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Communified Inc


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25.01.2022 I cannot pretend to understand the depths of pain that losing a child brings, but I can listen, and I can be always patient and kind

23.01.2022 AUGUST WARRIOR // WILLIAM William is definitely a warrior. Every hurdle William is presented with, he will always find one way or another to get over it. He’s a happy three-and-a-half-year-old with the most infectious smile around. nothing bothers him. William was diagnosed with Renal Coloboma Syndrome when he was a baby, a condition that affects kidney and eye development. William had his left kidney removed at 6 months old and is vision impaired. William has also been diag...nosed with laryngomalacia, a condition that affects the vocal cords and impacts breathing and swallowing. He has had several ENT surgeries and receives speech therapy, OT and physio each week to help manage his conditions. William also has a mild hearing loss. William’s swallowing issues also mean feeding can be tricky and he requires lots of extra supports and modifications to his diet to keep him safe and allow him to still enjoy the foods all little boys love. William is non-verbal which makes it difficult for him to let his family know what he needs however, those who know William well, tend to know what it is he wants. His family are currently learning sign language so that they can communicate with William and he can communicate with his family. His family are hoping that that will make things easier for him. Due to William’s developmental delay he also sometimes doesn’t recognise risk or danger, which means he can be at risk for accidents this means his family need to watch him all the time to keep him safe. William was also just recently diagnosed with cerebral palsy and epilepsy. William loves the Wiggles; he loves jumping on his trampoline and playing in the garden. William loves anything he can spin, including wheels. William has just learnt to play with cars, and absolutely loves racing his cars up and down the hallway with mum, dad and his big brother Brandon. William had to have a big break away from his day care recently, due to the risk of covid. But he has just returned back and was very excited to see all his day care buddies again. William is currently learning how to climb stairs, so he is able to climb up to the top of his slide by himself. Please send mail for William to PO Box 182, Greenwood WA 6924

22.01.2022 Thanks to your generous donations, this beautiful journal is on its way to a newly diagnosed family, to help them keep track of treatments, questions and thoughts during this overwhelming time, and to let them know they don't have to go through this alone

21.01.2022 In this beautiful, heartfelt letter, Ruth shares what she's learned while living with cancer. "Getting cancer will teach you that, not only is it ok to ask for help, but it will actually make life a lot easier." This is one of the simplest and most difficult lessons of all.... Our hearts go out to Ruth and her family.

20.01.2022 Who has downloaded the CovidSafe app? I installed it tonight It can help protect your family by letting you know if you've been in close contact with a confirmed case. I know that some people are worried about this app.... I'm a professional software engineer and have some understanding of how the system works, so if anyone has concerns I'd be happy to try to address them for you. See more

19.01.2022 Get your pens ready and show your support for Sam this month by writing to him at PO Box 182, Greenwood WA 6024. NOVEMBER'S WARRIOR // SAM Sam is a kind and gentle three year old boy who loves sisters Nadia (who lives with her mum in Melbourne) and Mia. In February this year he was diagnosed with Acute lymphoblastic leukaemia, a type of cancer that affects the blood and bone marrow and began treatment with intensive chemotherapy. ... Sam spent the first 2 weeks of his chemotherapy in hospital. He then spent 5 days at home and was able celebrated his 3rd birthday with his family, before returning to the hospital for the next 6 weeks. Because of Covid-19 he was only allowed to have one parent with him at a time and wasn’t able to see Mia. It was really hard for him because he didn’t understand why he couldn’t go home. Due to the treatment with chemotherapy, he has a weakened immune system. This means that Sam has had to withdraw from everything that would put him at risk of getting an infection. He, therefore, hasn’t been able to go to day-care this year and hasn’t been able to see his friends. He has only been able to go to the park 3 times in the past 6 months. He is a very strong and understanding little 3-year-old. He gets sad at times, however, he knows that next year he will be starting Kindy, and will be able to meet lots of new friends. Now with his intensive chemotherapy coming to an end, and the start of a new phase called Long Term Maintenance, he has been able to start living a more ‘normal’ life including going to the beach and even having lunch at the local cafes with Mum and Dad. Sam loves dump trucks and diggers and playing with his electric guitar his grandad bought him for his birthday. He also loves to ride his bike and jump on the trampoline with Mia and play with his dog Rocco. One day he would love to visit the massive mine trucks and maybe even sit in one. Sam enjoys Spider-Man, and all the little boy things. He would love to receive pictures and drawings from lots of different children and people. Something he can always look at when he’s sad and to help him with his treatment.

19.01.2022 Can't love this enough

17.01.2022 Inclusion should be the norm, not the exception. People with disabilities are still people.

16.01.2022 Bullying. It’s not something we talk about much, but it should be. Studies show that children with disabilities or serious medical conditions (especially when ...they’re visible) are at much greater risk of being bullied they’re almost 3 times more likely to be bullied than healthy children. Verbal bullying related to physical appearance and social ostracism are particularly prevalent, and with the advent of cyberbullying these things are now often both more insidious and more hidden. Siblings and parents are also likely to experience bullying at school or at work. Families in the thick of it are already so emotionally drained from supporting their child, that acknowledging, let alone addressing the bullying is almost impossible. So let us speak up in their place. Bullying is not ok. Not ever. And as a society we need to step in and stop it when we see it happening. Help us shine a light share your stories, tell us how they were handled, or what you believe should have been done differently. And remember that if you need to reach out, we’re here for you.

15.01.2022 We love our Government's commitment to phase out single-use plastic, including straws. And we especially love their commitment to understanding and accommodating those with different needs. Hidden away in the comments, I found this:... "There are some circumstances where single-use plastics are important - and we won't overlook those cases. For example, a working group will be established to make sure that the phase-out of plastic straws doesn't negatively impact people requiring straws to meet their life needs. This will include continued supply of certain singleuse plastics to those who need them."

14.01.2022 We know times are tough and not everyone can afford to - but if you're currently working from home please consider donating your bus fare, train ticket, or petrol money so that we can continue our work in the community. #DonateYourCommute

13.01.2022 Have you experienced the WA child mental health system? What are your thoughts? I'll start. I have spent hours calling every paediatrician I could find. Many of those who hadn't already closed their books told me we would need to wait 18 months for an appointment. And even once you get in, getting taken seriously can take many more months.... When a child needs help, they need it NOW. Children matter. It's time to take their mental health seriously.

12.01.2022 The City is developing nine all-abilities playgrounds in the next two years to improve access to play areas for local young people with disability. All-abilitie...s playgrounds are designed with play equipment for all children and contribute to a more inclusive community. One of the biggest all-abilities projects is a $1 million facility at Mary Carroll Park in the heart of Gosnells, while eight other projects will be developed across the City to ensure good access to all-abilities playgrounds for everyone. See below the recently completed all-abilities playground at Tom Bateman Reserve. Read more about the project here

09.01.2022 Until it happens to you, it's hard to appreciate just how a cancer diagnosis turns your life completely on its head. Unfortunately, that's something our wonderful fundraising manager and Board member Kathy has just learned first hand, with the diagnosis of her beautiful grandson. Our love and thoughts are with Kathy and her family during this difficult time. <3

09.01.2022 Story of my life

09.01.2022 Having privilege can mean there are things that you just don't realise are problematic. But when we know better, we can do better.

08.01.2022 Warrior Mail by Communified is back from July 1!! We're so excited to be able to restart our Warrior Mail project, which was temporarily suspended due to covid-19. Keep an eye out for our post on July 1 or join our email list and get the Warriors' stories delivered straight to your inbox ...

07.01.2022 Constance Hall has pretty much summed up how we feel about all the wonderful people who volunteer with our Dial an Elf by Communified project, be they cleaners, gardeners, cooks or handy people

04.01.2022 We've got some very exciting news the Communified family is growing!! Jane, founder of our Wrapped In Love project, is getting ready to welcome a new baby in August. (Congratulations Jane!!) But due to the imminent new arrival, we’re asking for your help to deliver love to children in need. To keep up with requests, we need to start delivering more blankets by post, and each delivery costs around $20. Jane started Wrapped in Love in 2017, after her son went through treatme...nt for cancer. Thomas was diagnosed with Rhabdomyosarcoma (cancer of the connective tissue) just after his second birthday, and spent a lot of time in hospital going through treatment. He always loved to get cosy whilst he was in there, and was lucky to be generously gifted a couple of gorgeous blankets, which are still very special to him and his family, providing a constant reminder that he was in people’s thoughts. Since then, Wrapped in Love by Communified have delivered a whopping 132 blankets lovingly handcrafted by our team of talented volunteers, bringing comfort and joy to children fighting big battles. This EOFY we're hoping to raise $2000 - enough to deliver another 100 blankets. Please sponsor a delivery today.

03.01.2022 And hospital sleep is the worst of all!!

03.01.2022 We have a gorgeous toddler bed that was payed forward to one of our families, and is now ready to find a new home again! It is still in fabulous condition with all the bedding. The current owner used the mattress protector and fitted sheet only, so the top sheet and pillowcases were unused by them. It's a great little bed - their son fit in it until he was 8! You will need to collect from Banksia Grove.... If you're interested please comment below - each comment will be assigned a number and we'll use a random number generator to select our lucky recipient at 2pm Friday.

03.01.2022 WARRIOR MAIL IS BACK!! Please join us this month in celebrating 4 year old Bailey. Bailey is a beautiful little man who loves dinosaurs, his dogs (the family have 2) and everything outdoors. ... Originally from Kalgoorlie, Bailey and his family have been stuck in Perth for over 12 months for treatment- away from all they hold dear. He missed out on 4yo kindy, but is hoping to start preschool mid-year when they are allowed home. Bailey has been diagnosed with T-cell acute lymphoblastic leukaemia and is undergoing chemotherapy. The most difficult part for Bailey has been being away from family and home. The family have rented in Perth so they can bring Bailey’s beloved dogs with them. Bailey is so resilient and he loves being outside with the dogs and also dinosaurs, bikes, camping and of course, his family. Please write to Bailey at PO Box 182, Greenwood WA 6924.

03.01.2022 It's been a long time coming (thanks covid-19 ) but Sophie has finally received her Warrior Mail delivery! When we first asked you to write to her, Sophie was in Melbourne waiting for a donor heart, as her own heart was damaged by her treatment for bone cancer. We're so happy to share the news that Sophie's transplant went well and she is now recovering at home in Perth. A huge thank you to everyone who contributed.

03.01.2022 Oh my gosh you guys!! We are absolutely blown away with the support you are all showing for our wonderful Wrapped In Love project - we're just $200 away from our goal!! Who will crack the big 2k for us?

01.01.2022 SEPTEMBER'S WARRIOR // XAVIER Please support Xavier by writing to him at: PO Box 182, Greenwood WA 6924 ... Xavier has been through so much in his short time on earth. Born with craniosynotosis (fused skull) it was thankfully determined at age 1 there is enough space for brain growth and would only impact him cosmetically. Xavier was in pain for many years and it took a long while for doctors to diagnosis but after allergy tests, blood tests and further endoscopies & other scopes at five he was diagnosed with both coeliac diseases, where the body can’t digest gluten causing inflammation in the intestines and the rare disease Eoe. EoE is a condition where the oesophagus, the tube that sends food from the mouth to the stomach become badly inflamed due to the cells not working properly. Because there is no known way to fix or prevent Eoe, extreme food elimination diet are the starting point. Being a child and always missing out on birthday party food, school treats, Bunnings sausage sizzles and everything in between is very isolating for him. Because of this, many children don’t even invite Xavier to birthday parties, and he misses out on so much. While often sad about missing out he never complains. He would love warrior mail to help him feel less lonely and positively thought of, in a world that is not all that easy when so many events in life revolve around food. Xavier is really strong, and always wants to help others as he knows how it feels to be left out all the time. Because of his diagnosis’s Xavier is much smaller (shorter and tinier than the average 8 year old). He wears size 4 pants the same as his 4 year old brother and his parents are hoping they can maintain nutrients to keep him growing and healthy. He has to have lots of doctors’ visits and medical tests, but he is so brave and resilient. He is also an amazing brother who always cares for his family. When Xavier was three and half his sister Madeline was diagnosed with leukaemia and had to receive chemo. This meant he was often shuffled house to house but he didn’t complain once or think of himself. Whenever his older sister got bullied for no hair during cancer, he ran in front of her and explained about cancer to the bully. Xavier gets through everything with a smile and makes the most of bad situations. His mum is so proud of him and the way he uses humour to make others laugh, a coping mechanism for himself. Even if he gets down at times he says things like mum, my sister coped with cancer, so I can get through this (such wisdom for a youngster). He loves playing soccer, and fifa 20 on the Xbox with daddy and playing outside with his younger brother and older sister. He also loves building Lego, riding his bike and playing outside with the neighbourhood children.

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