Coleambally Uniting Church | Church
Coleambally Uniting Church
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25.01.2022 Count your blessings Reflection on Exodus 17:1-7 by Rae To count one’s blessings is an idiom that means to reflect on the good things in life and to be grateful for them. According to the Collins dictionary, If you tell someone to count their blessings, you are saying that they should think about how lucky they are instead of complaining. ...Continue reading
25.01.2022 Last week we received a special thank you video for our Coleambally congregation from Daniel Pennington of Compassion. Please take a look at this video below. If you would like to sponsor a child in Tanzania, and are in a position to do so, the following link will take you to a page with three child profiles on it from the region we are connected to.
24.01.2022 A reflection on Matt 20:1-16 by Michelle There were times when I was growing up that my grandmother would look after me and my 3 siblings. I remember she used to open a big packet of chips for us to share, and so there wouldn’t be any fights, she would count the chips out into 4 bowls so that we all received the same number of chips. Of course, that didn’t stop the fights. Someone would inevitably complain that someone else got bigger chips than them and the cry would go out...Continue reading
22.01.2022 Coleambally Uniting Church is resuming church services from this Sunday 18th October at 10.30 am. All welcome! COVID policies are in place
21.01.2022 Reflection by Rae on Matthew 18: 21-35 The Parable of the Unmerciful Servant The reflection for today is going to be a little different to what Michelle and I usually do. It struck me throughout the week how much I missed the Messy church services that our church held once a month and the learning and fun that the kids have. ...Continue reading
20.01.2022 Jesus disrupts our expectations of how we view success, righteousness and wealth. As he appears in the poor, the imprisoned, the naked and the thirsty. Check out more @
12.01.2022 Reminder that it is Communion service at Coly Uniting Church tomorrow at 10.30 am with shared lunch following the service (COVID safe protocols in place). We are also allowed to sing now whilst wearing masks so if you have a mask, please bring it with you. Enjoy your evening
10.01.2022 Reflection on Matthew 25:14-30 by Rae Today’s reading from Matthew is a parable from Jesus that teaches us what God expects of us. In today’s parable, we hear about a wealthy man who, before leaving on a long journey, summons three of his servants (or slaves depending on the version of Bible) and entrusts them with his property whilst he is gone. To the first servant he gives five talents, to the second he gives two talents, and to the third he gives one. Note that in the er...Continue reading
10.01.2022 A reflection on Matthew 22:15-22 by Michelle Ever been asked a loaded question? You know the ones I mean where there’s no good answer. Whatever you say, it will get you into trouble. Questions like Do you still cheat at cards? or Have you stopped lying about your past yet? When I think of the Christian martyrs who have been, and continue to be, persecuted for their faith, essentially the question they are asked is, Do you still believe in Jesus? For them, this questio...Continue reading
09.01.2022 Christmas Eve Service tonight at 7 pm, followed by shared supper. All are welcome
09.01.2022 A Reflection on Matthew 22:34-46 by Rae In our Matthew reading, once again we come across a scene where the Jewish leaders are trying to test Jesus. One of the Pharisees, an expert in the law, asks Jesus Teacher, which is the greatest commandment in the Law?. To the Jewish, the Law as set down in the Torah is a very significant and important part of their life, and they are trying to pin Jesus down with an incorrect answer. Jesus replies that the greatest commandment is...Continue reading
08.01.2022 A reflection on Ex 20:1-4, 7-9, 12-20 (The Ten Commandments) by Michelle In today’s Old Testament reading, we look at the ten commandments given by God to the Israelites after He had rescued them from slavery in Egypt. In summary, these commandments are: - Do not worship any other Gods Do not make any idols...Continue reading
06.01.2022 Reflection on Mark 13:24-37 by Rae So.hands up if you are already prepared for Christmas? Have you finished your Christmas shopping, decorated the Christmas tree, finalised your Christmas day menu and all the other details such as where and with who you will be celebrating the festive day with?...Continue reading
06.01.2022 A reflection on Romans 13:8-14 by Michelle In last week’s reflection, Rae left us with a challenge to make the choice to build someone up over the coming week with some small loving act. How did you go? In today’s reading, from Romans 13:8-14, Paul continues on this theme of love. First century Jews lived in a very legalistic society that placed the law, and adherence to it, above everything else. They believed that obeying the law showed they loved God. However, sometimes ob...Continue reading
05.01.2022 What will your RSVP be? A reflection on Matthew 22:1-14 by Rae In today’s reading from Matthew, Jesus is using a parable to describe what the Kingdom of Heaven is like. The theme of this parable is set around a wedding banquet, however, it is much more than just a story about a King who invites a bunch of ungrateful guests to his son’s wedding. ...Continue reading
03.01.2022 A reflection on Matt 23:1-12 by Michelle This year, we have been working our way through the Gospel of Matthew in our lectionary readings. As we approach the end of the year, and the Gospel, we have seen Jesus being increasingly confronted and Challenged by the religious authorities of the day. In today’s Gospel reading, from Matt 23:1-12, Jesus tells the crowds and His disciples that they should do everything the teachers of the law and the Pharisees say, but they should not...Continue reading
02.01.2022 Today’s reflection comes from our Saltbush Uniting. Thank you Tim for these great words
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