Colin Pursehouses THNSW Page in Sydney, Australia | Local business
Colin Pursehouses THNSW Page
Locality: Sydney, Australia
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24.01.2022 Chullora Heritage Hub and the Loop Line We must seize the day with the amazing opportunity government has presented to revitalise the Loop Line and the incredible proposal for the Chullora Heritage Hub. These are momentous chances to achieve greatness and move forward. Whilst the Loop Line funding will bring us closer to achieving our long held goal for the railway, Chullora in particular represents the possibility of something that could be world class as a restoration, main...tenance and operating facility serving our entire sector, if we can fulfil the governments vision and step-up to the mark. Provision of improved secure storage for parts of the Collection, especially at risk items is an important part of the Chullora concept but we must strive to implement the other aspects announced by the government including maintenance, locomotive and rolling stock restoration, stabling and operations (Transport NSW media release 30/11/18) whilst government support and funding are guaranteed. THNSW needs to get into the drivers seat on these projects and be proactive in lobbying for this bigger, brighter, better future. See more
24.01.2022 As Im sure many of you will realise, I am a novice at Facebook but am working hard to try and get my message out there for the THNSW Elections for Director. I will try to condense my info to make it more convenient to read. Hope what follows makes more sense.
23.01.2022 I do not give Facebook, any of its subsidiaries or any related entity permission to use photographs, pictures, videos or written material of any sort from this page for any purpose and assert my right to copyright and ownership of all material created or owned by me.
23.01.2022 This is my recorded message to THNSW Members for the current election.
22.01.2022 Another question and answer that might be of interest Do you envision the board becoming involved in the day to day operation and decision making of THNSW? Colin Pursehouse...Continue reading
21.01.2022 Phil Giles and I peening over stays in the firebox. The boiler is on its left side, the firebox tube plate is behind me and the large holes on the right are for the bottom end of the arch tubes.
20.01.2022 Chullora Heritage Hub.....what could be???!!!
20.01.2022 THNSW has sent out the ballot papers for the Election of Directors and surprisingly did not include the statements candidates were invited to submit for the information of Voting Members even though this is what was always done in the past and was what I understood (from their printed doc) would happen this year. Anyway Ill start putting my thoughts and philosophies on here for all to see and first up is something I believe is an absolute must for THNSW We must stop concentrating on why things cant be done but focus instead on how they can be!
19.01.2022 Our Workforce We need to actively recruit Members and Volunteers because they are our future. Whilst we should seek to attract young people, we must not lose sight of the valuable contribution of retirees or persons nearing retirement who have available time to give as well as maturity and existing skills. THNSW is an organism made up of many parts, each contributing equally to our success and we must break down artificial barriers by promoting respect, unity & fairness. We m...ust open up opportunities for existing and future Volunteers, rewarding and encouraging them to drive and expand our operational and other activities. Volunteers have to be enabled to do the job we ask of them, provided with all of the necessary equipment, tools, uniforms or PPE and a safe, welcoming work environment. We will only ever truly succeed when we can maximise the Volunteer resource, ensuring support through accessible training and career paths with a core paid staff whose role is to facilitate that resource, cover gaps in expertise and provide continuity. The tremendous commitment and expertise at Chullora, Illawarra and Valley Heights as well as Thirlmere must be cherished, supported and seen as equal parts of the whole. Our workforce should be blended and integrated with a common purpose to see THNSW succeed. The current Strategic plan proposes an increase in passenger and visitation numbers by 2024 of 50% to 90,000 each annually but we cannot do this without the physical means (90,000pax is equivalent to 450 trains each carrying 200 people!). This will require more trains meaning more operating locomotives, more rolling stock, more safeworking and onboard crews and an expanded support capability, in fact more people trained and skilled in every category. To do this we must grow our own workforce of Volunteers. THNSW can no longer minimise or avoid the need to train across its workforce, in fact we need to become the trainer for the rail heritage sector in NSW across operations, maintenance, restoration and conservation. See more
19.01.2022 MY STATEMENT FOR VOTING MEMBERS Our Board cannot operate in isolation from the Members on whose behalf it governs nor from the Volunteers who are a vital support to what we do as an organisation. I believe we need leadership and vision that inspires us all, Members, Volunteers, the CEO and paid staff and this must come from the Board and be evident in all we do. Above all we must not concentrate on why things cant be done but rather why and how...Continue reading
19.01.2022 My view of the Board and its role Our Board cannot operate in isolation from the Members on whose behalf it governs nor from the Volunteers who are a vital support to what we do as an organisation. I believe we need leadership and vision that inspires us all, Members, Volunteers, the CEO and paid staff and this must come from the Board and be evident in all we do. Above all we must not concentrate on why things cant be done but rather why and how they can be! The Board should be reviewed to ensure it is consistent with the organisations ethos, with the Board in control, providing sound financial management & good governance, served by innovative, responsive management. There should be ample opportunity for Members and Volunteers to have input to the Board and to know the thinking of the Board. Consultation and transparency promote a healthy internal dialogue about matters important to Members and Volunteers and enable the organisations leaders to capture the ideas and knowledge of our shareholders to be factored into their decision-making. We must ensure management is a scaffold consistent with the organisations character as a Volunteer and Membership based group and supporting our core purpose & activities; we must make sure it does not become a bureaucracy. See more
19.01.2022 Who said 3801 doesnt have a chimney! Heres the old one in 2012 when we discovered it was not where it should be, not centred in any plane. Just one of the things we fixed, the new one is right where it ought to be.
17.01.2022 Leading the Sector THNSW is intended to become the leader and facilitator for our Associates across the transport heritage sector and whilst rail is the core area of our involvement we need to recognise and support those kindred organisations in the bus and tram (and why not maritime) areas. Our goal should be to increase integration and sharing for mutual benefit whilst preserving the autonomy of Associate groups. As a good leader we must also respect the achievements of oth...ers and in particular those who have done and continue to do great things with far less financial support than we enjoy. There is much we can provide to others but also much to be learned from the experiences and expertise across the sector. We have no competitors in this space, we are all in it for the same reason and with the same goal and united we can do amazing things. We should not forget that other organisations didnt necessarily ask for THNSW to be created and maybe they were not really consulted so there might be some sensitivities to be managed here; we should be earning the trust and respect of our Associates, not expecting it just because we have been anointed by government. See more
16.01.2022 Our Marketing Targets We must live up to the great confidence government has shown in us by demonstrating that we can and are doing the job they have given the organisation. We have an obligation to connect with regional NSW as well as building on our presence and recognition in metropolitan Sydney. THNSW has to become a recognised part of the tourism experience in NSW, running regular heritage train services that provide a variety of experiences that are at once educational,... entertaining and fun. We must aim to become a fixture on the mainline network cementing our right to access for regular mainline tours with general appeal. Our major customer base is no longer rail fans but the wider community and we must meet the challenge of changing demographics, increasing use of technology and ever growing competing attractions. Our operating program & fare structure must reflect this and ensure families are not excluded because of cost. We cannot simply provide a train ride but have to value add at every opportunity and reach out to the public to increase our visibility and accessibility whilst solidifying our place as a valued part of the NSW experience. See more
15.01.2022 MY PRESENTATION TO THE THNSW MEMBERS INFORMATION FORUM (Burwood 29/9/19) Some of you know me and others do not, but I joined RTM as a schoolboy in the early 1970s, in the era when pretty well every document the organisation produced had a picture of 5711 on it. For the whole of the past 20 years I have been a regular Volunteer with RTM/Transport Heritage, initially mid-week in the old loco shed at Thirlmere and for the last 10 years on t...Continue reading
13.01.2022 A QUESTION ON THE FUTURE FOR THNSW I received the following question to my Post on OUR WORKFORCE: "How? Where do the resources to do this come from? How are you going to obtain them? What is your timeframe for implementation?" This is my answer:... Andrew, either you agree that we ought to be seeking to recruit new Members and Volunteers or you do not and that depends upon your view as to the role and capacity of Volunteers; I believe we should be recruiting and I see Volunteers as vital to our future and success. In case it is not clear though, I do not believe THNSW can function safely, effectively and successfully without a core of paid staff. Successful recruitment relies upon us being able to provide a safe, welcoming and rewarding work environment and a sense that by becoming a Member or Volunteer you are valued and respected and enabled to contribute in a worthwhile fashion. If we do not recruit we cannot grow, if we do not grow, our contribution to the community of NSW will not be seen as supportable by government and potential sponsors or supporters and in time we will become irrelevant. Funding is at the core of these issues and I know from many years of experience outside of this organisation that the principal activity of most transport heritage groups is fundraising because otherwise they cannot function. Fundraising is not something THNSW or its predecessor has shown a significant capacity in and the current amazing support of government comes as manna from heaven rather than as the result of any particular expertise on our part (and that does not detract from the efforts of individuals who worked to secure it once it was in the offing). THNSW must be seen to be working to secure its future, not sitting back waiting for it to be delivered. There is no "timeframe" for this work, it is ongoing and forever, we can never sit still and run on auto pilot. I will continue to state that we need to stop coming up with reasons why things cant be done and focus instead on how and why they can be; We need to work towards a great future, not cling to the present just because it is there. WHEN MEDIOCRITY BECOMES THE ACCEPTED NORM, EXCELLENCE DIES A PAINFUL DEATH.
10.01.2022 Because THNSW has decided to issue Ballot Papers but withheld the candidate information, it is very difficult for me to get my message out but for those THNSW Voting Members who couldnt make it to the Information Forum recently, here is the presentation I made. Some of you know me and others do not, but I joined RTM as a schoolboy in the early 1970s, in the era when pretty well every document the organisation produced had a picture of 5711 on it. For the whole of th...Continue reading
10.01.2022 Funding THNSW has been given the most amazing support through the Funding Deeds. The major activity of most similar community based membership and volunteer groups is fundraising but this is not something we do or really have ever done seriously. Although we are currently enjoying the financial support of government we should not become complacent about this as a permanent factor in our future. In particular, we must make sure that if government funding dried up (say due to a... change of government perhaps!) that we can still stand on our own two feet. Unlike other similar organisations we have never developed a mature strategy for fund raising and have as yet not secured sponsorships or beneficial partnerships with industry and the like. I believe these are both areas requiring attention and in particular we should be exploring the provision of donations and support in-kind from the rail, transport and tourism sectors including in the form of support with training, specialist engineering, promotions and the like. See more
09.01.2022 Are We Confident We Are Getting It Right? We should as a matter of course be seriously questioning where we are at and where we should be. Whilst we are not standing still, given the tremendous support we are receiving from government I think we should be further advanced than we are. I think it timely to review whether we are maximising the return on the funding we receive and whether the growth in funding is matched by commensurate measurable outcomes in what we actually do...; is the money we receive being expended where it produces an equivalent growth in operations, presentation of the Collection, restoration, conservation etc? Timidity and lack of vision are the enemies of success, we have seen too many opportunities slip away over the years, not always due to us, but we need to ensure we have the means to deliver a truly living museum with a long term future. This requires planning and putting in place systems and resources to ensure we can grow and maintain all our activities, operations and static collections. The impossible can be made possible, Sydney trains demonstrated this with F1 and we have done it with 3801s boiler. See more
07.01.2022 The blokes at Valley Heights put their hand up and are trying to do the right thing, they and others before them have made sure the largest non-articulated steam locomotive in the southern hemisphere is still with us, still available for restoration, they deserve more support and THNSW needs to look seriously at this Project. We need to stop focusing on why we cant do things and concentrate on how and why we can!
07.01.2022 Ive been a Volunteer with RTM/THNSW for 20 years and even longer with Sydney Maritime Museum (now Sydney Heritage Fleet) where I was a Director, Vice Chairman and Chairman, also Fleet Engineering Superintendent and am an Hon.Life Member. Its no surprise therefore that I want to see THNSW maximise the Volunteer resource & actively recruit Members and Volunteers of all ages because they are our future. We must then work to retain them by promoting respect, unity & fairness.... We should be opening up opportunities for existing and future Volunteers, rewarding and encouraging them to drive and expand our operational and other activities. If we do not support Volunteers through accessible training and career paths with a core paid staff whose role is to facilitate that resource, we can never become the great organisation we should be. I want to see us do what our Constitution says."... providing Members and volunteers with enjoyment and satisfaction". See more
07.01.2022 I was pleased to be a part of the THNSW Constitutional Review last year and we achieved improvement in communication from the Board, there is much more to be done so as to provide ample opportunity for Members and Volunteers to have input to and to know the thinking of the Board. Consultation and transparency promote a healthy internal dialogue about matters important to Members and Volunteers.
07.01.2022 Its official! Following several weeks of extensive testing, locomotive 3801s boiler has today been officially certified for operation. The boiler can now be... pressured to 245 psi, its original operating pressure. Heres some happy snaps of the team and 3801 Project Manager, Craig Mackey accepting the boiler certificate.
06.01.2022 Watching the Union Pacific No. 4014 Big Boy steam locomotive rumble through Independence as part of its Coffeyville to Kansas City leg today. Notice the magnificent height and size of the engine as it passes by the old Union Pacific freight depot south of Laurel Street.
05.01.2022 I was at school when I joined RTM and back then, just about every newsletter, magazine and anything else from them had an image of 5711 and the big 57 was THE restoration project.....I gave my $5.00, what happened?
05.01.2022 ss SOUTH STEYNE, 1990s
01.01.2022 MY CV I first joined the former NSW Rail Transport Museum whilst at school in the early 1970s, my Membership number is 1348 and I am financially current. I have been a regular Volunteer with NSWRTM and now THNSW for most of the past 19 years. Since 2009 I have been a regular Volunteer on the 3801 Project at Chullora. I hold the qualifications for RISI and SARC. I hold qualifications in SMS auditing and have performed...Continue reading
01.01.2022 WHAT NEXT FOR CHULLORA? A few people have asked what is the next project for the 3801 Project Team at Chullora, in fact several raised this in conversation after the Members Information Forum at Burwood last month and at the inspection of the Project Workshop and the Chullora Heritage Hub site the same afternoon? The sad thing is that there is currently no sensible or realistic prospective project allocated to Chullora and the last official response from the CEO was that as... soon as 3801 is complete, we are finished and its shut up shop and hand the site back to Sydney Trains. I know there are some on the Board at least who do recognise and respect what weve done and the value of what we created and that includes our Chair Rob Mason, Howard Collins and Alex Claassens because they told us so on a visit to the Workshop not too long ago; Im sure they have a long term view that includes a future for the Chullora Team but it is at the next level that action is required. Not only are Chullora turning out a restored C38 Class but along the way we generated considerable expertise, developed an excellent Workshop and created a cohesive and happy team of Volunteers who want to do more and bring in new recruits. It makes a lot of sense to give Chullora another 38er, either 30 or 20 but in addition to 30 belonging to PHM, funding is a big issue for either (any!) major project. THNSW needs a fleet of large mainline capable steam locos to support its operations and to provide back-up as well as variety, so a second and eventually third 38 plus 36s etc make eminent business sense in the long term. But if you read what I say in my Post on Funding or the Post that is my speech to the Members Forum at Burwood, you will see how I believe we should not just sit back and wait for govt to kick the can but ought to be actively pursuing funding elsewhere (as well as with govt) just as every other heritage transport organisation already has to. It is though very disappointing that for the Chullora Team it is a minute to midnight and management cant assure us of a future. Seemingly, in the years leading up to the imminent successful culmination of the 3801 Project, no vision, no foresight, little respect and no effort to hang onto this team of dedicated and capable Volunteers and paid staff until it is almost too late. I wonder if Valley Heights, Illawarra and some of our family at Thirlmere are sensing some deja vu here!? See more
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