Collingwood Park State School | Primary School
Collingwood Park State School
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22.01.2022 Collingwood Park State School Newsletter, TERM 3 Week 8 2020 -
22.01.2022 Happy holidays to our CPSS families!
21.01.2022 Book Week Dress Up Day is Thursday 22nd October. Unfortunately due to Covid restrictions, parents will not be able to be at school to see the amazing costumes. Instead, students will show off their costumes to students in their year level. We are encouraging parents to send a photo (via private message) of their child dressed up on the day so we can share the photos with the CPSS community.
21.01.2022 Tomorrow Thursday 10th September, Brainstorm Productions will be presenting their student wellbeing performance "Buddies" to all year levels - Prep to Year 6. A letter regarding the production will be sent home with students today.
21.01.2022 Lost property items: Please see attached pictures and collect by 4pm today.
19.01.2022 Welcome back to school CARE Crows! Week 1 Positive Behaviour Focus
19.01.2022 A reminder Book Week will be held in Week 3 this term.
18.01.2022 Swimming starts tomorrow for Years 2, 3 and 4. Swimming will take place on Monday, Tuesday and Thursday during Week 8 and 9. The following items will be required each swimming day. They should be packed into a small bag so your child can carry them to the pool.... $6 per lesson to be paid at the office in the morning if paying daily swimming togs sun-safe shirt/rashie towel underwear if swimming togs have been worn to school goggles (optional) Remember to label everything with your child’s name including underwear.
17.01.2022 Thank you to the amazing support from our community. We have been overwhelmed with donations. Please make sure you go to the links below and share/ like their pages. Without these very kind donations our Father’s Day Raffle would not be possible. Jackie and George Mulley and Jessica and Deon Versteegh from Armbrust & Co General store in Far North Queensland Jodie York Nutrimetics ... Zac Pires Anna and Micheal Gacek Penny-Ann Pokorski - RayWhite Forest Lake Annie Castner and the Team at Donut King
16.01.2022 During Term 3, teams of year 4, 5 and 6 students were required to design, build, code and test their ev3 robots to collect a variety of objects and return them to a drop zone. The Crowbotics teams at Collingwood Park are flying!
15.01.2022 Pop down to Big W and pick up a free copy of ‘Captain Underpants’ The First Epic Novel by Dav Pilkey. While stocks last.
15.01.2022 Collingwood Park State School Newsletter, TERM 3 Week 10 2020 -
15.01.2022 We are excited to be welcoming back our students on Tuesday 6th October ready for Term 4!
15.01.2022 Thank you to everyone who purchased Father’s Day packs. Unfortunately there was a glitch in the system which caused over ordering of some packs. We have tried our very best to accomodate with new packs. If you have any issues with your packs or didn’t receive one of your packs we sincerely apologise for the inconvenience this may cause, please contact the uniform shop on Monday. Thank you to Vicki for helping sort through the packs and Karen for a mammoth effort over the last couple of days with sorting through Father’s Day Packs.
14.01.2022 Found: Reading glasses. (Front and back).
14.01.2022 Today is R U OK? Day, a reminder to start a conversation that could change a life today, tomorrow and any day it's needed. Learn what to say after R U OK? so you can keep the conversation going when someone says they're not OK. Visit #RUOKDay #theresmoretosay #RUOK
12.01.2022 During the school holidays, Look, Listen, Report and help to keep our school safe. If you see or hear anything suspicious, contact School Watch on 13 17 88 to report the incident, even if it seems minor. In an emergency or if you see a crime in progress, call Triple zero (000).
12.01.2022 The 2021 Student Code of Conduct will be reviewed and endorsed at the P & C AGM meeting next year. Please review the final draft on our official website below.
11.01.2022 Don’t forget to pop into Big W at Redbank Plaza to pick up your ‘Free Book for Kids’. Dairy of a Minecraft Zombie Book 1 - A Scare of a Dare
10.01.2022 School Photos will take place tomorrow, 16th September in the school hall. For further information, visit our website: or order online by visiting and enter the access key provided on the envelope sent home with your child.
10.01.2022 CPSS would like to invite parents to review our DRAFT Student Code of Conduct 2021 - 2024 and provide feedback to [email protected] by 4.00pm this Thursday 26th November. The document can be found on our school website -
09.01.2022 It's the weekend so it’s the perfect time to record your audition videos at home (no longer than 30 seconds) and send them to Miss Polomski ([email protected]) or bring them to school on a USB. Audition videos to be submitted by 3pm Wednesday 2nd December. We will then notify the finalists on Friday 4th December. Finalists’ performances will be recorded at school and classes will watch the final of Collingwood Park’s Got Talent in their classrooms. Winners announced on Wednesday 9th December! We can't wait to see your audition videos!
09.01.2022 Born in blue, school is for you. Born in red, then kindy instead! Not sure whether your child is old enough to start kindy or Prep in 2021? Check out the Kindy or Prep poster.
09.01.2022 Congratulations to our lucky Father’s Day Raffle winners! Please note, all prizes have been taken to classrooms today. The P&C would like to thank everyone who made this fundraiser possible. We hope you have a wonderful weekend.
08.01.2022 It’s Queensland Mental Health Week! This week, our schools and workplaces are shining the spotlight on positive mental health and wellbeing. Here’s your reminde...r to take time to: Get healthy, Keep learning, Show kindness, Connect more, Take notice, and Embrace nature. #QMHW #QMHWTakeTime
08.01.2022 Wishing all our families a safe and happy summer holiday. School resumes on Wednesday 27th January.
08.01.2022 School photographs will take place next Wednesday, 16th September. Please ensure you place and pay for your order on or before the day. Sibling photograph envelopes can be obtained from the school administation building.
08.01.2022 We appreciate everyone’s assistance in adhering to the COVID-19 Safety Guidelines for tomorrow’s photo day and remind all parents that they are not to enter the school grounds for student photos. Sibling photos will begin at 8am. Parents are to drop students at the gate. Staff members will be on duty to direct students to the Hall. All other students are to arrive at the usual time of 8:30am.
07.01.2022 Changes to Bus Route Numbers From Tuesday the 6th of October 2020 Westside Bus Company will change the way that we display school route numbers on the destination signs. They will be displayed as per the route number on the TransLink website. This means am school services will be prefixed with 52__ and pm school services will be prefixed with 62__. For example: Instead of displaying "School Bus 10" we will now display "School Bus 5210" for the am and "School Bus 6210" for ...the pm. If you have any questions, please don’t hesitate to contact Westside Bus Company on (07) 3288 1333.
06.01.2022 R U OK?Day is Thursday 10 September and this year's message is 'There's more to say after R U OK?' Learn what to say next so you can have a conversation that could change, or even save, a life. Visit #theresmoretosay
04.01.2022 In Term 4, we have a very exciting opportunity for all our students! As part of our Attendance Improvement Plan to encourage students to attend school every day, we will be conducting weekly draws in Term 4 CROW FOR FIVE. If students attend school 5 days in a row (Monday to Friday), they will receive a ticket to go into the weekly draw for a chance to win a voucher to go to iPlay at Redbank Plaza. We would like to thank iPlay, Redbank for making the generous donation of 10 iPlay vouchers to our school and RACQ bank for donating money boxes so our attendance tokens can be stored in a safe place every week.
04.01.2022 All students enjoyed the Buddies Incursion today. Buddies follows the journey of two students as they discover the secrets to building healthy relationships and staying safe online. Together they realise that a true friend is someone who is kind, tells the truth, listens, makes you feel safe and allows you to be yourself.
01.01.2022 A huge shout out to our amazing teacher aides! You all go above and beyond to make a difference every day. We appreciate you!
01.01.2022 Oktoberfest at Collingwood Park Guten Tag! Students had a fantastische time with playing games like knock-em-down, Gummibar races, a hat dance, German music and much more. It was great to see everyone enjoying themselves. Each student received a German-Style treat thanks to the Crull family and Mrs Rowston. A big shout out to the organisers and helpers Mrs Schabrod, Mrs Roche, Mr Downes, Mrs Coates, Mrs Flynn, Mrs Forrest, Mrs Mackellar, Ms Box, Mrs Kerr and our chappy Mrs Osodu. Wunderbar!
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