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Coasting with the Shorts | Blogger

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Coasting with the Shorts


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22.01.2022 A lot can happen in twelve months. You can change jobs, have a baby, get married, separate, survive a global pandemic or move 1,052km from your hometown in search of a new adventure. 12 months ago today Zack left for his 10.5 weeks Recruit Training with the RAAF. ... Defence Life; The First Twelve Months. New blog post up now!

19.01.2022 We loved visiting Crescent Head so much over the weekend so we've booked a sneaky early December getaway at @macleayvalleyholidayparks to test out our new camper before our big trip to QLD later that month.

19.01.2022 Such a fun afternoon

19.01.2022 GIVEAWAY For your chance to win this awesome Aussie Beach prize pack head to our Instagram page

18.01.2022 One day you'll be out on the water on a board little dude

18.01.2022 Trying to get a nice family photo for our website...

17.01.2022 And that's a wrap! Settlement went through on our house today. When we first bought this house we truly believed we had found our forever home. However, as with all great stories, that chapter has come to an end. ... We're not going to go into great detail and pour our heart out to you as we believe some things are better kept to ourselves. What we will tell you is that we've lived a life of highs and lows, we've made mistakes, we have regrets and there was a time not long ago that neither of us could see a light at the end of the 9-5 tunnel. We needed to change our lifestyle, and we have! As my dad says, there's no point looking back and thinking about what could have been or what we could have done differently. It's time to truly enjoy our new chapter without the stress of a mortgage weighing us down. So this is us, running toward our future, no looking back! Cheers

17.01.2022 Today we fell head over heels for a little place they call Crescent Heads

17.01.2022 A little camping getaway for the long weekend. Swagging it until our camper arrives

17.01.2022 Before we moved a friend said to me, "the homesickness will come and go in waves". She was so right. Most days I'm happy, excited and revelling in our new life. ... Others (like today), the homesickness sneaks up on me leaving me wanting and wishing to go back to our home town. To my old job. To the house that is no longer ours. And then I remember that there is no going back. Nothing is the same there any more and we don't quite fit like we used to. Our life that once was doesn't exist anymore. And all we can do is keep moving forward. Keep making new memories and maybe somewhere down the road we'll find where we fit once again. "If you've ever been homesick or felt exiled from all the things and people that once defined you, you'll know how important welcoming words and friendly smiles can be." - Stephen King

16.01.2022 School holidays means spending the whole day at the beach with good food, good friends and plenty of sunshine. Kingsley Beach, Anna Bay NSW

16.01.2022 Jumping into the week like Our giveaway will be up this arvo

15.01.2022 Making spears in Far North Queensland ~ 2018

15.01.2022 We've had so much fun these school holidays but these boys (minus Joey) have to go back to school tomorrow

14.01.2022 We had the most amazing weekend away exploring. We've all definitely caught the travel bug and can't wait for our 4 week trip at the end of December! P.S ignore my hair, it was windy AF at Crescent Head over the weekend Love this bunch

14.01.2022 And then it happens... One day you wake up and you're in this place. You're in this place where everything feels right.... Your heart is calm. Your soul is lit. Your thoughts are positive. Your vision is clear. You're at peace. At peace with where you've been, at peace with what you've been through and at peace with where you're headed. Happy Friday

14.01.2022 A little throwback to our first family camping trip. We stayed at what soon became one of our favourite holiday destinations BIG4 Wye River Holiday Park We were met by a flock of friendly Rosella's and woken at night by the Koala's grunting. ... Happy to say we've upgraded so much of our equipment and sleeping arrangements over the years

12.01.2022 If only we could freeze these moments in time

12.01.2022 Today was spent planning our trip to FNQ at the end of this year We're travelling from Newcastle NSW to Port Douglas FNQ in our Mitsubishi Pajero Sport and our new camper Keep a look out for our camper reveal, car overhaul and other fun getting ready for our trip over the next few weeks

12.01.2022 Stopped by Lake Cathie for lunch and a swim on the way home. Such a beautiful spot and amazing food @feelgoodfood__

10.01.2022 Our children tell us everyday who they are. But we don't hear them. Because we are too busy telling them who they're supposed to be. ~ Iain S. Thomas

10.01.2022 Throwing it right back with this one This was our very first camping/fishing trip together! We were both 17 and had been dating for about 6 months. This was my (Rachel's) first real camping in tents experience and I loved it! I spent my days reading by the river while Zack fished and then we sat around the camp fire of a night and cooked up some amazing roasts in the cast iron cook pots. ... Zack's family have always been campers and we've been on a few amazing trips with his parents and siblings over the years, it's been amazing being able to continue these adventures with our own kids as we've grown up. P.S it's debated but I'm pretty sure I reeled in this catch

08.01.2022 Us as soon as it hits Friday knock off

07.01.2022 Have you even been to @hartleyscrocodileadventures if you didn't put your child in the jaws of this beast? Throwback to our 2018 trip to Port Douglas. Our first stop was Hartley's Crocodile Adventures to show the older boys why we can't just go running into every bit of water we see Coming from Regional Vic it was an eye opener seeing so many crocs lazing on the banks under bridges and along the Daintree River! ... The team at Hartley's were full of great information and taught our boys (and us!) a lot. We'll definitely be going back next time we're up there

06.01.2022 Regional Victoria is slowly opening back up after a lengthy lockdown We spent many years exploring Vic from The Great Ocean Road to The High Country and everywhere in between. Check out today's story for a time-lapse of some of our favourite adventures

06.01.2022 Magic is; when life didn't go as planned but worked out better anyway.

04.01.2022 "Set-up a life you don't need to escape from". This is a quote I've aspired to for years. It's only now that I'm truly understanding what it means to live this way. ... We've lived such a rigid life for so many years. Having to be home by a certain time, having to have tea on the table and baths and bedtime in order for us to get up in the morning by a set time to make it to school and daycare drop offs and rush to work. The weekends were our only solace and they seemed to rush by. Now we live on our terms. The kids still have a bed time and they still get up and make it to school on time and Zack still has his work commitments. However, we've taken away all the pressure we used to place on ourselves. Instead of confining bbq's, bush walks, fish and chips on the beach or whatever else strictly for weekends we go as we please. If Zack has a day off work we might let the boys have a day off or pull them out of school a bit earlier so we can go exploring or we'll take advantage of a kid free day together and spend the day doing things we normally wouldn't with the kids (like a sit down meal and a cheeky beer for lunch). We're no longer longing for the weekend or dreaming of holidays because we've given ourselves the freedom to enjoy life right now, as we are and with what we have and we've never been happier

04.01.2022 Just another beach pic to kick off your Tuesday

03.01.2022 As I stepped into the shower last night after a beautiful afternoon swimming at the beach my first thought was, how good is water I had sand and salt water drenched through my hair, I could still smell the beach water on my skin and the warm shower was so refreshing after an afternoon in the sun My second thought was, how sad would it be if my kids grew up in a world where they didn't know water as I do now. If their kids couldn't go down to the beach for a swim because stunk and was full of trash. If they never knew the excitement of a dolphin swimming up beside them out in the open ocean, or the waves lapping at their toes up on the shore. We've been trying to change our ways lately but this was my wake up call. We need to try harder. We already pickup rubbish when we camp and go to the beach or playgrounds. But we keep mostly quiet about it. This is our vow to keep picking up as we go but to also encourage others to do the same. This is also our vow to choose our household products wisely. To stop using single use plastics for good and to reuse anything we can. We want our oceans and our earth to be safe for many years to come for our children, their children and all the wild life that depend on us to keep it safe for them. Who's with us?

02.01.2022 Wherever we may roam

01.01.2022 The beautiful 'Arlington' bag by @canuknot.designs I approached Caitlyn for a bag to go into our giveaway and ended up getting one for myself because I love her work so much! I've used my bag down at the beach a few times now to carry the car keys, my phone etc. It's such a light weight bag and the drawstring insert holds everything in so I know I won't lose anything! ... For your chance to WIN one of your own, check out our giveaway a few posts back

01.01.2022 Do things. Not for the love of money. Not for popularity or fame. Not to feed your ego or insecurities. ... Do things. Because they make your soul sing. Because they help the world. Because they motivate you to get up each morning. Because they keep you up at night with excitement and new ideas. Because they help you to be your true self. Do things. To help others. To encourage others. To truly connect with people. To learn new things. To feel alive. To feel. To love.

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