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25.01.2022 I've recently learnt about the Vagus Nerve. The vagus nerve is the largest cranial nerve in the body. It runs from the brain, through the face, throat heart, lungs and down through the organs to our gut. It is the primary communicator btween the gut and the brain. It communicates our ‘gut feelings or responses’ of fear, anxiety, stress to our brain. It is also in charge of turning off your fight or flight response. By stimulating the vagus nerve it activates your relax...ation response or rest and digest and it tells your body that you are safe. Those with good, healthy vagal tone will identify as having good physical and psychological well being. Those with poor vagal tone experience higher rates of inflammation, anxiety, loneliness and a low sense of well being. You can appreciate that having a healthy vagal nerve is going to make a difference in your parasympathetic state. Below is a great article.
25.01.2022 Don't judge what you have or haven't done. Accept where you are right now. It's ok. You are enough!Don't judge what you have or haven't done. Accept where you are right now. It's ok. You are enough!
23.01.2022 Saturday 1st August 10.30am - 1pm WA; 2.30-5pm NZ Holding on to pain and upset with another person only hurts you. Give yourself the gift of releasing the upset and getting your power back. An amazing workshop to heal from an old wound through a very gentle process. Only $49. PM me for more details. I've got your back!
21.01.2022 Forgiveness Workshop - Letting Go of past hurts and welcoming Inner Peace A few weeks ago I ran a Forgiveness Workshop and it was awesome!! Below are some messages I recently recieved from some of the participants. The next Forgiveness Workshop Sunday 30th August, 10am WA time (live on zoom). PM me for details.
20.01.2022 A very vulnerable post here - uncovering a pattern of behaviour that I have of self judgement, being self critical. Is this how we teach our children to hate themselves? We always have to look to ourselves first and our own shite. There is always something within ourselves to work on. Stay tuned in how I work to crack the code of self judgement.
19.01.2022 Late last year I joined an online personal growth book reading challenge.... The idea is you gotta read EVERY day.... even just a few pages! Have read 2.5 books so far! Loving the this great habit. Current book as per below. It's a great light hearted refreshing read reminding me of some simple fundamentals in being the leader in our own lives towards living a good life. I recommend particularly if you judge yourself alot!
19.01.2022 Family Freedom Protocol The Family Freedom Protocol is a step by step program to take people from a stuck state to being in their flow and inner strength again. A stuck state could be anything from frustration, lost, disconnected, down-and-out, anxious, stressed or even mildly depressed. There are 8 sessions which work on: Negative emotions... Limiting beliefs Timeline Reset Forgiveness Inner child healing Energy healing The information and processes are a combination of Nuero Linguist Programming, Hypnotherapy and energy healing and works on the unconscious, conscious, cellular and energy levels which is why it is so effective. When clients are willing to do the work and commit to their healing the results are quick. As a Family Freedom Protocol Practitioner I work with individuals and families to facilitate real change and transformation in people’s lives. Families who take on the Family Freedom Protocol program have gone from ‘stressed out, regular tantrums and moodiness problems’ to more connected and able to manage the everyday challenges of family life. Life gets easier after having been through the program. If this sounds like it may resonate with you, ask yourself Is this life taking or life giving? If you feel it may be ‘life giving’ then let’s have a quick chat to see if this program is right for you.
18.01.2022 Family Freedom Protocol and Hypnosis Practitioner I've been working with a new client recently and she came to me because she was feeling 'sick' about going to... work. Her boss is a micro-manager, not kind with her words and finds fault in everything she does. Nothing my client does is ever good enough. This kind of leadership style devalues employees, it absolutely doesn't motivate them and most of all it impacts on an employees self-esteem. Performance often drops when a person is being managed by this style. In my client's situation she was feeling trapped, like it was hopeless to even try and she was dreading going to work. I've heard this story so many times and I've experienced it myself. In this situation my client can't change her boss but she can change her inner dialogue, she can change how she thinks and feels about herself, she can change the limiting beliefs that are creating this situation in the first place. This client has only had 2 sessions of Timeline Reset with me so far and her changes are to be admired. This beautiful, hard working, generous woman is going from strength to strength. She is applying her positive learnings from our sessions and finding that she is 'less' impacted by her boss, she is able to have more energy for work and for herself, she is not feeling so weighed down. Our sessions continue and with them her self esteem will also increase. If you've had a terrible boss that has managed you in a way that has made you doubt yourself and your abilities, call me and we can change it. It'll only take 4 sessions. PM me to book in for a chat first to see if this is for you. I love to see peoples inner beliefs grow from strength to strength.
16.01.2022 Family Freedom Protocol and Hypnosis Practitioner I love what I do! I love it when after working with a client they feel like ... there is light at the end of their dark tunnel, that they can let go of depressing emotions and not have to hold onto negative shite anymore! they can raise their vibrations and enjoy life again! their future can be bright and happy! Timeline Reset and Delete Reset are two super effective processes I use with clients to create rapid change in people's mindsets. PM if you would like what my clients are getting. Have an awesome Monday!
14.01.2022 Do you have resentment for somebody? Your mum, dad, brother, sister, partner... yourself. Resentment and hurt fk's YOU up. It's like drinking the poison and EXPECTING the other person to suffer. The other person doesn't suffer nearly as much as you do. How angry do you get? How much energy are you draining from yourself for being resentful. I promise you, if you let resentment go you will have more peace within yourself. Forgiveness is the gift you can give yourself.... I'm a practitioner of Family Freedom Protocol and I help people to forgive and make peace within themselves. Its powerful and it works.
14.01.2022 Choosing how you most want to feel is so powerful in creating a life you enjoy!
14.01.2022 School holidays are finally behind us and we're back into the rythym for the year. I indulged this summer and spent a lot of time with my boy. I wanted him to have a summer full of play, nature, chill time, free play with friends, swimming, kayaking, beach days... and we did all of it! Now I bring my focus towards my soul business... where I work with people to shift and create positive change in their lives using the following programs: Family Freedom Protocol - ...8 sessions Delete Reset - 2 sessions Timeline Reset - 4 sessions Hypnosis Inner child Healing - 2.5 hours Forgiveness - 2.5 hours All of us have something to work on within ourselves. Some limiting belief, negative thinking, bad habit we'd like to 'move on' from. I'm currently preparing for a client who has a huge fear of spiders! The mere thought of them makes her skin crawl and her levels of anxiety spike! What are you waiting for, what are you ready to let go of?
13.01.2022 It always starts with ourselves.
12.01.2022 Some beautiful and very detailed feedback this week! I'm so grateful for clients like Abbie.
11.01.2022 Timeline Reset for removing negative ugly emotions and beliefs. This process is super effective and only takes 4 sessions!
11.01.2022 The programming of our unconscious mind... it's a powerful thing.
11.01.2022 Inner Child Work This morning I worked with a client of mine on inner child work. In a 90 min session we looked at 2 events in his childhood that had a significant impact on him, that shaped some of his limiting beliefs and programing that he has been functioning from for the last 35 years. The events he experienced in his childhood are not uncommon: - parents fighting ... - a teacher that minimised him in front of a whole class rom and was responsible for a massive hit to his self esteem as a primary school age child We can't change events that have happened to us in the past, but we can heal the negative emotions of our inner child. That's exactly what we did this morning... I used a process of hypnosis to heal and nuture the hurt and pain of that inner child. The peace and relief my client felt afterwards was unmeasurable. It was like watching a light of self esteem being turned on. Such a wonderful sight to see in a human being! Again, after today's session with my client I was reminded of the powerful healing of Inner Child Work! PM if you have some childhood wounds that are in need of some nurturing and healing!
11.01.2022 I found this on a friend's and loved it. Great for doing with the family and teaching our kids gratitude.
10.01.2022 I've been listening to some of Abraham Hicks YouTube recordings recently... What it means to be tuned in, tapped in and turned on... Its the smallest of impulses, the ideas that appear from nowhere, those ideas that get you a little or alot excited. Been tuned in, tapped in and turned on isn't hard like I have been making it.... It's listening to the subtle things and following through with those.... not waiting for the messages to be so loud and clear that only then I'll take notice. I've found that when I follow through I always feel better no matter how small and insignificant the subtle idea was. To feel good is always the primary intention.
09.01.2022 Amazing feedback!
09.01.2022 Forgiveness Workshop - Letting of past hurt and welcoming inner peace! Below is some lovely feedback from one of my participants of my Forgiveness Workshop last month. Wow... it fills my cup up when people experience the gift of forgiving! Holding on to pain, hurt and resentment only hurts us. We suffer from it, not the other person. There is a way to free ourselves without having to 'have a meeting and talking to the other person'. Liberate yourself of the pai...n, disappointment or resentment and you get the benefits. Sunday 30th August, 2 hours online - $47 PM me for details.
08.01.2022 Family Freedom Protocol Practitioner We are born to THRIVE but through life we are hypnotised to only survive. Did you know that every day we are hypnotised?... Children growing up, they will continually hear from their parents, teachers and 'adults around them' - be quiet, sit still, stop being silly, stop crying, don't do that, you're not listening, hurry up, you're just shy, you're being naughty... and the list goes on. Our children are sponges and believe what we tell them! They are listening to this for all of their growing years and are literally being hypnotised into believing that they can't, or they're naughty. Their liveliness and spunk is programmed out of them and they stop having a strong belief in themselves. This flows into the adult lives that people then live. As adults we hypnotise ourselves everyday with our self-talk whether it’s positive or negative! So if we're telling ourselves all the things that are hard or that we can't do, or how they’re struggling, then it’s no wonder that many people in this world are surviving life rather than thriving in life. In the work that I do is to 'un-hypnotise' you during an 8 week program of Family Freedom Protocol. It’s amazing to see people go from feeling ‘down and out’ about themselves to getting on track and enjoying life again! We work on multiple levels which is why it’s so effective: Conscious and unconscious level Emotional level Soul level Cellular level A client recently sent me this feedback: Big thank you to Lucy for taking me through an inner child process that I only wish more people can experience this. This is something I found was well overdue and to be supported and guided by you was a very profound experience for me. We tend to hold onto things much longer than we need to and I am grateful for the opportunity to work with you. Thank you. If you’re feeling stuck, unhappy, feel like you’re just surviving in life but ready to step into more for yourself then please PM me and we can chat to see if an 8 week program is something for you. I’m a Family Freedom Protocol Practitioner. I facilitate people in their personal healing.
08.01.2022 Bee's are a sympbol of dedication, focus, productivity, community and prosperity. They work hard focussing their time and energy on their lifes purpose and the rewards bring richness to our world. We can learn from and apply so much of what bee's stand for in our own lives. What are you dedicated to?
07.01.2022 How good does it feel when you believe in yourself, feel energised by what you do and see possibilities everywhere?? Amazing right! When you decide to let go of the shit (aka limiting beliefs, negative emotions) and choose to be in responsibility for creating your life... things start changing... in a really good way! What's one thing you keep telling yourself everyday that you can't do? Would you like to change that? Ask me how...
07.01.2022 Saturday workshop! Forgiveness
06.01.2022 Believe in you. You got this!
05.01.2022 Bee's are a sympbol of dedication, focus, productivity, community and prosperity. They work hard focussing their time and energy on their lifes purpose and the rewards bring richness to our world. We can learn from and apply so much of what bee's stand for in our own lives. What are you dedicated to?
04.01.2022 It's official I have completed my training in Family Freedom Protocol. Family Freedom Protocol is a super effective 8 session program to help people go from: ... down and out stressed anxious negative self talk on overdrive low self worth to: resourceful and creative cool calm and centred feeling good about yourself positive self talk clear decisive action "I've got this!" Are you sitting in the 'stuck' box and would like to move into the "I've got this!" category? PM for a quick chat and see if this is something that could be a good fit for you!
04.01.2022 Welcoming in 2021! So looking forward to another fabulous year of personal growth, outrageous fun and beach adventures!
03.01.2022 Just finished a 5 week workshop of Soul Business Alignment with Emma Romano and Shani-Fay Chambers! I love constantly growing, stretching out of my comfort zone and learning. I love what so do and feel so lucky that I get to help people clear their shit so that they can thrive!
02.01.2022 This week I have been taking some of my clients through a very deep and releasing process healing their younger selves. Its a process where the client a scene from their early years where they felt unheard or not understood and using hypnosis go back and reassure their younger selves. It is truly a very nurturing and kind process. It's deep and its impactful. The feedback from my clients has been increased inner peace, forgiveness, a lightness in the heart and assurance that they are ok, they are safe as them, they did nothing wrong, they are loved. PM me if this resonates with you. #familyfreedomprotocol #selfhealing #innerpeace
02.01.2022 Don't judge what you have or haven't done. Accept where you are right now. It's ok. You are enough!Don't judge what you have or haven't done. Accept where you are right now. It's ok. You are enough!
02.01.2022 All self talk, positive or negative, is self hypnosis. What self talk do you have?All self talk, positive or negative, is self hypnosis. What self talk do you have?
01.01.2022 Keep believing in you because you are worth it!
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