Compact Services Qld | Other
Compact Services Qld
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25.01.2022 COMPACT SERVICES QLD training in OHS and a whole lot more. Contact us today to increase your qualifications or staff training. #Certificate111courses #stafftraining #ohscourses #forklift #workplacesafety
25.01.2022 ARE YOUR STAFF TRAINED IN WHS? If your looking for training explore our 5 day course. Compact Services QLD BSB51315 Diploma of Work Health and Safety #diplomawhs #workplacehealthandsafety #compactservices
25.01.2022 NEED HELP IN GETTING IT RIGHT? Contact Compact Services today for OHS and WHS Certificate Courses. Fully accredited training for your team. #ohs #whs #trainingcourses #safework
24.01.2022 Do you need a forklift license? Contact Compact Services #forkliftlicensebrisbane #ohscourses #whscourses
24.01.2022 A BRAND NEW WEEK! If youre looking for a career change or just up skilling Compact Services have a range of Diploma & Certificate courses. Head over to our website and discover our full range of courses. #cert3courses #foodtechnology #workplacehealthandsafety
22.01.2022 DO YOU NEED FORKLIFT TRAINING FOR YOUR STAFF? Compact Services QLD we'll come to you! #forklifttraining #certificatecourses #compactservicesqld
21.01.2022 ARE YOU IN THE HOSPITALITY OR FOOD INDUSTRY? Would you like to be more qualified? Did you know qualifications mean more income? Theres a really good chance we have the perfect course to launch you into the next career realm. #food #certificatecourses #hospitality
21.01.2022 A BRAND NEW WEEK! If you're looking for a career change or just up skilling Compact Services have a range of Diploma & Certificate courses. Head over to our website and discover our full range of courses. #cert3courses #foodtechnology #workplacehealthandsafety
20.01.2022 We love our new website! For course information visit us at #ohs #whs #certificatecoursesbrisbane
19.01.2022 DID YOU KNOW COMPACT SERVICES QLD are a member of Zero Harm at Work? For more information on our courses contact Compact Services Qld #ohscoursesbrisbane #whscoursesbrisbane #increaseyourchances
19.01.2022 MAKE 2017 YOUR YEAR! Enroll in a Compact Services QLD Certificate 111 Course. #ohscourse #whscourse #forkliftlicense
17.01.2022 DO YOU NEED A LICENSE? We train, you achieve, get licensed with a Compact Services Qld Forklift Courses. Enrol today TLILC2001A Forklift Training and Licensing. #forkliftlicense #trainingcoursesbrisbane #skillup
17.01.2022 Accredited Training upgrade your skills today, contact Compact Services QLD for course information
15.01.2022 SAFEWORK AND RETURN TO WORK AWARDS, you can enter a win!
15.01.2022 GET QUALIFIED WITH OUR CERT III in Food Processing, contact us today or visit our website for more information. #cert111courses #foodtechnologycourse #compactservicesqld
14.01.2022 If your staff need OHS or WHS training Compact Services have the right course for you. #trainingbrisbane #certificatecourses
12.01.2022 Your learning outcome is our focus, for more information contact Compact Services today. Fully accredited training courses. #ohstrainingcourse #whstrainingcourse #accreditedtrainingbrisbane
12.01.2022 Skill up with Compact Services QLD Certificate IV in Work Health and Safety (WHS Advisor) to book your place contact Compact Services.
11.01.2022 DO YOU LIKE LEARNING? We have something to teach, contact us for accredited course in manufacturing, ohs, whs and more. #trrainingcoursesbisbane #compactservices #ohs #whs
10.01.2022 DID YOU KNOW WE RUN ACCREDITED TRAINING COURSES? #trainingbrisbane #ohscoursesbrisbane #whscoursesbrisbane
09.01.2022 PUT YOUR BEST FOOT FORWARD. Enroll today in Compact Services QLD Certificate Course WHS, OHS, Forklift Licensing and a whole lot more. Contact Compact Services QLD today. #ohs #whs #certificatecourses #compactservices
08.01.2022 THANK YOU FOR LIKING OUR NEW FACEBOOK PAGE! #compactservicesqld #facebook #certificatecoursesbrisbane
07.01.2022 DIPLOMA & CERTIFICATE COURSES. Are you thinking of increasing your skills? A Diploma of Work Health and Safety could be the pathway to your new career. For more information visit our website. #diplomacourses #ohscourse #whscourse
07.01.2022 Merry Christmas may your day be full of joy from the team at Compact Services #compactservices #merrychristmas #ohscoursesbrisbane
07.01.2022 NEED FORKLIFT TRAINING? TLILC2001A Forklift Training and Licensing We come to you!... LF Forklift Log Book Training. Dont send your staff off site for 2-3 days and lose their productivity. Designed specifically for the needs of business, our Forklift Training and Assessment Course delivers a Nationally Recognised Outcome. TLILIC2001A Licence to Operate a Forklift Truck 1st Visit - we conduct formal training in your workplace including theory, safe work procedures, workplace safety, hazard identification, forklift components, operation and dynamics. Training plan formalisation and Log Book sign up. 2nd Visit - Once the trainee has completed 40 hours of work in the log book, we return and conduct the formal Workplace Health and Safety Assessment - theory and practical, and complete the required paperwork. Prices start from $420.00 per person GROUP DISCOUNTS APPLY and course includes all training and assessment, theory and practical work, training materials and tools. Minimum Requirements Firstly there are some basic requirements that need to be covered off before we can come and deliver our workplace training and assessments. You will need to be 18 years and over and provide photographic Identification Have a basic understanding of English, writing and reading skills Access to the appropriate equipment for the duration of the course A lunch room or office to conduct theory training with minimal distraction A sizeable area to demonstrate effective and safe driving of a forklift Suitable loads to be shifted Fully enclosed footwear $150 Deposit per person paid a minimum of 3 days prior to commencement Licence Processing Fees Licence processing fees are payable to Australia Post when lodging the forklift licence application on completion of the course. #forklifttraining #forkliftlicensing #compactservicesqueensland
06.01.2022 ARE YOU IN THE FOOD GAME? Theres a good chance our Certificate III in Food Processing course is a great spring board to launch your career prospects! #cert3coursesbrisbane #foodprocessingcourses #ohscourse
06.01.2022 SKILL UP with Compact Services Diploma in Workplace Health and Safety for more information contact us today. #diplomacourse #whscourses #compact services
06.01.2022 COMPACT SERVICES QLD supporting Safe Work place practice. OHS, WHS fully accredited certificate courses. #safeworkaustralia #certificatecoursesohs #whscoursesbrisbane
05.01.2022 What the Queensland Government says on Certificate lll courses. #forklifttrainingcourse #cert3foodprocessing #compactservicesqld
05.01.2022 Certificate IV in Work Health and Safety increase your skills and employment prospects with a Compact Services Qld training course. #trainingcoursesbrisbane #whscourse #ohscourse
03.01.2022 ARE YOU LOOKING FOR CERT IV WHS TRAINING? Ask about Compact Services QLD training courses, get skilled up today. #whscourses #foodprocessingcourses #certificatecoursesqld
03.01.2022 From all of us a Compact Services QLD enjoy the long weekend. #training #ohscourses #compactservicesqld
02.01.2022 Do you need employee training? Compact Services QLD offers a wide range or Certificate and Diploma Courses in OHS and WHS for more information contact Compact today. #ohscourse #whscourse #safework #trainingcourses
02.01.2022 A big thank you to those who like our new Facebook page! #trainingcoursesbrisbane #compactservicesqld
01.01.2022 DO YOU NEED FORKLIFT TRAINING FOR YOUR STAFF? Compact Services QLD well come to you! #forklifttraining #certificatecourses #compactservicesqld