Complete Driving School | Professional service
Complete Driving School
Phone: +61 437 323 242
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25.01.2022 Here's a safety program that I've borrowed from the National Roadsafety Taskforce. Let's get around it tassie and encourage those you know who are easily distracted to 'Get your hand off it'.
21.01.2022 Sorry for the inconvenience to my clients today. A bit hard to do lessons when last night storm takes your roads. Please everyone stay safe out there today.
15.01.2022 Stuck for that last minute Christmas present for the young driver in your life? Gift vouchers still available? Either contact me by Facebook, phone or website Merry Christmas to all and drive safe !!!
14.01.2022 As a Driving Instructor my work is in a confined space, so it’s very hard for me to practice the social distancing rules currently in place. However, please know that I am dedicated to your health and safety and my own and I am implementing all current government recommendations and guidelines. If you have any concerns please message me before our lesson or as we meet outside the car.
14.01.2022 A bit of a problem on the roads this week with snow closures and icy conditions. Drive safe everyone and again my apologies to all who have been inconvenienced by this weather event. Please note. Both photos were taken whilst stopped on the road.
14.01.2022 Important announcement from the Tasmania Police. {\rtf1\ansi\ansicpg1252 {\fonttbl\f0\fnil\fcharset0 .HelveticaNeueInterface-Regular;} {\colortbl;\red255\green255\blue255;\red51\green51\blue51;\red255\green255\blue255;}... \deftab720 \pard\pardeftab720\sl400\partightenfactor0 \f0\fs28 \cf2 \cb3 \expnd0\expndtw0\kerning0 \outl0\strokewidth0 \strokec2}
13.01.2022 John Janssen from Complete Driving School is an accredited and qualified Yamaha ATV/SSV Safety Institute instructor servicing the whole of Tasmania. If you own... any brand of ATV/SSV then please give us a call on 0437323242 or head to one of the following websites to organise your Nationally Recognised Training Course. or Getabout Training 1300 660 320 See more
13.01.2022 This is another reason why I love Tasmania!!
12.01.2022 Hi All, Here is the news regarding the Update of the current L2 system. You can now choose if you want to do your L2 driving assessment with me or through the department. Look forward to hearing from you soon !!
10.01.2022 Ok. Looking for some feedback. Recently I’ve seen as heard of some previous clients being involved in collisions. Some clients book in for lessons right from the start of their driving, others just ‘want to polish up and get some hints for the test’. It’s often hard to fit it all in, in an hour. What can I do, or what do you need, to help you or your family members learn how to drive better. To avoid these type of situations?
09.01.2022 1800BUGGIES has hit the ground in Tassie. Contact me here or Pip on 1800buggies to arrange your affordable work buggie option. Why buy when you can hire. Short and long terms available. We can deliver all across Tassie. Training available also.
09.01.2022 Whilst the driving school is parked up I am working with my colleagues at 1800Buggies to get a sanitising buggy on the ground here in Tassie. Will be available from Wednesday this week. Further enquiries to either Pip at 1800Buggies (18002844437) or myself.
08.01.2022 Doing something else I love. Tow-ed training at Kingston on a beautiful morning. Don't forget we also teach how to tow, caravans, boats and Horse float in Tasmania's only Nationally recognised Towing course.
07.01.2022 Thanks Flick Dunn for this. Interesting. Come on Apple!!!
01.01.2022 This is the company I represent here in tassie. For any further info please contact me directly.