Connected Hypnobirthing in Adelaide, South Australia | Business service
Connected Hypnobirthing
Locality: Adelaide, South Australia
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Address: 16 Gloucester Street 5016 Adelaide, SA, Australia
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25.01.2022 "Please allow" are two words you never need to have on your birth plan. We are permission givers not permission seekers"Please allow" are two words you never need to have on your birth plan. We are permission givers not permission seekers
24.01.2022 When after three babies in the're able to have your baby at home. This beautiful mom reached right down to help catch her own baby. (I also love her midwife is close, but not interfering in this incredible moment. A good midwife knows when to step in...but also when to step back.) See more
23.01.2022 Did you know... Love all these points, definitely worth a read!
22.01.2022 AWAY ON HOLIDAY so I will be out of office while we head off for a family holiday in a caravan so I may have limited reception and WiFi so I will return any calls, messages and emails upon my return back home on the 18th of July. Nikki x
22.01.2022 Its #BirthTraumaAwarenessWeek & we are going to focus on prevention of and support for this phenomena. Thank you @naomisawatzkyppdoula for the original Lets be clear. A healthy baby is NOT all that matters. We hear this message regularly, but what does it mean? Well, maternity services globally often focus primarily on the safety and well-being of the baby. And they sometimes do this in a patronising way. Lets keep repeating the message that women matter. Birthing people matter. We all matter, and physical and psychological safety is as important for the mother as well as her infant. As midwives, doulas, maternity support workers and obstetricians - what we do and how we do it, what we say and how we say it - can make a womans birth experience either transforming or harrowing. We have that potential impact. The images in this post demonstrate the fact that women are influenced by the words we use. Sometimes we dont realise what were saying - lets keep being mindful during each interaction. Tomorrow this account is being taken over by @mumologist. The wonderful Emma is a psychologist specialising in pregnancy and birth - so do look out for her post and come along to chat to her! #enough #languagematters #wordsmatter #ahealthybabyisnotallthatmatters #womenmatter #birthingpeoplematter
22.01.2022 A prospective cohort study comparing labour and birth outcomes between women having their first baby who used epidural analgesia (EA) and women having their baby who didnt have an epidural shows significant associations between epidural use and several intrapartum outcomes. "Women using epidural analgesia were more likely to require a vacuum-assisted birth (RRR 3.35, p < 0.01) or forceps-assisted birth (RRR 11.69, p < 0.01). Exposure to EA was associated with significantly greater risk of 10 h first (OR 6.72, p = 0.01) and 2 h second (OR 2.25, p < 0.01) stage labour, increased likelihood of receiving IV syntocinon (OR 9.38, p < 0.01), antibiotics (OR 2.97, p < 0.01) and a greater probability of pyrexia (OR 10.26, p < 0.01). Women who used EA were half as likely to be breastfeeding at three months postpartum (OR 0.53, p < 0.01). No differences were observed between groups in neonatal outcomes."
22.01.2022 When after three babies in the hospital...youre able to have your baby at home. This beautiful mom reached right down to help catch her own baby. (I also love her midwife is close, but not interfering in this incredible moment. A good midwife knows when to step in...but also when to step back.) See more
21.01.2022 Thoughts? Anything you would add?
20.01.2022 Are you familiar with why we wait for the white when clamping or cutting your babys umbilical cord? Its known as delayed cord clamping. If you take a look a...t the first couple photos youll see what your babys cord may look like at birth. At that time theres still about a 1/3 of your babys blood pumping through the cord and placenta. The latter photos show what the cord looks like after waiting a while. Physiologic cord camping allows for optimal transfusion of this blood which is necessary for your babys health. DCC results in a boost of your babys blood supply & higher iron levels, which is vital for healthy brain development and increased oxygenation for your baby. Midwives have always practiced delayed clamping and cutting while many providers clamp as soon as the baby is placed on moms chest. Policys are being updated as hospitals become more mom & baby friendly & providers are catching up on the evidence. Dont hesitate to state your desires to delay clamping the cord if you birth in a space where this isnt the norm. The time delayed varies by many providers, but a rule of thumb would be to wait until the cord is no longer pulsating. If you view many out of hospital birth photos & see the baby still attached to the placenta, this is why. Did you delay clamping and cutting your babys cord? Why or why not? #delayedcordclamping #waitforthewhite #homebirth #mymidwifetia #naturalbirth #midwife #childbirtheducation #birthprep #pregnancy : tagged in original post on Instagram. breedowners_doula_photography
18.01.2022 Did you know it is birth trauma awareness week?
18.01.2022 I shared this over on @aboutbirthonline . The drop in female hormones after birth is considered the single LARGEST sudden hormone change in the SHORTEST amount... of time, for any human being, at any point in their life. Get this - during pregnancy your estrogen and progesterone will increase to the level of taking almost 100 BIRTH CONTROL PILLS in one day! And then within a matter of three days after birth youre essential back to a baseline of what your hormones were before pregnancy - and even lower. So you can imagine this is a little like PMS on steroids! The drop in hormones you experience after pregnancy stimulates your body to produce a hormone called prolactin - which signals your milk-making glands to produce breast milk. Exclusively breastfeeding actually suppresses your natural estrogen and progesterone levels to keep your breast milk supply high and your periods away. If you do not breastfeed - prolactin levels will drop and you may experience a period as early as 6 weeks after birth. If you combine feed your baby your hormone levels will also change - prolactin levels and milk supply will drop slightly, estrogen & progesterone will rise and you may also experience a period while breastfeeding. WHY IS THIS SIGNIFICANT? A surge in oxytocin after birth and during breastfeeding compensates for the initial drop of estrogen and progesterone. Around 6 weeks those positive post-birth hormones can begin to fade and you might start noticing the effects of low progesterone and estrogen. These two hormones are key to making dopamine and serotonin, two neurotransmitters in the brain that are important in feeling calm and happy. So, with a reduction in post-birth hormones, progesterone and estrogen some women might start to experience the baby-blues. If this is you - please know it is completely natural to feel overwhelmed. Reach out, get support & find tools to help you through this crazy hormonal ride. Info from @ functionalnaturopath #hormones #laelstone #birth #aboutbirthonline #onlinebirtheducation #connection #newborn
18.01.2022 VERNIX CASEOSA.... Vernix is a thick creamy waxy substance that covers the body of the newborn (reminds me of cocoa butter!). Its seen more in babies born a co...uple of weeks prior to the due date as it reduces towards the end of pregnancy. It is made up of water, fats and proteins. The vernix protects and nourishes the babys soft skin, has antimicrobial properties and acts as a barrier in the uterus to stop the amniotic fluid macerating the skin in the womb. Can you imagine how your skin would look after 9 months in the bath! . Vernix is thought to help with an easier transition through the birth canal and it thought to aid temperature regulation at birth. . When a baby is born, the newborn skin undergoes a number of changes and adaptions to the outside world in terms of PH and hydration. Vernix helps to regulate these changes so its worthwhile not bathing baby to soon. Think of vernix as a moisturiser and rub it in rather than wipe it off! . It is recommended by WHO to wait at least 24 hours before bathing a newborn (I would even say 2/3 days) as it has its benefits including reduced risk of infection, better temperature regulation, more skin to skin time leading to better breastfeeding outcomes and blood sugar regulation. If your baby has a little dried blood in their hair and it bothers you, you can always wipe the hair gently with a cloth and warm water. Pic: @sagemamadoula VIA @placentar_energia_vitalidade
17.01.2022 Fetal movements and heart sounds... Did you know that a normal fetal heart rate is between 110bpm to 160bpm? Its much faster than our normal adult heart rate (...60bpm to 100bpm) and thats because our growing babes are sympathetically dominated (now Im getting too technical!). The machine Im holding in this picture is called a Doppler. You may have seen one, you may even own one. This one is mine, I own it because Im a midwife. Do you think Ive listened to my baby this pregnancy? Nope. Not even one teeny tiny sneak listen! Why not you may ask? Well its not my job too. Im not my midwife, Im paying someone else to do that . Im this babys mother and thats it. As a pregnant woman my most important job is to get to know my baby and its movements. As the pregnancy progresses (its too early atm), I need to learn what its normal movement pattern is like and most importantly I need to be able to recognise if this deviates and seek help from my care provider if that happens. As a midwife I like to explain fetal movements by comparing them with a toddler. We all know how much energy a toddler has when its healthy, they run around from eyes open to eyes shut. What do they do when they are unwell though? They slow down, snuggle, sleep more, not move very much. Our growing babes are the same in utero. When they are well they move to a similar pattern (a fetus will typically have 40 minute sleep periods). When they are unwell, their movements slow down and/or stop. Its extremely vital that you call your care provider or present to your local hospital if you are worried about fetal movements. When you present with this concern your care provider will assess your babys well being by doing a CTG (typically this will occur once you are 28 weeks pregnant or more, its very rare for this machine to be used prior to this). A CTG prints out the babys heart rate and tells us a lot more about babes well being then just listening with a Doppler. Even when your not concerned about babe, the only person who should be listening to your babys heart beat, is a qualified health professional that is trained to do so. In Australia, our stillbirth rate has not changed in twenty years. There is currently a lot being done in this area to change that. Informing pregnant people and their families about feta movement patterns is one step in a movement towards trying to decrease the stillbirth rate. So please, dont buy a Doppler to use during your pregnancy. If you are worried about yours or your babys health, your registered health care providers (not google, or your friends sisters aunties cousins) are the only people who should be providing you with advice, care and listening to your babys heart beat. Please dont ever be worried youre over reacting either. Your health care provider would rather see you a hundred times and nothing be wrong then not see you or see you too late and something have happened to you or babe. NEVER EVER put off calling. If you think something has changed, call it when you think about it! For more information please check out
17.01.2022 TICKET SALES are now OPEN for the long awaited release of ‘Birth Time: the documentary’. #ItsTime for this baby to be born! Head to purchase your ticket. Woo hoooo!
17.01.2022 When we birth, we don’t just birth babies. We birth ourselves, we birth our families and we reshape our lives. It’s so important to get good information on wh...ich to base pregnancy and birth decisions. Because they can affect us for a very long time. Perhaps the rest of your life. It's also important to understand that it doesn't matter what the guideline says, or what anyone else thinks. What matters is what's right for you. If you'd like to read more from someone who has a PhD, twenty five years of experience as a midwife and a holistic, heart-centred approach to birth .... oh, and who doesn't think it's her job to make your decisions, there's loads of free information on my website, You can also read lots more about birth-related decision making in my book: What's Right For Me? Making decisions in pregnancy and childbirth. More details at #birthinformation #midwife #midwifery #doula #childbirtheducation #childbirth #informedbirth #informeddecisions #whatsrightforyou #childbirtheducator #hypnobirthing #youdoyou #drsarawickham #whatsrightforyou #whatsrightforme #youdoyou #youdoyouinthebirthroom #birthdoula #pregnancy #duein2021 See more
16.01.2022 Trigger warning... October is Pregnancy and Infant Loss Awareness Month and Teigen’s recent loss and this article writing by a midwife is a timely reminder that ‘There are no rules around grief. There is no right or wrong. When we feel upset by the way someone else responds to their own tragedies, the onus is on us, not them, to readjust. We don't have to agree, but we absolutely cannot criticize. Let's please remember what our role is as the bystanders: When a mother has a miscarriage or infant loss, our job is to cloak her in nurturing love and supportin whatever way she needs.’ Sending love to Teigen, John and their family and anyone else who has experienced or is experiencing loss and grief of a child.
16.01.2022 There are so many unknowns right now so my best advice to you is to focus on what IS in your control. Your mindset, your birth preparation, your birth partner, your breathing. Youve got this! Incredible video by Monet Nicole - Birthing Stories
16.01.2022 To mark the beginning of birth trauma awareness week 2020, we want to acknowledge that giving birth can be a wonderful experience for most families but not all......... 1 in 3 Australian women identify their birth as traumatic. Partners can experience birth-related trauma too. This years awareness week theme is Journeys and we aim to demonstrate the unique and challenging journeys that many families face as they start parenthood. We are #startingtheconversation with the aim to provide families a platform to speak out instead of suffering in silence. We are calling on health professionals to recognise how truly individual birth-trauma can be and hopefully encourage better support not only through the birth process but long afterwards. Many families in our community often take a long time to have their trauma diagnosed and this may be why we see such fractured care pathways and such little recognition and support available. We see the long-term impact of birth trauma, we see the stories that the research misses. By raising our voices we can hopefully enable our care providers to improve trauma prevention and enable quicker diagnosis which benefits the whole family and our wider community. If you would like to support our cause during the week or if you would like support, you can contact us; [email protected] or sign up for our virtual fundraiser: #birthtraumaawarenessweek2020
16.01.2022 So this was VERY interesting to me! When I was pregnant I did a lot of research and I found out that in females, our throat area/vocal cords and that part of o...ur body are directly connected and correlated with our pelvic floor. This means that if you relax your throat and neck during labour, your pelvic floor will relax, widen, and open as well. This makes labour much quicker, much easier, and much less painful! (Win, win, win! ) One way - and the best way in my opinion and from my experience - to open your pelvic floor using your vocal cords and your throat area, is to use your MAMA BEAR, low, primal voice when making your groaning noises during contractions! This widens, opens, and relaxes the birth canal/pelvic floor. These visual pictures make it all make more sense visually. Literally sounds: LOUD, LOW, AND BEAR-LIKE. If you do this during each contraction while relaxing your neck, your body will do the rest without resistance. It's literally like magic! And it takes the pain from: "OMG OUCH " - to, "oh okay, I got this!!!" This is how I got through labour and delivery without any meds. The pain is absolutely manageable! Us women were literally built for this. (And remember to pair this technique with proper birthing positions - NEVER on your back! Let gravity help the process and get moving.) So expecting Mama's, get your Bear Voices ready!!! You got this! (Illustrations by: @luisaalexandre )
15.01.2022 via Positively Present
14.01.2022 The way in which a birth unfolds can have such an impact on a womans experience, for such a long time. #writersofinstagram #midwife #midwifery #doula #childbirth #childbirtheducation #whatsrightforme #placenta #placentalbirth #drsarawickham
14.01.2022 The drop in female hormones after birth is considered the single LARGEST sudden hormone change in the SHORTEST amount of time, for any human being, at any point... in their life. Get this - during pregnancy your estrogen and progesterone will increase to the level of taking almost 100 BIRTH CONTROL PILLS in one day! And then within a matter of three days after birth youre essential back to a baseline of what your hormones were before pregnancy - and even lower. So you can imagine this is a little like PMS on steroids! The drop in hormones you experience after pregnancy stimulates your body to produce a hormone called prolactin - which signals your milk-making glands to produce breast milk. Exclusively breastfeeding actually suppresses your natural estrogen and progesterone levels to keep your breast milk supply high and your periods away. If you do not breastfeed - prolactin levels will drop and you may experience a period as early as 6 weeks after birth. If you combine feed your baby your hormone levels will also change - prolactin levels and milk supply will drop slightly, estrogen & progesterone will rise and you may also experience a period while breastfeeding. WHY IS THIS SIGNIFICANT? A surge in oxytocin after birth and during breastfeeding compensates for the initial drop of estrogen and progesterone. Around 6 weeks those positive post-birth hormones can begin to fade and you might start noticing the effects of low progesterone and estrogen. These two hormones are key to making dopamine and serotonin, two neurotransmitters in the brain that are important in feeling calm and happy. So, with a reduction in post-birth hormones, progesterone and estrogen some women might start to experience the baby-blues. If this is you - please know it is completely natural to feel overwhelmed. Reach out, get support & find tools to help you through this crazy hormonal ride. WHEN WILL HORMONES RETURN TO NORMAL? Hormones can return to normal anywhere from 6 weeks- 6 months postpartum (depending on breastfeeding). Pregnancy can sometimes cause your hormones to go a little whacky! Seek support if your hormones do not return to normal, you experience delayed menstrual cycles after breastfeeding, are anxious, depressed, have low libido, chronic fatigue, weight gain, heavy menstrual cycles or other unpleasant symptoms. Functional Naturopathy
13.01.2022 N When you are able to hold off the fuss over mom and baby as much as possible and keep the two together within the first hour after birth natur...e is allowed to take its course. "The Golden Hour"is a crucial time for mama and baby. In each of their precious bodies, massive shifts are taking place as they adjust to life's new transition. Two separate creatures within learning to be one without. An every day miracle. What do you see happening? I see: 1st latch: establishing bond of trust, familiarity and nourishment. Surges of oxytocin constracting mom's uterus. Protecting against hemorrhage. Vernix Caseosa: the white sticky substance lubricating that new skin (Don't wash it momma, RUB IT IN) Gentle colonization of microorganisms which help baby adjust to the outside environment. Body temperature regulation, which babies in the beginning can have a hard time doing. Trust developing, as the two new beings birthed through this process get to know eachother. So much more takes place when you are able to allow yourself this special time. : @birthpix #birthphotography #goldenhour #firstlatch #breastfeeding #birthpix #doulaviewllc #thelamazedoula #lamaze #vernix #childbirth #motherhood #madres #nature
13.01.2022 Some babies are born very purple. About 10 seconds after birth, they will take their first breath, which will inflate their lungs and star...t the oxygenation process. As they continue to breathe air, this color will turn more red, and then into pink. The hands and feet may retain a bluish hue for a bit longer, which is normal. Your care provider will keep a close eye on baby’s color and breathing- intervention will occur if baby continues to have trouble transitioning. #Repost @doulaheathertaylor @tncphoto
12.01.2022 To the mama thats overwhelmed and tapped out during this pandemicyou are not alone. You will make it out the other side, you will find your way. You always do.
12.01.2022 Monday Mama inspiration.
12.01.2022 Did you lose your patience today? You are a great mom. Did you look at the clock and wonder how it wasnt bedtime yet? You are a great mom. Did you swear under ...your breath, text your friend that your kids where high maintenance and she responds with we need to get the f*ck out of here Youre a great mom. Did you wonder when this particular season of motherhood youre currently in was going to be over? Youre a great mom. Did you find today hard? Youre a great mom. Did you feel like you arent the best mom you could be? Youre a great mom. See the silence in motherhood as a woman is what is worse than having hard moments as a mom. If you see us with our kids, when no one is watching you will see a happy mom who has some super hard moments. There was once a time when we were labeled as bad moms for talking about the hard, but the easy is easy. We all know the easy, the love, the sheer raw love for you kids. But as a woman who is a mom, sometimes its hard, like really hard. It doesnt mean we dont love our kids, it doesnt mean we would change it, it just mean that some days, weeks, months are hard as a women who is a mom. The love for the kids, thats always there..... tag a great mom, they may need to hear it tonight #momtruths #momtruthsbook #motherhoodunplugged #momlife See more
10.01.2022 It’s crazy to have to say this, but newborn babies need their blood. And yet the medical model of childbirth has been preventing many babies from getting the ...right amount of blood for many years now. I’m talking about the relatively recent and harmful practice of clamping and cutting the umbilical cord straight after birth. This intervention is a harmful because babies need a bit of time after birth to adapt to life outside the womb. To ensure that enough of their blood which also swirls through their placenta has transferred into their body before the connection between the two is cut. Nadine Edwards and I wrote about this in Birthing Your Placenta. Modern parents might think that this immediate cord clamping is the ‘norm’. After all, it’s what we’ve seen for years now. When we see birth on TV, the cord is clamped right away. Often, the cord and placenta aren’t even there! But it’s not normal, and it’s not helpful. In my blog post today, I explain why this is an issue, link to loads of resources that you can click on to find out more, and share ten things you can do before you cut the cord. You can read it at #midwife #midwifery #pregnancy #birth #doula #childbirth #childbirtheducation #positivebirth #writersofinstagram #birtheducator #birthdecisions #studentmidwife #childbirtheducator #informedconsent #informedchoice #whatsrightforme #positiveinduction #labor #labour #quotes #drsarawickham #evidenceinformedmidwifery #evidencebasedbirth #cordclamping #delayedcordclamping #noshoelaces See more
10.01.2022 Im a little bias, but I love midwives in birth photos. Its not hard to find us. We can be found sitting alone. In the background. Crouching quietly to listen baby. That photo of the midwife partially under the bed cracks me up- knowing how many photos I have of myself laying on the ground. The goal is well known amongst us- to become invisible guardians. Blend in with the scenery. Stay close. Observe. Watch. Protect. The hours we spend with birthing people is ultimately what sets us apart in todays maternity care. It is also what makes us a detriment inside of the system. We cant charge per minute you are with them, the hospital system says. If its a midwife attending, we can pay you even less the insurance company says. The highest grossing can come together and tell us that we just dont bring enough value. What they mean to say- is monetary value. I know the value we have. I know the return on simply holding space for birthing people. I know the dividends acquired from listening. Validating. Believing. The science knows that the highest grossing, the healthiest and most successful communities start with healthy families. Healthy families start with empowered beginnings. Ultimately, I know the value of a midwife because it changed my entire life. It changed the way I saw myself. It brought me into my existing power and multiplied it. It changed the way I mothered, the way I lived, the way I grew. I know the value we have, and it can never be measured in dollars.
09.01.2022 It’s normal to feel worried during times of uncertainty. If you need talk to someone about how you are feeling, please reach out to our network of specialist se...rvices who are here to help. Visit our COVID-19 Mental Health support web portal for resources, including online chat services, and more information:
07.01.2022 Ditch the pressure, you are doing a great job!
07.01.2022 Do you know that men can experience birth trauma too? Perinatal depression and anxiety can affect 1 in 10 men. Sadly (like many areas that cover birth-related ...trauma), research focusing on paternal mental health is limited, especially regarding the impact of the experience of poor mental health in the perinatal period. For example, little is known about the experiences of fathers who witness their partners traumatic birth and the subsequent impact on their mental health. In a study recently published in the UK aimed at exploring the impact of witnessing a traumatic birth, how these experiences impacted their wellbeing, and what support they received during and following the traumatic birth. Fathers reported that witnessing their partners traumatic birth had a significant impact on them. They felt this affected their mental health and relationships long into the postnatal period. However, there is no nationally recognised support in place for fathers to use as a result of their experiences. The participants attributed this to being perceived as less important than women in the postnatal period, and maternity services perceptions of the father more generally. Implications include ensuring support is available for both the mother and father following a traumatic birth, with additional staff training geared towards the fathers role. If you have a loved one that experienced trauma - we have information on our website dedicated to fathers and partners: Dads of the NICU Dads Group Birthing Dads The Father Hood
06.01.2022 Makes perfect sense... worth a watch expecting and breastfeeding mummas
06.01.2022 A lot of women tell me that part of their birth trauma occurred when they felt like they werent listened to or had their choices respected. They are often lef...t feeling like a mere incubator, second to the well-being of their baby. Alone in a room full of people, not fully present or involved in the birth of their child. And this isnt the way it should be. Unfortunately, if you choose to birth within the system then you need to be prepared to stand up for yourself, your choices and your human rights. This is part of what I teach my doula clients. It is a sad fact, that the opportunity for true informed consent is rarely given to women these days. Instead their is often blatant ignorance of legal rights, bullying, coercion and abuse. This free resource is for everybody. You are welcome to share it with anyone you know who may be giving birth soon.
06.01.2022 So 2020 has not been the year I expected... I don’t think it has been for anyone! A rollercoaster is an understatement but I wanted to share one of the reason I have been quiet on here for a while.... We are expecting baby number 3 in just a few short weeks! I would love to share more of my story when the time is right but for now I wanted to give an update and say I will be taking a break from teaching, I will still be around just bit slower with responding. Can’t wait to share a birth announcement with you all soon. #hypnobirthingaustraliapractitioner #hypnobirthing #hypnobirth I #hypnobub #pregnancyannouncement #2020 #dueoctober2020 #justanestimatedduedate #babynumber3 #pregnant #connectedhypnobirthing #midwife #mumma #family #familytakespriority #maternityleave
05.01.2022 Imagine, just for a moment, that as a result of the pandemic, women were denied access to epidurals during labour, for reasons regarding COVID infection risk t...o caregivers. What would happen? OUTRAGE. Thats what would happen. It would be declared inhumane and the removal of rights of women. Yes? Well that hasnt happened. Of course it fucking hasnt. But have you heard what has?? RANZCOG have issued a statement denying women the use of water during labour as an infection control measure against COVID. Note there is ZERO evidence to back up this move. Of all the births i attend, there are two things that consistently help women through their labours and they are CHOSEN support people, and access to showers and/or deep water immersion for pain relief. Since the beginning of COVID, varying slightly from hospital to hospital, women have been denied any more than one support person. So women have their partner with them, but no doula/sister/friend/mother and in the case of hospital transfer from home birth, often even the private midwife gets shut out on entry. And now, this. The denial of the use of water- one of the major providers of comfort during labour and birth for women who choose against anesthesia. RANZCOGs answer?? Offer women early epidurals instead. On our backs. On a bed. Anaesthetised. Who has the control then? Fine of thats what you choose. But if youre backed into that corner because everything else is taken away? We need to rage because accepting this as the new norm is not fucking ok. #itstime #waterbirth See more
05.01.2022 "Ill meet you where you are." Today, were reflecting on these beautiful words and powerful image from Emma of This Mama Doodles. Because new motherhood is a s...hock. Its relentless. Its painful. It stretches your heart and makes you question who you are. And its lonely - the kind of loneliness you didnt know existed until youre awake rocking a baby at 3am or going on yet another long pram walk. Never underestimate the power of showing up for your new mum friends. In these strange times, it may not be having wine on the couch while they cry from sheer, pure exhaustion - despite how we might ache for it. It might simply be checking in regularly, holding them from afar, letting them know that youre there. Its telling them if they want to, need to, they can call and sob down the phone - and that youll hold space for them while they do. Its saying, "Ill meet you where you are." Wherever that may be x Via COPE
05.01.2022 I almost forgot to share last group class back in August, their views of birth before the positive birth program and after... this was such a fun group and I loved sharing the @hypnobirthingaustralia program with them and I can’t wait to hear their birth stories!!!
04.01.2022 Vernix! We love the term, birth frosting ! This stuff is freaking amazing... It helps protect the babys delicate skin from the acidic quality of the amniotic... fluid. Its hydrating and also insulates the baby whilst its in utero and after its born. Plus it acts as a lubricant when birthing! Whilst it can be a strange thing to see when your baby is born, it has so many benefits for your little one. ------------------------------------------------------ Posted @withregram @jessica_vi_photography // A whole lot of vernix // look at this Beautiful birthday frosting! Never seen a baby with this much vernix. She was born at 37 weeks. Her skin was so soft after it al went into her skin. Perfect little layer of protection. #childbirth #repost #baby #mother #newborn #birth #beautifulphotography #vernix #birthfrosting #utero
04.01.2022 Our pregnancy "tool-box" is full when we complete a Hypnobirthing course. Youll have many tools and a positive mindset to draw on in the time of need. We condi...tion our mind so that we can move through birthing feeling confident to make the best decision for yourself and your baby. #inspiration #hypnobirthing #birth #children #baby #pregnancy #positivebirth
03.01.2022 He couldnt take his eyes off of them. These are the moments I love capturing the most...because theyre the moments the birthing person so often misses or forgets.
02.01.2022 That deep inhale and exhale. That moment when you realize the work is done (and also just begun)
01.01.2022 If a father spends 30 minutes skin to skin with his baby on the first day of life, it rewires his brain for parenting." Nils Bergman Just like birth leads to a... series of important hormonal changes in mothers, it alters the hormonal state of our partners too. And just like oxytocin is important for mothers, it is important for partners too! Oxytocin enables us to enjoy parenting...especially the challenging (but lovely) monotony of early parenthood. The best ways for partners to bond with their baby is to do early skin to skin and to engage with their baby (everything from changing nappies to settling to bath time to baby wearing). Usually our partners get skin to skin after we have had our undisturbed first hour and we are getting ready to have a shower and freshen up! Did your partner get early skin to skin with your baby?" Words and Repost from Mother Down Under - Hypnobirthing Australia and Postnatal Specialist Image by Hadas Images #babybonding #skintoskin
01.01.2022 Thank you for all the lovely comments about the info we’ve been sharing. I’m sorry that we can’t respond to all the comments and questions that we get sent, but... if you’re looking for information on induction (or other birth-related topics, come to that), there’s loads on I have also written a book about induction of labour if you would like to better understand the different aspects of this process and the evidence relating to it. You can see that at I also want to re-share this important thought. When it comes to making decisions about things like induction of labour, it’s not that people are trying to persuade women to say no. It’s about trying to make sure that women have all the information they need to decide whether a particular path is right for them. As recent research has again confirmed, there are also advantages to waiting. The research that suggests that induction confers benefits isn't as robust as some people make out. And many women who have induction and similar interventions during their births later wish that they had been told more about what it had involved and about what it would mean for them and their family. Some are very happy with their decision but others are not. We need to help more women to get all the information they need to make the decisions that are right for them. #midwife #midwifery #doula #childbirth #childbirtheducation #informedbirth #inducinglabor #informedconsent #birthing #induction #inductionday #duedate #drsarawickham See more
01.01.2022 Whenever you're offered a medical test, take a moment to consider what will happen with the information gained from it. Is this something you're happy with? ... Could a particular result limit your options in any way? (If a screening test shows that you are carrying group B strep bacteria, have gestational diabetes or have a higher-than-average BMI, for instance, you might be told that you can't birth where you wanted to.) What are the alternatives? (There are always alternatives, including declining the test.) Always remember it's your decision. You can say 'yes' or 'no' or 'I need time to think about this.' If you'd like to know more, or to better understand some of the wider issues around making decisions in pregnancy and childbirth, take a look at my book, "What's Right For Me?" It's written to help women, parents and families to better understand how modern maternity care works and how you can make the decisions that are right for you. More information at #midwife #midwifery #doula #birthdoula #pregnant #birth #childbirth #duein2020 #duein2021 #drsarawickham #positivebirth #childbirtheducation #childbirtheducator #whatsrightforme See more
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