.
11.01.2022 As you look back on your life, you will often realize that many of the times you thought you were being rejected from something good, you were in fact being red...irected to something better. You can’t control everything. Sometimes you just need to relax and have faith that things will work out. Let go a little and just let life happen. Because sometimes the truths you can’t change, end up changing you and helping you grow. See more
10.01.2022 There are two ways forward. You can either: Shape your future, or Be a victim of it. ... The universe will never judge your choice, it will simply respond to it and give you what you want.
10.01.2022 You can turn things around. You can completely recreate yourself. Nothing is permanent. You're not stuck, You have choices. You can think new thoughts. You ...can learn something new. You can create new habits. All that matters is that you decide today and never look back. See more
07.01.2022 The longer you spend with a Narcissist, the less you have that you can possibly talk about with them. .m You might like to talk to them so they can hear and val...idate you in some kind of meaningful way. .m They experience most of what you have to say as the irritating buzzing of a wasp. If they do bother to give you their attention it is because they have decided to listen out for something they can use to hurt and control you. .m That leaves you with No Contact - forever after - as your best option. You communicate with a toxic person best, plus you save your own life, when you cease to have any communication with them. Please share to help someone who is still resisting or breaking No Contact.
07.01.2022 "Allow nature to teach you stillness." - Eckhart Tolle
06.01.2022 There are many telltale signs that someone is a narcissist but 11 of them really stand out. With a narcissist, you are damned if you do and you are damned if yo...u dont. You may try to twist yourself into the shape of a pretzel to appease this person, keep them happy or at the very least stop them from abusing you. But it just isnt possible. The truth is the narcissist is such an inner seething pit of insecurity, pain and malfunction that he or she will lash out at close intimates. The narcissist, trapped in such unconsciousness, believes you are the cause of their emotional disruptions. Nothing could be further from the truth, yet the narcissist refuses to see it any other way. Of course, being on the receiving end of such inhumane, devastating and maliciously cruel treatment will cause you to break down under such senseless and unrelenting abuse. These 11 signs are serious and I know that if you are dealing with a narcissist in your life you will relate to so much of it. And so that you can get to the bottom of all of this to understand if what youre dealing with is mild, moderate or really, really extreme abuse, you can take a quick quiz to get your answer! TAKE THE QUIZ- Much love xo
06.01.2022 "To love is to recognize yourself in another." - Eckhart Tolle
06.01.2022 Train your mind to respond to all stresses as non threatening...just another challenge to flow through. Train your mind like you train your body. Https:// See more
03.01.2022 Heres a Morning Meditation! Remember, preparing your nervous system with meditation can make all the difference in how youre able to get through this.
03.01.2022 Beautiful words attributed to "Kitty O'Meara"
03.01.2022 Is your groomer closed right now? Maybe you have always wanted to learn to groom your Maltese at home! Join me I will teach you step by step!
02.01.2022 If you have one make sure you keep them
01.01.2022 Very interesting words from Jamie !!!
01.01.2022 Sometimes miracles are just good people with kind hearts.
01.01.2022 A gentle reminder to be mindful of where you're focusing your energy. Shared from Self-Care Maven
01.01.2022 Toxic people work very hard to build a sense of obligation into your relationship with them - but not their relationship with you. . .... So you can easily feel very guilty for wanting to walk away from the relationship that they have actually made too painful and damaging for you to be able to stay in. . . Whether they are a parent, sibling, partner or friend, if they conduct their relationship with you in an abusive, narcissistic way, the time comes when you have no choice but to walk away. . . Remember, relationships are a two-way street. They owe you love and loyalty just as you much as you it to them. If they can't provide that, you do not owe them a relationship in which you show up only to get hurt by them. . . Find these posts helpful, turn on NOTIFICATIONS so you don't miss a post. . . Don't forget to LIKE, Comment and SHARE your thoughts. . . #narcissism #narcissisticabuse #narcissisticabusesurvivor #toxicrelationships #healingjourney #timetoheal #knowyourworth #anniekaszina #selfcareisntselfish #learntoloveyourself #findingme #selfesteem #youdeservebetter #lettinggo #dontsettle #chooseyou #nextchapter #emotionalhealing #traumarecovery See more
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