Command51 in Sydney, Australia | Brand
Locality: Sydney, Australia
Phone: +61 1300 266 651
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25.01.2022 In the heart of the North Sydney CBD is where we do some of our best work! Making sure all our venues are clean and hygienic is this crazy time @commodorehotel ... * * * * * #commercialcleaning #commercialcleaningservice #commercialcleaningservices #commercialcleaningcompany #professionalcleaning #pubcleaning #hotelcleaning #publife #hôtel #hotelgoals #northsydney #commodorehotel #pubs #hospitalitylife #hospitalitycleaners #restaurantcleaning #restaurantcleaningcompany #pubcleaning #pubclean #clubcleaning #clubclean #foodielove #publifestyle #hotelcleaning See more
24.01.2022 Love that we clean this baby Such a well known icon that literally is the face of Australian Country Music. #tamworth #goldenguitar #australiancountrymusic #icon #Command51 #C51 #letushandleyourdirtywork #cleanlinessisnexttogodliness #freeupyourtime #partoftheteam #qualityservice #cleaning #clean #professionalcleaners #sparklyclean #shiny #miltarygradecleaners #loveourwork #proudofourwork #decontamination #cleanliness #deepclean #cleaningcompany #keepitclean #cleanupcrew #cleanuptime #cleanliness #cleanlinessisnexttogodliness #cleanenvironment #stayclean
24.01.2022 R U O K ? Today is such an important day!!! Please check on your family, on your friends and on all the ripple you know. There is always someone to lean on. Lifeline is an invaluable service if you feel you can’t talk to people you know. Mental health is so important. You never have to suffer alone ... ____ #ruok #moretosayafterruok #supporteachother #supporteachother #choosekind #bethechange #bethechange #madeformore #therecanbepeace #calmmind #calmmindopenheart #openheart #mentalhealthawarenessday #youcanheal #Command51 #C51 #letushandleyourdirtywork #cleanlinessisnexttogodliness #freeupyourtime #partoftheteam #qualityservice See more
22.01.2022 Happy Birthday to Damian, one of our owners. Hope you have a wonderful day
21.01.2022 ICONIC SYDNEY Command51 making sure the @orient_hotel is sparkling ___... #Command51 #C51 #letushandleyourdirtywork #cleanlinessisnexttogodliness #freeupyourtime #partoftheteam #qualityservice #cleaning #clean #professionalcleaners #sparklyclean #shiny #miltarygradecleaners #loveourwork #proudofourwork #decontamination #cleanliness #deepclean #cleaningcompany #pubcleaning #hotelcleaning #publife #hôtel #hotelgoals
20.01.2022 Handing out the Christmas presents to our wonderful clients . Have a very Merry Christmas ___ #christmas2020 #christmaspresents #thegiftofgiving #loveourclients #heretosupport #commercialcleaning #commercialcleaningservice #commercialcleaningservices #commercialcleaningcompany #professionalcleaning #Command51 #C51 #letushandleyourdirtywork #cleanlinessisnexttogodliness #freeupyourtime #partoftheteam #qualityservice #decontamination #virusfree #containment #stopthespread #washyourhandsplease #handhygiene #socialdistancing2020 #doingourpart #thenewnormal #keepingyousafe #fogging #disinfectionservices #disinfectant
20.01.2022 Ah Versace . Doesn’t matter the venue! We got you covered ___... #commercialcleaning #commercialcleaningservice #commercialcleaningservices #commercialcleaningcompany #professionalcleaning #Command51 #C51 #letushandleyourdirtywork #cleanlinessisnexttogodliness #freeupyourtime #partoftheteam #qualityservice #keepitclean #cleanupcrew #cleanuptime #cleanliness #cleanlinessisnexttogodliness #cleanenvironment #stayclean
20.01.2022 Happy Friday . Hope you have a wonderful weekend with your people ____ #kingscliff #kingscliffsurfclub #northernnsw #c51 #command51 #teamworkmakesthedreamwork #teamwork #dreamteam ... #cleaning #clean #professionalcleaners #sparklyclean #shiny #miltarygradecleaners #loveourwork #proudofourwork #decontamination #cleanliness #deepclean #cleaningcompany See more
18.01.2022 Shiny, shiny windows ___ * *... * * * #Command51 #C51 #letushandleyourdirtywork #cleanlinessisnexttogodliness #freeupyourtime #partoftheteam #qualityservice #pubcleaning #hotelcleaning #publife #hôtel #hotelgoals #cleaning #clean #professionalcleaners #sparklyclean #shiny #miltarygradecleaners #loveourwork #proudofourwork #decontamination #cleanliness #deepclean #cleaningcompany See more
18.01.2022 HAPPY FRIDAY . Our support crew is the best support crew. No matter how hard we work, seeing the smile on these two make life worthwhile. __ *... * * * * #Command51 #C51 #letushandleyourdirtywork #cleanlinessisnexttogodliness #freeupyourtime #partoftheteam #qualityservice #keepitclean #cleanupcrew #cleanuptime #cleanliness #cleanlinessisnexttogodliness #cleanenvironment #stayclean #commercialcleaning #commercialcleaningservice #commercialcleaningservices #commercialcleaningcompany #professionalcleaning #pubcleaning #hotelcleaning #publife #hôtel #hotelgoals #professionalcleaning #professionalcleaningservices #cleaningbusiness #cleaners #commercialcleaning #commercialcleaningservice See more
18.01.2022 When you need to mask but you have zero idea what you are doing... Dad, it’s upside down silly
17.01.2022 The family that works together, stays together. Love our Mother and Son team ___... * * * * * #Command51 #C51 #letushandleyourdirtywork #cleanlinessisnexttogodliness #freeupyourtime #partoftheteam #qualityservice #cleaning #clean #professionalcleaners #sparklyclean #shiny #miltarygradecleaners #loveourwork #proudofourwork #decontamination #cleanliness #deepclean #cleaningcompany #keepitclean #cleanupcrew #cleanuptime #cleanliness #cleanlinessisnexttogodliness #cleanenvironment #stayclean
16.01.2022 Merry Christmas from everyone at Command51 ____ #merrychristmas2020 #christmas2020 #Command51 #C51 #letushandleyourdirtywork #cleanlinessisnexttogodliness #freeupyourtime #partoftheteam #qualityservice
16.01.2022 NOW THIS IS INCREDIBLE!!! . Our awesome staff went on a slim down challenge during November. A whopping 50 kilos was removed this crew!!! AND a whopping $2,000 was raised for the Sydney Children's Hospital Randwick. . So proud of our crew and all the hard work that went into making November 2020 a healthy one ... ____ * * * * * #Command51 #C51 #letushandleyourdirtywork #cleanlinessisnexttogodliness #freeupyourtime #partoftheteam #qualityservice #slimdown #raisingmoney #sydneychildrenshospital #loseweight #behealthy #raisingmoneyforthechildrenshospital #cleaningandslimming #cleaning #clean #professionalcleaners #sparklyclean #shiny #miltarygradecleaners #loveourwork #proudofourwork #decontamination #cleanliness #deepclean #cleaningcompany
15.01.2022 It's not long now... Santa is getting his sleigh ready for the big day We think he may be using one of our trucks this year, don't you think it looks like a reindeer??? *... * * * * #Christmas2020 #c51sleigh #santashelper #santastruck #Command51 #C51 #letushandleyourdirtywork #cleanlinessisnexttogodliness #freeupyourtime #partoftheteam #qualityservice See more
15.01.2022 F R I Y A Y . Enjoy your weekend and remember to KEEP IT CLEAN ... ___ * * * * * #Command51 #C51 #letushandleyourdirtywork #cleanlinessisnexttogodliness #C51cap #C51capontour #travel #Command51 #C51 #letushandleyourdirtywork #cleanlinessisnexttogodliness #freeupyourtime #partoftheteam #qualityservice #cleaning #clean #professionalcleaners #sparklyclean #shiny #miltarygradecleaners #loveourwork #proudofourwork #decontamination #cleanliness #deepclean #cleaningcompany See more
15.01.2022 F O G I T B A B Y . . . . When you need to be certain your environment is clean - WE GOT YOU!!! . TGA approved to kill COVID19 in 30 seconds!... Eliminates 99.999% of pathogens WITHIN SECONDS Hospital grade disinfectant Non-Toxic and Non-Corrosive All natural . Why take the risk when there is a solution? Let us help you! . #nswrugbyleague #killcoviddead #killcorona #hospitalgrade #fogging #keepitclean #cleanupcrew #cleanuptime #cleanliness #cleanlinessisnexttogodliness #cleanenvironment #stayclean #Command51 #C51 #letushandleyourdirtywork #freeupyourtime #partoftheteam #qualityservice #decontamination #virusfree #containment #stopthespread #washyourhandsplease #handhygiene #socialdistancing2020 #doingourpart #thenewnormal #keepingyousafe #disinfectionservices #disinfectant See more
15.01.2022 No matter how high, no matter how low, we got you covered. We are known for our attention to detail If you are in need of a cleaning company in this crazy new normal, there is no need to look any further - we know how to make any venue sparkle *... * * * * #Command51 #C51 #letushandleyourdirtywork #cleanlinessisnexttogodliness #freeupyourtime #partoftheteam #qualityservice #commercialcleaning #commercialcleaningservice #commercialcleaningservices #commercialcleaningcompany #professionalcleaning #keepitclean #cleanupcrew #cleanuptime #cleanliness #cleanlinessisnexttogodliness #cleanenvironment #stayclean #professionalcleaning #professionalcleaningservices #cleaningbusiness #cleaners #commercialcleaning #commercialcleaningservice See more
15.01.2022 H A P P Y B I R T H D A Y M A T T Y Another year older for one of our incredible owners. If you happen to see him today, don't forget to wish him a Happy Birthday ... Happy Birthday Matty and we all hope you have a wonderful day * * * * * #Command51 #C51 #letushandleyourdirtywork #cleanlinessisnexttogodliness #freeupyourtime #partoftheteam #qualityservice #Command51 #C51 #letushandleyourdirtywork #cleanlinessisnexttogodliness #C51cap #C51capontour #travel #cleaning #clean #professionalcleaners #sparklyclean #shiny #miltarygradecleaners #loveourwork #proudofourwork #decontamination #cleanliness #deepclean #cleaningcompany See more
14.01.2022 Seems its more than just Sam who likes to eat ... . Enjoy your Sunday ____ .... . . . . #Command51 #C51 #letushandleyourdirtywork #cleanlinessisnexttogodliness #freeupyourtime #partoftheteam #qualityservice #hospitalitylife #hospitalitycleaners #restaurantcleaning #restaurantcleaningcompany #pubcleaning #pubclean #clubcleaning #clubclean #foodielove #publifestyle #hotelcleaning #keepitclean #cleanupcrew #cleanuptime #cleanliness #cleanlinessisnexttogodliness #cleanenvironment #stayclean
13.01.2022 Watch out THE BEAST is out and about... ___ * * *... * * #Command51 #C51 #letushandleyourdirtywork #cleanlinessisnexttogodliness #freeupyourtime #partoftheteam #qualityservice #Command51 #C51 #letushandleyourdirtywork #cleanlinessisnexttogodliness #C51cap #C51capontour #travel #cleaning #clean #professionalcleaners #sparklyclean #shiny #miltarygradecleaners #loveourwork #proudofourwork #decontamination #cleanliness #deepclean #cleaningcompany See more
10.01.2022 No matter the venue, we’ve got you covered and can have a package tailored to your individual needs
08.01.2022 S N A P . When all the things need to be clean - we got you . ... * * * * * #gymcleaning #workoutlife #workoutselfie #commercialcleaning #commercialcleaningservice #commercialcleaningservices #commercialcleaningcompany #professionalcleaning #Command51 #C51 #letushandleyourdirtywork #cleanlinessisnexttogodliness #freeupyourtime #partoftheteam #qualityservice #cleaning #clean #professionalcleaners #sparklyclean #shiny #miltarygradecleaners #loveourwork #proudofourwork #decontamination #cleanliness #deepclean #cleaningcompany See more
08.01.2022 Happy Friday Australia Have a happy and clean weekend Love, C51 ___... * * * * * #Command51 #C51 #letushandleyourdirtywork #cleanlinessisnexttogodliness #freeupyourtime #partoftheteam #qualityservice #professionalcleaning #professionalcleaningservices #cleaningbusiness #cleaners #commercialcleaning #commercialcleaningservice #cleaning #clean #professionalcleaners #sparklyclean #shiny #miltarygradecleaners #loveourwork #proudofourwork #decontamination #cleanliness #deepclean #cleaningcompany See more
07.01.2022 Happy Staff, Happy Life. . Getting all the feels with this smilie pic __ ... * * * * * #keepitclean #cleanupcrew #cleanuptime #cleanliness #cleanlinessisnexttogodliness #cleanenvironment #stayclean #commercialcleaning #commercialcleaningservice #commercialcleaningservices #commercialcleaningcompany #professionalcleaning #officecleaning #officecleaningservice #professionalcleaners #professionalcleaning #professionalcleaningservices #cleaningbusiness #cleaners #commercialcleaning #commercialcleaningservice #Command51 #C51 #letushandleyourdirtywork #cleanlinessisnexttogodliness #freeupyourtime #partoftheteam #qualityservice See more
06.01.2022 Ohhh what a beautiful space Our awesome staff aren’t that bad either ____ #pubcleaning #hotelcleaning #publife #hôtel #hotelgoals #commercialcleaning #commercialcleaningservice #commercialcleaningservices #commercialcleaningcompany #professionalcleaning #Command51 #C51 #letushandleyourdirtywork #cleanlinessisnexttogodliness #freeupyourtime #partoftheteam #qualityservice #hospitalitylife #hospitalitycleaners #restaurantcleaning #restaurantcleaningcompany #pubcleaning #pubclean #clubcleaning #clubclean #foodielove #publifestyle #hotelcleaning
01.01.2022 And just like that it’s Friday again May your weekend be as happy as this cutie pie #friday #friyay #happyfriday #enjoytheweekend #Command51 #C51 #letushandleyourdirtywork #cleanlinessisnexttogodliness #freeupyourtime #partoftheteam #qualityservice
01.01.2022 Happy Friday Peeps, Happy Friday ___ * *... * * * #Command51 #C51 #letushandleyourdirtywork #cleanlinessisnexttogodliness #freeupyourtime #partoftheteam #qualityservice #keepitclean #cleanupcrew #cleanuptime #cleanliness #cleanlinessisnexttogodliness #cleanenvironment #stayclean #Command51 #C51 #letushandleyourdirtywork #cleanlinessisnexttogodliness #C51cap #C51capontour #travel See more
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