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Comet Bay Tax Returns

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25.01.2022 The Tax Office is pulling out the big guns against small businesses because they believe claims are being overstated and income understated. If you have any doubts about your position, come to see me so that I can help you get it right.

24.01.2022 EMPLOYERS TAKE NOTE The article below warns about the risks of not paying your staff Super Guarantee Contributions (SGC) on time and that 'Single Touch Payroll' keeps the ATO informed in real-time. Remember that if your payment isn't made on time you lose the tax deduction and have to pay interest and penalties for EACH staff member whose SGC wasn't paid....Continue reading

24.01.2022 Here is another reminder to employers (and their administration staff) to check that ALL Super Guarantee Contributions are up to date as the amnesty to correct underpayments will probably be for only a short time after the retrospective law passes Parliament. SG amnesty clears lower house, ATO urges employers not to wait A bill proposing to grant a one-off superannuation guarantee amnesty has now been passed by the House of Representatives, as the ATO urges employers not to w...ait before the measure becomes law. Tax&Compliance Jotham Lian 02 December 2019 1 minute read Treasury Laws Amendment (Recovering Unpaid Superannuation) Bill 2019 has now been passed by the lower house without any amendments, and will now be debated in the Senate. The SG amnesty provides for a one-off amnesty to encourage employers to self-correct historical SG non-compliance dating from 1 July 1992 to 24 May 2018. It will allow employers to claim tax deductions for payments of SG charge or contributions made during the amnesty period to offset SG charge, as well as remove the administrative component and the Part 7 penalty that may otherwise apply in relation to historical SG non-compliance. The new bill will also impose minimum penalties on employers who fail to come forward during the amnesty period by limiting the commissioner’s ability to remit penalties below 100 per cent of the amount of SG charge payable. ‘Don’t hold off’ ATO deputy commissioner James O’Halloran had earlier told the PwC Payroll Managers Forum that employers should not hold off from disclosing past SG non-compliance in anticipation of the SG amnesty. We understand some employers may be ‘holding off’ lodging an SGC statement in anticipation of the amnesty, Mr O’Halloran said. We advise them not to do this as the law requires them to lodge the SGC; if they hold off and they’re notified we’re examining their affairs, they won’t be eligible for the amnesty; and if they lodge now and the law is passed, in its current form it is retrospective. Since the announcement of the proposed amnesty on 24 May 2018, 7,000 employers have since come forward to voluntarily disclose. Mr O’Halloran stressed that the Tax Office would continue to administer the law in its current form before the bill is passed. Pending passage of the law, we’ll continue to process disclosures made by employers lodging SG charge statement (SGC) in accordance with current law as well as our ongoing SG audit work, he said. The SGC includes a liability for the mandatory administration component of $20 per employee per quarter for SCG statements lodged. If the amnesty becomes law, we’ll update with instructions for employers who are yet to disclose, explaining how they can apply. Jotham Lian Jotham Lian Jotham Lian is the news editor of Accountants Daily, the leading source of breaking news, analysis and insight for Australian accounting professionals.

21.01.2022 Here are some basic tips that may help you 'get ahead'. I can give you basic advice on how to manage your income when I help you with your tax return.

20.01.2022 Here is the Autumn edition of the Golden Bay Good Times with a focus on the community during this difficult time. To stay connected with those not on facebook, ...this newsletter is emailed to the GBPA members and a limited number will be printed off and made available from the Golden Bay shops. Please continue to look out for one another. See more

19.01.2022 Hi everyone In case you don't know, this is the link to register for information for the JobKeeper payments

18.01.2022 The dangers of not using an experienced Tax Agent to complete your tax return are highlighted in this article. I have been preparing tax returns for individuals and businesses for over 30 years so please contact me if you have any doubts about what you may or may nor claim.

17.01.2022 I've seen several of these supposed reports on Facebook and other places. Always remember that if it sounds too good to be true, it probably is. DO A LOT OF RESEARCH BEFORE INVESTING ANYWHERE.

17.01.2022 What follows is a copy of a media release by Home Ministers Senator The Hon Jane Hume. EMPLOYERS, EMPLOYEES and INDIVIDUAL SUB-CONTRACTORS take note. In summary, the Superannuation Guarantee ("SG") amnesty is to be revived....Continue reading

17.01.2022 Check with me to make sure that all your claims are correct and your claims are all allowed.

16.01.2022 ANOTHER WARNING about making sure you lodge your tax return through the correct channels. Use a registered Tax Agent for your tax so that you know that your return is going to the right place. Contact me if you want any help, remembering that although the Tax Office says you must lodge by 31 October, if you let me know TOMORROW 31 October, I can get an extension for you.

14.01.2022 This is a reminder that everyone should pay their debts on time as it can affect their ability to borrow or open new bank accounts if they need to in the future. Don't forget the extra interest you would be whacked with for being late as well.

11.01.2022 The Tax Office will not call you for a tax debt and they NEVER ask for vouchers or anything other than cash $$$$ into their bank account by BPay, cheque or through the Post Office payment system. Be alert whenever anyone calls for money and do NOT pay with a voucher or gift card.

10.01.2022 Some things about reducing your debt levels that we should all remember.

10.01.2022 This article is a reminder to all in the "cash economy" that you may be selected for special attention from the Tax Office. The ATO has adopted a policy of visiting hundreds of businesses in particular areas where they have reason to believe tax obligations may not be met correctly. They have been to areas in most other States so somewhere in WA should be on their list soon. Hornsby, Healesville businesses next up for ATO visits The ATO is set to visit just under 1,000 small... businesses in Melbourne and Sydney as it acts on community tip-offs on potential black economy behaviour. Business Jotham Lian 22 August 2019 1 minute read Around 400 businesses in Healesville, Victoria, and 500 businesses in Hornsby, New South Wales, have been marked out by the ATO for a planned visit in August and September. These visits are part of the 10,000 businesses that the ATO is hoping to visit each year over the next four years as part of its new strategy to target the black economy. For businesses in Healesville, the Tax Office will be looking to act on community tip-offs that have suggested that certain industries like the building and construction industry are gaining an unfair competitive edge over their honest competitors. People from the Healesville area have told us about some building and construction businesses getting an unfair advantage over their honest competitors by not playing by the rules. Community reports from the area have alerted us about sham contracting, underpayments and paying wages in cash, all of which are signs of black economy activities, ATO assistant commissioner Peter Holt said. We take non-compliance of employer obligations seriously and are committed to do the right thing for honest businesses in the area by identifying those who are engaging in black economy practices and ensure a level playing field. Some business may use the cash payments to hide income and not meet other obligations; for example, paying cash wages without keeping records, not declaring cash sales, not recording some sales and other activities to avoid their tax and super obligations. Businesses in Hornsby can expect visits to cover topics including super and PAYG tax withholding obligations, Mr Holt said. Another reason we’re heading to Hornsby is because we know that these local visits give us an opportunity for one-on-one education with businesses about the tools and information they need to correctly register, lodge on time, maintain accurate business records and correct any mistakes, he added. As part of the visits, ATO officers will be providing information about recent changes, such as Single Touch Payroll and the extension of the taxable payments reporting system to certain industries.

08.01.2022 Whilst the Tax Office is trying to push people to lodge their returns by 31 October, I can get an extension for all those whose previous returns are up to date. I just have to let the Tax Office know you are now my client by 31 October if you didn't use a Tax Agent last year or 31 December if you did. If you have outstanding returns and we can lodge 2018 by 31 October, you should still get the extension for 2019.

07.01.2022 This article explores the risks of doing your own tax return and the powers that the Tax Office has to amend your return for a few years after it has been lodged.

06.01.2022 JobKeeper applications are now open, the link to how the Turnover Test is to apply is at the end of the article; if you want any help with this, please contact me.

03.01.2022 Did you know that when I help you with your tax return I will check your superannuation balances and let you know the account(s) that you have - all part of the service

01.01.2022 I really hope that you don't need the advice contained in this article from the ABC but if you do I hope that you find it helpful

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