Community Development Network of the ACT & Region | Community organisation
Community Development Network of the ACT & Region
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25.01.2022 ACTCOSS & ACT Shelter Housing and Homelessness Teleconference COVID19, 3-4pm Mon 4 May ACTCOSS and ACT Shelter are co-hosting a Zoom teleconference for community organisations working in the housing and homelessness sector. The purpose of the teleconference is identify and address any issues arising amidst the COVID-19 health emergency, and to determine what advocacy is needed, in what form, and by whom. We intend to hold these meetings fortnightly. The next meeting will be h...eld: 3.00pm-4.00pm Monday 4 May 2020 ACTCOSS and ACT Shelter are keen to support and undertake advocacy based on the needs of service providers and clients. Please don't hesitate to get in touch at any stage if there are issues you are concerned about. To attend the meeting, there's no need to RSVP, just use the Zoom link or phone-in options below: Join Zoom Meeting Meeting ID: 964 3086 9776 Password: 002876 One tap mobile +61871501149,,96430869776# Australia +61280156011,,96430869776# Australia Dial by your location +61 2 8015 6011 Australia Meeting ID: 964 3086 9776 Find your local number: -- Geoff Buchanan | Senior Policy Officer (Research and Data) ACT Council of Social Service Inc. (ACTCOSS) e [email protected]
25.01.2022 Let’s make it clear to the Government that its Christmas cut to income support will force so many to make brutal choices between food, bills and medicine, and m...ake celebrating the holidays all but impossible. In the last few weeks, supporters have made hundreds of calls and sent thousands of holiday cards to our government leaders building up to our National Day of Action this Thursday 19 Nov. Join us by delivering a holiday card to a Federal MP, call the Government leadership or even hold your own event! Together we can bring hope to those trying to rebuild their lives and a better future in 2021. TAKE ACTION Join the National Day of Action this Thursday 19 November: #RaisetheRateForGood #StopTheXmasCut
23.01.2022 MIEACT mental health programs fees waived Over the past 6 months our Canberra community has experienced and continues to experience an unprecedented series of crises. The bushfires, hailstorm and the current pandemic have affected the whole of our community deeply, adding increasing stressors to both individuals and our collective mental health and well-being. To support our Canberra community, MIEACT will be waiving the fees on 2 of our workplace programs, Stress Better and ...Trauma Awareness through to the 30th June. Both of these programs are evidence based and designed to address the specific mental health issues facing our community right now. They can be delivered online through MS Teams, Zoom or Google Meets or in person to small groups that meet the current restriction protocols at the time of delivery. 1.Workplace Stress Better - Fee: $1200 (Waived for all bookings to June 30, 2020) Suitable for: staff at all levels of an organisation Effective as: team building program, preparing teams for change, major projects or peak period training, working during a crisis Customised to: address the specific operations of individual workplaces Delivered by: trained educators and guided by the MIEACT DoNoHarm safe story telling framework. 2.Workplace Trauma Awareness - Fee: $1200 (Waived for all bookings to June 30, 2020) Suitable for: front of house, service delivery teams, supervisors and management Customised to: address the specific operations of individual workplaces and/or the impact of specific mental health experiences Delivered by: trained educators and guided by the MIEACT DoNoHarm safe story telling framework. To make a booking or enquiry please contact MIEACT's Client Relations Officer, John Dickson at [email protected] or by phone on 0423 417 838. For more information visit
23.01.2022 Great work again, ACT Council of Social Services! Thanks from the Community Development Network!
19.01.2022 Thank you, again, ACTCOSS, for the outstanding work you - and ACOSS and other State and Territory COSS - are doing. Community workers in the ACT and region, your organisation will be a member of ACTCOSS. I hope these superb updates are getting to you. And, have a great weekend - if that is available to you.
19.01.2022 CDNet share the sadness of Canberra's community sector in expressing our condolences to Sue's family, friends and colleagues.
18.01.2022 Fantastic COVID-19 Update from ACTCOSS last week:
17.01.2022 100 people registered already!
16.01.2022 A useful update on what is happening to support people who are homeless in Canberra at this time. Great work, Early Morning Centre.
15.01.2022 What would you like us to tell the Federal Expenditure Review Committee in our letter about raising the rate of the Jobseeker (newstart, parenting and youth allowance) payment? We are sending it on 12 November
13.01.2022 ANNOUNCING: The Canberra Sustainability Map! This map has been developed by SEE-Change to serve as a reference point for all sustainability-related groups, or...ganisations & activities in our city. If you're a potential volunteer wanting to find a group that's right for you, an organisation looking for others to collaborate with, or you want to learn more about specific sustainability topics - this map is for you! Check out the link below, which includes instructions on how to use the map, plus a PDF version:
12.01.2022 We've put together a summary of the key discussion points from last week's Housing Canberra Affordably: ACT Election 2020 Assembly Leaders' Forum. Read it here...: It includes a summary of the policy presentations on the day, the barriers outlined by community housing sector representatives, and highlights the need to work together to deliver the best outcomes for those in our community who are most in need. #CBRVOTES #socialhousing #affordablehousing #communityhousing #endhomelessness
11.01.2022 Residential Tenancy Mediation Provided on behalf of the ACT Government in response to COVID-19. COVID-19 has had a financial impact on many Canberrans, and this has created many challenges for tenants making their rent repayments. On Wednesday 6th May 2020, the ACT Government announced its latest support measures for tenants and landlords to work together to put temporary arrangements into place that keep people in their homes during this difficult time.... As of Monday 11th May 2020, CRS will be providing free mediation services to the Canberra community for residents and landlords struggling to reach a mutual rental agreement. Conflict Resolution Service is a long-standing, trusted provider of mediation services in our community and has a panel of qualified mediators that they can draw upon. I am confident that they can provide restorative, impartial support to both landlords and tenants to deal with the difficult issues COVID-19 has caused for our residential tenancies landscape, Attorney-General Ramsay said. Our mission is to provide accredited professional dispute resolution services to reduce the emotional and financial impact of conflict in our community Mel Haley, CRS Chief Executive Officer said. We are committed to support the Canberra community and continue to provide alternative dispute resolution methods. CRS are currently offering free support and advice over the phone for conflict with neighbours or in the family home. We are continuing to provide crucial services throughout the COVID-19 pandemic which will now include facilitated mediations between landlords and tenants. Haley said. Attorney-General Gordon Ramsay said that ACT Government has encouraged landlords and tenants to share the economic burden and to start a conversation on how this can work.
10.01.2022 Argyle Housing Winter Lodge Opening 11 May 2020 (located at Ainslie Village) Please find below, information regarding the opening of Argyle Housing Winter Lodge for men sleeping rough from 11 May 2020. This initiative is part of the ACT Government's funding announced to provide support for people facing homelessness or domestic and family violence arising from the COVID-19 pandemic. This information is being forwarded on behalf of Argyle Housing's CEO, Wendy Middleton. Introducing the Winter Lodge, a place to stay and keep warm. The ACT Government and Argyle Housing are delivering accommodation for men sleeping rough as we come up to the winter months. Located in Ainslie Village at 23 Quick Street Campbell, men can be referred to Winter Lodge up to 5:00pm each day with no entry after 8:00pm Key Winter Lodge service points: * Referral and applications can be emailed through to: [email protected] * There are limited beds and the service is available on a first come, first served basis * This is an overnight service although there is the potential to stay up to a maximum of 7 days. Argyle Housing staff will assist them in finding appropriate long-term housing if required * All men entering Winter Lodge will adhere and sign an agreement to stay under the existing Ainslie Village Social Code of conduct.
10.01.2022 Free 45-minute webinar to support not for profits:
08.01.2022 If you or someone you know missed the Housing Canberra Affordably - ACT Election 2020 Assembly Leaders' Forum yesterday, you can watch the replay at this link (skip to 14.06 to start): Our ACT Assembly leaders were asked about their plans to deliver affordable housing solutions, particularly for Canberrans locked out of the private housing market.... #CBRVOTES #socialhousing #affordablehousing Yvette Berry Shane Rattenbury MLA Mark Parton MLA ACT Shelter
07.01.2022 As the CEO Sleepout started 10 minutes ago, I better show you my digs for my night on the pavers under the Hills Hoist where the territorial possums occupy a ru...n that trips the sensor light. A night in the cold does not simulate homelessness as a lived experience. If you want to know what that is like, talk to the people who live it in your cities and towns, if you're comfortable doing that and they are open to that chat. People sleeping out, in cars and refuges, on couches and in boarding houses where eviction at a moment's notice, exploitation, hard drug dealing and use, robbery, sexual assault and violence are clear and present dangers are the experts. They will also remind you, as they have told me, when I judged them with my eyes - the person you're talking to at that moment, had a life before homelessness. They have lives now too. Lives that can be dramatically improved, with affordable, safe and secure homes and access to services to support them to stay housed. Hot food and showers, laundered clothes, mobile phone credit, a non-judgemental 'street friendly doctor' and a social worker who can work inside and outside systems to get you shit you need, you can't get yourself are really valuable. They make the experience of homelessness - less shit. Actually, jury's out on the social worker! Without a secure housing outcome you can afford to sustain, however, they manage but don't END homelessness. Street homelessness ends lives in Australia, 22 years earlier on average than the lives of people who are stably housed. That is a gap 7 years greater than smoking a pack of durrys a day from age 16 onwards. Where is the $600 million public health campaign on the importance of housing as a social determinant of health. Like nicotine replacement therapy, we offer housing replacement therapy. It doesn't resolve homelessness, it can even prolong it. If you've only experienced homelessness for 3 months, your health outcomes are comparable to your peers. If your experience goes on for more than 5 yerars, you are 12 times more likely to be sectioned under the mental health act, 9 times more likely to be hospitalised for a chronic illness and 12 times more likely to need ongoing treatment for a health condition than if you had never gone without decent quality housing. That is why ENDING rather than MANAGING homelessness is such an important message for me to deliver to decision-makers and sadly, social media followers, I practice on you. To end homelessness, it takes a home. In the long-term that really matters. A decent home, you can afford, near enough to transport is an enabler. No, not in an AA sense. It enables economic and social participation. A place to call home affords you: - A stable base to complete education, connect to community find and keep employment for those who can work, A private space to share experiences and make memories with family, friends and pets: and (unless you're experiencing abuse, neglect or violence), a sanctuary from the elements - and as we've found out in 2020, stalking horses like plague and pestilence. Without that short-list, I reckon life would get bloody hard, very bloody quickly. So friends, if you're able, please consider donating via my page. Thanks!
06.01.2022 Good news! Thank you again, ACTCOSS.
05.01.2022 Via Tenants Union ACT: new information about bond disputes at ACAT, simple steps outlined for you.
05.01.2022 Free International assets and strengths (un)conference this week 24-25 June A large global planning team has co-desigined an international assets and strengths (un)conference which is rolling across the world over 48 hours this week, including 42 sessions, 22 countries and a massive 1,200 individuals registrations so far and, IT’S FREE Anyone can sign up for sessions and please feel free to share the link around your networks: Shout out to for being part of this great initiative in our part of the world.
04.01.2022 We're looking for a part time Policy & Project Officer, initially on a six month contract. The Policy and Projects Officer works with and under the supervision ...of the Policy and Development Director to deliver projects and activities which support the youth sector in the ACT. This position aims to provide support to existing team members who work across policy, sector development, projects and communications. This provides the opportunity to engage in and build experience across a range of the Youth Coalition’s areas of work. Visit for more information, including a full position description and how to apply.
04.01.2022 The event is co-presented in the run up to the ACT election by the Community Housing Industry Association and ACT Shelter, who have invited ACT Assembly Leaders Andrew Barr, Alistair Coe and Shane Rattenbury to speak on their plans for affordable housing. Local providers of social and affordable housing will seek commitments to incentives and investment. Please circulate among your networks.... https://housing-canberra-affordably-act-election-forum.even
03.01.2022 Services Australia now has 2 audio products about COVID-19 support on Services Australia’s soundcloud playlist that customers can listen to in 12 languages: - Centrelink payments and access options (Arabic, Cantonese, Gujarati,Hindi, Italian, Korean, Mandarin, Nepali, Punjabi, Tagalog, Urdu and Vietnamese) - Economic Support Payments and coronavirus supplement (Arabic, Assyrian, Cantonese, Croatian, Dari, Greek,... Italian, Korean, Macedonian, Persian (Farsi), Serbian). The audio files, along with the transcripts, can also be accessed via the Affected by coronavirus (COVID-19) webpage. An easy read English product titled How we’re helping people affected by coronavirus (COVID-19) has also been produced and is available on COVID-19 resources for community groups.
03.01.2022 This week's update from ACTCOSS - a wealth of information for the community and community sector.
03.01.2022 New Australian Housing and Urban Research Institute - AHURI research! New research from AHURI, based on a survey of 15,000 people, analyses the impacts of #COV...ID-19 on the increasingly important cohort of Australia’s #renters. The report warns that tenants in Australia are lined up on the brink of a financial precipice - read it here: Other new research from AHURI includes an Inquiry into integrated housing support for vulnerable families. While acknowledging the important and effective role played by crisis services and emergency responders, of key interest is the finding that Specialist Homelessness Services (SHSs) and other human services are not able to compensate for the absence of affordable, suitable housing across the #housing system. You can read it here:
02.01.2022 "Whereas very few retired home owners are in poverty, most retired renters are."
02.01.2022 Over 150 people have registered for this event tomorrow
01.01.2022 Please share this event.
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