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24.01.2022 Ten things I wish all new mums knew 1) Looking after yourself is the best way to look after your baby. 2) Resting after birth should be prioritised in wha...tever way possible. 3) You need your village - accept all help offered and if it isn't offered, ask for it (during pregnancy if possible). 4) You can't force a baby to sleep - spending hours everyday in a dark room patting and shushing, trying to get your baby to sleep is not good for you or your baby. 5) Intuition is learned - seek support from people who encourage you to tap into it, rather than telling you what you "should" be doing with your baby. 6) Feeding to sleep is probably the best tool you've got. 7) For the mums who breastfeed, learning how to feed lying down and safely cosleep with your baby are great ways to get you both more sleep. 8) Having a bath with your baby is a beautiful way both you and your partner can bond with your baby and help settle them. 9) Babywearing is probably the second best parenting tool after feeding to sleep. You won't regret investing in a good baby carrier. 10) YOU MATTER. Good support is vital - both practical and emotional/psychological. This is just a start - there is so much more I could add! What do you wish all new mums knew that could help make those newborn days just a little bit easier? See more
24.01.2022 'You know the saying feel the fear and do it anyway? Feel it. Feel every ounce of it. Own that feeling like the badass mother warrior you are. Because eventually the flood will recede. Every storm runs out of rain and every feeling passes if you allow it to. In the words of my dear friend Elsa Let. It. Go.'. New blog post is up. Let me know what you think x ... #positivebirth #knowledgeispower #hypnobirthingaustralia #mindset
23.01.2022 Baby blues or something more? Personally I hate the term baby blues. It’s like sweeping your experience under the carpet. Pretty dismissive huh? It’s normal to feel a range of positive and negative emotions in the first few months of being a new parent. Sleep deprivation, forgetfulness, adapting to your new role, and missing your old life are all normal parts of becoming a parent. But things that aren’t so normal are feelings of emptiness, not enjoying things you used to, tur...ning to drugs or alcohol, and thoughts of hurting yourself or someone else. Please reach out to your support network, your GP, your child and family health nurse, visit or call lifeline on 13 11 14. If you’re not ready to take this step yet check out these awesome online MUMentum courses for pregnant women and new parents which are currently free thanks to Covid-19. And as always, feel free to DM me and I can point you in the right direction xx #ppd #mentalhealth #postnataldepression #postnatalanxiety #newparentsupport #itsoktonotbeok #perinatalmentalhealth #coffscoastchildbirth #newmum #newdad #parenting See more
23.01.2022 When we change our mindset everything else changes too.
22.01.2022 Wonderful news!!
21.01.2022 Repost from my mama, You worked so hard to get me here. Your body stretched and grew, wider each day, to accommodate my growing self. Look at how good you did, mama. Look at how good WE did. I’m strong and healthy. Thank you for that. We went on a journey together during birth, didn’t we? Did it go how you wanted it to, mama? Did you feel supported and empowered? Or did you get thrown for a loop and our birth leave you feeling lonely and confused? So...metimes babies tell their mamas how they need to be born, and that’s okay. My birth story matters, either way, and I hope you bravely tell it one day when you’re ready. Now that I’m here, you look different. You ARE different. You might not even recognize yourself. Your belly is still swelled from where my home used to be, but now it’s soft & stretched. I hope you see the beauty in that, mama, because it makes me feel safe when I’m lying on you. Your belly is a soft landing place for me, a safe haven, & has gone through so much to get me here. I hope you know how much I love you because I can feel and see how much you love me. Each time I cry, you rush to me. I’m placed on your chest and I feel safe. I can hear your heartbeat, too. The same sound I heard inside of your womb. I instantly calm down and feel at home. When I’m hungry, you place me to your breast or you give me a bottle and I can feel the dedication, selflessness and love pour into me. Thank you, mama, for all that you do. Thank you for sacrificing your body & your mind. All for me. One day, I won’t rely on you so much. Until then, thank you for paving the way for me. Thank you for loving yourself right where you’re at so I can learn to love myself right where I’m at. Thank you for being gentle with yourself. And thank you for the courage it takes to share your postpartum body with the world. You are inspiring other women to do the same and normalizing the fierceness of a woman’s body. You might now know what you’re doing, you might lose your mind some days, and you might let the sleep deprivation get the best of you, but each day you show up for me and you try. Trying is enough. You are enough. Together, we are enough.
21.01.2022 Podcasts are one of my favourite ways of getting information. Here are just a handful of some of the quality podcast channels I subscribe to and recommend. Links to my fave episodes are here: ... What are some of your number one positive birth podcasts? Comment to share the knowledge x #positivebirthpodcast #hypnobirthingaustralia #positivebirthmovement #knowledgeispower #childbirtheducation #coffscoastchildbirth
20.01.2022 Obstetricians can get a bad wrap from particular childbirth movements (personally, I like to sit back on the sideline and observe before passing judgement). In this particular case, I think we need to give a massive shout out to the obstetrics and midwifery team at GCUH for being woman centred and putting both the mother and baby’s needs first. So freaking impressed right now!
20.01.2022 I've been quietly building a new website and am thrilled with how it's turned out Pop on over and have a squiz and feel free to tell me what you think (link is in my bio or #outwiththeoldinwiththenew #coffscoastchildbirth #hypnobirthingaustralia
20.01.2022 Repost from @spiritysol (ah-may-zing birth artist and wordsmith!) Mama One day these long and lonely nights Will be nothing but a memory... The exhaustion you feel in your bones Will lift and you’ll feel light again It’s a heavy weight to carry, I know Burning the midnight oil Bouncing a fussy babe on your chest Your eyes bleary, your body begging for your bed But in your arms At your breast Is the love that keeps you going In the dark hours of the night While all the world sleeps You are the gentle light The torch Passed from one mama to the next A steady, glowing reminder That love never tires Love never rests (Tag your amazing mama friends so they know how amazing they are when they wake up at 1am to feed their babes.)
19.01.2022 Happy birthday to a true visionary and a man born well before his time.
19.01.2022 Many people may be surprised to hear midwives don’t often offer vaginal exams in labor. We’re sharing this to emphasize that these types of exams do not need... to be routine in birth. We get this really wrong in our modern birth culture, and I’ll tell you why. Birth happens in the primitive brain, and living in that space during labor releases hormones that help ease the intensity of the experience. We encourage activities that turn off the thinking and reasoning aspect of the brain. We do this by limiting speech, bright lights, distractions, a sense of being observed, too many options or too much information at once. We are sensitive to the emotional and physical impacts of a vaginal exam. They can easily contradict the mother’s need to release, and let baby come down and out. You won’t find us encouraging anything that impacts normal physiology unless we have a great clinical reason, or a clear request from a mama to do so. Vaginal exams can be incredibly useful, when they are used as a tool to get important information. NOT when they are used to universally define an experience. However, what the cervix is doing in labor rarely offers more information than what I can gather by observing a laboring woman- really seeing, hearing and empathizing with where she is at in her labor almost always tells me more about how to support her next step in the journey than what the cervix says. You don’t need a number to confirm it was right to ask your midwives to come. You don’t need a number to remind you that you are still working and waiting on a baby. You don’t need a number to give you permission to follow your body’s lead at the beginning to push your baby out. You need encouragement to listen to your body, work with your baby, trust your instincts, shed some expectations, and rise to conquer one wave at a time. You can confidently maintain the mystery inside you, as we all look on in wonder and awe at much that can not be named or ever be reduced to a number. . . . #midwife #midwifery #midwifepractice #michiganmidwife #homebirth #choosehomebirth #homebirthmidwife #homebirthbaby #homebirthmidwifery #homebirthbabies #midwifelife See more
19.01.2022 Repost from @spiritysol Beautiful belly birth mamas- I hope you know that you are worthy. That you are a warrior. That you are brave and powerful and strong as fck. I hope you know that birthing your baby on an operating table makes you no less of a mother. No less of a goddess. Your birth story is holy and that beautiful scar on your belly is sacred as sht. You are worthy of praise and celebration, honor and admiration. . I hope that you know it was worth it. this does NOT mean you can't mourn your dream. It does NOT mean "you and your baby are safe- that's all that matters!" It does NOT mean you can't wish things had gone differently. But I hope that underneath it all, you can find beauty in what was. What is. Your baby. Your birth. Your strength. Your healing. Your story. Your journey wasn't easy. Perhaps it unfolded much differently than you had hoped- perhaps it shook you to your core and left you feeling the immense weight of a "what if" and "why". Perhaps you're still wading through the heavy emotions of disappointment, anger, and grief. Perhaps you always will. But whatever feelings you hold in your heart and in your womb, I hope that you can look at your scar and say "Hell yes, it was worth it. And hell yea, I am worthy. *this post was written for mamas who might be struggling with an unexpected or undesired cesarean birth. I recognize that there are mamas that choose to have planned/elective cesarean births who might not resonate with the message in this post. I honor them as well - as I honor all mothers, all womxn, and all beings. See more
18.01.2022 In the Positive Birth Program we talk about the importance of switching off your neocortex, or your 'thinking brain' to help release all those beautiful birth hormones (melatonin, oxytocin, endorphins). Mums and birth partners, it is just as important to keep the neocortex switched after after your babe is in your arms. You will get a flood of oxytocin with skin to skin, dim lights, and quietness to facilitate bonding. It's truly bliss!! (fun fact: oxytocin is also the hor...mone released during, ahem, pleasurable activities that may or may not create babies, if you get my drift ). And another fun fact: if special circumstances arise and it's not possible for you to be with baby, your birth partner can facilitate skin to skin with bubby and they will also get an oxytocin rush. Listening to your hypnosis tracks will also help you stay calm if you do require intervention post birth. You are prepared to calmly meet whatever turn your birth takes
16.01.2022 Anyone who has sent me an enquiry about a face to face course, please check your email and spam folder too
14.01.2022 Local business shout out @beautyonthepromenade are my go to salon when I need some self care. Here’s a little snippet from them about the blissful treatments the offer pregnant mummas We offer Pregnancy treatments to help mums to be relax and relieve tired muscles. Mummy- To- Be Bundle of Love 1.30hr $160 Skin Type: All skin types.... Skin Concern: Irritation, dehydration + stretch marks. Quench pregnancy cravings with this beautiful bundle. Brighten your day and get that healthy glow, while also soothing and relaxing a tired pregnant body. Includes a mini facial, body massage, foot soak plus a hand and foot massage. *need to be over 13 weeks for massage and body treatments #pregnancymassage #pregnancysafe #relaxation #youdeserveit #coffscoastchildbirth #metime #positivebirthprogram
13.01.2022 A question I often get is 'is the course worth it?'. And I have to admit, when I was a first time pregnant mother I looked at the cost and realised my baby budget would need to be adjusted. I knew the Positive Birth Program was something I needed to do, so I bought a second hand pram and used the left over money to pay for the course. Honestly, it was the best decision I made. After giving birth I realised that the Hypnobirthing Australia course wasn’t a debt in my baby budget. It was an investment in my health and mental wellbeing, and a skill that I would carry into many other future situations. If you'd like to know more feel free to inbox me or head on over to my website for all our course options (including online with a 90 minute private session upgrade)
12.01.2022 Mums and Mums-to-be..... Are you pregnant, or have given birth during the COVID-19 situation? I'm trying to pull together some info on the effect the current bi...rthing climate is having on women and their families. If you have any experience you'd like to share - good or bad, please either comment below, or email me at [email protected] Your responses can be kept confidential and will not be shared without your prior permission. Please feel free to share <3 Bloom Wellness and Creation
08.01.2022 Pop on over to Karen’s page to book in for her next Positive Birth Program classes
05.01.2022 5 days until I teach a group of amazing couples! Woop woop My favourite part is the look on birth partners faces when I ask the mums to give THEM a massage..... (sounds counterintuitive right?! But I promise you it’s totally not ). If you’ve hypnobirthed before, what’s your favourite technique that you used during labour and birth? Let me know Also...... I’ve got one spot left for the September course. DM me for more info x #hypnobirthingaustralia #positivebitthprogram #toolkitforbirth #lighttouchmassage #coffscoastchildbirth #sawtell
05.01.2022 Love this!! And what a great tool to show some optimal birthing positions by using a bed (also, one of the best ways to get a baby out is doing what you did to get it in ) #hormonesareyourfriends #optimalfetalpositioning #oxytocin #prostaglandin #melatonin #endorphins #uprightposition #birth #positivebirth #hypnobirthingaustralia #coffscoastchildbirth @bumpsandboobs for the photo credit x
05.01.2022 A very important topic and a key area of concern for myself and other childbirth educators. This is why I feel called to teach the Positive Birth Program. If I can assist women to have a good birth experience then I will be making a difference.
04.01.2022 Guess who’s back? Back again? #coffscoastchildbirth that’s who Yeww! So excited to be delivering the @hypnobirthingaustralia Positive Birth Program this Spring. Taking bookings now #positivebirth #sawtell #coffscoast #childbirtheducation #meditation #breathwork #massage #positivemindset
04.01.2022 A mum mentioned to me a study that has shown since covid19 restrictions premature births have fallen. I can’t help but wonder why and think @drsarawickham could be on the money with this. Would love to see some follow up studies done in the future repost from Sara All screening tests have downsides. They may lead to overuse of intervention. And every time we use technology like this, we are undermining women’s own knowledge. The constant use of technology implies that our... bodies aren’t capable of growing, birthing and feeding babies without a shed load of expensive machinery. And that’s not just true. I spent last week chatting with a wonderful, passionate group of midwives, obstetricians, doulas, childbirth educators, hypnobirthing teachers and other birth workers from around the world, and this came up - again - as a key theme that so many of us are experiencing. It's so important to keep sharing positive messages about the awesomeness of the female body. And to remind people that we did this for millions of years before the machines came along. If it hadn't worked, none of us would be here today. If you'd like more information, see where I have a whole information hub on screening as well as more than 500 pages of information. #midwife #midwifery #doula #decisionmaking #decisions #whatsrightforme #book #bookstagram #childbirth #childbirtheducator #childbirtheducation #hypnobirthing #pregnancy #pregnancyyoga #women #birthrights #trustbirth See more
03.01.2022 Preparing for the first class of 2021 There are still spots available. DM me if you’re interested #coffscoastchildbirth #hypnobirthingaustralia #positivebirth #preparedness #calm #knowledgeispower #toolkitforsuccess
01.01.2022 Small business shout out today to @nambucca_birth_photographer This lovely lady has created a booklet of everything pregnancy, baby, and toddler related across the local area. She’s also a killer photographer and one of my go to recommendations for parents wanting maternity, birth, or newborn photos. Go check her out and give her some love!! Side note: book into my class and you’ll receive a copy of the booklet for free! Enjoy your Friday beautiful people!! Xx #nambuccabirthphotography #coffscoastchildbirth #birthphotography #maternityphotography #newbornphotography #positivebirthprogram #supported #hypnobirthingaustralia
01.01.2022 This is why I stress the importance of only using induction methods if it's absolutely necessary and not out of convenience for the provider or patient. While i...nductions aren't always a negative experience nor do they always lead to a c section with these postpartum complications, they really do need to be looked at as a package deal and informed choices should be given before the process starts. For more information on this visit our resource library
01.01.2022 An important message for all women birthing at Coffs Harbour Health Campus, written by a local midwife. Make sure any information you’re reading is relevant to you. Remain alert but not alarmed x
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