Coconut Coffee House Ormiston in Ormiston, Queensland, Australia | Businesses
Coconut Coffee House Ormiston
Locality: Ormiston, Queensland, Australia
Phone: (07) 3821 2591
Address: 2-20 Shore St W 4160 Ormiston, QLD, Australia
Likes: 5734
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25.01.2022 Hot Friday! I think a ICY COLD watermelon smoothie it just what you need #coconutcoffeehouse #iamwonderful #smoothie
25.01.2022 'I AM LOVED' You don't find love, it finds you...its got a little bit to do with destiny, fate & what is written in the stars. #coconutcoffeehouse #smoothie #iamloved #iamlovedsmoothie #berries #berry #healthycafe #ormiston #terranora #supportsmallbusiness #supportlocal #shoplocal
24.01.2022 Morning tea time !! VEGAN STRAWBERRY FLAN & Coconut latte #coconutcoffeehouse #vegan #latteart #latte #coconutmilk #terranora#ormiston#bestcoffeeterranora#bestcoffeeormiston #strawberry #strawberries
24.01.2022 Coconut is helping to raise much needed funds for our local Surf Life Saving Club on Straddie @slsaustralia @pointslsc ... The Paint size tin bucket is on the front counter & any donation is truly appreciated ! #coconutcoffeehouse #donate #surflivesaving #pointlookout #straddie #coffee #thankyou
24.01.2022 Who loves Chocolate ?
22.01.2022 Just out of the oven ... #coconutcoffeehouse #coffeeatcoconut #scones #morningvibes #morningteavibes
22.01.2022 I have discovered the delicious taste of Oat Milk! Perfect in EVERYTHING #coconutcoffeehouse #oatmilk #latte #cappuccino #flatwhite #hotchocolate #chailatte #matchalatte ... @byronbaycoffeecompany See more
21.01.2022 ... C O C O N U T .O R M I S T O N We are HIRING !!!! ... We are looking for a Barista to join our expanding "Tribe".... approx 30+ hrs a week Positive vibes great working conditions send your resume to [email protected] or drop it into Coconut ORMISTON #wearehiring #coconutcoffeehouse #chef #cook #manager #barista #joinourteam #ormiston #workforus #barista #cleveland #wellingtonpoint #jobhunting #healthycafe #healthylifestyle #healthyfood #healthyliving
21.01.2022 LOVING our new Coconut Frappe Yes we are open ... #coconutcofferhouse #frappé #coconutmilk #coconutfrappe
21.01.2022 Oh the possibilities of Coconut going on the off road!! #roadtrip #coconutcoffeehouse #organiccoffee #glamping #takeawaycoffee #coffeevan #healthycafe #healthylifestyle #healthyfood
20.01.2022 Re-fuelling before I head out to do some Christmas shopping ... #eggsbenny & #glazedchristmasham #coconutcoffeehouse #sundaybrunch
19.01.2022 For the mornings when all you need is a croissant & coffee #coconutcoffeehouse #croissant #coffee #croissantandcoffee #breakfastatcoconut #ormiston #clevelandqld #redlandscoast #terranora #tweedcoast #healthyfood #organiccoffee
18.01.2022 BLT BURGER ... Lunchtime at Coconut always taste great #coconutcoffeehouse #terranora #blt #bltsandwich #bltburger #lunchtime #coconutlunch #breakfastatcoconut #lunchdate #autumnvibes #coffeeatcoconut #bestcooffee #burgers
18.01.2022 Sending a few hugs out into Coconutland . #coconutcoffeehouse #coffeeart #lateart #latteheart #organiccoffee #flatwhite #flatwhitecoffee #coffeeatterranora #bestfriends #bestcoffeeterranora #terranora #tweedcoast #ormiston #redlandscoast The Pavilions Marketplace
18.01.2022 ' lest we forget '
17.01.2022 Sunday brunch ... Eggs Benedict & a long black coffee ... The best breakfast after a BIG Saturday night #breakfastatcoconut #wedding #brunch #eggsbenedict #organiccoffee #longblackcoffee #sundaybrunch
17.01.2022 Coffee, Brunch & the Sunday papers, what are your plans for your Sunday ? #coconutcoffeehouse #breakfastatcoconut #coconutbrunch #sundaybrunch
17.01.2022 Coffees new accessories... #coconutcoffeehouse #coffee #organiccoffee #latte #facemask
16.01.2022 DONUTS .... One of my favourite things #coconutcoffeehouse #donuts #oreo #oreodonuts #coffee #organiccoffeebeans
16.01.2022 OUR delicious Pork Belly is back on the menu for summer... Hummm who LOVES... slow cooked crispy pork, caramelised chili Pineapple with a zesty Salad, coriander & citrus dressing #coconutcoffeehouse #pork #porkbelly #crisppork #pineapple #coriander #lunchtime #timedate #lunch #letseat #zesty #supportsmallbusiness #shoplocal #terranora #ormiston #bestcoffeeormiston #bestcoffeeredlands
16.01.2022 Holiday lingo - ‘I am hungry!!’ Maybe it’s time for a trip to Coconut ! #coconutcofferhouse #lunchtime #breakfastatcoconut #schoolholidayfood #healthylifestyle #healthyfood #letseat #schoolholidayideas #tweedcoast #terranora #ormiston #seeyouatcoconut Redlands Coast
15.01.2022 I am AWESOME... That's COCONUT for Iced Banana smoothie ... #coconutcoffeehouse #banana #bananasmoothie #icecream #milk #honey
15.01.2022 Coconut is OPEN every morning at 7:00 for your coffee fix.... TAKEAWAY or take a seat, stop for a moment and enjoy something from our breakfast menu... we hope to see you soon ... #coconutcoffeehouse #ormiston #terranora #supportlocal #supportlocalbusniess #bestcoffeeormiston #bestcoffeeterranora #organiccoffee #organiccoffeebeans
15.01.2022 How do you like to eat your eggs ? scrambled poached fried ... #coconutcoffeehouse #poachedeggs #friedeggs #sunnysideupegg #scrambledeggs
15.01.2022 From my family to yours , we wish you a very Merry Christmas ...
14.01.2022 Someone LOVES hash browns... #coconutcoffeehouse #hashbrowns #breakfast #brunch #bestcoffeeterranora #bestcoffeebanora #bestcoffeebilambil #organiccoffee #eggs #eggsbenedict #ormiston #bestcoffeeormiston #bestcoffeeredlands #healthycafe
14.01.2022 THE POWER is O N !! What a crazy morning !!! and the coffee is ready & it's brunch time ... #coconutcoffeehouse #latte #coffee #organiccoffee
14.01.2022 Monday morning craving... Pancakes with extra maple syrup and bacon ... COCONUT US OPEN TODAY [ We close at 1:00 ]... #coconutcoffeehouse #coffee #maplesyrup #baconandpancakes #pancakesandbacon #pancakes #breakfast #brunch #breakfastatcoconut #terranora #tweedcoast #bestcoffeecleveland #bestcoffeererranora
14.01.2022 Happy Friday ... it's world KINDNESSES DAY.... That's my kinda day @maddy_may @byronbaycoffeecompany ... #coconutcoffeehouse #bryonbaycoffeecompany #organiccoffee #vegancakes #offtowork #morningcoffee #coffeeandwork #ormiston #redlands #cleveland #bestcoffeecleveland See more
13.01.2022 Peanut brittle Protein Smoothie Bowl eat it anytime ... #coconutcoffeehouse #peanutbrittle #smoothiebowl #protein #breakfastatcoconut #brunchtime #smoothies #smoothiebowls #caramelsauce
13.01.2022 Morning tea time !! VEGAN VANILLA SLICE & Coconut latte #coconutcoffeehouse #vegan #latteart #latte #coconutmilk #terranora#ormiston#bestcoffeeterranora#bestcoffeeormiston
12.01.2022 It's a classic... Avo on toast with a slice of lemon served the Coconut way, for you to enjoy @prettykindness #coconutcoffeehouse #redlandscoffeeshop #avocado #avocadotoast #lemon #breakfastatcoconut #brunch #brunching #lunchtime #lunchdate
12.01.2022 It's a Iced latte kinda day #coconutcoffeehouse #cleveland #organiccoffee #oatmilk #icedcoffee #icedlatte #bohocoffee #bestcoffeeormiston #bestcoffeeredlands #bedtcoffeecleveland
12.01.2022 For all our loves of Avocado #coconutcoffeehouse #breakfastatcoconut #avocado #avocadotoast #avo #breakfast #brunch #brunchtime #clevelandqld #cleveland
12.01.2022 Lunch today is a classic Waldorf salad packed with apple, walnuts, celery & raisins... #coconutcoffeehouse #waldorfsalad #summersalad #walnuts #celery #apple #lunch #lunchtime #lunchdate
12.01.2022 We use only the best at coconut, Byron bay organic espresso beans Come get a bag to try yourself #byronbaycoffee #byronbay #organic #espresso #coconutcoffeehouseterranora #coconutcoffeehouse #bestcoffeecleveland #bestcoffeeormiston #bestcoffeeredlands #latteart #latte #cappuccino #flatwhitecoffee #flatwhite #brunchatcoconut #breakfastatcoconut #coffeeatcoconut #summervibes #coffeevibes @coconutcoffeehouseterranora ... #milk #oatmilk #coconutmilk #almondmilk #soymilk #bonsoy #dairymilk See more
12.01.2022 See you in the morning for coffee [ and pancakes . ] #coconutcoffeehouse #coffeetime #girltime #coffeevibes #flatwhite #latteart #bonsoy #oatmilk #soymilk #almondmilk #bestcoffeeintown #byronbaycoffeecompany #tweedcoast #teranora @thepavilionsmarketplace
11.01.2022 ... C O C O N U T O R M I S T O N We are hiring !!!! ... We are looking for a Barista who can cook or a cook who can make coffee to join our expanding "Tribe".... approx 25hrs a week Positive vibes great working conditions send your resume to [email protected] Thanks Coconut Terranora for the video @_ebonycampbell #wearehiring #coconutcoffeehouse #chef #cook #manager #joinourteam #ormiston #workforus #barista #cleveland #wellingtonpoint #jobhunting #healthycafe #healthylifestyle #healthyfood #healthyliving
11.01.2022 CONGRATULATIONS ON FINISHING !!! It's been a BIG year all round for all the Uni & school students... [ especially the year 12s ] ... Congratulations to Lockie [ Coconut Ormiston] who completed his Architectural Degree this year ... job well done #coconutcoffeehouse #congratulations #endofschool #endofuniversity #coconuttime #coffeetime #partytime #architecture
11.01.2022 ICY COLD LATTE FRIDAY.. The heat has arrived & we are cooling the coffee #coconutcoffeehouse #icedlatte #organiccoffee #oatmilk #coconutmilk #soymilk #bonsoy #norcomilk #australianmade #bestcoffeecleveland #bestcoffeeredlands #bestcoffeeterranora #tweedcoast
10.01.2022 FRIDAY favourite: Coconut Club Sandwich #coconutcoffeehouse #clubsandwich #lunch #lunchdate #terranora #ormiston ... #cleveland #redlandscafe See more
09.01.2022 Tomato sauce with breakfast Or breakfast with Tomato sauce #coconutcoffeehouse #tomatosauce #breakfastatcoconut
09.01.2022 Our delicious marmalade glazed Christmas ham is just out of the oven... See you for lunch #coconutcoffeehouse #christmasham #glazedham #glazedhams #lunchdate #christmasvibes #lunchatcoconut #breakfastatcoconut
08.01.2022 Our Delicious BUDDHA BOWLS are back for summer ... [ for those of us who care ... BUDDHA bowls are perfect as we start to get bikini ready ] #coconutcoffeehouse #bikiniready #summervibes #buddhabowl #buddhabowls #veganfood #organiccoffee #supportinglocalbusiness #ormiston #redlandscoast #bestcoffeecleveland
07.01.2022 All your favourite, together on one plate ... #coconutcoffeehouse #eggsbenedict #eggsbenny #eggsforbreakfast
07.01.2022 It’s Valentines Days on Sunday the 14th ... Have breakfast with someone who’s special not necessarily that special someone .... We OPEN at 7:OO and we are here until 1:OO #coconutcoffeehouse #valentines #valrntinesbreakfast
07.01.2022 For all the Mushroom lovers out there ... Mushrooms, Garlic & a SPRINKLE of goat cheese Coconut is social distance as per QLD GOV. REG. ... #coconutcoffeehouse #mushroom #garlic #goatcheese #sourdough
07.01.2022 Watermelon but no sugar .' I am WONDERFUL !! #coconutcoffeehouse #smoothie #watermelon #healthylifestyle #healthyfood #healthycafe
07.01.2022 It's OK not to be OK all the time ... #ruok #coconutcoffeehouse #friendship #breakfastatcoconut #chattime #coffeetime #mytribe #hugsandcoffee
07.01.2022 Coconut is CLOSED for Christmas Day & Boxing Day See you 7:00 Sunday...
07.01.2022 For the times you don't feel like coffee ... @courtney.madhatter #coconutcoffeehouse #smoothie #almondmilk #protein #healthysmoothie
06.01.2022 I love it when you send me pictures of you enjoying Coconut @__shaylea thank you #coconutcoffeehouse #lunchtime #breakfastatcoconut #brunchtime #coffeelover #deliciousfood #cleveland #clevelandqld #bestcoffeecleveland #ormistonsbestcoffee #redlandscoast #redlands
06.01.2022 Getting 2021 ready ... #coconutcoffeehouse #2021 #organiccoffee #newyearseve #iamready #coffeetime
05.01.2022 Strawberries are in season at the moment ... & I love everything strawberry, jam, milkshakes, pie or covered in maple syrup on top of pancakes #coconutcoffeehouse #strawberryfestival #redlandsstrawberries #strawberry #strawberrymilkshake #jamandcream #pancakes #ormiston #organiccoffee #oatmilk #bestcoffeecleveland
04.01.2022 Lunch today is ... Our delicious Pork Belly #coconutcoffeehouse #pork #australianpork #lunchdate #organiccoffee #supportinglocalshops
04.01.2022 Who else NEEDS coffee this morning after celebrating at Melbourne Cup ... @rosesonlygroup @wintergardenbrisbane @landroveraus @tfehotels & @blackbirdbrisbane ... #coconutcoffeehouse #melbournecup #melbournecupfashion #bestdressed #blackbirdbrisbane #latte #flatwhite #cappuccino
03.01.2022 The perfect brunch combo Carrot Cake OAT milk Vanilla Latte and a plate of all my favourites ... #coconutcoffeehouse #ormiston #terranora #brunch #brunchtime #brunchtweedcoast #bestcoffeeterranora #bestcoffeebanora #carrotcake #latte #oatmilk #oatmilklatte #ormiston # bestcoffeecleveland #bestcoffeeredlands #redlandscoffee
02.01.2022 What good are wings without the courage to fly... #coconutcoffeehouse #organiccoffee #wings #courage #fly #coconuttribe #bestcoffeeincleveland #bestcoffeeinormiston #bestcoffeeinredlands
02.01.2022 We love being the favourite Organic green tea @livingwell.with.jackieisles #coconutcoffeehouse #livingwell #livingyourbestlife #healthylifestyle #organictea #greentea #organiccoffee #feelinggood #ormistoncafe #clevelandcoffee #redlandscoffee
02.01.2022 ... C O C O N U T O R M I S T O N We are hiring !!!! ... We are looking for a Barista to join our expanding "Tribe".... approx 25hrs a week Positive vibes great working conditions send your resume to [email protected] or drop it into Coconut Thanks Coconut Terranora for the video @_ebonycampbell #wearehiring #coconutcoffeehouse #chef #cook #manager #joinourteam #ormiston #workforus #barista #cleveland #wellingtonpoint #jobhunting #healthycafe #healthylifestyle #healthyfood #healthyliving
02.01.2022 Our last Breakfast at Coconut for 2020 ... @megankhodge
02.01.2022 Are you feeling Awesome this mornings ... then your smoothie is waiting for you! #iamawesome #smoothie #banana #breakfastatcoconut #healthysmoothie #healthycafe #smoothietime #honey
02.01.2022 How has your morning been ? Need a coffee ? #coconutcoffeehouse #ruffmorning #smile #happytuesday #organiccoffee
01.01.2022 E N C H A N T I N G .... Our spring smoothies are here ... #coconutcoffeehouse #smoothie #mango #banana #coconutmilk
01.01.2022 The best things to do on a Saturday #coconutcoffeehouse #coffee #coconut #coffeeshop
01.01.2022 Pancakes, ice cream & Maple are taking my language now #coconutcoffeehouse #pancakes #breakfastatcoconut #pancakeday #pancakesandbacon #pancakesandpushups #pancakesforbreakfast #maplesyrup #icecream #naturalyogurt
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