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Connect Chiropractic in Noble Park, Victoria | Medical and health

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Connect Chiropractic

Locality: Noble Park, Victoria

Phone: +61 3 9512 5882

Address: 1040 Heatherton Road, Noble Park 3174 Noble Park, VIC, Australia


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25.01.2022 Breath Work When we are stressed our breathing becomes short and shallow and with less oxygen this creates more physiological stress. Shallow breathing also increases tension in our neck which then becomes its own vicious cycle. Working through the following basic steps is a great place to start in slowing things down. ... 1. Sit comfortably in a chair, on your bed or floor with your back supported 2. Relax your shoulders 3. Place one hand on your chest and one hand on your stomach 4. Breathe in through your nose for approximately two seconds feeling the air moving through your nostrils into your abdomen and feeling your stomach expand 5. With your hand you should feel your stomach swell while your chest remains relatively still 6. Purse your lips (as if you’re about to drink through a straw), press gently on your stomach, and exhale slowly for about two seconds 7. Repeat these steps several times for the best results #stress #2020 #2020whatayear #diaphragmaticbreathing #chiropractic #chiropractor #chiropractornoblepark #noblepark #alliedhealth #alliedhealthnoblepark

24.01.2022 Stretch Classes at Connect Chiro are Back! Wednesdays at 12.30pm Places are limited and bookings essential so call us on 9512 5882 to secure your spot.

23.01.2022 Did you know poor posture may be the cause of neck pain. Constant straining of the muscles and ligaments that support the neck over time can lead to weakness and muscle imbalance as well as restriction in neck movement, tension on the spinal nerves and joint and soft tissue inflammation. A very poor posture habit is incorrect sitting and something we often see in people who work at a desk, however there are also many other causes of poor posture including stress. ... If you think your posture is contributing to your neck pain here are a couple of points to straighten you out: sit up straight with your shoulders back and chest out. use a lumbar or back support when sitting. avoid sleeping on your stomach (this prevents arching your back and twisting your neck). have your posture and spine checked by a Chiropractor. #neckpain #poorposture #chiropractor #chiropractic #chiropracticadjustment #chiropracticcare #chiropracticlifestyle #chiropractorsofinstagram #chiropractornoblepark #noblepark #alliedhealth #alliedhealthnoblepark

22.01.2022 Lot’s of people suffer the odd headache from time to time, but some headaches get so bad they won’t go away and are severely debilitating. The more common types of headaches include Cervicogenic (coming from the neck), Tension, Migraine and Sinus. Cervicogenic headaches that are related to neck joint and tissue structures are often associated with poor posture, stress, repetitive strain or disc injuries. Tension headaches are one of the most common type of headache that ar...e often brought on by fatigue, spinal problems and also poor posture. Migraine headache symptoms include nausea, vomiting , throbbing pain and even sensitivity to light and sound. A few triggers for migraines can include irregular sleeping or eating patterns, loud noises, stress or tiredness and flashing lights. Sinus headaches are often linked to an inflammatory reaction, such as allergies, hayfever , sinus infection and congestion. If you suffer from headaches, call us to make an appointment so we can help you live pain free from headaches. #headaches #chiropractor #chiropractic #chiropracticadjustment #cervicogenicheadache #tensionheadache #migraine #migraineheadache #sinusheadache #alliedhealth #alliedhealthnoblepark #noblepark #chiropractornoblepark

20.01.2022 Our friends at IT WIFI nailed it!!

20.01.2022 World Spine Day is today. Don’t forget to always make your spinal health and overall wellbeing a priority while adjusting to a new normal. Visit to find out more #backontrack #worldspineday #worldspineday2020 #wellbeing #spinalhealth #newnormal #chiropractic #chiropractor #chiropracticadjustment

18.01.2022 Change your environment by getting outside. Going for a brisk walk outdoors and getting some fresh air even if it’s for a quick 10 or 15 minutes goes a long way in reducing stress. As with any other cardiovascular activity, brisk walking increases the production of stress-busting endorphins that will clear your mind, boost your mood and also your self-esteem. Hopefully, life will never again be as stressful as what we have all experienced this year. However we have no doubt... there will be times in life where we will still have a lot of stress (exams to sit, starting a new job or relationship challenges just to name a few). How you manage and adapt during those times is very much the key to keeping you well. #briskwalkoutdoors #freshair #reducingstress #clearyourmind #boostyourmood #selfesteem #manageandadapt #chiropractor #chiropractic #chiropracticadjustment #chiropractorsofinstagram #chiropractornoblepark #noblepark #alliedhealth #alliedhealthnoblepark #weekendwellness

16.01.2022 They gave their tomorrow so we could have our today. Lest We Forget #remembranceday #lestweforget

16.01.2022 Text Neck In the modern world we live in today, technology is our way of life. Everyday more & more people are constantly connected to their mobile device & for increasing periods of time . With your head looking down & your shoulders hunched over your mobile device it adds excessive stress on your neck that can cause neck pain. Neck pain from this poor posture habit has become so common it has now been given the term Text neck. Not only are people suffering neck pain f...rom text neck, they are seeing the effects of this in permanent changes to their posture & spine. If you’re suffering from text neck or are concerned about your posture, the good news is you don’t have to ditch technology completely. Making a few small changes can make a big difference in improving your spinal health & wellbeing & help you avoid text neck & other spine health issues. Here are a couple of changes we recommend to start with: Raise your phone to eye level so your head isn’t slouching down. This will prevent you having forward head posture for prolonged periods of time. Take a break from your mobile device. Put it aside or out of sight & connect with the world you are living in instead of the digital world when for example commuting or out walking . Be present with your family & friends when you are with them & adopt a ‘no phone policy’ during dinner or gatherings when getting together. Seek help from your chiropractor. Chiropractic can help alleviate neck pain & discomfort caused by text neck or other posture related issues. #textneck #textneckprevention #textneckisreal #technology #poorposture #neckpain #headaches #spinalhealth #takeabreak #familyandfriends #chiropracticcanhelp #chiropractornoblepark

14.01.2022 We are closed on Friday 23/10 for Thank You Day & are open normal business hours Saturday 24/10 AFL Grand Final Day.

13.01.2022 The average person spends about 26 years or 1/3 of their life sleeping. So, not surprising poor sleep posture and pillows can be big factors in contributing to neck pain. If you’ve been suffering from neck pain or poor sleep, two important elements we discuss with patients that will help with their healing are, that it is best to sleep on your back or side (avoid tummy sleeping) and, ensure you have the right pillow and mattress for your body. #neckpain #poorsleep #sleep #pillow #mattress #chiropractor #chiropractic #chiropracticadjustment #chiropracticcare #chiropracticworks #chiropractorsofinstagram #chiropractornoblepark #noblepark #alliedhealth #alliedhealthnoblepark

12.01.2022 2020 What a Year !! This year has been like riding a roller coaster, with a lot of stress for many of us. Long term stress can lead to us feeling tired, sore stiff muscles, brain fog, sleep problems and so many more health issues. ... This month we are sharing some of our stress busting tips that can quickly start to bring down your internal stress and re-energise your mind and body. #2020 #2020whatayear #stress #stressbustingtips #chiropractic #chiropractor #chiropracticadjustment #chiropracticworks #chiropractorsofinstagram #wellness #wellnessweekend #chiropractornoblepark #alliedhealth #alliedhealthnoblepark #noblepark

12.01.2022 Our beautiful friends Connie and Salvador at Healing Spiritual Centre are hosting a Free Gratitude Healing Meditation evening tomorrow night at 7pm. Everyone is welcome so you can head to their FB page to register for more information.

11.01.2022 A few simple tips for life. Quote for the day. #quotesfortheday #quotestoliveby #afewsimpletips #chiropractorlife

10.01.2022 Stress, anxiety and emotional worries often creates tension in the muscles around your neck, shoulders and jaw. Understandably then this can lead to stiffness and neck pain that may also refer up to the head causing headaches. Recognising stress that may be causing your neck pain is one step in your healing, however there are also some things that can assist in destressing and relieve your neck pain such as breathing exercises or meditation , getting outside exploring nature or engaging in a hobby that you enjoy #chiropractor #chiropractic #chiropractoradjustment #chiropractice #chiropractorsofinstagram #chiropractornoblepark #noblepark #alliedhealth #alliedhealthnoblepark #stress #stressandneckpain

08.01.2022 Headaches & Migraines are one of the most common disorders to affect the nervous system & what we see in patients in our practice. They can be severely debilitating resulting in significant reduction in work capacity & social activities for sufferers. Even though headaches are a common symptom, it does not mean that they are normal & usually an indication that something in not quite right & may require medical advice from a health professional. There are many different type...s of headaches such as: Tension type, Cervicogenic, Cluster & Migraines. While some headaches are unavoidable, there are steps you can take to help minimise the frequency & intensity. If you’re struggling with headaches please contact us to arrange a consultation so we can assist you in getting the relief you need. #chiropractor #chiropractic #chiropracticadjustment #chiropracticcare #chiropracticworks #chiropractornoblepark #alliedhealth #alliedhealthnoblepark #noblepark #headache #migraine #nervoussystem #tension #cervicogenicheadache #clusterheadache

08.01.2022 One Single Cell

06.01.2022 Tomorrow is World Spine Day! Let us know how you’re getting back on track by using #backontrack hashtag and together let’s regain control of our health and wellbeing

05.01.2022 Relaxation Exercises. Sometimes called progressive muscle relaxation. This technique is where you tense or squeeze your muscles really tight and then release them working through different muscle groups such as your upper traps and shoulders, your gluts, hands and feet. As your muscles start to relax they work to unwind you physiologically inside as well. So start relaxing today. #relax #relaxationexercises #starttoday #squeezeyourmuscles #chiropractor #chiropractic #chiropracticadjustment #chiropractorsofinstagram #chiropractornoblepark #noblepark #alliedhealth #alliedhealthnoblepark #wellnesswednesday

05.01.2022 Neck pain is a common issue and is one of the main reasons for a visit to a Chiropractor. It is estimated about 50% of the population are affected during their lifetime and up to 34% of people suffering from chronic pain. One way you can manage pain is by adding a few basic stretching exercises into your daily routine which are quick and easy to do. stand, sit or lie on the floor with arms stretched by your side. ... relax your shoulders. tuck your chin into your chest. extend your head back slightly and raise your chin to the ceiling, still keeping your arms down and back. Always ask your Chiropractor before starting any exercises or stretching program including the above examples for neck pain. #neckpain #easytodo #chronicpain #exercises #relaxyourshoulders #dailyroutine #stretching #chiropractor #chiropractic #chiropracticadjustment #chiropracticworks #chiropracticlifestyle #chiropractorsofinstagram #chiropractornoblepark #alliedhealth #alliedhealthnoblepark #noblepark

02.01.2022 Let’s talk about SCIATICA. Sciatica is a term used to describe pain which radiates along the sciatic nerve that runs down your leg from the lower back. Sciatica is a symptom and can feel like shooting pain or pins and needles down the leg and/or foot. Sciatica can also feel like numbness or tingling, pressure or weakness in the leg and can last for a few hours or be ongoing for weeks. ... There are many possible causes of sciatica, but the top 3 main causes are lumbar disc bulge, pain referring from the low back or pelvis or pain referring from tight muscle bands or trigger points in the hips and pelvis. Other causes not so well known are: Pregnancy Sitting awkwardly with your wallet in your back pocket and Lumbar spine dysfunction. Sciatica is a very common symptom we see in the practice daily and chiropractic is a very safe, gentle and effective nature health care option in helping people suffering from sciatica. Our passion is to help people get the relief they need, get healthier and get back to enjoying life to the fullest. So if you are suffering from low back pain or sciatica, give us a call.

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