Compassion Kidznet in Sydney, Australia | Childcare service
Compassion Kidznet
Locality: Sydney, Australia
Phone: +61 421 168 258
Address: 7 Plateau Street, North Richmond, NSW 2754 Sydney, NSW, Australia
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25.01.2022 How common are language problems in the early years Talking is an important milestone in children’s development. Most children will know how to say 100 words by the age of 21 months and will start to combine these words into short sentences before they are 2 years old. Children who have limited expressive vocabulary less than 40-50 words at 24 months are identified as late talkers. The frequency of language problems and its impact on literacy and reading later in life speaks to the need for early intervention as soon as speech problems are detected.
25.01.2022 Can parenting programs support children’s development The child-parent relationship has a major influence on most aspects of child development. Parenting programs can improve parent-child interactions by helping parents to better anticipate their children’s developmental changes, carry out child-rearing responsibilities and provide early learning experiences. Successful parenting programs:... Cover many factors, such as consistent caregiving, positive discipline and parental well-being; Address specific types of child behaviour or target specific developmental transitions. See more
24.01.2022 How can you help young children become good readers Children begin to read in their first primary school years but the foundations for reading are laid in the early years. Even very young, children learn to notice and manipulate the sounds of language and learn to recognize and name letters. They can also begin to learn to solve problems, discuss, reflect and make decisions all part of the process of learning to read. The following activities can help children create a s...olid foundation Rhyming games, Singing songs, Reading aloud Playing with letters Certain computer games See more
23.01.2022 Today Monday the 8th of June is a very Special Day. Join Us at Compassion Kidznet As we Celebrate Our Queens Birthday, why not leaving a lovely message to the Queen
21.01.2022 How can parents, teachers facilitate moral and prosocial tendencies Prosocial behavior has its roots in infancy and early childhood. Sharing, cooperating and helping are some of the forms prosocial behavior can take. Skills such as perspective taking, empathy, and self-regulation contribute to the development of prosocial behavior. To enhance early moral development and prosocial skills: Parents can: provide warm and supportive parenting;... use positive discipline; present consistent messages explain right from wrong, and consider each child's own personality and abilities in providing socialization experiences. Educators and teachers can: create emotionally supportive learning environments (e.g., establish positive relationships and promote positive interactions); create caring classroom communities (e.g., authoritative discipline and effective communication practices); teach and reinforce positive social skills, and use collaborative and cooperative learning activities.
21.01.2022 Can e-books and educational apps help children learn language and literacy Screen media are increasingly common in young children's life. It is therefore essential to understand the impact of specific technologies such as tablets or e-books for literacy. Reading books with children is recognized as one of the most important contexts for language and literacy learning in early childhood. Literacy learning has been transformed by digital media that comes in the form of text,, audio and video integrated into entertaining apps that can be delivered to children anywhere on mobile devices. Popular advice to parents is conflicting, ranging from enthusiastic support of educational apps to dire warnings of potential harm. What does the research say about e-books and learning apps for young children First, there is no evidence that babies and toddlers learn language from video and it is wise to limit screen time during the first two years. For preschool age children, e-books and educational apps can be beneficial especially when an adult guides the child’s learning. Parents can read e-books with their child, commenting on the child’s actions and on the story, asking questions, and directing their child’s attention to important aspects of the text and illustrations. Not all educational apps are beneficial. The best apps integrate multimedia features in a way that is congruent with story or learning goal to support learning. Too many bells and whistles in an app can be distracting and interfere with learning. A good quality app will present content in a meaningful context that actively engages the child and allows for creative exploration rather than mere rote-learning.
21.01.2022 Does play-based learning help young children academically Developmentally appropriate practices like play-based learning are valuable for strengthening many areas of development and learning. Play-based learning, which encompasses free play and guided play, provides an excellent environment for fostering young children’s cognitive development. With its combination of child independence and adult support, guided play has proven especially effective to support early learnin...g of new content and skills in mathematics, reading and critical thinking among others. Free play alone is not enough to promote academic learning. Indeed, guided play seems to be the main aspect of playful learning that is required to make academic learning possible. It is used to teach specific learning goals in an engaging manner. Children will still be in charge and therefore in control of their actions during play, but the educators or parents will take an active role of guidance by preparing the environment such as providing certain types of toys,
20.01.2022 Are you looking for a great child care service in Sydney NSW Australia Pickups and drop-offs Assist with all appointments & recreational activities Exciting incursions and excursions Looking after children with special needs... Enteral feeding of Children with gastrostomies See more
19.01.2022 Dose social cognition skills lead to more positive relationships with others in young Children Social cognition, sometimes called emotional intelligence, plays a major role in children’s social and emotional development. Children who become aware of their own and other people’s emotions, motives, desires, and feelings are better able to understand, describe, and predict people’s mental states thoughts, wants and feelings. In turn, these skills help them to: ... Know how to respond to the actions of others. Become sensitive to the psychological state of others. Engage in empathic, cooperative, and pro-social behaviors (e.g., sharing toys and helping others in need). Adopt the perspective of others (e.g., in pretend play). Develop stronger language abilities making them better communicators.
18.01.2022 What attitudes encourage positive gender development in children? Gender socialization is the process through which children learn about the social expectations, attitudes and behaviour typically associated with boys and girls. Very early on young children can already make the difference between males and females, and by age 3 they know their own gender. The best way adults can help support children’s gender development is by:... Exposing them to various types of feminine and masculine toys and activities and to counter-stereotypic models e.g policewomen, male nurses. Creating play environments well suited for either boys or girls. Making sure children have plenty of opportunities to interact with and learn from boys and girls through mixed-gender activities. Letting young children explore other roles.
18.01.2022 Is quality child care important for a healthy child development Early childhood care plays an important role in children’s development and provides valuable support to families with young children. As an increasing number of mothers are now in the workforce and most children ages 3 and older now attend a child care facility on a regular basis, it has become important that young children should have access to high-quality child care and early education. It is, therefore, cr...ucial to understand the impact of these services and to ensure their quality and accessibility. High-quality child care can have a positive influence on children’s development and school readiness by providing valuable educational and social experiences. High-quality child care should have the following: Qualified and stable staff, low child-adult ratios, efficient management. Offering a program that covers all aspects of child development (physical, motor, emotional, social, language and cognitive development).
18.01.2022 How to help preschool children get along Children’s relations with their peers play a major role in their overall development. Promoting social and emotional competencies and intervening in cases of difficulty very early in life seems particularly effective for fostering positive experiences among children. Child Care Service programs can teach children valuable skills to help them get along with their peers. For example, they can show them how to play and communicate well with others, control feelings of aggression and solve problems that may arise in social situations.
17.01.2022 How to encourage optimal brain development in Infants A child brain develops and matures rapidly before birth to age 2 or 3. At this age, the child's brain is so vulnerable and sensitive to external environmental influences such as toxic early life stress. They are also other particular genes and experiences (e.g sound, touch, vision, smell, food, thoughts, drugs, injury, disease) that can shape and affect the development of a child. Positive responsive relationships earl...y in life can help prevent or reverse the damaging effects of toxic stress on infant brain development. Parents can support their children’s brain development by: playing and interacting with them 1exposing them to experiences that stimulate their senses 2protecting them from stressful situations
16.01.2022 Why should play be part of all children’s life Play is a universal phenomenon and a right of childhood, representing a crucial aspect of children’s physical, intellectual and social development. It is a spontaneous, rewarding and fun with several benefits: Education: helps children learn and build skills that lay the foundation for learning to read, write and do math. Social skills: provides opportunities to socialize with peers of the same age, and to learn to unders...tand others, to communicate and to negotiate. Cognition: encourages children to learn, imagine, categorize and problem solve. Therapeutic benefits: Gives children the opportunity to express troubling aspects of their daily life, including stresses, trauma, family conflicts and other dilemmas. See more
16.01.2022 Compassion Kidznet Would like to THANK every single person that has like our page. Thank You, Thank You Compassion Kidznet Would like to THANK every single person that has like our page. Thank You, Thank You
12.01.2022 What are the main functions of preschool programs Important goals of preschool programs are to help children acquire social skills and learning-related skills. Although beneficial for all children, these programs are especially important for children in disadvantaged groups, guiding them toward healthier development and giving them the tools they need before school entry. Preschool programs help develop the following skills:... Social skills: the ability to empathize and interact successfully with their peer group, and also relate easily to adults. Language skills: the ability to have adequate language skills in order to benefit from experiences facilitating their cognitive, educational and social development. Executive function skills: the ability to hold and manipulate information in the brain, plan and regulate one’s behavior, problem-solve, and be creative. Emotional self-regulation skills: the ability to adapt behaviors depending on the situation, to control impulses and to shift attention. Self-regulation in learning skills: the ability to postpone immediate satisfaction to attain long-term goals, sustain attention, be persistent, and remain concentrated.
12.01.2022 What can hinder school success in young children It is important to understand the genetic and environmental factors that can influence school success, right from conception. By preschool, we can predict which children will have behavior and learning problems in elementary school, based on their individual characteristics, their parents and the family dynamic. Predictors of academic problems include: language and literacy disorders, including difficulties recognizing and ...using the sounds of spoken words prior to the age of six attention deficits social difficulties (e.g., getting along with peers) emotional difficulties (e.g., controlling negative emotions, aggression, poor self-regulation) at-risk family environment (e.g., poverty, single-parent) and poor parenting These risk factors combine additively or interactively in predicting school difficulties. Importantly, some of them can be overcome or mitigated by good social skills, close peer and adult relationships, and positive but firm discipline.
11.01.2022 How do fathers influence their children Every society recognizes that fathers have positive influences on their children, although these influences do vary based on sociocultural contexts. To better understand the importance of fathering in today’s society, you have to better comprehend the impact fathers have on their children Positive father involvement can:... act as a protective factor and promote child well-being; positively impact children’s social competence, later IQ and other learning outcomes; decrease boys’ negative social behaviour (such as delinquency) and girls’ psychological problems in early adulthood. When a father’s influence starts in early childhood, this can help with forming secure attachments, promoting social and emotional development, and influencing school readiness and success.
11.01.2022 Why is high-quality child care important Increasingly common, early childhood care plays an important role in children’s development and provides a valuable support to families with young children. High quality child care can have a positive influence on children’s development and school readiness by providing valuable educational and social experiences. High quality child care is characterized as: Having well-qualified, well-paid, stable staff, low child-adult ratios, and efficient management. Offering a program that covers all aspects of child development (physical, motor, emotional, social, language and cognitive development).
10.01.2022 What do integrated early services do? Parents are the primary caregivers to their children. They play the role of early teacher, nurse and moral guide. Sometimes, however, poverty or other factors make it difficult for parents to coordinate all these roles to best meet their children’s needs. Integrated early services include a range of services such as health screening, family supports and early childhood education. These can level the playing field for children at risk, es...pecially those from different socio-economic backgrounds and poor neighbourhoods. Above all, integrated early services are the perfect example of how by working together towards a common goal, parents and communities can help children thrive and reach their full potential. #childcare #caregivers #compassionkidznet
10.01.2022 Why are the early years so important to children’s later development The emotional, social and physical development of young children has a direct effect on their overall development and on the adult they will become. Neurological research shows that the early years play a key role in children’s brain development. Babies begin to learn about the world around them from a very early age including during the prenatal, perinatal (immediately before and after birth) and postna...tal period. Children’s early experiences the bonds they form with their parents and their first learning experiences deeply affect their future physical, cognitive, emotional and social development. Optimizing the early years of children’s lives is the best investment we can make as a society in ensuring their future success.
09.01.2022 Does being bilingual benefit a child In the era of globalization, learning a second language during childhood can provide developmental and social benefits. Many children grow up hearing and using more than one language. Knowing two languages has some significant linguistic and socio-cognitive advantages. Young bilingual children: ... tend to be better at understanding the beliefs and communication needs of others, at problem-solving, and being able to consider two interpretations of an event at the same time; have higher scores on cognitive ability tests that demand attention and control (e.g., mental flexibility, non-verbal problem-solving tasks); have better literacy skills (if the alphabets are the same).
08.01.2022 What are the benefits for Children to play in outdoor natural environments Children’s outdoor play is being increasingly recognized as essential for their healthy development. The benefits of outdoor play in early childhood have been seen on physical health, mental well-being, cognitive and social development. How children play outdoors is different from their play inside. It tends to be more physically active, children report feeling more freedom while playing outside, and the outdoor environment has the potential of exposing them to natural elements and open air. As a result, the kind of benefits that children experience from outdoor play can be different from indoors.
08.01.2022 How can young children learn to count 12345 Basic number concepts and skills (numeracy) generally emerge before school entry. Numerical skills emerge during infancy and the preschool years when children are exposed to different quantitative and spatial relations in everyday activities. It is important to promote the development of these competencies in young children and to know the best learning methods, as these skills are often predictive of children’s future school... achievement. At 6 months babies typically can detect the difference between quantities of small sets of objects like a container with two blocks vs. one with three blocks. Toddlers gradually learn the names of numbers as they learn a language. By 3 years of age, many children have memorized 1 to 10 and are beginning to count small sets of objects successfully For more information visit:
06.01.2022 What makes for successful transition to school The transition into school represents a major step in a child’s life. Children tend to transition well to school when: They have early signs of cognitive ability and maturity, and social and self-regulatory skills. They have had access to high quality preschool and early education programs.... Their parents get along well with each other, are responsive and provide stimulating experiences. Their school has a small student-staff ratio that contributes positively to children’s school readiness. They have good relationships with teachers and peers. See more
06.01.2022 What are executive functions and why are they important Executive functions are the cognitive skills we need to control and regulate our thoughts, emotions and actions in the face of conflict or distraction. Executive functions play a key role in children’s development and their success into adulthood, it makes sense to find ways to support the development of these skills in the early years. There are three categories of executive functions: ... Self-control ability to resist doing something tempting in order to do the right thing. Helps children pay attention, act less impulsively and stay focused on work. Working memory ability to keep info in mind where it can be used to make connections between ideas, to make mental calculations and to prioritize. Cognitive flexibility the ability to think creatively and to be flexible to changing requests. Allows us to use imagination and creativity to solve problems.
03.01.2022 How can home-visiting programs help families Trained service providers who visit families with young children can reach those who might not otherwise seek out support. The intimacy of visiting in the home can make parents more comfortable about opening up and identifying their needs. It also helps home visitors to better tailor their support and guidance to the families’ needs. From observing the family in their home, home visitors can build on their strengths and can also identify risk factors in the children’s growth and development, such as maternal depression, poor parenting practices, and lack of support. Many parents can sometimes feel isolated and home visits from a trained service provider can offer a valuable connection to the outside community and the services available.
02.01.2022 Who is going to take care of your Children when you get back to Work Consider COMPASSION KIDZNET, we offer you the following services: Babysitting Services Pickups and drop-offs... Assist with all appointments & recreational activities Exciting incursions and excursions Looking after children with special needs Enteral feeding of Children with gastrostomies See more
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