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Collectmore Pty Ltd in Brendale | Collection agency

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Collectmore Pty Ltd

Locality: Brendale

Phone: +61 7 3205 3218

Address: 110/193 South Pine Road 4500 Brendale, QLD, Australia


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21.01.2022 Focus ONLY ON YOUR MONEY! Picture the scene- there is a pile of cash on a table, locked in a cage. The cash is your debt. Your outstanding invoice. The cage- that is your overdue customer. Now, outside of the cage are guards. Numerous guards, all doing their best to prevent you from getting into the cage and getting your money. Folks, this scene is what happens every time you're owed money. Now, let's describe the guards- who are they and why are they trying to stop y...ou? Guard 1- this is your customers' customers. People who owe them money. How often do we hear "I can't pay you until I get paid". Guard 2- this is your customer's other creditors. People who like you, are chasing them for money. Guard 3- this is your customer's attitude. More often than not it is one of "She'll be right, I will pay when I need to, it's only a few days late". Guard 4- this is you! Yes, you! So often we are our own worst enemy, especially when the customer antagonizes us. We go from wanting to get paid to wanting to get even. Guard 5- this your customer's dispute. They aren't happy with the job or have issues with your invoice which is why they haven't paid. Guard 6- this is your customer's lowly bank balance. Now, where are you in this scenario? Most people are cowering in the corner, afraid to look up. With so many guards and their cash locked tight in a cage, it all seems too hard. Where you should be however is here: standing tall in front of the guards, eyes of steel with a laser focus on your cash. Not on the cage. Or the guards. On the cash. Nothing else matters. So many people lose focus and lose motivation and it breaks my heart because it is so unnecessary. Your cash is there, waiting for you to collect. Every single one of those guards can be defeated and the cage unlocked. In our next post, I will tell you how! Cheers

20.01.2022 Nope, you aren't imagining things- it really is that hard getting paid at the moment! The old January hangover- happens every time. This January however seems to be worse than normal so if you are chasing outstanding invoices from last year, just know that you most certainly are not alone. So now that we have identified the problem, how do we fix it? Good question! I thought you'd never ask! Here are some things to try: - Sell them 2020 closure. It's a brand new year... with brand new opportunities and a fresh, new mindset. Say something like "Obviously this outstanding invoice is overdue from last year and I am sure we could both do with getting rid of it and focusing on 2021, what do you say?". The "we" is really powerful here- an outstanding invoice is a joint, shared problem and often this is forgotten. You both want the same thing- they don't want to owe it and you don't want them to owe it. Share the problem and you suddenly have something in common- a shared interest. This works really well. - Be persistent and consistent. Now isn't the time to let them come to you- you have to go to them. Call them every day, text them every second day, email them every third day. You have to get on the front foot and do more than you normally would. And do it more often. Soon they will get the hint that you aren't going away and they will pay just to get you to stop. - Don't forget your old friends: leverage and his old mate, urgency. You always have the former and can always create the latter. Leverage- credit default, legal action or as of the 1st January- Statutory Demand if your debt is more than $2000 and the debtor is a Pty Ltd company. The Covid restrictions for these are over so go nuts. Urgency- tight deadline. 5pm that day, 10am tomorrow otherwise it is "escalated and out of your hands". Cheers guys

20.01.2022 A client of ours just accidentally transferred us $11,883 instead of the $118.83 they owed us. Obviously we refunded it back to them immediately but it just proves how easy a mistake this is to make and why you should ALWAYS triple check before transferring amounts. We have collected heaps of debts that started as incorrect payments and it’s always baffled me how keeping the money isn’t considered theft. Even the banks themselves are limited with what they can do and it rea...lly is up to the recipient to do the right thing and give it back. Sadly though, morals and ethics are severely lacking in some people and free money is seen as a exactly that. The most recent case we were sent was for $2000 which this couple received in error from their accountant. Yes, these people were clients of theirs yet they still kept the money and we had to sue them to get it back. It literally took almost 2 years. Moral of the story- please ALWAYS triple check before transferring funds and if you ever receive money in error, please ALWAYS give it back! Cheers

19.01.2022 CREATE URGENCY. Two words. That's it. Just two words. Whenever we are asked what our secret to success is, this is what we tell them. When someone asks us how to get paid, this is what we tell them. Whenever someone asks us how on earth we have managed to collect over $20 million dollars of other peoples money, this is what we tell them. It really is as simple as that. Creating urgency isn't difficult and everyone can do it. It is all in your delivery and the you use. Here are some examples: They say: You say: "I will be able to pay it next week" "We need a payment today as it will be too late next week". "I will call you back later" "I have to make a decision on how we proceed at 5pm today". "I will get my bookkeeper to pay it" "Great, let me call them for you now, what's their number as it must be paid today". "Do what you've got to do" "I certainly will, it's a shame we couldn't avoid this". "I've got no money" "We need a payment today, what's the absolute most you can pay today please?" Cheers guys

19.01.2022 Red Flags. They are everywhere when a new customer first comes to you wanting trading terms. Over the next few weeks we are going to tell you what to look out for and what is considered a RED FLAG! These are signs and indications that you are potentially dealing with a non-payer, so it is vital you're on the lookout. So here we go with the first: Red Flag 1: Asking for a discount up front. One of the big ones. If your new customer is asking for a discount already, run f...or the hills. NO NO NO NO NO NO NO NO NO. Under no circumstances should you ever agree to this request. In fact even saying no but still taking on the work should be done with extreme caution. Think about it- if they want a discount before you have even done the work, what are they going to be like once you have? Awesome clients who you want to build a long-term relationship with will never ask for discounts. Ones that do should be avoided like the plague. "But does a few dollars really matter if it means I get a new customer? Surely the long-term benefits outweigh the risk right?". Wrong. This has the opposite effect- by agreeing to their request, you are devaluing your business, your expertise and your reputation. But I’m a nice person and want to help them out. No doubt, but they can help you out by paying full price. And if you let them get away with it up front, they will expect the same treatment at the end when it comes to paying the final amount. As sure as night follows day, they will find fault in your work or product and make up a fake dispute just to justify wanting a discount. Take it from someone who sees this sort of thing constantly. Cheers guys.

16.01.2022 It’s not often we toot our own horn but this review of our online course is pretty awesome. Thank you Sarah! It’s only $49 and the amount of value and content you will receive is incredible. I urge all of our followers to enrol and arm yourself with this priceless knowledge. Here is the link:

15.01.2022 There are some people in this world who simply cannot pay on time. Actually it's not that they cannot- it is that they choose not to. I was just sent a new debt to collect from someone I had chased before on 4 separate occasions. A different business each time. This was his fifth business and the fifth time he had been sent to us. We're almost family. My first SMS simply said "Yep, it's me. And yep, it's happened again". I just cannot understand how people like this l...ive with themselves. They don't pay until they absolutely, positively have to. Trading terms? Bah, optional. Letters of Demand- in the bin you go. Threat of debt collection? Bring it on! This is their mindset. My suppliers are the lifeblood of my business- I would never, ever treat them like this guy treats his. Oh well, what can you do. All I know is that every time we get sent his debts, we collect. And that big red Karma bus rumbling along the road is headed towards his place and everyone else who operates like this! Cheers See more

12.01.2022 Leverage. It is everywhere you look and everyone has something that you can use in order to get them to pay. Last week I collected a debt from a Financial Services firm who owed our client $3500 for SEO services. Typical story- they signed a contract, agreed to pay a monthly amount which they did religiously except when it came to the final invoice. Silence. They literally did not respond to any reminders, calls, emails, demand letters, nothing. So our client sent it to... us to collect and we got the same result- Crickets. It was only when I started looking for leverage against them did I see it- they had an AFSL. An Australian Financial Services Licence. Now I know how hard it is to get an AFSL as I looked into getting one myself a little while ago and I remembered the obligations and restrictions that came with having one- namely NO OUTSTANDING DEBTS. AFS Licensees are forbidden from having outstanding debts and doing so can lead to their licence being cancelled. This was it! My leverage! I emailed them saying that unless the full amount was paid within an hour, I would be reporting them to ASIC. I also made sure to quote their licence number for added emphasis. Literally two minutes after sending this email, I received the receipt. $3500 was paid into our trust account, by OSKO no less so that the funds were received instantly. Guys, everyone has pressure points. You just need to look hard enough and use them to your advantage. Leverage is your best friend- look for it, find it and use it! Cheers

09.01.2022 Empty threats and why you should ignore them. Guys if your customer ever says to you Take this offer or else, don’t ever take it. Three times in the last month we have had debtors tell us that if we didn’t take their offer they’d liquidate the company or go bankrupt. And guess what? Every time we’ve said no, and every time they’ve paid in full. There was a guy who offered us $5000 on a $10,000 debt if we didn’t sue him otherwise he’d close the business and we’d get nothing.... So we sued him. And a month later he paid the $10,000. Whilst our client was initially tempted by the $5000 figuring something was better than nothing, we implored them to trust us as we knew this was a bluff and it turns out, we were right. Empty threats need to be taken for what they are- empty. No substance, just a scare tactic. You will know it’s an empty threat because it will come with a warning- if you do that, I’ll do this. Don’t ever give in or let them win. Cheers guys

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