Computers 4 Veterans and First Responders of Australia | Non-profit organisation
Computers 4 Veterans and First Responders of Australia
Phone: +61 457 004 413
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25.01.2022 Its been a but quiet in victoria if you are a serviceman/woman or ex servicean/woman or first responder (police fre ambos SES) and your looking for a new computer hit us up
25.01.2022 IMPORTANT NOTICE Over the past few years since I took control of The Warriors Return we have done our best to keep going. But we have come to a major decision to WIND UP and CEASE OPERATIONS. On the 17th of November we will fully cease operations and close our doors. This decision wasn’t an easy one to make it was extremely heart breaking. We have been using our own money to continue the work we have been doing especially around our program Computers 4 Veterans & First... Responders With no money coming in to help support what we do it is no longer viable to continue the work we do. I want to personally thank all those whom have been involved with The Warriors Return that includes all those whom have served on the board, the volunteers, those whom have held fundraisers in our name. Without your support over the past few years we would not have accomplished what we have done to help Veterans, First Responders and their families. Kind Regards CEO Loretta Somerville
21.01.2022 Ok im out dont know who it was but it just makes my resolve in what we do even stronger
20.01.2022 Update. Hello everyone. I hope everyone is doing well. Over the past few days I have been struggling with things as your all aware with previous post. But in the darkness a light always shines. And support comes unexpectedly from people. The Warriors Return / Computers 4 Veterans and First Responders darkness had a light of hope delivered today in a phone. And I am please to say that our doors will be remaining open. Whilst we will be close temporarily while we go through a ...transition process. The pages and groups will remain. Whilst someone new will be taking over the reins whilst I step down because of up coming spinal surgery and the recovery time I need to get better. I will still remain with The Warriors Return / Computers 4 Veterans and First Responders just in the background. A bigger announcement will happen over the coming weeks. Until I want to say thank you to everyone for your kind works, your support, friendship that has really meant a great deal to me. Loretta
19.01.2022 As we approch the new year i want everyone to remember the 84 lives we lost to suicide this year. This may be a hard ask but sit down for five minutes and contemplate on that. Lets do everything in our power to make that number less this coming year. I often preach about reaching out to a friend or accepting a friend reaching out to you. For those who dont know in 2014 a friend reached out to me and saved my life. All it took was a simple call from a friend to hear my voice not ok and he took action. We often talk the talk when it comes to reducing veteran and serving members suicide but ask yourself deep down do we walk the walk. As always my love to you all i hope you have a happy and safe New Year and lets really do something this year about reducing that number. One life lost is to many particually when you put it into perspective that one person could have gone on to cure aids, cancer, world hunger and another million things instead its snuffed out needlesly Ned - The Warrior's Return Publicity Director Victorian/Tasmanian Computers for Veterans (0432 649 358)
19.01.2022 Take the time today to spend it with your family and friends enjoy the festivities and merryment that comes from this time of year. Can i ask as you tuck into all that yummy food that you give a though or a prayer for those 84 souls no longer with us. Give a thought to their families who this year will be having Christmas without their loved ones. Think on what you can do to help stem the flow. My thoughts are with the families of the 84 confirmed suicide deaths and i hope your day gets easier Ned - Director for Publicity TWR
18.01.2022 PAY IT FORWARD CHALLENGE !!!! 2021 is the year of paying it forward. I ask you all to do a little act of kindness to someone whether that be family, friend, a complete stranger or a charity in need of a donation.
17.01.2022 UPDATE ON COMPUTERS All computers for recipients have been paid for and should be ready soon. The reasons behind the lateness this year is because The Warriors Return business manager has taken a 12 month leave of absence due to medical reasons and we had to do a run around to change things at the bank to add an extra person to oversee the processing. ... Secondly another board member has taken a leave of absence to concentrate on pensions and welfare work. Thirdly I Loretta have not been well and have been doing the best job I can under the circumstances. So between myself and Paula we are really doing the best we can. Loretta Somerville
16.01.2022 Update I am please to say in 2019 we helped 13 veterans , first responders and or a family member with a laptop and printer. So far to date we have helped 200 veterans , first responders and or a family member with accessing a brand new laptop and or a printer. ... It’s a simple thing we often take for granted , having a laptop helps with mental health, accessing various sites, studying, looking for employment, social media , emails and many other things. We don’t get and government funding and rely solely upon donations and fund raising to provide this service. Regards Loretta Somerville
15.01.2022 Enough said - Ned
14.01.2022 Please share far and wide Latest Suicide figures for 2017 Update for 21st of December 2017 we now stand this year at 84 confirmed Suicides.... In regards to the Suicide Register that The Warriors Return Inc have been researching, maintaining, and updating religiously over the last 5 years. The information is only as good as what is given to us we do check with multiple sources to confirm prior to entering it into the register. At no stage will the names be released unless authorised by the next of kin, but hiding it by saying died suddenly or unexpectedly or not releasing any information is not going to change the reason or stop it happening in the future to another Defence, Emergency Services Member or Veterans. They only way things are going to change for future generations is by us making a stand now and the only way we are going to do this is by talking about Suicide, and not hiding it or being ashamed that your Brother, Sister ,Mother, Father, Son or Daughter has taken their life. This Register that is being Maintained by The Warriors Return's will be Up Dated as required and published on the last day of the month or the First day of the month every month with out fail. If you know some one that has taken their life let us know so that we can update the register and honour them. All information will be used in the strictest of confidence. FEEL FREE TO SHARE THIS TO ALL FB SITES I can confirm today we have had another Defence Member / Veteran has taken his own life on the 10th of December, this makes 84 for this Calendar year.Family have been notified and have requested at this that the details be kept quite for the time been which we shall honour. Please do not speculate who the member was, as this can cause undue worries and stress on other member. If you feel you or a loved one needs assistance please contact below. Joint Health Command for all ADF members Contact your local on base Health Centre If you are away from base or for afterhours assistance PHONE 1800 IMSICK ADF Mental Health All-hours Support Line (ASL) Available 24/7 to ADF members and their families PHONE 1800 628 036 VVCS Veterans and Veterans Families Counselling Service Phone 1800 011 046 Website During business hours 1800 011 046 connects you to the nearest VVCS centre. After hours, 1800 011 046 connects to the Veterans Line after hours telephone crisis counselling service. Defence Family Helpline Phone 1800 624 608 Website 24-7 and is staffed by qualified human services professionals including social workers and psychologists. Suicide Call Back Service Phone 1300 659 467 Website Free counselling 24 hours a day 7 days a week across Australia Website: ADF Health and Wellbeing Portal Fighting Fit Website:Department of Veteran Affairs at-ease Portal
12.01.2022 We can only help veterans and first responders in Australia. For any US veterans and families they go to this link
11.01.2022 Update Both myself and our business manger have been unwell. As well as doing a tax assessment. For those waiting for a computer invoices have been paid. Just waiting for the processing on JBHIFI end. Please be patient it won’t be to much longer.
11.01.2022 My phone number has changed due to needing two for Computers for Veterans. If you want my personal phone number and your not a stalker :P inbox me if you are a stalker inbox me too and we can take it from there. My old number is still the number for the business phone for anything Warriors Return and computers for veterans
08.01.2022 Computers Update I have started emailing authority letters to those recipients. Please check your emails over the next week. Regards ... Loretta
08.01.2022 Update Hello everyone I’m sorry to say we are out of funding for 2020.. this year we have helped another 20 plus veterans and first responders
07.01.2022 This customer is quite confused about how cookies work in computers...
07.01.2022 UPDATE Hello everyone. The Warriors Return needs help in various ways. If you have free time and want to volunteer with us on the board of The Warriors Return. Than please contact me Loretta at [email protected] ... If you want to help by holding a fund raiser or make a donation than please contact me at the above email address. If we don't get some members soon than I may have to close the books completely on The Warriors Return and her programs Computers 4 veterans & First Responders, Battle Buddy's As I cannot do it solo . Loretta Somerville
05.01.2022 Suicide information Final Suicide Figures Suicide for Jan 2018 Update on the 1st Feb 2018 for the month of January 2018 we can confirm at present no Veterans or... serving member has taken their life that we have been informed of. Hi everyone in regards to the Suicide Register that The Warriors Return Inc have been researching, maintaining, and updating religiously over the last 5 years. And have only just released some graphs and stats. The information is only as good as what is given to us we do check with multiple sources to confirm prior to entering it into the register. At no stage will the names be released unless authorised by the next of kin, but hiding it by saying died suddenly or unexpectedly or not releasing any information is not going to change the reason or stop it happening in the future to another Defence, Emergency Services Member or Veterans. They only way things are going to change for future generations is by us making a stand now and the only way we are going to do this is by talking about Suicide, and not hiding it or being ashamed that your Brother, Sister ,Mother, Father, Son or Daughter has taken their life. This Register that is being Maintained by The Warriors Return's will be Up Dated as required and published on the last day of the month or the First day of the month every month with out fail. If you know some one that has taken their life let us know so that we can update the register and honour them. All information will be used in the strictest of confidence. FEEL FREE TO SHARE THIS TO ALL FB SITES Please do not speculate who the member was, as this can cause heartache for those family members and friends. These figures also do not take into account Spouses or Family members at present. This doesn’t mean it will not include those figures in the future. Please remember that it is 2 people maintaining the register, with the input from families, DVA in some cases, friends, emergency services and the general public. The numbers that are recorded by us are only as good as the information given to us. We know that our figures are understated but by how much we do not know. For example at the end of 2016 the number was 76 as of today last years figure is 80. At least a couple of times a week we are being given information on another Veteran to enter onto the register. Scott Harris The Warrior’s Return Joint Health Command for all ADF members Contact your local on base Health Centre If you are away from base or for afterhours assistance PHONE 1800 IMSICK ADF Mental Health All-hours Support Line (ASL) Available 24/7 to ADF members and their families PHONE 1800 628 036 VVCS Veterans and Veterans Families Counselling Service Phone 1800 011 046 Website During business hours 1800 011 046 connects you to the nearest VVCS centre. After hours, 1800 011 046 connects to the Veterans Line after hours telephone crisis counselling service. Defence Family Helpline Phone 1800 624 608 Website 24-7 and is staffed by qualified human services professionals including social workers and psychologists. Suicide Call Back Service Phone 1300 659 467 Website Free counselling 24 hours a day 7 days a week across Australia Website: ADF Health and Wellbeing Portal Fighting Fit Website: At Ease Mental Health Portal Graphs
03.01.2022 Its that time of the year again where some of us get to spend time with our loved ones. Some suffer and struggle as they are isolated from their loved ones. The Warrior's Return this year will be doing something similar to our buddy check however its related to the holiday season. If you think you might need someone to talk to a friendly chat maybe a coffee then please let us know. The number of suicides this year is already to much and we would love to chat if thats what peo...ple need. Please also dont forget VVCS. If you would like to go on our register for a chat please email me at - [email protected]. with a contact phone number and an address. All chats will be kept in the strictest confidence and who knows you might make a friend or two Take care this holiday season look out for your mates and your own mental health - Ned - Vic Manager Computers for Vets Director of publicity TWR
02.01.2022 Hi peoples, not really a rant, but it grinds my gears a bit. As some of you know, when we are able, recipients may be in the good fortune to get a new computer from Computers 4 Veterans and First Reponders of Australia, through our parent The Warriors Returns. Now, consider that the new computers will have the latest Windows 10 on it, and it is a bit of an upgrade from previous versions of Windows, notably Windows 7. I have just collected a computer from a client (I also do c...omputer work outside of Computers 4 Veterans....) she was recommended to upgrade her computer due to a smashed screen (the store kept the old one, said it wasn't worth fixing, etc). Not only was she duped out of her old computer being returned to her, but she was told her old printer wouldn't work and she had to buy a new 'bluetooth' printer, which turned out to be a big pain in the butt. Back to Windows 10, my client said she didn't like the layout of Windows 10 because she had to find everything and there were games on it. To be honest, if I am getting a new computer for someone and they are not 100% tech savvy, I would sit down with them and find out what it is they want to do with it. Does the client have 'old' software that needs to be used in the new computer. Yes, Windows 10 can use the 'old' software, to an extent. No need to pay for unnecessary subscriptions if you don't need the updated software. Not only that, she was also duped out of $100 credit on a modem dongle because the new computer could link into a 'hot spot', the dongle would have worked fine until the credit ran out. Ha! Computer stores that supposedly know what they are doing. I would have made sure the old printer worked, that the dongle worked, that the new computer was going to do what the client used to do on the old one. Because, lets face it, you want the new one to feel like the 'old slipper' you have always been used to. I will now get off my soap box and go back to my computer work, but please remember peoples, if you are going to get a new computer, speak to the place you are buying from, tell them what you want and how you want to do it. Works both ways, but sometimes the stores don't know how to sort something out for you. All the best, Paula
01.01.2022 Not normally what i would post on this page, but im all about awareness Dear Australia Post URGENT: DO NOT RETURN TO SENDER - Open Letter Australia Post should be ashamed of itself, plain and simple. It discriminates against those with disabilities including Veterans. Maybe some sensitivity and compassion training is in order....Continue reading
01.01.2022 Request For Help From The Team At The Warriors Return. We are in desperate need for volunteers to help with the Computers 4 Veterans and First Responder Program. We really need individuals who can help especially those with an IT background that can fix/repair the items. If there is anyone who can donate there time to ... 1) Collect donations of computers , printers etc 2) To help with the refurbishment of these items 3) Places for storage 4) Delivery of the items to those in need If anyone can help please either message the Computers 4 veterans and First Responders page or the , The Warriors Return page. All computers are donated back to a military veteran, First Responder Veteran and or a family member.
01.01.2022 Suicide information Suicide Figures Suicide for 2018 as at 2nd of March 2018 is 5. At no stage will the names be released unless authorised by the next of kin,... but hiding it by saying died suddenly or unexpectedly or not releasing any information is not going to change the reason or stop it happening in the future to another Defence, Emergency Services Member or Veterans. Hi everyone in regards to the Suicide Register that The Warriors Return Inc have been researching, maintaining, and updating religiously over the last 5 years. And have only just started to release some graphs and stats. The information is only as good as what is given to us we do check with multiple sources to confirm prior to entering it into the register. They only way things are going to change for future generations is by us making a stand now and the only way we are going to do this is by talking about Suicide, and not hiding it or being ashamed that your Brother, Sister ,Mother, Father, Son or Daughter has taken their life. This Register that is being Maintained by The Warriors Return's will be Up Dated as required and published on the last day of the month or the First day of the month every month with out fail. If you know some one that has taken their life let us know so that we can update the register and honour them. All information will be used in the strictest of confidence. FEEL FREE TO SHARE THIS TO ALL FB SITES Please do not speculate who the member was, as this can cause heartache for those family members and friends. These figures also do not take into account Spouses or Family members at present. This doesn’t mean it will not include those figures in the future. Please remember that it is 2 people maintaining the register, with the input from families, DVA in some cases, friends, emergency services and the general public. The numbers that are recorded by us are only as good as the information given to us. We know that our figures are understated but by how much we do not know. For example at the end of 2016 the number was 76 as of today last years figure is 80. At least a couple of times a week we are being given information on another Veteran to enter onto the register. We have just been handed a large amount of DATA from AWM in Canberra in regards to casualty lists from 1885 to 2014. At present we have only just scratched the surface and we will have a better understanding of all of this DATA over the next couple of months. Scott Harris The Warrior’s Return Joint Health Command for all ADF members Contact your local on base Health Centre If you are away from base or for afterhours assistance PHONE 1800 IMSICK ADF Mental Health All-hours Support Line (ASL) Available 24/7 to ADF members and their families PHONE 1800 628 036 VVCS Veterans and Veterans Families Counselling Service Phone 1800 011 046 Website During business hours 1800 011 046 connects you to the nearest VVCS centre. After hours, 1800 011 046 connects to the Veterans Line after hours telephone crisis counselling service. Defence Family Helpline Phone 1800 624 608 Website 24-7 and is staffed by qualified human services professionals including social workers and psychologists. Suicide Call Back Service Phone 1300 659 467 Website Free counselling 24 hours a day 7 days a week across Australia Website: ADF Health and Wellbeing Portal Fighting Fit Website: At Ease Mental Health Portal Graphs
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