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Conditioned by Courtney
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22.01.2022 HEALTH AND FITNESS LESSONS I LEARNT (as a FEMALE) ; I have equal rights to exercise in every area of the gym and no one has the right to bully me out of training where I wish to. My crop top does not need to match my tights if I could not afford the full set. I can still enjoy my training session. ... I do not need a fat burner pre-workout to burn fat during my session. This is a fad. I am wasting money buying a fat burner/thermogenic . I do not have to step foot in the women’s training section if I do not wish to. But it also is not a reflection that I have low-self confidence if I do wish to train there. My hormone health and fertility is of high importance to me, thus, my daily fat intake needs to reflect this. Low fat diets are never, ever your answer. I as a female adult, I require more than 1200 calories per day. period. Obsessing over low-calorie, low fat, low this/that food is not sustainable. Just because you intuitive eat , does not make you an intuitive person, or anymore in-tune with your bodies true dietary/ training needs. As a coach, I see this almost as the opposite in individuals. Cellulite is manageable, and to a degree, reversible and is reflective of much more than just a being a female. No particular exercise will make me bulky . This bulky aesthetic comes down to nutrition and programming that is specific to your body and goals. There are no male old female only exercises. There are no magical exercises for specifically fat burning or toning . This is click bait.
18.01.2022 What a healthy diet REALLY is for humans A wholesome variety of high-quality , macro and micronutrient dense foods that are unprocessed , non-chemically or genetically modified . Are not multiple bi-products of a manufacturing process where man made additives , chemicals and artificial ingredients are added to create an entire new food product. These foods are grown , harvested , slaughtered , milked , from the earth and are the food sources for human consumption . Ou...r bodies will thrive optimally when consuming an abundance of these foods that we are designed to live off . Our risk of physical and mental disease development is significantly reduced when our diets are primarily inclusive of eating these foods . - What a healthy diet seems to humans in TODAYS WORLD ? Too restrictive Bland Anti-social The cause or contributing factor to the development of eating disorders Unrealistic and unsustainable Not up to date because it’s all about IIFYM now ( if it fits your macros ) Too hard to follow A diet or diet culture Too time consuming to prepare My kids don’t eat that way I wasn’t bought up eating like that Disgusting and not appetising Not Instagram - food - post worthy Thinspo or triggering Too expensive I have suffered from anorexia nervosa for a number of years , I have relapsed and I have also recovered . I have suffered digestive disorders , competed as a bikini athlete, dieted , eaten for muscle gain , worked with both great coaches and unhelpful coaches . I am a coach myself . So I can agree that , we as a society have developed and created too much of an emotional attachment to what we fuel our bodies with. Food is fuel . There is shit fuel you can choose to fill your car up with , or there is premium fuel . One will make your car run better. Your body is no different.
17.01.2022 WHY has labelling our diets become so self-sabotaging ? Overcomplicating nutrition is so prevalent. I'd make more income as a coach programming based off trends rather than for specific health outcomes. PERIOD. May it be for aesthetic or health reasons, say you have chosen to adopt a new diet , you have subscribed to this movement/trend, adopted the label; ... ( _insert 1/100000x type of diet trends available to date _ ) You have now subscribed to a certain way of eating, with this new label, you feel obligated/ pressured to up-hold this persona that is attached to that label. Before any change has been made, you have un-intentionally, built the foundations in developing a negative relationship with your food. Not to mention, you then could quite possibly be short changing yourself from vital nutrients, and fuelling your body incorrectly for what YOUR body needs. Which is a common scenario when it comes to following diets like IIFYM ect. See, it is SIMPLE ! There is whole foods our bodies are supposed to be having to maintain optimal health, and prevent the developing chronic diseases. And foods we have manufactured artificially to appear, taste and smell, more appealing to cater to our western/modern palette . Understand you can choose either categroy of food. But there will be an effect in your body at some point in time, negative or positive depending on your balance and inclusion of these food sources in your diet. This overcomplicating of what we should adhere to, in order to fuel our bodies, is what develops eating disorders! Not the act of choosing to only thrive off whole foods.. or should I say; restrictive, non-flexible and anti-social whole foods ***I’m not referring to diets that express ethical or religious beliefs . IFYM, IF/ Intermittent fasting , KETO, PALEO, PESCATARIAN, OVO-VEGETARIAN ect. All these theories of nutrition have some helpful elements to them, however, adopting these labels often results in confining" yourself to a trend , you then feel social pressure to maintain that . - If you find yourself wanting to overcomplicate your nutrition , label your diet , mentally confine yourself to a method of eating and glorify it for clout or money, be aware your contribution to the over-complication of nutrition is not mentally nurturing long-term to you or those who look up to you. Remove the persona attached to that label, and try humbly eating for longevity without having to subscribe to a movement and glorify it.
15.01.2022 IT’S OK to eliminate food groups That is right... We have had a health+fitness industry that began by teaching us this was required for fat loss , to now , this same industry has evolved into this inclusive, all-in mentality where suddenly all food is equal , irrespective of is nutritional breakdown. And now we are programmed to believe that those still choosing to eliminate certain food groups, have a distorted relationship with nutrition...... Here is WHY is it still, and always will be OK to eliminate food groups? This building your gut tolerance bullish" is why we , as an ever-evolving species, continue to face chronic health conditions. Forcing our bodies to become customised to foods we aren’t primitively supposed to be consuimng to attain BALANCE may be trendy now, but has no priority around tire health + longevity. An allergy and/or intolerance , regardless of the severity of its symptoms, is the bodies way of rejecting that food. You’d be incredibly naive and neglectful if you always chose to override your bodies natural response , just so you can attain this so called BALANCE this industry is hung up on at present. BALANCE for you, needs to exclude these . When you choose to enjoy something your body rejects, respect the signs. However, NO LACTOSE PILL, FODMAP diet or GUT CLEANSE will transform your bodies ability to suddenly thrive on crap you weren’t born to ingest. Irrespective of your reasoning, and it being no-ones business. If you intuitively have chosen to exclude certain foods from your diet. Good on you. You clearly value digestive peace and longevity for your health + wellbeing. Your relationship with how you fuel yourself is optimal and balanced for YOU. Food groups I am referring to is known inflammatory inducing foods ie. DAIRY + DAIRY DERIVATIVES , GLUTEN, WHEAT, YEAST, CORN, SOY, EGGS, ALCOHOL, REFINED + MODIFIED SWEETENERS ect. *NOT : Protein, fat, carbs, sugars.
14.01.2022 Re-writing how you goal set for the NY I am not here to start demonising your aspirations in wanting more for yourself this New year. I am here to remind you , that YOU need to treat every. single. day, as a new beginning, a new opportunity to re-start over or re-commit to your aspirations and goals! ... Not just wait to seize the new opportunities that come with the beginning of a new calendar year. Every time the sun goes down, then rises again, you are blessed to be awake, alive, breathing and with the ability to seize the opportunities within that particular day. Every day. What opportunity does the 01/01 , the first little white square on your new yearly calendar, have different to the 5am sunrise on a normal Tuesday morning? Absolutely nothing to be quite honest. It is a mindset influenced by external social factors that have you believing that there is this "perfect" time you should be committing to your goals, tasks and aspirations, and there just simply is not. ...So it is not entirely your fault that your NY resolutions seemingly have this finite enthusiasm attached to them and why they are so difficult to adhere to. The cycle of waiting for that "perfect time to start" is why, you continue to fall short of fully committing to yourself unconditionally and consistently, week after week, year , after year. Wake up tomorrow with a written projection of your tasks, goals and aspiration, short and long term, health, business, financial. spiritual. On a sheet of paper, on a whiteboard , on the fridge, above your desk, on your bathroom mirror, to prompt you , that every waking moment of each day is our gift from the universe to start again. From there, it is entirely your choice to either seize that, or continue to loose time and self-value in the vicious cycle of waiting for the perfect time to commit.
13.01.2022 CLIENT STORY James and I started training together in March with only 1x session face to face before gyms closed in Melbourne. With his dedication and commitment , I was able to train him online with customised home training programs and nutrition plans updated as often as he needed them, and he also chose to train with me via zoom fortnightly. ... James is a Dj, basketballer and also studies full time Medicine at Uni and was doing placement, so his schedule was full. However, his commitment to himself and his health and wellbeing was made an equal priority which has enabled him to achieve what he has with me at home. Every week, I have increased his caloric intake and James is eating almost triple what he was when we first started , weight training 6 days a week and playing basketball in every spare chance he has, ALL AT HOME. Jame’s goals he first had with me have shifted as he has being able to see his bodies true potential. James is about to go into a shred phase of his training after finishing a building phase at 3000 calories on training days and 2870 on rest days. Corrected his metabolism & have it working optimally now. Keeping body fat low whilst still building lean muscle mass Naturally increased testosterone and maintenance of his testosterone health Eating all the variety of foods he loves Feeling stronger and more energised each week!
03.01.2022 LIMITING BELIEFS.. that are LIMITING YOU! I DON’T HAVE ENOUGH TIME Everyone has the same amount of hours in the day . ... If you tell yourself you don’t have time , you won’t even attempt to create space in your day for what you really want / need to do. This phrase is a mental obstacle you place on yourself , and a reflection of your inability to commit and create time for yourself. I CAN’T FOLLOW A NUTRITION STRUCTURE OR NUTRITION ADVICE If you convince yourself you can’t , then you absolutely will not be able to adhere to anything , ever . This phrase is again, a reflection of your inability to commit to yourself or the process needed to achieving your goals . This phrase indicates to a coach like myself, you are not be prepared to make sacrifices for what you and your health deserves . I HAVE TO EAT EXACTLY WHAT MY KIDS EAT , OTHERWISE IT’S ANTI-SOCIAL No you really don’t . I’m sure your children would be able to learn valuable life lessons seeing you make the necessary lifestyle changes/ sacrifices to achieve what you truly want , that will ultimately, make you a happier and healthier parent in the long term. I DON’T EAT VEGETABLES OR FRUIT IT’S NOT MY THING It has to be your thing (if you want to live a prosperous life. ) Your a human being and we require a certain intake requirement of macro + micronutrients each day for the optimal functioning of our bodies . It has to be your thing . In whatever way you make it your thing , your aren’t excluded from what primarily our human bodies need to thrive. LIFE IS TOO SHORT TO BE WORRYING/ THINKING ABOUT WHAT I EAT Sure . But life will be shorter for you with this mentality. And , if this is your mentality, don’t expect your body to reward you. Life is not forever , yes. Becoming obsessive and anxious over what we fuel ourselves with is limiting. But , life will be shorter for you due to an increased risk of developing preventable diseases if you don’t understand the importance of nourishing yourself with foods we are designed to eat ie. wholesome, nutrient-dense foods like meats , grains , vegetables , fruits, water ect.
03.01.2022 Hi everyone ! I'm super excited to invite you all to my page where I will be chatting to you in a LIVE CHAT discussing some interesting and important points on staying motivated, active and on track to our health and fitness goals during these difficult circumstances we are all currently facing. LIVE CHAT is at this Thursday 2nd of April at 7:30pm!!... Any questions you may have I also will address and discuss. Look forward too meeting you all x
01.01.2022 After some time away from here to setttle , reset , recharge and rediscover what aligns with me and doesn’t anymore , I am able to finally accept that 2020 happ...ened FOR me , not TO me . Let me repeat that : Life happens FOR you , not TO you . There is so much more to the 12kg between these two versions of myself . Through changes in life , our body always has a physical response, weather that be from deliberate changes we make or a result of our circumstances. In a year , my body has changed through deliberate choice and external circumstances. For the better and for the worst . And so has your body . Your body would have responded physically to your deliberate and circumstantial changes . So , now that you have accepted that life happens FOR YOU. What are you going to do with this new outlook ? You are going to accept what is and what has been this year . You are going be proactive and turn those deliberate choices into ones that generate a positive physical response in your body . You are going to start by making deliberate choices through diet and daily movement because these 2 things greatly generate a positive response in our bodies . You need to be proactive and choose the healthiest people to surround yourself with to support these changes , who are going to nurture those changes not question them , doubt them or doubt you making those choices for yourself . This is your social circle , your family circle and hiring the people who will understand and provide you with the tools you need to help you transition into a life that thrives of these changes. I have done this . I do this every . single. year. When I don’t choose to make proactive changes or I fail to have hired the healthiest circle of people around me , my physical bodies responses are a result of spiritual , mental and emotional neglect from either deliberate or non deliberate circumstances.
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