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Community of Christ Our Hope

Phone: +61 419 464 353


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16.01.2022 " ... I will walk in the presence of our God, in the land of the living ... " PSALM 115 Weekend Liturgy Saturday/Sunday Feb. 27/28, 2021... REFLECTION ... ... Gidday One and All ! I love The Blue Mountains - west of the Coast, here in Sydney where I live - the sheer cliff faces and valleys; the blue tinge of beauty; the crisp, cool air; the closeness to rugged Nature; the vastness expansive sky; its connection with a 60, 000 year human history Perhaps a good symbol for this weekend's Liturgy could be the mountain, a traditional place in scripture/the bible for an encounter/meeting with God ! You know, there are times in our daily lives when everything is going along smoothly and things are just right; we are on a high, on cloud nine - if only those times would last forever ! But all too soon things change and we come down from "the mountain of good times", or the mountain comes crashing down on us There are mountains, too, in our journey with God - special places and moments when we come face to face with the mystery/a deeply felt truth that is otherwise hidden Hopefully our Lenten Liturgy can be one of those "mountains of encounter" : eventually, like the disciples of Jesus - and Abraham of Old - we have to come down from the mountain and get on with ordinary life But life may not be the same !! SOURCE : Break Open The Word LITURGY/SCRIPTURE READINGS ... ... Genesis 22:1-18 (mountain/Abraham/Isaac) ... Psalm 115 (thanksgiving/reliance/confidence) ... St Paul's Letter to the Community of Christian Romans 8:31-34 (God is for us) ... The Holy Gospel of Mark 9:2-10 (the mountain of revelation/transcendence/transformation /transfigurement/ GATHERING ... ... Saturday Vigil, Monterey Well of Saint Colmcille/Columba; 5.30 pm; Supper to follow; transport as arranged REMEMBERING ... ... those whose Anniversaries occur at this time ... those who have died recently - Cyrille Santos Bautista R.I.P. ... those who need our healing prayers/who are ill - Archbishop Shirley Bugge (partner of Archbishop Frank, ACoA, Melbourne); recovering from Stroke; it has been suggested that we send flowers to Shirley; any contribution/donation would be welcomed : Christ Our Hope Community St George Bank BSB 112-879 A/C 437 453 432 'Shirley Bugge Flowers' ... those celebrating a life milestone ... any Special Intention/s REMINDER ... ... Printed leaflet (Lent/Easter Reflection/Meditation/Contemplation, Courtesy of Caritas Australia), in Mail next week ... St Basil's Gatherings resume, third Sunday in March, downstairs Community Room; we thank Deacon Robin+Community/Residents Keep Well ... Joyful Lenten Blessings ++Peter SHEPHERDGUARDIAN/BISHOP (CoHCommunity, Sydney) ARCHBISHOP (ACoA, NSW Province)

15.01.2022 "...I turn to you, O God, in time of trouble, and you fill me with the joy of salvation..." PSALM 31 Weekend Liturgy Sat Vigil/Sunday February 14, 2021... Hullo Friends/Companions/Custodians ... Fear and Rejection : Leprosy (Hansen's Disease) is still a feared word, even though it has become controllable and curable ... within living memory people who contracted the disease were cut off from family and friends, often in conditions which were hardly human ... in Jesus' time, there was a system of quarantine (COVID 19 ?) but it went far beyond what was required on health grounds : leprosy was associated with sin, so sufferers were treated not as victims but as culprits ... the leper was excluded from the Community as an 'outcast and a sinner' ... in this Weekends Liturgy we hear Jesus reaching out in kindness and compassion and touching a leper (Princess Diana, cradling a child with HIV ?) ... Our Spiritual Leprosy : ' ... if you want to, Jesus ... you can cure me ... ' In what other ways does The Word of God challenge us ? SCRIPTURE READINGS : Leviticus 13, 1-46 1Corinthians 10,31-11,1 Mark 1:40-45 GATHERING/LITURGY : Cabramatta Well of The Beatitudes CustodianGuardian Graham Sunday Feb 14 11 am Lunch to follow REMEMBERING : ... those who are unwell/in need of healing prayer ... those Recently Deceased/whose Anniversaries occur at this time - Boris, brother of Freda/Family/Friends (Melbourne) - Cyrille Santos Bautista/Family/Friends (Warriewood) ... those celebrating a life milestone ... any Special Intention - COVID Pandemic REMINDER : ... the Holy Season of Lent begins next Wednesday, Feb 17 ... Lent is a 40 day penitential time of "re-setting our spiritual lives" with prayer, self-denial and helping others ... it is a preparation for Easter Joy, as we join those who are getting ready for Baptism/Christening How might Lent challenge us in 2021 ? ST BASIL'S, RANDWICK : We are kicking off again in March ! Thankyou, Deacon Robin ... Keep Well, One and All, Summer Blessings ++Peter CoHOPECOMMUNITY/AUSTRALIAN CHURCH OF ANTIOCH


06.01.2022 Ashes to ashes, dust to dust

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