Collective Fitness in Moonee Ponds, Victoria | Sport & recreation
Collective Fitness
Locality: Moonee Ponds, Victoria
Phone: +61 408 576 820
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25.01.2022 Here is your go to info for what you need to know about iron: favourite places to find it and a bit about absorption. Haem Iron: the form of iron that's found in animal products It's absorbed and used by the body really well, that's where the red meat 1-2 x per week recommendation comes from. Animal products, red meat, eggs, fish and shellfish are some of the best places to find haem iron. ~ per 100g ~ chicken liver 11g kangaroo 3.2g, prawns/shellfish 3g, salmon 1.2g, ...eggs 0.6g each. Non-haem Iron: found in plant foods not absorbed very well, but not a deal breaker. If you aren't eating animal products, make sure you are eating plenty of these items regularly, and pay attention to the absorption advice below, as you need to consume more and use these strategies to make up for the poor absorption. ~ edamame 100g/2.3g, tofu 100g/2.9g, green lentils 1cup/3g, chickpeas 1cup/2.7g, kidney beans 1cup/3.2g, wheatbix 30g/4.2g Absorption: vitamin C helps your body absorb iron via some fancy mechanisms. Needless to say if you are getting most/all of your iron from non-haem sources, make sure you are pairing it with a good source of vitamin C ~strawberries, capsicum, dried cranberries, lemon/lime Jerks these are perfectly fine, healthy foods, but unfortunately things in tea and coffee bind with iron and reduce its absorption. And calcium gets absorbs via the same pathway as iron, so can create a bit of a traffic jam. Best to keep those things 30mins away from non-haem iron foods ~tea, coffee, dairy P.S. low iron/iron deficiency is common in females 19-50 years (daily intake is recommended at 18mg) and is caused by many things. If its is related to your diet, these recommendations can help. However do not disregard seeking guidance and regular bloodwork from your doctor in regards to supplementation. _______________________________ #iron #lowiron #pumpingiron #mooneepondsfitness #personaltrainingmooneeponds #gymmooneeponds #mooneeponds3039 #exercisemooneeponds #nutritionistmooneeponds #nutritioncoachmooneeponds #essendon #ascotvale #collectivefitness
25.01.2022 What can you control? When everything feels too hard, too overwhelming, too stressful and you can't seem to get your sh*t together. Remember that there are some things OUT of your control. But there is so much more WITHIN your control. Your food choices.... How much you move your body. How much TV you watch. Your spending. Your response to stress. How you speak to yourself, and others. TODAY and for the next 6 (ish) weeks, we can help you take control of your exercise. Swipe right for our current services. And please message me for further information and questions. Feel in control of something, when the world feels like chaos. _______________________________ #onlinepersonaltraining #runningmotivation #nutritioncoaching #nutritioncoachmooneeponds #mooneepondsfitness #personaltrainingmooneeponds #gymmooneeponds #mooneeponds3039 #exercisemooneeponds #nutritionistmooneeponds #mooneeponds #essendon #ascotvale #collectivefitness #strengthtraining #personaltraining #groupfitness #grouptraining #ptstudio @ Moonee Ponds, Victoria
25.01.2022 Yes we are Over the coming weeks we ask you to reach out to either Matt and Claire to secure your place - we have a feeling people will be running, not walking, back to the studio after what will be quite an unusual hiatus from training. We will keep you updated on any news in the coming weeks, in the meantime keep moving with our outdoor or online training options.... When we get back in: We will be limiting each session to a maximum of 3 clients to adhere to social distancing restrictions. Clients will be asked to wash hands before and after training or use hand sanitizer provided. You will be allocated specific pieces of equipment to use during your session, no sharing! Thorough cleaning of equipment will take place after each use. _______________________________ #mooneepondsfitness #personaltrainingmooneeponds #gymmooneeponds #mooneeponds3039 #exercisemooneeponds #nutritionistmooneeponds #mooneeponds #essendon #ascotvale #collectivefitness #strengthtraining #personaltraining #groupfitness #grouptraining #ptstudio
22.01.2022 As most of you know we don't push the weight loss, scales or before/after agenda. But THIS needs some recognition. 100.4kg lost. Guys, get around and give Rob some love. This is a tremendous effort and well deserving of a virtual high 5 (because, rona)
22.01.2022 What is your version of practical health? Sure, optimal health is great, but what works for you? For e.g. is meal prepping is a source of anxiety and stress for you, or does having that sort of nutrition structure make your life easier? Here's the thing, we all have different values. It all comes down to choice and knowing what we really want out of life. ... For sustainable, long term health, place more emphasis on the things that add value to your life, and less on the things that steal your energy. What will help you live your best life? Distance yourself from ideals that go against what you believe, it will only become a source of stress - one thing we all need less of! Instead, take the lead by you own values. If you need guidance, seek people or ideas that you align with, then adapt to suit your own version of a healthy, balanced life. _______________________________
21.01.2022 "3.30 i-tis" "5.30pm get home from work & must eat the whole pantry" "8.30pm ice cream/chocolate would be good right now" (this one might be more down to habit, but let me explain...)... Daytime sugar cravings generally stem from what we are eating in our main meals - if they arent filling or satiating enough, or have the right mix of macronutrients for you, then 2-3 hours later you'll be seeking that "pick me up" snack which is generally high energy but lacking in nutrients. Introducing the "PFFT" effect Protein. Fibre. Fats. Time If you make your meals adequate in all these things (PFF), you will be full for hours (T) and no sugar cravings. This will look different for everyone but here's an example: BREAKFAST: yoghurt & fruit - might have enough fiber, but low on fats & protein = hangry by 10am. TRY oats with coconut milk, LSA, berries, peanut butter/yoghurt = full until lunchtime (or skip breakfast all together if you arent hungry) LUNCH: tin of tuna, green salad with tomato, cucumber, corn - might have enough protein but low on everything else (& happiness) = hangry level 11 by 3pm. TRY more high fiber vegetables (broccoli, cabbage, beans, cauliflower etc.), add some fats olive oil/avocado/cheese = full until dinner. Can you see the pattern???? Not to mention adding PFF to all your meals is way more enjoyable because they taste delicious AFTER DINNER is more a habitual snack issue. If you have been snacking after dinner for the last 5 years, you have established that pattern of behaviour, you're not hungry, you dont need the energy, but your brain has been wired to seek it out, generally when you sit down on the couch and watch tv. I'll post some strategies separately, stay tuned _______________________________
21.01.2022 Well.... We were hoping for a reopening of the studio on the horizon. Seems the horizon has been blasted a few months in the future. Good news though, we will be able to reassess the possibility of outdoor training options at the end of the month, in the meantime....... Exercise is such a huge part of our mental health and physical wellbeing. It's our kickstart to the morning, our laugh with friends, our timeout from reality, our routine, our stress relief, our coping isn't just exercise. You don't have to move mountains, you just have to keep moving. If you are struggling with motivation or need some help or have been "waiting" for gyms to reopen. Please dont wait. Please reach out, we would love to help you. And a huge thankyou to our crew! You're all amazing, and you're keeping us going as much as we are for you. See you on the zoom next week xxx _______________________________ #mooneepondsfitness #personaltrainingmooneeponds #gymmooneeponds #mooneeponds3039 #exercisemooneeponds #nutritionistmooneeponds #nutritioncoachmooneeponds #essendon #ascotvale #collectivefitness
19.01.2022 Who tried out last weeks 3 stretches relating to posture??? Here is part 2! Remember, stick with what is acheivable and what you will actually continue to do! STRETCH 1 - If you cant hold hands, use a towel, then aim to work your hands together. Remember to switch sides. Avoid pushing out your ribcage. Keep your chin up. STRETCH 2 - lovely extension for you lower back. Elbows under shoulders, roll shoulders back and down, look forward. Breathe. STRETCH 3 - downward dog. Hip...s high to the ceiling, heels down towards the floor, bend your knees as much as you need. Straight arms, shoulders away from ears. Quite challenging, so start at 1-2 big breathes, then relax. Build up slowly. _______________________________ See more
19.01.2022 WHAT CAN WE DO?
18.01.2022 A workout, regardless of the weights, length of time, or the intensity, is still a workout. At the moment we need to shift our focus to be ok with "any" sort of exercise. Each day may look different, each session might feel different, that's ok. Just moving your body is the main point, not striving for perfection or a life before lockdown workout. For now its using exercise in a positive way, attaching no negative emotion to it and being thankful for the fact you were able to do something. It's a tough time, but you're capable of getting through it. Let time do its thing and look after your body, especially your head _______________________________
18.01.2022 It's hard not to feel the pressure to exercise at home. Everyone is doing it, posting about it, buying equipment, celebrities are offering their APPS for free. There has never been a better time to START. But if you're feeling overwhelmed, anxious, guilty and stressed about it, because you're not doing it, or should be doing more...STOP It's ok to not exercise everyday. It's ok to have a week off if you are feeling all the feelings.... It's ok to just go for a walk, or not. Because exercise is a stressor too, which can compound whatever is going on with you. Of course I'm not going to say, dont worry about exercising ever, because it is extremely beneficial for our mental health (and general health). My point is, if you need to take a step back, you're allowed to. Gauranteed you will come back with a new focus and appreciation for moving your body. Xxx _______________________________
16.01.2022 Just because it hasn't happened yet, doesnt mean it never will. Be patient. It can and will be frustrating, the strive for optimal health, fitness and strength. Keep going. You are doing a great thing.... _____________________________ See more
16.01.2022 YES. WE ARE OPEN Morning and evening outdoor sessions available. We've had enough couch potato time, let's get moving! Contact Claire or Matt to book in... #howstheserenity #nofilter _______________________________ #getfit #getstrong #gethealthy #healthandfitness #fitnesslifestyle #strengthtraining #personaltraining #groupfitness #grouptraining #ptstudio#mooneepondsfitness #personaltrainingmooneeponds #gymmooneeponds #mooneeponds3039 #exercisemooneeponds #nutritionistmooneeponds #mooneeponds #essendon #ascotvale #collectivefitness
14.01.2022 We are here for you
14.01.2022 Gotta say, I've been struggling to know what to post here... Still coming to terms with this bizarre situation; most days I'm super positive, eating well, exercising, getting outside (responsibly)....then other days I feel overwhelmed and just want to sloth on the couch with wine or chocolate (or both). I suppose i just want to say, if you're feeling the same, I think that's normal ... I'm not here to sell you anything, to make you feel guilty, to tell you to be something else. I just want to be here for you and honestly, what we need to be prioritising right now is our headspace, whatever that means for you. Reach out if you need to _______________________________
13.01.2022 For all of our clients (& families), we want to make sure that you are safe and protected while you exercise. We taking extra precautions and providing recommendations to reduce the risks of passing germs around! We will also have hand sanitizer from tonight (yep I scored some!)... Please see below _______________________________
13.01.2022 IT'S EASY TO BE "ALL GOOD" WHEN EVERYTHING IS "ALL GOOD" It's easy to stay fit when your gyms open, it's easy to make healthy food choices when your routine is on point, it's easy to feel in your power when things are going well and there are zero issues at home... But what about those times when you feel like you *cant* do it? When things are a struggle? When your life is flipped upside down? Your job has changed, your relationship is going sideways, your kids are home, you ...can't get to the gym, you're unmotivated, you're scared? What then? It's times like THAT, times like NOW, that we see what we're really made of. Instead of wishing for things to be perfect, embrace this challenge. Much of what is happening right now, really sucks the big one, but IT IS the reality of where we are at, so: who will you choose to be? what attitude will you be? what actions will you choose to take? Because, make no mistake, they are choices. And even though it's not your fault, it is your responsibility. How will you choose to handle HARD? _______________________________ #mooneepondsfitness #personaltrainingmooneeponds #gymmooneeponds #mooneeponds3039 #exercisemooneeponds #nutritionistmooneeponds #nutritioncoachmooneeponds #essendon #ascotvale #collectivefitness #mooneeponds #personaltraining
13.01.2022 Well folks, it seems we are just a little bit further away from reopening. We have all shown our resilience and our abilty to adapt to new situations over the last few months. I know that we can keep going over the next 6 weeks.... Unfortunately outdoor training will be suspended from tomorrow. We will release some options for you asap. Thankyou team for your ongoing support x It wont last forever. _______________________________
12.01.2022 Search "Collective Fitness Community" and join us for daily workout inspiration you can do at home or in the park #collectivefitnesscommunity
11.01.2022 Collective Fitness + Training Studio in Moonee Ponds. Helping both men and women through personal training and nutrition coaching to transform their bodies and improve their quality of life.
11.01.2022 Thankyou, a million times over for your messages of support and your ongoing patience with the situation. I could say so much, but I dont know what to say. It's a strange feeling, but i know that we are positive and determined to keep going, for us and very importantly, you! We will be taking some time over the next few days to work on something to keep you all moving and sane during lockdown #2 stay tuned!... Much love _______________________________ #mooneepondsfitness #personaltrainingmooneeponds #gymmooneeponds #mooneeponds3039 #exercisemooneeponds #nutritionistmooneeponds #mooneeponds #essendon #ascotvale #collectivefitness
11.01.2022 MONDAY 6AM GO TIME!!! We are so ready and so excited to slide open the door TOMORROW Make sure you have confirmed your booking with Claire or Matt as we have limited spaces that are filling up FAST!!!! ... To say it's been a challenging time during shutdown is slightly understated!!! BUT it has given us time and opportunity to make some updates and refocus on bringing more to YOU! A huge THANKYOU to all of our clients for their patience, persistence and support, literally keeping us alive And to our last minute reno team coming through with the goods thankyou! @lukefry_architecture __________________________
10.01.2022 Google intermittent fasting and you will quickly find yourself down a black hole of "how to" and "how not to" do it. There is almost too much information to make sense of if you just want to know some basics. My stance on it is; try it, if you like doing it, if it helps you to feel better and maintain/improve your health, do it. Otherwise don't So, the basics:... Unfortunately a lot of resources provide quite a rigid or strict approaches to IF but... it can be and should be flexible. You make it work for you. Your body will tell you what is the "right way to do it". The feedback on that is, how you feel. FIRSTLY, extend time in between your meals. This could simply mean skipping snacks and focusing on 3 main meals. If you've got that sorted, delay your first meal of the day as long as you can, until you feel truly hungry. When you do consume your daily meals, you still need to consume your total daily macro/micronutrient/energy needs, so dont skimp on meal size. That's where I would start whilst you're learning and practicing. Learning is valuable, but taking action on what you learn is more important. NOTE: if you are properly hungry, shaking, tummy grumbling, and you are say 2 hrs away from when you plan to eat, then you need to eat! Females tend to have less tolerance for extended fasting. So I would lean towards 12-16 hr fasts, instead of 24hrs. _______________________________ #intermittentfasting #IF #fasting #mooneepondsfitness #ptmooneeponds #personaltrainingmooneeponds #gymmooneeponds #mooneeponds3039 #exercisemooneeponds #nutritionistmooneeponds #nutritioncoachmooneeponds #essendon #ascotvale #collectivefitness
09.01.2022 Your health is important to us. Now that we have been given the opportunity to reopen, it is our responsibility to provide you a safe place to train. Your training station will be set with everything you need: equipment (no sharing) cleaning wipes sanitiser appropriate distancing ... We will also be disinfecting each training station in between sessions. And regularly wiping down high traffic areas such as door knobs, bathrooms and hand rails. We ask for you to do your part by: bringing your own towel and filled water bottle to training washing your hands or sanitizing before and after training maintaining social distancing *here is where I should say something inspirational like "we're in this together" but I'll save that for the politicians _______________________________
09.01.2022 National Health Survey (2017-18) found the majority (83.5%) of 18-64 year olds engaged in some form of deliberate voluntary exercise (not including workplace activity). However, only 15% of these participants met both the physical activity and muscle strengthening aspects of the guidelines (150mins + 2 strength training activities p/week). Exercise positively benefits EVERY single system in the body, and is one of the best prev...entative methods to chronic disease. If we could take exercise in a pill, we would be a much healthier nation. But nothing beats the sweat and the grind _______________________________
09.01.2022 Simple is always best No one has time to prepare elaborate and complicated dishes. Good news, you dont need to in order to achieve positive health outcomes. What I teach clients is good quality protein, healthy fats and a variety of vegetables/salad at every meal. Then it's up to you to get as creative as you want to so you enjoy the food. If you dont enjoy it, it's not going to last long enough in order for you to achieve the changes you want. ... Nutrition Coaching at Collective. _______________________________ See more
09.01.2022 POOR POSTURE (shared in stories earlier this week, by request has been put on the feed for easy reference!) Many aches & pains can be linked back to poor posture - back/neck/shoulder pain, headaches, poor concentration, physical performance and much more. ... The position of your body on a daily basis determines your posture. YES stretching & strengthening will help, but being aware of your posture ALL DAY is where the improvements will happen. KEY POINTS - mobile phone use, computer screen position & sitting are the BIGGEST contributors to poor posture. If I give you 20 stretches to do, I bet you will do zero, so here are 3 you can do daily....ideally 2-3 times per day, stay in them for 3-5 big breathes & repeat the stretch 3-5 times. STRETCH 1 - has 2 levels, choose the appropriate one for you. If you are crossing arms, make sure you swap the way you cross them. Avoid pushing out your ribcage. STRETCH 2 - aim to get your fingers further down your shoulders & elbows closer together (yep I need to work on this one!) STRETCH 3 roll up a couple of towels so your head is supported, hips on the ground. Option to bring feet together, knees drop to the floor for a hip opener. RELAX! _______________________________
09.01.2022 One way or the other. Lots of clients struggling with their nutrition at the moment. Emotion, anxiety and change can certainly lead us to overeat. However, some clients are finding that their nutrition is more on point than ever. What's the difference? ... MINDSET I know it sounds woo woo. But the conversations you have with yourself will determine the outcome. Thoughts Actions. You dont need a new plan or something to stick to, in order to make better choices. You need to ask yourself better questions. *am I hungry right now? *how am I going to feel after I eat XYZ? *do i still want it? *can I hold off for an hour? *would I normally be eating XYZ if I was at the office? *or is it only because I'm standing here staring at the pantry/fridge? Pork Sausage, Tomato, Carrots, Beans, Mash: sweet potato, pumpkin, potato _______________________________
06.01.2022 Lots of uncertainties & unease about our health and safety at the moment. Unfortunately these times also give rise to people taking advantage, especially those with an agenda. Things to keep in mind when considering protecting your immunity: there is no product (pill, potion, tea, shake etc.) you can buy that will magically increase/boost your immunity. immunity can be enhanced with proper hygeine, sanitation, and responsible social interaction.... getting adequate sleep, reducing your stress, proper hydration & strength/fitness will do wonders for your overall health. ***PLEASE SEE OUR STORIES FOR UPDATES ON HOW WE ARE AIMING TO KEEP YOU SAFE & EXERCISING _______________________________
06.01.2022 So you wanna lose weight/fat? Before you start a diet, I want you to consider these points: Can you maintain it as a lifestyle? How restrictive is it? That includes meal plans too. I dont do meal plans. WHY? They make you dependent, they dont TEACH you what to eat, they TELL you what to eat. And when we dont teach people, they cant change. What happens is, most people can follow a meal plan for 30-45 days, then they start getting burned out, or they go on holidays or the...y go out for dinner, and they dont know what to do! They dont know what to eat, because it's not on their meal plan so they tend to fall off the wagon, or give up. Meal plans are a bandaid. You need to learn HOW to modify your own food and meals. Start with small changes: increase water intake increase protein intake food lists; eat more of what you like instead of focusing on what you cant "half it up" for your unhealthy habits make it realistic, not extreme no diet will be effective if you are hungry If you want to know more about nutrition coaching at Collective contact [email protected] or DM _______________________________
06.01.2022 The "weight gain memes in isolation" are coming in thick and fast! Ok we can all have a chuckle, but this change in food environment (from work to home) can have some serious implications for eating habits. Normally at work you have designated breaks for eating and have the food prepared or you physically go and get a meal. Whereas at home, you have access to food ALL THE TIME and all of a sudden, when we're home we are hungry every hour.... YOU ARE IN CONTROL HERE! Before you eat ask yourself: 1. When was the last time I ate? 2. Is my stomach hungry (grumbling) or is my brain hungry (bored, need a break, stressed)? 3. Does my body need fuel right now (sitting on the couch, at the computer etc. does not require a lot of energy FYI )? Based on your responses, do you really need to eat right now??? Probably not. Can you hold out for 30/60mins and ask yourself the same questions? Probably yes. Be responsible in your choices. You are in control. _______________________________
06.01.2022 30 minutes of exercise is better than an hour at the gym that never happens. It's simple. Done is better than a perfect plan that never ends up happening. Realistic habits done consistently - not perfection - is what gets you healthy (and keeps you healthy). ____________________________... See more
05.01.2022 First and foremost we would like to thank everyone who has reached out to us and provided their support. We are extremely grateful to have a loyal and positive community stand with us in a time that feels very uncertain. We want to encourage you to continue to make your health and fitness a priority, this is not a time to throw in the towel. Exercise isn't just exercise. Exercise is a stress release, a physical release, a mood booster, an opportunity to connect and so much Due to the lockdown announcement we will be temporarily closing from Tuesday 24th March at 12pm. We will be making contact with all current clients to transition their training online. And if you would like to book in either tonight or tomorrow morning, please reach out ASAP. I encourage you to contact us if you are now seeking some guidance and support with your training. _______________________________
05.01.2022 Ready for a morning of #onlinepersonaltraining - I'm honest with clients, it's a bit wierd, but in these times of weirdness we have to adapt and do what works. This allows us to stay connected with clients and clients have the accountability to continue moving. Thankyou @lil.kitch for keeping me caffeinated ... _______________________________ See more
03.01.2022 If you have "relaxed" a little over the past few months - it is totally OK, you are allowed to have those cycles in your life. However I'm hearing a few "I don't know where to start" OR "I've tried everything" These things are where I start with everyone I coach, then refine based on the individual. 1. Energy in. 2. Exercise/Movement.... 3. Macronutrients (ie. protein, fats, carbohydrates/fibre). Water. 4. Sleep. 5. Stress. Inside all of these areas, there are a ton of ways you can change, based on your lifestyle, and this is where nutrition coaching can help you #DMme Keep in mind you dont have to change ALL of the things at once. Remember your 1-3 non negotiables, do them everyday. CONSISTENTLY for 2-4 weeks. You will know if those things are starting to work by that time. Also, be patient. It's not a race. _______________________________
03.01.2022 It's not magic, its not something you achieve overnight. You only achieve things by consistently working away at them. Yes, you'll feel demoralised. Yes, you'll feel overwhelmed. Yes, somedays you'll want to give up. This message is for anyone in the grind right now, trying to achieve something that feels impossible - keep working at it and dont forget how far you've come ... __________________________ See more
02.01.2022 It's very easy on a Monday to set yourself 20 goals for the week, to be better, stick to something, try harder. The problem with this approach is we quickly start "failing" as the days and other tasks become overwhelming. Then the brain flicks to "screw it, I'm done with this healthy eating, exercise stuff, I'll start again next week"... The cycle goes on and on. TRY ONE THING. JUST ONE. For the entire week. Just focus on one thing. THAT'S ACHEIVABLE. And you will feel amazing for making progress, winning feels good right?! Then stick with it, until you think you can focus on, and take on another ONE THING. _______________________________ #monday #thoughts #mooneepondsfitness #ptmooneeponds #personaltrainingmooneeponds #gymmooneeponds #mooneeponds3039 #exercisemooneeponds #nutritionistmooneeponds #nutritioncoachmooneeponds #essendon #ascotvale #collectivefitness #progressnotperfection #getfit #getstrong #gethealthy #healthandfitness
02.01.2022 Morning sunlight exposure helps you get a better night's sleep. It reinforces your circadian rhythm, which impacts the quality of your sleep, regulates your appetite, your energy, hormone production & body temperature. 15-20mins is all you need #lestweforget... #anzacday _______________________________
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