Cob and Co Stud | Businesses
Cob and Co Stud
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24.01.2022 The excitement continues at Cob and Co Stud and while this is a personal journey, there is no match for the people you meet along the way who genuinely want to help you grow by sharing their own journey and wisdom. But having a business VS working with animals the investment is different, its emotional! We bond with our horses, we build relationships, we watch them grow and with them we grow too. So the next step that Cob and Co take is only possible because another stud sees something in us, because there is an opportunity to further the future of this incredible breed of horse within our state and Australia as a whole. We cant wait to share our next piece of news.
24.01.2022 An exciting step in Cob and Cos history about to unfold
23.01.2022 Guess what!!! We have a baby!!! Smiths call me sweetie aka Gemma and Minstrel aka mini are confirmed parents. Wahooo! Thanks ben for being amazing and this happen for us (the best vet ever!) and a big thanks to the wonderful Kelly Grey from cob and Co stud for providing gemma’s baby daddy mini, we can’t wait for this baby! And a huge thanks to anna and cheryl for being the best carers for my girl Gemma I love you guys lots @cobandco See more
22.01.2022 We love it when a pony from Boomerang Equestrian Centre come for a holiday
22.01.2022 Its very tranquil here at Cob and Co Stud today. Only the sound of peacocks, warbles of the Maggies, gentle clucks of the chickens a kookaburra here and there and the slow munching of grass.
22.01.2022 The big girl has such a pretty face under all that hair but she does resting mare face very well. Check out the grumpy ears, this is Stellas go to expression but shes all talk, she gives the biggest cuddles and the most love. Her ears go back as soon as a camera is pulled out
22.01.2022 Watermark Honeybun making the most of her views
20.01.2022 Two incredible pages for Minstrel. Trish Minchin really blew me away with her artistic talents, cant wait to see her next creation, and Elizabeth over at horse deals was just lovely to deal with and interpreted my brief perfectly.
19.01.2022 One of those time stood still moments
19.01.2022 Our Movember banner features a new character, although this character was depicted in our stud banner as a very fresh bub. So it is with great pleasure that we introduce Watermark Rose Gold to the team. Rosie is a cheeky character that is certainly making herself known around the paddocks, and tries her best to give the stud cats and doggos a run for their money. Sired by the incredible Indian River II and lovingly brought into this world by Hermits Crystal Silver, we are very proud to have her grace our paddocks. (Photos courtesy of WatermarkGypsyCobs)
19.01.2022 Theres no escaping the man
19.01.2022 Standing at public stud to approved mares only, and a limited number per season, the achievements of this stallion speak for themselves. His temperament, confirmation and personality need to be seen to be believed. Standing at 14.2hh this black and white tobiano stallion demonstrates capability in all disciplines be it competitive or otherwise. Boasting bloodlines of incredible heritage including Davey Wards Black Stallion, Logan Woods Black and White Mare, Menter Watsons Tom, The Horseshoe Filly, The Lob Eared Horse, Paddy Horse and many more. Minstrel has some incredible progeny on the ground, all you have to do is a short Facebook or internet search to see his babies excelling in competition, the WA Police Force, Pony club and more.
18.01.2022 Sunday’s are best with the main man
16.01.2022 EDIT As with any good tinder profile it comes to a point where that profile must be closed down so as to make sure the new love is treated right. Thank you to everyone, the support has been incredible. We got so close, but sadly it wasnt meant to be. We still need your help in finding this boy a match. If you think you have a mare or know of a mare that fits the below or is close to the below please flick us a message even if its a lease or out of the box arrange...ment we would love to hear from you. STILL SEARCHING IN SEARCH OF....the one! **very healthy budget but no gold diggers please** Cob and Co Stud are playing Cupid and are searching for that special lady for the one and only Minstrel. Minstrel is a bum man, he likes them big, ideally she will stand beside him at the same height (14.2) although he does prefer to gaze up at his love so the taller the better. Minstrel isnt a pixie cut kinda bloke, he likes flowing hair and a natural approach to hair management (no waxing necessary) so the hairier the better. He isnt racist so any colour as long as she can carry her own with strong heavy bones. He does like a pretty head though. Minstrel doesnt believe in monogamy, he will have other lovers but this girl will be his, he can offer her exquisite estate living, personal chef and butler service, her own private day spa and the company of others. Her living arrangements will be unmatched. But he is wanting her to have HIS babies and breed an heir of grace so a proven Mum is important, she should be healthy and easily pass a vet check and be negative for PSSM and FIS. He doesnt mind if she has to travel to get to him and he is willing to accept a step child if she is currently with child. So if you believe you know the perfect pure gypsy cob mare who would love a sugar daddy and is happy to be a trophy wife to fill Minstrels marriage dreams then please private message his match makers Cob and Co Stud
15.01.2022 In keeping with Cob and Cos humerous take on life we simply cant have a new family member without giving her the honour of her very own cartoon character. The incredible pretty Miss Magic
14.01.2022 Another exciting moment for us at Cob and Co Stud....we are on the final stretch home with an incredibly special lady on board about to call Cob and Co Stud home .
14.01.2022 We had the pleasure of owning the gorgeous Gypsy Cob Stallion Minstrel before he started his new adventure at Cob & Co He is the best horse I have ever worked... with. His temperament, talent and character are second to none. Minstrel produces beautiful babies with unflappable nature and talent in all disciplines. Kelly at Cob & Co is such an amazing woman with a passion for breeding exquisite gypsy cobs. If you are thinking of breeding this year I highly recommend contacting Cob & Co
14.01.2022 Happy WA Day long weekend! To everyone in WA this long weekend please stay safe on the roads as we start to travel more, remember to maintain a safe distance and dont loose sight of our need to be COVID vigilant.
13.01.2022 No sunset is complete unless there is a pony to share it with. Our resident stallion Minstrel, keeping the view perfect
12.01.2022 I spy with my little eye a pony among the orange blossom.... the Cob and Co Ponys have more space than they know what to do with.
12.01.2022 Honestly! Check out the ‘butt’ bump between these two rascals
12.01.2022 STANDING AT STUD TO LIMITED APPROVED MARES for 2020 Minstrel, imported 14.2hh Black and White Tobiano Gypsy Cob Stallion, located WA. Minstrel has demonstrated his versatility and work ethic in everything he does from hacking and dressage to eventing and show jumping through to being a lesson horse for those lacking confidence or are new to riding, Minstrel is as cool as a cucumber with a presence that demands attention. His lineage boasts Davy Wards Black Stallion, Menter Watsons Tom, The Lob Eared Horse and many more. If you would like to breed for type, temperament, confirmation, bone and feather check out Minstrels album at our stud page and contact us to arrange your mares booking for the season.
12.01.2022 With a mouthful of hay Cookie is one happy coblet
12.01.2022 Today was a special day, today we brought home the gorgeous HS Horseshoes Black Magic Filly. Almost a year ago the gorgeous Evie of Evale GypsyCobs gave me the honour of purchasing this divine little mare. Magic has had a very important job in the last twelve months being an exceptional mum and now she is busy meeting her new herd members before she starts her harness career with us. While she will continue to gift us a few more foals her role with us is very important, she will be working as a therapy horse within our EAL program. Magics temperament and demeanour make her the perfect match for our programs clients. Thank you Evie and Dale of Evale Gypsy Cobs (Photo credit: Evale Gypsy Cobs)
11.01.2022 Happy Birthday to all the horses that fill our our lives with joy and happiness .
11.01.2022 Sweet pony faces
10.01.2022 Dont forget to follow our Instagram page...we have more exciting announcements to make before the year is through
08.01.2022 We are so excited to see Minstrel grace his new paddocks in Roleystone as Cob and Co Stud make the final and most important journeys. Minstrels small herd will follow later today but for now here is the main man enjoying the abundance of feed.
08.01.2022 Thinking of all our friends and their horses and other animals impacted by the fires here in WA. Remember Cob and Co Stud are always available to help even if it’s for a chat. We have paddocks available, a float, a cold drink for animal and human or a shoulder to lean on. Xxx (our cobs are always here for a muzzle snuggle)
08.01.2022 When your entire heart and soul fall utterly in love. Minstrel our resident stallion having an afternoon grounds stroll and snack
08.01.2022 Let the paddock planning begin!
07.01.2022 Why we sell geldings Ive had a lot of people come to me looking for a colt for breeding and when Ive said that the colt they want is only available gelded, th...ey decide that there is something wrong with him. That couldnt be further from the truth, and as a responsible and ethical breeder, its extremely frustrating that the automatic assumption is that if I wont sell a colt in tact, that he must have a bad temperament, or is of low quality, or have a genetic disease. The real truth is that ethical, educated, and caring breeders have the best interest of their horses in mind, and put their horses first, over the money they can get for them or a quick sale. Theyd rather wait for the RIGHT home than put them in a situation where they could end up in the wrong hands. So for these reasons, we primarily sell geldings. Yes, it does cut our sales. It isnt that we would never sell an in-tact colt; for a proven show home experienced with stallions we would consider a colt sale. But the vast majority of people have never raised a stallion, and raising a stallion is not the same as raising a gelding or a filly. I do have a rule that I will not sell colts to people who have never owned adult stallions. As horse people, we have all heard the old adage: Green plus green equals black and blue. That goes for stallions also. Just because you can own mares doesnt mean you can raise a stallion. Your first stallion should be an experienced boy who already knows how to behave. So this is why we sell geldings: 1. Geldings go to better homes. Geldings tend to go to people who are more interested in the horse than making money. They are looking for something to invest time and attention into. 2. Ive seen a lot of colts get flipped, over and over. People tend to take on a colt thinking that raising a stallion to have manners isnt hard. It is extremely hard. Once they realize they are in over their heads, they then sell it to someone else who thinks the same thing. It gets sold over and over, sometimes even with retained breedings because the sellers never have the best interest of the horse in mind, which is that if they cannot afford training and showing to get him manners, that he should be gelded. Often its bred to their own mares, and sold again, just reinforcing the studdy behavior thats so undesirable. 3. Very few colt buyers are actually willing to invest into their horses; they just see their horses as an investment. Investing in your horse means getting it trained BEFORE using it for breeding, and preferably having a show record prior to breeding (although some stallions can both be starting their show career and breeding at the same time, if they have the right disposition for it). If youre not willing to invest more in your horse than the purchase price, you shouldnt be buying a colt. The cost of the colt is just the beginning. In addition to training costs, also consider facilities costs. Stallion facilities are not the same as those required for mares and geldings. 4. I see a lot of gypsy stallions that are 12 or 15 years old and have never done anything but breed mares. When the market for these horses drops, what will happen to these stallions who have never done anything? Likely a slaughter truck is in their future. A 15 year old stallion that has no manners and has never been trained generally has no value in most breeds. A 15 year old gelding likely has been broke to ride and will retain his value over kill prices. As a breeder, it is my responsibility to be thinking of my foals born today and what will happen to them 15-20 years down the road. 5. Geldings promote my farm! When someone takes their gelding that they bought from us and shows it, or takes it out with friends on trail rides, or keeps it at a boarding stable and everyone falls in love with it, then I come out as a winner. Everyone sees this wonderful boy that I bred. They think highly of the temperament of my stallions that they produced such a nice gelding! If he doesnt end up making the cut for stallion quality for one reason or another, its okay because he is a gelding. People recognize that the choice was made to geld him and applaud that. If he ends up nicer than many stallions, they envy him! 6. Geldings represent the breed. Geldings go out in public. Geldings make great family horses. If we want to see this breed grow and gain recognition within the horse community, we have to encourage people who are not interested in breeding to own them. A lot of people have never heard of gypsies and dont know that their temperament is naturally suited as a family horse. They dont realize that theyre NOT like quarter horses or paint horses; that theyre so much quieter. Bad mannered, untrained backyard stallions dont represent the breed. Horses that are out and about do: and those are mostly your geldings. 7. Bad mannered, untrained, poor quality stallions who get flipped constantly DO represent the breeder, and continue to represent the breeder. And every time we see the same horse come up again and again for sale, still not cut, it just reflects poorly on that breeder and shows how little concern they had for that colt that they havent bought him back to geld him or even sold him in tact in the first place. 8. Stallions arent pets. Most people dont realize that and are looking for a pet. No matter how sweet or good your boy is, you can never turn your back on a stallion. Stallion handling doesnt include coddling. Stallion handling is 100% about respect between the two of you. Your stallion may end up being a partner, but stallions arent generally "buddies" or "best friends" because you can never let your guard down around them, even if theyve never given you any reason not to. Someone looking for a pet should be looking for a mare or gelding. Mares and geldings make amazing pets! 9. Geldings are rewarding for their new owners NOW. Stallions are rewarding after years and years of work and training and showing. Geldings can be your best friend right away! Stallions can make you extremely proud...many years and tens of thousands of dollars and thousands of miles of shows later. As a breeder, Ill be honest: I want to see my buyers rewarded NOW. They will pass on the good word and send more buyers my way! 10. To protect our lines. Even if we produce a top quality colt, if he goes on to be bred to sub-par breeding stock, and produces poorly, it will reflect poorly on our own breeding program. 11. Geldings are more adaptable. Geldings dont get sold as often, and people handle geldings more or less the same. Stallions tend to change homes more frequently, resulting in less consistent handling, and often being handled without the knowledge of how to handle a stallion. I want to see my horses in long-term homes, not being moved from home to home every breeding season. Thats not a good life for a horse, and doesnt help him learn how to behave, either. 12. Stallions are a huge liability. If I sell an in-tact colt to someone who cant handle a stallion, and that stallion grows up to hurt someone, not only does it reflect poorly on me as a breeder, but now I have to live with the guilt that my colt, who I raised so lovingly from birth, turned into a monster and hurt someone. If he had been gelded, he might have been giving pony rides at birthday parties instead. In addition to my reputation, the health and safety of others matters to me. 13. Geldings simply lead better lives. Most stallions are confined to pens or stalls. Geldings get companionship of other horses, turnout in pastures, and get to live life just "being a horse" when theyre not being your best friend. 14. The older the horse, the riskier the procedure. As colts age, blood supply increases to the testicles. Even at two years old, they are fully mature. I had one colt just shy of two years old by a few days bleed out, and another colt who was two months shy of his second birthday have his tubes fall out of the sack after gelding and require extra surgery. The younger theyre gelded, the safer it is for the horse, as well as the handlers. 15. Finally, I cant keep them all. I can either keep keeping or keep breeding, but I cant do both. Since the only way to ensure they have a great home for the rest of their lives is to keep them, I do the next best thing: give them the best possible chance at a good life by gelding and enforcing gelding. These are my babies. These are my babies that I saw into this world; that I loved and trained and cared for. A part of my heart leaves when they do and they deserve the very BEST. As a breeder, the only real advantage I see to selling colts is that I dont have the expense or after-care associated with gelding. Even a really high quality stallion that ends up in an amazing show home with National titles still will represent his own farm more than his breeder. Once he has those titles, how much he represents you as a breeder really diminishes. But with a gelding, his representation of you and your breeding stock never goes away. So ultimately, it isnt that breeders who primarily sell geldings have lower quality, sick, or bad mannered stock. Its that they love their horses, really care about them, and want whats best for them. And 99% of the time, whats best for the horse is not keeping it in tact, no matter how sweet he is as a foal, or how nice he is turning out. (Young foals rarely have bad temperaments, by the way. Most are very sweet and curious. Its the hormones that turn the temperament). Its about keeping him a good citizen, and doing my job as a breeder to ensure he has the best chance at doing so. And THAT is why we sell geldings.
07.01.2022 Just the man of the house being a comedian
07.01.2022 Our beautiful Cookie has been spending some time away from the family. Currently she is working hard at being a big brave obstacle conqueror over at Brats and Babies. We couldn’t be prouder.
07.01.2022 Just a casual halter free paddock migration with some of the girls
07.01.2022 You know the pic you use for your social media vs the pic you send your mates? Well....
06.01.2022 Watermark Rose Gold having a fresh paddock romp
05.01.2022 To all of our followers, while we have taken in many horses over the last two days due to the devastating WA fires we still have many spaces available to take in more. We can help with transport and a number of other needs. Please don’t hesitate to contact us. Irrelevant of time. We will get through this I promise. Xxxxx (please share this to anyone that maybe in need over here in WA)
04.01.2022 Cob and Co are on the move. This is a two week move effort with many of our friends and family making sure each horse, cart, vehicle, furniture, tractors and displays are moved safely. A special thank you to those going out of their way, you know who you are . While all this is happening fencing has commenced, stables being fitted out, pastures sprayed and seeded. We cant wait to share this with each and everyone of you. Below is one of our carts being towed by one of our display cars an old XF falcon Ute once the pride and joy of my fathers and soon both Cart and car are to undergo a full rebuild.
02.01.2022 Magic enjoying some one on one time with a view.
02.01.2022 We need some a Gypsy Cob support at this incredible event. If you have a spunky cob sitting in your paddock please drop by and show everyone what an incredible breed they are.
01.01.2022 Bear having some fun. Such a good boy
01.01.2022 Bear enjoying his elevated view over Roleystone
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