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Cohesive Conversations in Brisbane, Queensland, Australia | Consultation agency

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Cohesive Conversations

Locality: Brisbane, Queensland, Australia

Phone: +61 414 749 444

Address: Level 3, Suite 7/54 Jephson St, Toowong 4066 Brisbane, QLD, Australia


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25.01.2022 What is your single biggest communication challenge? Go to the comments and "react to the communication challenge you struggle with the most. If your challenge is not listed, add yours to the comments as an additional option.

24.01.2022 The following is a summary of the thoughts (and tips) I shared on Necessary Conversations on a panel with amazing Bill Eddy, Vicki Webster and Edmund Burke. It was a pleasure to be amongst these amazing panelists.

23.01.2022 Got cabin-fever and going stir-crazy? If so, stir-crazy is an energy you can tap into.

22.01.2022 Recently, 1st Call Consulting, Incisive Leaders and Holding Redlich had the pleasure of hosting Bill Eddy of the High Conflict Institute. It was a day of connection and interesting discourse. We joined Bill for an interactive panel discussion on Necessary Conversations.

22.01.2022 The wisdom from my cat... things to remember when working remotely...

19.01.2022 On Wednesday, feeling vague and out of whack, I was standing in the middle of my office and could not think my way through what I should do next. I rarely struggle with this type of decision... What follows is my getting to Christmas Survival Plan and Checklist #bekindtoyourself #plantoprepare #berealistic #survival

19.01.2022 I love Sarah Magoffin's 5 point simple and practical pre-conversation check list. Recently I have been focusing on point number 3 with my clients, keeping it relevant. Just because your audience is there it does not mean you need to cover everything you have been waiting to talk to them about. If you do, you risk losing clarity of the original reason for your conversation.

18.01.2022 Do you need to have a "Necessary Conversation" with a high-conflict person? If so check out the insights Bill Eddy shared at our recent Panel Discussion. I am a massive fan of Bill Eddy and his techniques. Why? Because they work.

18.01.2022 Lera Boroditsky gives us a delightful and humorous insight into how our language shapes the way we think. Here’s an extract I particularly loved. ... Languages also differ in how they describe events, right? You take an event like breaking a vase. (Picture a guy not seeing a vase and knocking a vase over). An accident. In English it is fine to say, He broke the vase. In a language like Spanish, you might be more likely to say, The vase broke, or The vase broke itself. If it’s an accident you wouldn’t say that someone did it. In English, quite weirdly we can even say things like,I broke my arm. Now, in lots of languages, you could not use that construction unless you are a lunatic and you went out looking to break your arm... and you succeeded. If it was an accident you would use a different construction. Now, this has consequences. So, people who speak different languages will pay attention to different things, depending on what their language requires them to do. So we show the same accident to English speakers and Spanish speakers, English speakers will remember who did it, because English requires you to say, He did it; he broke the vase. Where as Spanish speakers might be less likely to remember who did it in it’s was an accident. They’re are more likely to remember the intention. In our native English work and personal context how often do we jump to who and the what and skip over the intention... And, what are the consequences?

18.01.2022 Do you have a toxic boss? How tempting is it to tell them what you think? Then... you need to read my summary of Vicki Webster's thoughts on Necessary Conversations with toxic leaders. Cheers, Tess #NecessaryConversations #ToxicLeaders

16.01.2022 The Trouble with Talking in a Changing Landscape. For most of us it is popular to believe that you can judge a person by their willingness to look you in the eye and the firmness of their handshake. It reflects a community acceptance that certain behaviours provided sign posts physical and visual to a series of beliefs and values, helping to explain a communications narrative. Now, individual and community sign posting in all its forms is not only much more complex but is... increasingly played out in a range of public forums. And those forums are accessed by your clients, potential clients and commentators. This type of continuous scrutiny means communication missteps can be fatal and their impact potentially international and almost immediate. Just ask the former Australian Prime Minister, Tony Abbott whose ill-timed wink coincided with a discussion about pensioners and any messaging he intended was obliterated by the wink. (Refer linked article and video) While you may not be under the scrutiny of a lense, like the Prime Minster, those around you are consciously or unconsciously reading and interpreting your choice of words, tone and gestures. You need to harness all facets of communications to build your credibility, create impact, influence and effect change. It is also how you destroy it. Your narrative, your messaging must now be capable of withstanding professional and community based scrutiny. Say what you mean and mean what you say is the new mantra. Remember Aristotle the Greek philosopher who knew a thing or two about persuasive communications who argued there were three key factors: ethos (how the speaker conveys credibility); pathos (how to connect and move your audience); and logos (the words/language used). It's popular now to refer to communication as building a narrative. It's not a new technique. Throughout history we have always understood our community and our world through stories and storytelling. It is how we join the dots together and make sense of what is happening around us. We use this interpretation to guide us through the stories because information does not live in a vacuum. The question becomes 'How do you make those communication connections'? 'How do you build your credibility and make your message stand out in a world filled with chatter, ego's and the odd narcissist (or two)'? And importantly 'How do you create and effect change'? Equally as important is understanding 'How to avoid fracturing your credibility''. Are you communicating on autopilot? --- Side note; The video in the linked article is worth watching... I also love the sound track. Whoever pulled it together is a master of this trade.

16.01.2022 Super excited to have launched my communication focused professional development portal. . Workplaces need to support their managers to become better communicators, better listeners, to be comfortable and proactive with managing conflict and having the tough conversations. Workplaces need to focus on developing the soft skills of their people.... That is why I designed a communication focused Professional Development Portal helping managers and leaders to tackle challenging situations and the conversations that go with them. Creating a world full of confident communicators

15.01.2022 Often organisations are looking for "new ways" to be more efficient, lean etc. In the linked article James Clear says, "We assume that new solutions are needed if we want to make real progress, but that isn't always the case." The story he shares is refers to the power of a simple check list. He then goes on to provide simple personal and work related examples. He says, "There are many examples of behaviors, big and small, that have the opportunity to drive progress in our lives if we just did them with more consistency. Flossing every day. Never missing workouts. Performing fundamental business tasks each day, not just when you have time. Apologizing more often. Writing Thank You notes each week." What is it for you, the one thing that you did more consistently would create significant results for you?

13.01.2022 A few weeks ago I posted the below post on LinkedIn and a few FB groups that I am a member of. I forgot to post it here. Since I posted it one of my clients a large private health company, change management team changed all their communication to use "physical distancing" and Social solidarity". The change was adapted by their Senior Leadership Team and I see it spreading daily. I am loving watching the ripple effect as these terms weave their way into our vocabulary. -- Id...eas worth spreading. We all give power to words. I hate the power the expression social distancing has. It infers some many things. In reality we are practicing Physical distancing which is accurate. By our actions we are building Social solidarity. A girlfriend shared these expressions with me yesterday. If you think this is an idea worth spreading please share. What expressions could you use? #WordsHavePower

12.01.2022 Learnings from the week that was While I am calling this post learnings from the week that was, I really feel as if it is confessions from the week that was. My coaching clients will understand this and hopefully laugh as they read this. I have spent last week on our 34 ft Duncanson Phoenix 7 yacht with a view to write. Precisely, what am I writing you ask. I am writing my book, Confident Conversations, Preparing Managers for Difficult Conversations. I am about 75% there...Continue reading

11.01.2022 How is your week going? For me, the last two days I have not been able to get a clear run at anything. And Van Morrison is bouncing around my head.

09.01.2022 Tess's must read book recommendation (95 seconds video) "What Got You Here Won't Get You There", by Marshall Goldsmith. As a modern manager you need to be an adaptable leader. You need to be aware of what is going on around you. Likewise you need to be aware of your own habits and traits that may be holding you back. ... Marshall Goldsmith takes you on a safe journey of self-awareness. He talks to 20 habits and traits that may be holding you back. This is a must read. I give this book to all my coaching clients and "The Trouble with Talking" workshop participants. Happy reading...

05.01.2022 Hey everybody, I am curious I have a question or you. Yesterday, I did a a webinar on "Shifting from Communication Autopilot to Adaptable Leader" which I totally forgot to post any info in face book. Sorry, I promise once the recording is published I will add a link here for you. It got me thinking about the first webinar I did a few years ago I was totally surprised when the first person who registered was from Germany (and I am based in Australia) and the person I was inter...viewing was from the USA. I started thinking we are all on this journey. (You are getting an insight into my wondering mind here) So my questions. I would love to know where are you from (country of birth) and where are you now? Feel free to post your country flag(s). I was born in Australia and I am still here now. The only other country I have had an offical address in was France where I studied for 6 months with uni. See more

01.01.2022 Are you struggling to be heard? Then check out Julian Treasure's article, "Which of these habit's is keeping you from being a great communicator?" It is a quick read, simple and precise. It draws from his book, "How to Be Heard: Secrets for powerful Speaking and Listening."

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