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25.01.2022 This cartoon is a great laugh but it also a good reminder to think about what our daughters (and sons) are watching and how does this affect their developing sense of identity. I know I am not alone on this one! #thinkitthrough #connectedchildren
23.01.2022 Hey, kids! Lets do something special to celebrate the end of homeschooling! Why is this so important to do? Transitioning back to school Is something that many parents and children are excited about. But I wont be surprised if its not smooth sailing for many. We have had so much change in such a small time. Its important to set up good routines to help this transition back to a more familiar routine, but there are other ways to support this too. ... This weekend can you do something special to signify the end of isolation. This might be a special dinner at home where everyone dresses up a bit fancy, it might be an adventure somewhere new, or an expressive activity such as painting memories from isolation. This is not meant to signify the end of our times dealing with covid, but it does help us process this most recent stage during isolation. The point of doing something a bit different is that it signifies to the kids that theres about to be a significant change back to school but it does this in a fun and relaxed way. Its a chance for them to process and prepare for this change. Its also a chance for them to share their memories of this time, which is really important too. What can you do with the kids this weekend? Make sure its something you will like too. #mentalhealthOT #takethelead #isolation #socialdistancing #connectedchildren #occupationaltherapist #occupationaltherapy #harnessyourexpertise #covid-19
23.01.2022 Most parents agree that raising our children can be very draining at times. When we are tired and rundown, the stories we tell in our mind can be unhelpful. What stories do you tell yourself about your child? My child is manipulative trying to get me to do what they want... they are naughty keeping me up at night... they are attention seeking when they come in and repeatedly interrupting me while I am trying to get a jump on my todo list. ... On it goes... why does this matter? The stories we tell ourselves about our children not only affect us but also them. So ask yourself today, what are you saying in your mind about your child? They wont cope at school? They are not good with people? This will only get worse and they wont cope in life.... Or can you challenge that story? Okay... my child is struggling at the moment at school but I know that they are doing the best they can, there are several steps I can follow to help them and I will figure it out with them. They are not lazy, they are just shutting down sometimes because they find it really hard. Their behaviours at the moment are not helpful to them or our family but I am consistently supporting them to make better choices and Im sure that this will help over time. They get anxious during transitions, I have several strategies to help them. Even when it doesnt feel like it, I know that I am their safe place and it helps so much just when I am there. This only takes a moment just to catch these stories. I know that it can be another thing, but believe me when I say that its worth it. Your family is worth it. The stories we tell matter. #harnessingyourexpertise #curiousparenting #connected #attachmenttheory #attachmentparenting #occupationaltherapy #familybasedwork #connectedchildren #thestorieswetellmatter
22.01.2022 School may be back for many children, but this unfortunately this does not mean we have normal routines back in place at school. Children cannot line up or sit close to each other - for some children this may mean it has taken away a self regulation strategy (touching/bumping into/wrestling other children) for them to cope with their day. This video goes through some strategies you can use to help your child to cope as well develop their understanding of their needs from a sensory point of view. Please share if you found it helpful!
21.01.2022 Listening to understand our children... especially when they are dysregulated. To feel seen, heard and loved... powerful.
21.01.2022 So many parents of kids with additional needs can relate to this... to all of you. Sarah x
21.01.2022 I have always loved the saying, the days are long but the years are short. We all want the best for our kids, but so often, the best we can give them is our time. This might be sitting on the grass in the backyard, watching them on the swing, reading a book together. Keep it simple, enjoy. ... #connectedchildren #harnessingyourexpertise#ndisready #NDIS #occupationaltherapy#autism#parentingtips #timewithourchildren#kindnessmatters #parenting #disability
21.01.2022 Whats happening under the surface in your world? We are 'allowed to say, I'm tapped out with homeschooling' 'I'm stressed at work' but are we allowed to say, 'I am feeling vulnerable' 'I am scared about what is going to happen'? Are we drinking more, fighting more and sleeping less... Is it time to think about how Covid-19 is affecting you and those you love? The first step to recovery is getting real about the bottom of the iceberg, how is this affecting you? Then let's... think about how we will recover. Follow me for tips for recovery from Covid-19. Imported from image metadata: 187 Iceberg underwater. Vector illustration ------------ #mentalhealthOT #COVID-19 #socialdistancing #psychosocialoccupationaltherapist #occupationaltherapist #connectedchildren #harnessyourexpertise #thinkitthrough #takethelead #isofatigue #ndisprovider #attachment #childandfamilytherapy #sensoryprocessing #sensoryattachmentintervention #SAI #coronavirus #vision2020 #children #family #fatigue #parenting #autismparent #anxiety #meltdowns #mentalhealthmatters #recoveryfromCOVID-19
20.01.2022 Life is full and our kid's behaviour can be so hard to deal with some days. These are the times we need to keep this simple truth in mind. Take a breath and check in with yourself first, our responses matter. #connectedchildren #harnessingyourexpertise#parentingtips#specialneeds #NDIS #ndisready #autism#disabilit#specialneeds #
20.01.2022 Anyone? #mentalhealthOT #COVID-19 #socialdistancing #psychosocialoccupationaltherapist #occupationaltherapist #connectedchildren #harnessyourexpertise #thinkitthrough #takethelead #isofatigue #ndisprovider #attachment #childandfamilytherapy #sensoryprocessing #sensoryattachmentintervention #SAI #coronavirus #vision2020 #children #family #fatigue #parenting #autismparent #anxiety #meltdowns #mentalhealthmatters #recoveryfromCOVID-19
19.01.2022 Oh Fred.... how wise you are...
19.01.2022 Returning to a more familiar routine? It may be a good time to think about how we can recharge from dealing with the stress of Covid-19. A walk? Reading a book? Doing a meditation? Talking with a friend? #mentalhealthOT #occupationaltherapy #psychosocialoccupationaltherapist #covid-19 #iso #childrenandfamilies #children #parenting #stress #anxiety #meltdowns #connectedchildren #harnessyourexpertise #thinkitthrough #takethelead #sensoryprocessing #ndis #ndisready #attachment
18.01.2022 Working from home has been a huge challenge for everyone in the family. Our children will cope with this better when they know what they need to do and we set them up for success. This video attached will help you to prepare them. Check it out if you haven't already! #mentalhealthOT #covid-19 #connectedchildren #psychosocialoccupationaltherapy #thinkitthrough #harnessyourexpertise #parentinginthepandemic #coronavirus #mentalhealthCOVID-19 #mentalhealthimpactsCovid-19 #anxiety #children #parenting #occupationaltherapy
18.01.2022 R U ok day, to me, means being authentic. It is a guiding principle in both my personal and professional life. My dear talented friend made this for me and it sits pride of place in my home. Being authentic is about giving an honest response when asked, How are you? We all have good days and not so good days. Its those rough times when being authentic matters, whether it be with a family member, a trusted friend or your GP. The mental health statistics in our country are evi...dence that we need to do this more, within ourselves and for each other. What does being authentic mean to you? Does it mean being okay that other peoples opinion on how to respond to your childs meltdowns is different to yours? Is it about choosing a career that your family doesnt support? Is it about your parenting choices? Whatever it means to you may today be a day for celebrating who you are ... Celebrating your own authenticity as well as others. Thanks to the always amazing Delphie See Creativefor your truly astounding lettering skills! #connectedchildren #authentic #harnessingyourexperise #Occupationaltherapy #Autism #Disability #Mentalhealth #ruokday #mentalhealthOT
17.01.2022 Tag that special person ... thank you for being you.
16.01.2022 Sundays can be a great time for reflection. Today can you take a moment to think about what is going well in your family... Regular story time and daily habits that support literacy?Meals as a family? What is going well and how can you build on it? #harnessingyourexpertise #mentalhealth #connectedchildren #autism #MentalHealthOT #disability #occupationaltherapy #children #parenting
15.01.2022 Is it a just a few drinks or is it self medicating with alcohol? Its wine oclock right? But when do a few glasses of wine, slip over into self medication? Does this apply to you or someone that you care about?...Continue reading
14.01.2022 Reducing the risk of Covid-19 infection is a responsibility we all have. We have been sharing this resource with people who are involved in caring for people with disabilities. It is so important that we keep everyone safe, including people receiving NDIS services, as well as the support workers and others who care for them. We have made a caregiving agreement available for purchase. Please find attached. Hope it is helpful and stay safe. #ndis #covid-19 #infectioncontrol #staysafe #weareallinthistogether #weareallinthistogether2020 #disability #supportworkers #ndisprovider #ndisapproved
14.01.2022 Check out our latest video on strategies to help you towards recovery from the stress of Covid-19. As many of you know, I love research and this video includes strategies backed by research to help reduce stress and anxiety. The great Mihaly Csikszentmihalyi (I think I pronounced his name correctly!) has developed the theory of flow, to help promote our wellbeing and reduce stress. Please share if you found it helpful. Thanks for the messages, glad to hear the work we hav...e put in lately has made a difference! #mentalhealthOT #COVID-19 #socialdistancing #psychosocialoccupationaltherapist #occupationaltherapist #connectedchildren #harnessyourexpertise #thinkitthrough #takethelead #isofatigue #ndisprovider #attachment #childandfamilytherapy #sensoryprocessing #sensoryattachmentintervention #SAI #coronavirus #vision2020 #children #family #fatigue #parenting #autismparent #anxiety #meltdowns #mentalhealthmatters #recoveryfromCOVID-19
13.01.2022 COVID-19 has been huge. It's more than the medical concerns. It is the toll on our wellbeing, our mental health. Our minds are full and coping with so much. Go easy on yourself. #mentalhealthOT #COVID-19 #socialdistancing #psychosocialoccupationaltherapist #occupationaltherapist #connectedchildren #harnessyourexpertise #thinkitthrough #takethelead #isofatigue #ndisprovider #attachment #childandfamilytherapy #sensoryprocessing #sensoryattachmentintervention #SAI #coronavirus #vision2020 #children #family #fatigue #parenting #autismparent #anxiety #meltdowns #mentalhealthmatters #recoveryfromCOVID-19
13.01.2022 What will your new normal look like? I think a lot of people are asking this question. I know that I certainly have. So we have written a tool to help you reflect on what you would like your new normal to look like. I knew something like this could help families towards making last change as we go back to our normal routines. Check it out if you are asking yourself about your normal.
12.01.2022 Are we really allowed to say that being with our child difficult, stressful and sometimes really unpleasant? Absolutely! This is the first step towards improving this and finding more joy and connection with our children. So today, can you do things a little differently? Eat afternoon tea outside on a picnic blanket... can you bring them into activities that energise you? ... #connectedchildren #harnessingyourexpertise #children #parenting #parentingtips #thinkitthrough #specialneeds #ndis #asd #autism #disability #specialneeds #occupationaltherapy
12.01.2022 Children learn what they live. As parents, we may not have had these experiences. If this is you, then awareness is the first step, so you can show up for your kids... and for yourself.
12.01.2022 How many times have you looked at what another parent is doing and a wave of shame drifts over you and you think, I should be doing that for my kids. These thoughts can be really unhelpful and can creep in without us even realising it. So today, can you reflect on those moments... When does this happen? What might this be about? Why am I feeling this way? The key is noticing them and then taking a moment to be curious. The stories we tell about our parenting matter. #thestorieswetellmatter #harnessingyourexpertise #mentalhealth #connectedchildren #parenting #autism #disability #occupationaltherapy #curiousparenting
09.01.2022 Of all of the resources I have shared during Covid-19, this video has been the most popular and the first point is the one I have received the most feedback about as being helpful for families. Please check it out if you haven't already. #mentalhealthOT #covid-19 #connectedchildren #psychosocialoccupationaltherapy #thinkitthrough #harnessyourexpertise #parentinginthepandemic #coronavirus #mentalhealthCOVID-19 #mentalhealthimpactsCovid-19 #anxiety #children #parenting #occupationaltherapy
09.01.2022 Black lives matter. We can promote cultural respect and awareness in many ways with our children, this should include age appropriate discussions about equality and inclusion, however we can also do this through play. These gorgeous indigenous resources not only support developmental goals such as visual perceptual and thinking skills but also celebrate indigenous culture. The indigenous children who own this puzzle can develop their understanding of their language as well as... addressing key developmental needs. So when thinking about purchasing puzzles for your children perhaps consider a multicultural option. #blacklivesmatter #occupationaltherapy #multiculturalism #multiculturalawareness #equality #indigenous #deadlychoices #firstnation #respect #occupationaltherapy #harnessingyourexpertise #curiousparenting
07.01.2022 Why routine matters and easy ways you can support your childs transition back to school and daycare, kindergarten etc Points outlined below, if you would like me to do another topic then message me and Ill put it up this week. Good luck everyone! 1. Routine reduces challenging behaviours as children have clear expectations around what they need to do.... 2. Supports bodily regulation And Im not just talking about sleeping and eating. Its also about how much movement they need and when they need it. Try and give what they would be doing at school. 3. Routines help children feel safe. When their day is more predictable they can feel more in control of their world. Bonus points if you can build in rituals that build connections such as brushing hair and telling a story.
06.01.2022 If you had a friend talking to you the way you talk to yourself would you want to be friends with that person? #connected #connectedchildren #anxiety #happiness #timewithourchildren #harnessingyourexpertise #disability #autism #parenting #NDIS #occupationaltherapy
06.01.2022 Time for a good news story from Covid-19. After over a decade of hoping Hong Kong Zoos pandas, Ying Ying and Le Le would breed, without all of the intrusion from people, these two have followed their natural instincts and have been mating. The full details are in the article attached, but basically, since Covid-19, the zoo has been quieter for the pandas. Perhaps less intrusion has allowed these two to relax and let nature take it's course. The article stated that they won'...t know if a pregnancy has been achieved for several months, but natural mating is more effective than artificial insemination, so they are hopeful. Articles like this have me wondering, what are the good things that have come from Covid-19 for you and your family? #mentalhealthOT #psychosocialoccupationaltherapy #covid-19 #isolife #occupationaltherapist #childrenandfamilies #connectedchildren #harnessyourexpertise #takethelead #thinkitthrough #coronavirus #anxiety #ndisprovider #ndisready #emotionsandbehaviours #attachment #attachmentparenting #familybasedwork #family #paediatricOT #coronavirus #vision2020 #reflectivefunctioning
05.01.2022 Looking beyond the behaviour doesn’t always happen, even by therapists. This is a timely reminder to ask... What is going on behind the behaviour?
05.01.2022 As parents, we are our children's safe place. So much of the world has felt unsafe, door handles, shopping centers, other people, even our own families. This can be overwhelming for our children, especially when they have not developed the language to communicate their fears with us. When our children are feeling vulnerable, they may seek us out more and seem more dependent. Perhaps it is time to go with the flow when they ask for extra help. #mentalhealthOT #psychosocia...loccupationaltherapy #connectedchildren #thinkitthrough #takethelead #covid-19 #coronavirus #childrenandfamilies #familybasedwork #anxiety #harnessyourexpertise #depression #mentalhealthimpactsCOVID-19 #mentalhealthmatters #occupationaltherapist #parenting #pandemic2020 See more
04.01.2022 No matter what your ability or stage of life, lets think outside the square for all of us.
04.01.2022 This video outlines a strategy I have been using to support my kids while juggling the demands of isolation. Hope you find it handy!
03.01.2022 On Fathers Day we celebrate our Dads and what they do for us. Lets talk about an activity the Dad in our house loves doing ... rough and tumble play. So why is this so beneficial to our kids? Its so much more than just getting their energy out. Yes, the time together part is good, but to me, this is about regulation and social learning. During rough and tumble games, children have the opportunity to learn the unspoken rules of play and relationships. In wrestling game...s, they learn how hard to push, where is ok to push and pull (as in not the neck or groin) and when its too much. From a regulation standpoint, they experience being in an elevated state with a safe person, then practicing how to recover from the stress. I use rough and tumble play and wrestling frequently in my sessions with children who have behavioural challenges. This may seem the opposite of what we are aiming for, but monitored, guided rough and tumble play is a great opportunity to develop their capacity to elevate in a playful way, give them a way to learn how to experience and show those angry parts (that exist within all of us to a certain degree) in a way that is emotionally safe. I know, as a woman, I do have a certain gender bias around what is appropriate play. I see this commonly in my practice, many mums need convincing to try these approaches. But almost everyone sees the benefits once they try it. So thanks to all our Dads and if you havent tried rough and tumble play, today might be a day to try it! Please share if you have found this helpful thanks so much! #harnessingyourexpertise #connectedchildren #wrestling #roughandtumbleplay #dadplay #fathering #playfulness #proprioception #sensoryapproaches #sensoryprocessing #sensoryattachmentintervention #emotionalregulation #challengingbehaviour
02.01.2022 This video is to help make the most of being at home with our kids while still supporting their learning. Some great tips from this teacher that will be useful well after Covid is over, to help your children at school and beyond. Please share if you have found it useful. #takethelead #homeschooling #isolationschooling #mentalhealthOT #COVID-19 #socialdistancing #psychosocialoccupationaltherapist #occupationaltherapist #connectedchildren #harnessyourexpertise #thinkitthrough #takethelead #isofatigue #ndisprovider #attachment #childandfamilytherapy #sensoryprocessing #sensoryattachmentintervention #SAI #coronavirus #vision2020 #children #family #fatigue #parenting #autismparent #anxiety #meltdowns #mentalhealthmatters #recoveryfromCOVID-19
01.01.2022 I could write a book on this .... Im thinking about the parents who find it hard to be with their children. We are supposed to #stayhometosavelives but what happens when being with your child is just so hard? Good parents wouldnt think this way, would they? The reality is, all parents need time away from their children. It is ok to need space. This space from your child can be so important as it can give you extra energy for when you are with your child. If you find being... with your child hard, perhaps Covid-19 has been a reminder of just how hard this is. Here are some points to help think this through further. 1. If being with your child is really hard for you, little steps towards addressing this will not only benefit your enjoyment of parenting but may also help your child feel more valued in the family. As a therapist, I have seen countless times when just a few steps in the right direction have made a big impact. 2. Changing this can take time as patterns of behaviour can make it hard to feel connected to each other. 3. Changing those patterns in the relationship can best be made by finding pockets of connection in the day. What do you enjoy doing and can you bring your child into this with you? Activities for shared enjoyment could be listening/dancing to music, going to the park together, baking cookies. I see a lot of parents who try to do what they think their child might enjoy all of the time and forget about their strengths that a child might really enjoy being brought into. Once we become parents it is easy to forget of who we were as non-parent individuals and our children could miss out on some of the best part of us. 4. What did you enjoy doing when you were your childs age? Could you do this with your child? This can be really useful to build connections, as you remember your experiences at their age. This helps you to hold them in mind and build that understanding. If you are reading this and it is speaking to you, then on behalf of your child, thank you for taking the time to read this. They may not show it, but you matter so much to them. #mentalhealthOT #covid-19 #anxiety #psychosocialoccupationaltherapist #isolation #iso #socialdistancing #ndis #coronavirus #harnessyourexpertise #connectedchildren #thinkitthrough #takethelead #couragetoaskquestions #reflectivefunctioning
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