Coloured Sheepie in Dorrigo North, New South Wales, Australia | Farm
Coloured Sheepie
Locality: Dorrigo North, New South Wales, Australia
Phone: +61 431 104 163
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24.01.2022 Fleeces F O R S A L E Rare Coloured Romney Wool. English Leicester/ Romney wool. Got to have! Gorgeous wool!... Full fleeces. Raw. Organically grown, chemical free. Skirted. Free of VM. Long staples. Spinning, Felting #colouredsheepie #eweniquefeltedfleeces #dorrigocolouredsheep #organicwool #artisanwool #stylishwool
23.01.2022 It is such a pleasure to spend purposeful time with a like minded friend. Sharing our passions of home grown, handmade, learning skills to live holistically. Celebrating natural wool fibre and the time value of "making it yourself" Beautifully crafted Jenny. Thankyou Queenie for the wool you provided #colouredromney #colouredenglishleicestersheep #eweniquefeltedfleeces #dorrigocolouredsheep #rarebreedcolouredsheep... #sustainableliving #organiclifestyle #wetfelting See more
22.01.2022 Sheep dogs in training.
21.01.2022 I had no idea. Over the last 2 weeks I have been over whelmed with support from friends sharing my post, purchaser's referrals to their friends and buyers who just couldn't buy 1 fleece or 2 or even 3 bagsfull, because they had found wool heaven at last. I'm pleased to know others can't resist curlswaveslustrereal WOOL, I thought it was just me that had this love affair with Coloured Long wool fleeces. I did! I didn't realise to just this Frid...ay that Facebook didn't allow any of my posts to be posted to like minded groups, because I was selling "Wool" ????????? Grrr I was thinking gee people don't seem to be interested or even like the fleeces I'm trying to sell so why am I breeding and growing rare "wool" ????? Naughty dictating, rule making facebook. A friend told me about your bad side. My friends are greater than you Word of mouth, messsges and friends helping friends are the best web of life. Thanks friends. Shearing again at the End of August. F L E E C E S will be on offer. See more
21.01.2022 More wild Dogs then we have ever seen. Sheep have been moved to "safe " night paddocks. Netted fencing, external barb wire, electrified boundaries. With "fox lights flicking is our fort knox. For the past week we have had 3 packs of dogs circling the farm. Each pack having 4 cross breed dogs in it. The wild dog numbers sighted and reported in the east district of Dorrigo plateau is at its highest. Possible Lack of forest to the west (due to Spring Bush fires), and th...e onset of winter is pushing the packs this way. Dumped dogs? Out of work farm dogs? Dogs that have stayed? Dogs that have been neglected? I can assure you these are Not pure Dingos. But these wild dogs are fit, athletic, intelligent, cunning and hungry. They are a shepherdess nightmare. Attacks can happen day or night. We do everything possible to keep our sheep and all animals safe. The super precious ones are in their stables. Spirit and Chakra are alert to the unwelcome dogs. See more
21.01.2022 Counting sheep! #workingdog #sheepdog #australianshepherd #corriedalesheep #colouredsheepie #eweniquefeltedfleeces #feltedfleece #naturalcolouredwool #mooritcolouredsheep
20.01.2022 When checking the sheep, I physically do head counts it takes me 4x longer then Paul I can't but give wigg tickles and ear scratches. #colouredsheepie #colouredenglishleicestersheep #stylishwool #longwoolsheep #dorrigocolouredsheep
19.01.2022 Perfect morning for lambing, easy lambing, strong, healthy ram lambs This was a repeat mating in the attempt to breed that special ram. Truly a perfect morning #newbornlambs #rarebreedcolouredsheep #colouredenglishleicestersheep #colouredramlamb #dorrigocolouredsheep
18.01.2022 Chakra gives some of the ewes (this ewe Beauty) is very relaxed with Chakras company and let's Chakra snuggle into her fleece. Chakra curly , soft fleece.
18.01.2022 The wind and this ewes fleece inspired me today. Shine is a English Leicester long wool yearling growing her second fleece 6mths growth. I went into my studio and began preparing her first fleece for making something special.
17.01.2022 No wonder I'm growing quickly, mummy has a big milk bah. 3 days old Crunky ram bub. Waiting for siblings. The ewes are still carrying wide loads. #rarebreedcolouredsheep #colouredramlamb #beautifulsheep #dorrigocolouredsheep
17.01.2022 I love this. Where is that green sheep?
17.01.2022 It's been a windy day,the wind dropped at dusk, but this ewe's fleece didn't . I'm so pleased it didn't . Lovable was unimpressed, She came over to me to "flop" her locks back Pampered, black lock sheep
17.01.2022 Tickle Chin Tuesday! #spoiltbah #demandingsheep #friendlysheep #petsheeparethebest #dorrigocolouredsheep #colouredsheepie #colouredewe #moremoremore
17.01.2022 "Nice" Is a very nice coloured Romney ewe. Romneys as lambs have teddy bear faces as the ewes mature their faces become so beautiful. Love her eyes. What a fleece. Nice!
16.01.2022 Being in with the ladies (ewes) is tooooo much for Lockie. #ramhasheadache Mind you there was a few ewes that wanted out from Lockie . . #englishleicesters #colouredsheepbreeder #beautifullambs #dorrigocolouredsheep #pamperedsheep
16.01.2022 Today it was a cool, some would say "cold" day. Maybe that's why when I looked at my I just seen wool balls and wanted to spin
15.01.2022 The start of the day said "Fluffy". The fleece said "fluff" me and that we did. I am sharing/passing on the ancient, traditional handcrafted of felting fleece into rugs. Jenny graduated as an excellent "Fluff er" and was a suberb "butt" opener. Photos are the shorn side (butt of stables). Preparing to felt.
13.01.2022 Chakra was practising relaxation (dogs seem to do that), while I was weeding the paddock. He was busy. I had this brilliant idea. I wonder whether I could train him to "find" "FIND FIREWEED!" That would be very helpful. (It's a weed I don't want in my pastures, so I hand pull it out) Fortunately Coloured sheep do control it by eating the plant and/or eating the yellow daisy flower off. Weed Detection dog? Gosh I would be on a winner if thatwas possible See more photos in comments
13.01.2022 Icey trough, Teenagers checking out if make-up is required for the day out in the paddock chilly on the lips.
13.01.2022 Didn't need to look under these 2. Their Pretty new born heads immediately told me twin ewes. Beautiful babs 1st cross English Leicester ram Romney ewe. Dam Queenie Sire Lockie... #colouredewelambs #rarebreedcolouredsheep #beautifulsheep #colouredromneysheep #colouredenglishleicestersheep See more
13.01.2022 Fleeces touching the ground! Either we have short sheep or we have "Exceptional " Longwool growers #dorrigocolouredsheep #rarebreedcolouredsheep #organicwool #colouredenglishleicestersheep #colouredromneysheep
13.01.2022 Our sheep have been selectively bred to grow beautiful, long, wool. That they do. I feel it is my responsibility to present to each purchaser of our fleeces a *ready to use fleece, a *fleece free of any vegetive matter and a fleece that is a pleasure to hand process. Its time consuming and its like looking for a needle in a hay stack. My contribution to the final raw fleece is very little. Deservingly all praise goes to the ewes. #organicwool #naturalcolouredwool #rarebre...edcolouredsheep #colouredenglishleicestersheep #colouredromneysheep #ethicallyproduced #woolfromthefarm #chemicalfree #dorrigocolouredsheep See more
13.01.2022 What is Lustre? Some fleece inquiries have been asking. This morning Glitter shows you. She wasn't sure which was her best side. English Leicester sheep shine and are the of Lustre, one of the most lustrous wool sheep here in Australia #stylishwool #englishleicesters #colouredenglishleicester #artisanwool #dorrigocolouredsheep #colouredsheepie .... . #eweniquefeltedfleeces See more
12.01.2022 Even 4 days of wind hasn't straighten Lacurls 'wool do'. #stylishwool Styled by WIND Wool to make warm jumpers, comfy snuggle pillows, throws and rugs. Raw wool available. .... #dorrigocolouredsheep #colouredenglishleicestersheep See more
09.01.2022 Working sheep dog in training. One of the books I am using has this photo in it,,,, Photo credit C1940 Shepherd Turner. It inspired me to train Chakra today in the yards using a "Dummy Sheep" One of my Felted fleeces. *please note this is 100 percent wool, no skin, the sheep is still alive. I am so proud to own one of the first breeds of herding dogs brought to Australia, The Smithfield.... #smithfieldworkingdogs #smithfieldpuppy #endangedbreed #trainingtobackasheep #eweniquefeltedfleeces #madebytheshepherd #dorrigoorganicwool #colouredenglishleicestersheep See more
09.01.2022 I how Dave's strength cradles our big ram, Lockie. Dave's hands and body constantly protects the ram throughout his shearing and Lockie is totally relaxed. These 2 guys Dave and Lockie meet once a year, they have total respect for each other. Both are gentle, placid, strong, big boys Lockie's fleece is layers of really, really, really long locks Dave slowly combs him as each layer folds over and back from the shears. A Long, long wool is a challenge for a shearer.
08.01.2022 Beautiful wool sheep, Beautiful fleeces Still Beautiful straight after shearing My goodness we have some wool! It is BEAUTIFUL, it is GORGEOUS, it is AWESOME, it is AMAZING You will ADORE it, ( these are the names of the sheep who grew some of the wool) Thanks Dave Campbell our shearer who always does a good job, handles the sheep gently, with respect and care. More post this week with fleeces... #colouredenglishleicestersheep #colouredromneysheep #rarebreedcolouredsheep #organicwool #ethicallyproduced #organicwoolgrowers #dorrigocolouredsheep #colouredsheepbreeder
08.01.2022 The softest pillow under the tree #colouredenglishleicestersheep #colouredramlambs #rams #dorrigocolouredsheep
07.01.2022 I went to check on my flock this afternoon and I think the wind had blown the sheep into the next paddock Chakra #windinmyface #windswept #smithfieldworkingdogs #smithfieldpuppy #guardianlivestockdog #sheepdog
06.01.2022 Sneaking up on his dog He's not looking Both have placid personalities. Then Chakra quickly pushed him back to Mum But both are super laid back. #colouredramlamb #smithfieldpuppy #colouredenglishleicestersheep... #rarebreedcolouredsheep #dorrigocolouredsheep #smithfieldworkingdogs See more
06.01.2022 Carry wide loads These ewes can't hide under their fleeces anymore Moved into a fresh rested paddock a few days ago. The ewes lamb out in the paddock, it is clean, safe and close to the house. A different lambing paddock from previous year.
05.01.2022 Even our old "Lady" is looking rather beautiful and warm in her wool jumper this morning.
05.01.2022 No matter which way he walked it was a "Wigg over to the side day!" Day 2 of strong winds. We always have 3 days of wind at a time. Sexy Lockie Of course that nose got kisses and he got lots of Wigg rubs when I took the photos.
04.01.2022 This sheepdog doesn't let the gates get in his way. Great work ethic #smithfieldpuppy Chakra loves his sheep . I believe it is a positive (although puppies are not suppose to jump or climb until fully grown) Chakra entering the sheep paddocks on his own as a guardian to the sheep in an emergency. This puppy has springs in his paws. He has been clearing the 1.5 meter high netted fences since be was 6mths old. More photos to have a laugh in comments #smithfieldworkin...gdogs #sheepdog #guardianlivestockdog #workingdogsareagilitydogs See more
03.01.2022 O these are vveerrrrry Nice! Fleeces F O R S A L E... Rare Coloured Romney Wool. English Leicester/ Romney wool. English Leicester wool. Got to have! Gorgeous wool! Full fleeces. Raw. Organically grown, chemical free. Skirted. Free of VM. Long staples. For Spinning & Felting #colouredenglishleicestersheep #colouredsheepie #eweniquefeltedfleeces #dorrigocolouredsheep #organicwool #artisanwool #stylishwool #colouredenglishleicester
03.01.2022 ALL OK We have been keeping our eyes open. Ears at the listen for any wild dogs. Thankyou for your messages of concern and help. All our sheep remain safe and have been welcoming our company in the pastures, for relaxed grazing during the days.
03.01.2022 New Born twins hoping they can find Mum. Mum wasn't too far away. #organicallymanaged #newbornlambs #pasturerotation #fullmoonpasturerotation #colouredewelambs #colouredenglishleicestersheep... #dorrigocolouredsheep See more
03.01.2022 Frosty mornings and morning Aerobics, bounces, gallops. Listen to the crackling grass under their hooves.
02.01.2022 Fleeces F O R S A L E at the colours, at the waves, shiny lustre The 3 ewes that grew these fleeces are called Delightful , Black Beauty, and Awesome very fitting names for their wool. Rare Coloured Romney Wool. English Leicester/ Romney wool. ... Got to have! Gorgeous wool! Full fleeces. Raw. Organically grown, chemical free. Skirted. Free of VM. Long staples. Spinning, Felting please share this post to support coloured wool and rare sheep breeders. #colouredsheepie #eweniquefeltedfleeces #dorrigocolouredsheep #organicwool #artisanwool #stylishwool
02.01.2022 "Excuse me this Nose needs a scratch!" "I'm not leaving the fence until I get my scratchs, pats, massages and HEAPS of lovin!" He watches my every move
02.01.2022 "Good Morning Mum, the wind has dropped and a little morning drizzle has my locks looking fab!" " I'm ready to go out!" Lady Locks looking ever so Divine. this Lady's outfit And her ear scarves just melt my
02.01.2022 You easily full in with Coloured sheep! The chook run needed a graze.... Bring in a few sheep. See more
02.01.2022 Her natural fleece blanket has her snug. Nothing like a sleep in.
01.01.2022 133 days "D" day. The same as her Mum Madien Ewe Delightful, daughter of Lady Diannea has lambed on "D" day, 133 since joining. For followers of our flock you would remember everyone of Lady Diannea's early lambing So on Thursday I moved the ewes into the 2020 lambing paddock and thought today might be "D" Day as she is Diannea's daughter Delightful easily birthed a "big" Ram lamb. I waited around because this ewe was huge, I was sure she was going to have at least twins. . She looks like she is still carrying twins. The last 2 seasons of pasture have been too good.