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Combined Districts Kart Club in Marrangaroo, New South Wales | Go-kart track

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Combined Districts Kart Club

Locality: Marrangaroo, New South Wales

Phone: +61 417 113 717

Address: 137 Oakey Forest Rd 2790 Marrangaroo, NSW, Australia


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25.01.2022 Sunday Race Order

24.01.2022 Sunday timetable. If you have not lodged your Scrutineer form yet, please do it now.

24.01.2022 Version 8.0 of our Guidelines are released today. The key changes include the following:- Masks... KNSW recommends the wearing of face masks at KNSW Sanctioned Events, where it is hard to maintain 1.5 metres of physical distancing from others. KNSW Clubs may seek to mandate the wearing of face masks for KNSW Sanctioned Events held at their track/circuit at their discretion. Spectators In New South Wales - Spectators are limited to one parent/person per participant (where practicable) at KNSW Sanctioned Events; and In the ACT - Spectators are limited to a total maximum of 100 at a KNSW Sanctioned Event. This 100 excludes participants/officials. There is still a cap of 100 total participants in place per event in the ACT. We continue to monitor the advice from both NSW and ACT governments in addition to exploring additional ways to protect our karters, officials and volunteers at our events. Thank you for the ongoing support of your local KNSW Clubs and local kart businesses.

24.01.2022 Fantastic to see karters taking each others safety serously. Well done to all

24.01.2022 There is a glitch on the omni system that is effecting some people when trying to enter and a message comes up saying "membership not current". If your membership and licence is current, just proceed through the entry process and enter "NO" when asked for an "event licence" See you Sunday

23.01.2022 Entries close tonight, looking like a great day at the track. Dont miss out. Check your details especially Transponder number, if it is wrong or missing you may not get timed.

23.01.2022 Our next race meeting is on Sunday September 13. Entries will be open soon.

23.01.2022 The winner of the Fyrlyt Driving Lights from the weekend was Amy Bregonje.

22.01.2022 Great footage of the KZ2 super series.

21.01.2022 82 entries, 3 hours to go before entries close.

21.01.2022 The attached is the infomation email that will be sent to all entrants after the close of entries for Sunday. Here it is now in case you miss the email.

21.01.2022 Club Championship Points have been updated after round 4, click the link to view. Please remember that to be eligible for club championship you must qualify with a days volunteer help for the club, this is only available untill the end of October. We will need help at Clyde Marshal, contact Dave so he can give you a job 0412 966 220.

21.01.2022 We are looking for a couple of people to help with timing at our race meetings. Idealy if we have a few people that can use the system the club will be in a much better position to run our meetings. The system is not difficult to use. The Timing box is air conditioned and has a great view of the racing. If you are interested please give Russell a call or message.

21.01.2022 Sunday Race Order: 1 Novice. 2 Junior Light & Heavy. 3 Rookies. 4 4SS. 5 Junior Performance. 6 TAG Restricted & Senior Performance. Entry list below, please check your details. Scructineer form must be lodged by mid day Saturday.

21.01.2022 The track is open for practice this Saturday and Sunday 9.00am to 4.00pm. Please check the website for "sign-on" and payment details to be completed before you go to the track.

21.01.2022 Lots of CDKC members Port Macquarie Go kart Racing Club for the NSW State Championship. Good luck to all.

20.01.2022 A reminder that the NSW Community Sports Awards ceremony will be held live from 7.00pm tomorrow night! The virtual ceremony will be streamed live on the Sport N...SW YouTube page here: and also live on the Sport NSW Facebook page here: We hope you will be able to join us virtually tomorrow night as Sport NSW announce the winners of their ten annual Awards and acknowledge the contributions of 21 inspiring recipients of a Distinguished Long Service Award. Our very own Russell Grimson is a recipient of the Distinguished Long Service Award. Members of the KNSW Board and Executive will be joining Russell tomorrow evening to help celebrate his achievement. Our whole karting community values and recognizes the hard work of our volunteers - thank you! We hope you can join the event tomorrow virtually.

19.01.2022 Entries are open for the Clyde Marshall Memorial and TAG Restricted State Titles at Lithgow October 17 and 18. Each class will run on 1 day only or if you want to make a weekend of it enter a class for each day. See the Sup regs for event info and class list for each day,

19.01.2022 2020 Combined Districts Kart Club Champions.

19.01.2022 The 2020 Club Championship Results have been uploaded to the website. The results will be published here tomorrow. Please check your result and let us know if there are any questions.

18.01.2022 Entries for this Sunday race meeting close Thursday night, no late entries.

18.01.2022 Ultimate Karting Sydney prize winners from the weekend were Oscar Singh, Jordan Shalala, Riley Skinner, Jaxon Barrington and Sam Phillips. If your were not abel to pick up your prize on Sunday they will be available at our next race meeing

17.01.2022 3 sets of Maxxis Tyres up for grabs at Clyde Marshall/TAG Restricted State titles. Set 1 the best points scored by a Senior Driver running 2 classes. Set 2 the best points scored by a Junior driver running 2 classes. Set 3 random draw for all Novice and Rookie drivers. Thanks to St George Kart Centre for their support.

17.01.2022 Junior Performance Final, CDKC'S Daniel Frougas. Great drive to take 3rd. Proud dad moment.

17.01.2022 Maxxis Kart Tyres AUS winner's from the Clyde Marshall were, Novice/Rookie Lewis D'Amore, Junior Sam Phillips, Senior Tyler Brown.

17.01.2022 Track is available for practice this weekend. Electronic sign on and payment is required prior to arrival. Forecast for Lithgow is much cooler than Sydney!!!

17.01.2022 The track will be availble for practice every day of the School Holidays. You must "sign on" at least 24 hours prior to confirm your day. "Sign On" and payment details are in the link.

16.01.2022 It is with great sadness, we pass on the news that Russell Grimson has passed away this morning. Russell will be deeply missed by Combined Districts Kart Club and the karting community. Russell has served for many years on the CDKC Committee and has been instrumental in great club events. The Junior Development Camp and the Breast Cancer Ladies event would not have been such great events without Russell's passion and commitment. Rest in peace Russell.

16.01.2022 Clyde Marshall Memorial returns to Lithgow October 17 & 18 along with the TAG Restricted NSW Sate Championship. Check the Clyde Marshall page for event and sponsor updates. Ultimate Karting Sydney Juicy Goose CRC Industries Australia

15.01.2022 109 entries for the Clyde Marshall Memorial and TAG Restricted State Titles at Lithgow this weekend. Some great racing on Saturday and Sunday. Special thanks to sponsors for the weekend Ultimate Karting Sydney, St George Kart Centre, MAXXIS Tyres Australia, CRC Industries Australia, Fyrlyt Driving Lights. 2LT WIN News Central West PRIME7 News Central West KartSportNews

15.01.2022 Our December 6 Christmas meeting is a great way to start your kart racing career. Take advantage of this great offer from KNSW.

15.01.2022 Well Deserved Russell

15.01.2022 We have now received final council approvals to commence building our new race control centre and in grid/tech area. A massive thank you to Peter Toole for his passion and persistence with the grant and approval process and to Mitch Lozina for leading the build on the project. Check the website link for how you could help.

14.01.2022 Suplementary Regulations for Sunday September 13. Entries now open.

14.01.2022 Race day for Saturday class's

14.01.2022 Club Championship rules have been updated for 2021. Round 1 is January 24. The 3 Championship winners (Novice/Rookie, Junior & Senior) will win FREE entry, lunch & breakfast for 2022 Club Championship.

13.01.2022 Entries now open for our Sunday December 6 Race Meeting.

11.01.2022 Combined Districts Kart Club, cleans up at Coffs Over 40s.

11.01.2022 Our first race meeting for 2021 will be at Lithgow City Raceway on Sunday January 24. This will be the first round of the 2021 Club Championship. Entries are available for all KNSW classes and licence holders. The event will feature a 50 Lap classic open to TAG Restricted and Senior Performance classes, check web site for more detail.

11.01.2022 The Track will be open for Practice this Saturday and Sunday (November 14/15) and Sunday November 22. The track will not be available on Saturday November 21 as there is an SEK endurance race on this day. Electronic sign on and payment is required prior to going to the track.

11.01.2022 Entries opening soon for our final meeting of 2020. Will be a great day at the track.

11.01.2022 27 Tag Restricted Light karts at Lithgow today. Next month we host the NSW state championship for TAG Restricted Light, Heavy and Super Heavy. Entries will be capped at 32 for each of these classes. Entries open soon.

11.01.2022 Remember to get you tickets in the meat raffle at Lithgow. Our thanks to South Windsor Butchery

09.01.2022 Karting is always in need of officials, zoom training courses coming up soon.

08.01.2022 Entries are now open for Round 4 of the Club Championship will be at Lithgow City Raceway. Check the website and Sup Regs for full details.

07.01.2022 CRC Industries Australia prize winners from the weekend were Jason Kitchen, Tyler Brown, Kurtis Dixon, Steve Wright, Courtney Becker and Paul Dunstan. If you were not able to pick up your prize on Sunday they will be available at our next race meeting.

07.01.2022 Sunday December 6 will be our final race meeting for 2020. The meeting will feature 2 x 10 lap heats (computer grid) and a 30 Lap final for all classes. All KNSW classes are available to run at this event. It should be a great fun day for anyone from experienced Karter’s to 1st timers The club championship presentation will take place after the heat racing at approximately 11.30am. The club will be supplying a free sausage sizzle during the break also. Track is available for practice on Saturday December 5, please sign on and pay electronically. (as early as you can is helpful with organising thanks).

06.01.2022 Thank you to all our entrants and crew for helping make today safe and fun.

06.01.2022 The NSW State Championship for TAG Restricted will be run at Lithgow City Raceway October 17/18. TAG Restricted Light and TAG Restricted Super Heavy will race Saturday October 17. TAG Restricted Heavy will race Sunday October 18. Track is available for practice Friday October 16. There is a set of Maxxis tyres up for grabs to the best placed senior entering 2 classes and a discounted entry fee for the second class entry.

06.01.2022 A great weekends racing at Lithgow. As usual this is not possile with out the help of many. This weekend we had a lot of new helpers that the club is greatful for your assitance, at the risk of forgetting someone as special thanks goes to Mellissa Strong, Elise D'Amore, Bernadette Vinci, Cheryl Freeburn and Ellen Estasy for their help in the canteen. Steve and Pam Rowe, BBQ. Dave Youl and Brad Pay, Safety Lights and Sandra Magliarachi, Timing. Our regular's were again on deck to make the day possible.

04.01.2022 Free ticket in the South Windsor Butchery meat raffle. All entrants with correct details and scrutineer form lodged by the close of entries for September 13 will get a ticket in the meat tray. Tickets are also availble for sale at the Canteen on race weekend.

04.01.2022 Be quick, you could use this at Lithgow on Sunday.

03.01.2022 September 13 race meeting update. Under the latest health guidelines we CAN continue with our September 13 Club Event but we CANNOT run the TAG RESTRICTED NSW Championship at this meeting. We now plan to run the TAG Restricted NSW Championship on October 18 in conjunction with the Clyde Marshall Memorial. Keep an eye on our page for updates. Sydney Karters Karting NSW Members Group

03.01.2022 The Clyde Marshall Memorial returns to Lithgow City Raceway on October 17/18 2020. Each class is scheduled to run 1 day only and the class structure has been set up to encourage drivers to take advantage of the discounted second entry and run a different class on both days. Great prizes are on offer to entrants, click HERE for details. The track will be open for practice on Friday October 16 (pre booking and payment is essential) click HERE for details.

02.01.2022 Practice at Lithgow will be available every day from Saturday January 2 until Sunday January 17. Please sign on electronically, at least 24 hours prior would be helpful. All practice detail is on the link

02.01.2022 Entry lists pictured for the weekend. If your name is in red we are missing your scrutineer form or transponder number. A lot of work has goen on to create a COVID Safe way of us racing, this information needs to be lodged electronically NOW. If we do not have your information early enough to process you may miss you place on the grid Sunday morning. If you see your mates name highlighted please tag them.

02.01.2022 Club Championship points have been updated after round 3.

02.01.2022 Track is open for Practice this Saturday and Sunday. Also Friday September 11 and Saturday September 12. Electronic "Sign-on" and payment required, details on the link.

01.01.2022 Practice is available Friday and Saturday this week. If you are planning to practice please sign on as early as you can to help us be organise and save you being delayed getting on track. Sign on and payment details are on the website.

01.01.2022 The Track is open for practice this weekend, please remember you must sign on and pay electronically prior to going to the track. All the details are in the link.

01.01.2022 Heat 1 Tag restricted light

01.01.2022 Entries are now open for Round 1 of the Club Championship and the 50 Lap Classic at Lithgow Sunday January 24. The 50 Lapper is open to any Senior entered for class racing (any class) but must run a kart that complies with Senior Performance or TAG Restricted Specs in the 50 lapper. Entries for this race are capped at 32.

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