Cody Barratt Fitness in Sorell, Tasmania | Sport & recreation
Cody Barratt Fitness
Locality: Sorell, Tasmania
Phone: +61 488 990 207
Address: unit 2/14 oaks court 7172 Sorell, TAS, Australia
Likes: 2768
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25.01.2022 HUMP DAY TRANSFORMATION Today’s CBF member transformation comes from long time member Lilly, Lilly has done an absolute amazing Job, participating in our last 8 week challenge and tackling her weight sessions with @geelevett head on, growing and transforming her shape. After the completion of the challenge she continued to improve week to week getting strong and fitter.... Congratulations Lil you have done an awesome job you should be proud of yourself #codybarrattfitness #membertransformation
23.01.2022 NEW ARRIVALS TO CBF @5percentnutrition has landed at CBF Check instore for full product details ... #5percentnutrition #newarrivals #cbfsupplements #codybarrattfitness @ Cody Barratt Fitness
22.01.2022 CBF CHRISTMAS PARTY What an absolute ripper of a day spent with the biggest bunch of legends #workhardplayhard #weliketoparty
21.01.2022 Sunshine brings the smiles out
21.01.2022 Focus on the process CBF client transformation comes from our most recent 6 week challenge participant @murph1207 Over the 6 weeks Alice made some massive changes, smashing her PTs with CBF trainer @geelevett and putting max effort each class she attended ... The results speak for themselves, well done Alice you have done an absolutely awesome job. Well done and keep getting sh!t done #codybarrattfitness #clienttransformation #6weekchallenge
20.01.2022 TRANSFORMATION THURSDAY CBF member Jade has and continued to smash her goals working hard in and out of the gym it’s amazing to see how far you have come Repost:... Just over 12 months ago I began my journey at @cody_barratt_fitness Just over 12 months ago my life began to change for the better ........ I am forever grateful to be part of such an amazing, supportive team. I still have many goals to reach on my fitness journey but with the continued support and guidance of my beautiful coach @geelevett and the cbf crew I’m ready to get shit done #codybarrattfitness #transformation
19.01.2022 Proof that we left the gym The escape room couldn’t contain us #thedreamteam #codybarrattfitness #escaperoom
18.01.2022 FROM LIL THINGS BIG THINGS GROW Today I had the absolute pleasure of seeing my dream turn 3, I sure as hell couldn’t have done with out the unconditional support from my partner, my family, friends and of course @geelevett and @freddyboybarratt ... It has been a hectic year this year to say the least but CBF has come out the other end stronger than ever and I attribute that to the determination and undying support from CBF family without you guys the gym is just an empty warehouse and I want to thank each and every single person that has and continues to come and get sh!t done with us Now time for some cake #codybarrattfitness #cbfturns3
18.01.2022 CBF GROUP TRAINING Are you ready to jump back into your training but unsure where to start? CBF has you covered with a variety of classes (with more to be added with the easement of restrictions) ... There is no sign up fees or lock in memberships here at CBF so if your looking to trial something different please don’t hesitate to contact us for more information Not ready for group training? We also offer private one on one or small group Training also #codybarrattfitness #wereback #grouptraining #getshitdone
18.01.2022 CBF CLIENT TRANSFORMATION Congratulations to Tenika on your amazing progress Over the past 4 months you have attacked every class with everything you had progressing further each day ... Awesome work you should be proud of yourself and how far you have come #flexitfriday #codybarrattfitness #clienttransformation
17.01.2022 PERSONAL TRAINING AT CBF Whether if your starting out or if your looking to take your training to the next level the team at CBF can get you moving. With our one on one personal training sessions starting from :... $30 for 30mins $45 for 45mins $50 for 60mins We operate 7 days a week and we work in with you to find the perfect spot to get you started For more information or to book a session please contact us via DM on Facebook and Instagram #codybarrattfitness #personaltraining
16.01.2022 FIND THE GOLDEN ROD AND WIN Win 1 of 10 x $1000 cash prizes brought to you by @factionlabs Simply purchase any Sherbet or vanilla cola deficit from @cody_barratt_fitness and if your tub contains the golden rod figurine you will instantly will $1000 cash ... Good luck guys
15.01.2022 BLACK FRIDAY BBD COMPETITION To celebrate our upcoming Black Friday sale will will be giving away a tub of the extremely popular BBD All you have to do to is : LIKE CBF SUPPLEMENTS INSTA/Facebook SHARE THIS POST TAG YOUR WOLF PACK Entries close 27th Nov 4PM winner will be announced via Instagram More comments/shares the more chances to win Goodluck #competition #cbfsupplements
15.01.2022 KNOWLEDGE IS POWER REPOST FROM @geelevett Before starting my personal training certificate I had no real knowledge about having structure with training or calories and macronutrients and the best way to nourish my body. But after educating myself, completing certificates and courses, working with some amazing coaches and putting that knowledge into practice I really started to see the importance of nourishing, moving and loving my body! Be driven by the process as much as... the progress Get a coach ( + @cody_barratt_fitness ) that will educate you, help you find what works for you and teaches you skills that you will use for the rest of your life. #codybarrattfitness
15.01.2022 Lil Miley keeping watch over our newest arrival of @ehplabs_ausnz stock Restocked in vanilla and delicious chocolate Oxywhey #protein #codybarrattfitness #restock #ehplabs_ausnz
14.01.2022 8 WEEK CHALLENGE COMPLETED It’s been an absolute pleasure watching all the Participants Transform over the course of the challenge , Overall the guys have dropped an incredible amount of KGs and CMS but not only that they have improved across the board on all their major lifts showing off their strength work ... It’s been a massive 8 weeks with class attendance being at an all time high, proving these guys were determined to make a change However in all challenges there has to be a winner : Congratulations: 4th @ebonyy.cummins 3rd @james.campbell025 2nd Lauren Plunkett And taking out 1st loosing a massive 19kg setting a new CBF weight loss record is Jem Pepper A massive shout out to @warren.clampit from @factionlabs our Major sponsor for our challenge providing us with our major prizes And also @beforeyouspeakcoffee for our runner up prizes **If your interested in jumping on board for our next challenge keep your eyes peeled as it will be coming in hot **
14.01.2022 8 WEEK CHALLENGE TRANSFORMATION Challenge participant @renee_batch made some big changes to her exercise routine and crushed it week after week Congratulations on your progress @renee_batch you did an awesome job ... #codybarrattfitness #clienttransformation #8weekchallenge
12.01.2022 JOIN THE CBF CREW Are you looking at making at start but not sure if CBF is right for you? Well we have some good news for you ... With no sign up fees or lock in contracts you can trial CBF on a casual basis with our weekly passes or single session visits. Group classes not your thing? We also offer one on one or small group training For more information and pricing please contact us via Facebook or Instagram #codybarrattfitness #teamcbf #nolockin
12.01.2022 THATS A WRAP Myself and @geelevett would like to thank everyone that has made 2020 a massive year for CBF, the gym wouldn’t be what it is without you guys We hope everyone has a very Merry Christmas and a safe new year ... Looking forward to a massive 2021 of crushing goals and making moves with you guys #merrychristmas #dreamteam #codybarrattfitness #matchymatchy
12.01.2022 THE CHALLENGE IS BACK ON ARE YOU READY TO TAKE ON THE CBF 8 WEEK CHALLENGE Registration for our first 8 week challenge for 2020 is now open,... starting 1st of August Challenge includes: Unlimited classes 8 Personal Training sessions Personalised meal plan Supplement Advice Closed challenge support group Top three transformations go in the draw to win some awesome prize packs For more information or to book in your spot please don’t hesitate to contact us #codybarrattfitness #8weekchallenge #shred #makeyourstart
12.01.2022 TAG US THURSDAYS Make sure to tag us in all your CBF merch selfies we love to see all your activities in and outside of the gym Also keep your eyes peeled as we have some new designed gear coming in hot ... #codybarrattfitness #cbfmerch
11.01.2022 MOVE SH!T MONDAY Results happen over time, Not over night,... Work hard, Stay consistent and be patient Take your time, lay the foundation and the results will come #moveshitmonday #codybarrattfitness #getupgetmoving
10.01.2022 CBF ONLNE WORKOUTS As CBF gears up to open up for a full range of face to face classes this week you can still join us from the sanctity of your own home For just $10 a week you will get ... Access to all classes with the library One Fresh workout each week No lock in contracts If you have any questions please don’t hesitate to contact us It’s time to get sh!t done #cbfonline #codybarrattfitness
08.01.2022 TIME TO GET SWEATY Join in our at home online training for just $15 per week SUITABLE FOR ALL FITNESS LEVELS ... NO LOCK IN CONTRACTS OPEN TO ANYONE (DONT HAVE TO BE A MEMBER OF CBF TO JOIN) INTERACTIVE FACEBOOK GROUP 3 NEW WORKOUTS EACH WEEK ACCESS TO PREVIOUS WEEKS WORTH OF SESSIONS If you have any questions or if you would like to join please contact us for more details #cbf #codybarrattfitness #getshitdone #joinus
07.01.2022 GIVEAWAY With restrictions easing slightly and the gyms being closer and closer to opening we thought we’d run a giveaway! As a lot of you haven’t had access to weights/a wide range of weights and may be feeling a little unmotivated or nervous about heading back into the gym we wanted to run this competition so that you can find your feet again before stepping back into the madness that the gyms will be! Gee is offering 3 FREE partner pt session so you and a friend come along and find your groove again! To feel comfortable and to smash out a session of your choice still while sticking to all the current rules and regulations! We hope for this to be the little nudge you may need as for a lot of us, returning to the new normal can seem quite daunting! TO ENTER; 1. Tag one friend per entry (can enter as many times as you like) 2. Share this post to your story 3. Must be following @cody_barratt_fitness and @geelevett Winners will be drawn tomorrow night See more
07.01.2022 HOLIDAY ADVENTURES No gym = a morning bush walk and an afternoon of ATV fun
07.01.2022 EVERYTHING YOU NEED TO KNOW ABOUT JOINING CBF Joining the CBF crew is easy as pie, With our no lock in contracts or sign up fees it’s all pay as you go, you can purchase an unlimited pass for the week or just join us for a single casual session ... Once you inquire we will send you the information for our easy to use booking app and from there you’ll have access to book all your sessions at the touch of a button So take 2021 head on and join the crew that gets sh!t done #codybarrattfitness #getshitdone #jointhecrew
06.01.2022 COUPLE GOALS @ebonyy.cummins and @james.campbell025 absolutely smashed the past 8 weeks. Taking out 3rd and 4th place on the CBF 8 week challenge not only did the pair drop and impressive amount of weight but they both improved strength wise hitting some big lifts during their PT sessions... Was awesome to watch you both transform over the past few months but the works not done yet, We are excited to see the progress to come Congratulations again guys you both should be proud of yourselves #codybarrattfitness #8weekchallenge #clienttransformation
06.01.2022 6 WEEK CHALLENGE WINNERS Saturday the 5th of December marked the completion of our last challenge for the year. Over the 6 weeks all the participants gave it a decent crack and the results speak for themselves,... Taking out our top three transformations: 3rd- @hollsjackson 2nd- @charliewalsh2 1st- Steff French Congratulations to you guys on your transformations and well done to everyone that participated you should all be proud of what you have achieved in such a short space of time Like to thank @factionlabs for the awesome prize packs our top 3 received Keep your eyes peeled for our next challenge kicking off late January #codybarrattfitness #challenge #getshitdone
06.01.2022 IT’S GO TIME ARE YOU READY TO TAKE ON THE CBF 8 WEEK CHALLENGE Registration for our first 8 week challenge for 2021 is now open,... starting 23rd of January Challenge includes: Unlimited classes for 8 weeks 8 Personal Training sessions Personalised meal plan Supplement Advice Closed challenge support group Weigh in’s and measurements Top three transformations go in the draw to win some awesome prize packs from @factionlabs For more information or to book in your spot please don’t hesitate to contact us #codybarrattfitness #8weekchallenge #shred #makeyourstart #spotsopen #fitnessjourney
04.01.2022 BLACK FIRE The new limited edition flavour from @factionlabs has landed at CBF Comes with it’s very own free limited edition shaker to help you smash it down ... #codybarrattfitness #new #nowavailable #limitededition
04.01.2022 SWEATY SUNDAYS Caught @bleh_gett half way through a killer drop set on the leg extensions What are you training today? ... #keepgrinding #codybarrattfitness
04.01.2022 Transformation Tuesday Today’s transformation comes from CBF member Ellen, She has been attending CBF since October when she participated in one of our 8 week challenges,... Since then she has picked up the Pace on her training upping it to two PTs a week plus doing our online classes whilst the gyms have been closed. You have done an amazing job El not only have you transformed your body but you have gotten a lot stronger physically also Keep it up and keep getting sh!t done #codybarrattfitness #clienttransformstion #transformationtuesday
04.01.2022 CBF 6 WEEK CHALLENGE It is time to unveil the next challenge on the cards, CBF’S 6 week challenge kicking off 24th October ... Challenge includes: 6 weeks unlimited classes 6 x 30min personal training sessions Personalised meal plan Welcome pack Weigh in and measurements For more information please contact us via Facebook or Instagram #codybarrattfitness #6weekchallenge #areyouready
02.01.2022 CBF CLIENT TRANSFORMATION @charliewalsh2 has done an absolute amazing job over the past 6 weeks, placing 2nd in our most recent challenge. Not only did his numbers drop on the scales but his numbers picked up in all of his lifts getting stronger week to week... Great job Charlie you definitely got sh!t done #cbftransformationchallenge #codybarrattfitness #membertransformation
01.01.2022 MONDAY MOTIVATION Make a plan Stick to it See it out until you reach your goals... >>>SWIPE FOR AFTER PHOTO>>> Brodie’s transformation has been a long time coming, working tirelessly for the past two years shedding almost an amazing 40kg You have done an absolutely awesome job Brodes and you should be proud of your dedication and hard work towards change #gettingshitdone #codybarrattfitness #clienttransformation #motivationmonday
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