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Connecting Northern Gold Coast

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25.01.2022 Here is a brief summary only, of points I’d liked tabled for consideration in the overall Master Planning process, some may have already be presented by others, so that just reinforces the need I feel: (I’m happy to elaborate if there is some interest in any of the concepts for discussion, as they as only concepts in draft) Better Connectivity: To include better integrated Public Transport, Road Networks, to alleviate current pressures and congestion to Main Beach, the Spit,...Continue reading

24.01.2022 $3.29 a gallon (4 Litre)! Why can America’s Fuel be so cheap? Their taxes help improve roads too, so why is our fuel so expensive?... We should make our feelings know! #CommunityForChange #GCB #1029HotTomatoGoldCoast #RACQFuelWatch

23.01.2022 "CALLING ALL CARS and CAR CLUBS" You are invited to come to our year 4- "Relaiblity Run" and nominate your "Time to do the 2 Mile Course" up the Goat Track. ... It's a nominated timed event to normal road conditions, by invitation, so contact us by email: festival.of.elegance at or phone Grant on 0419 701 942 All Money's raised go to our Youth Driver Training Program for Students who are selected by the Mt. Tamborine Community leaders. $20.00 to enter and lots of giveaways. Open to invitation and Your 4 best Car in any Club. Waiting short list available after your Clubs best 4. #ZClubOFQld #MGClubOfQld #PorscheClubOfQld #LotusClubOfQld #HDTClubOfQld #FordClubOfQld #FerraiClubOfQld #TBirdClubOfQld

23.01.2022 Our 5th Festival of Elegance- May 3rd Gala Awards launch at the Sanctuary Coves InterContinental Grand Ballroom with our Concours Cars, Boats and Planes nominee...s. Enquiries for this years Invitational contact Grant on email: [email protected] or Mobile 0419 701 942. "Sneak preview at our 2019 Tribute Page" Hastag: #Concours2019 #InterContinentalSanctuaryCove #1029HotTomatoGoldCoast #AqualumaGoldCoast

22.01.2022 What a dreadful and unprofessional way to manage his campaign. He should be ashamed of himself. This is in such poor form. As with everything this Councillor st...ands for poor Allan was paid off, even if it was just a cap to add to his collection. Perhaps if Mr Owen-Jones is spending so much time in the library, he might benefit from reading one of the most influential books of all time - How to win friends and influence people by Dale Carnegie.

21.01.2022 Good morning Everyone Here is some further feedback on our own Spit Master Plan, with some additional explanation on my comment to those big picture brief poi...nts provided back in October 2018. Can I firstly congratulate the whole team on what is an excellent start to having our own Beachside/Broadwater Central Park. However, I think we need to take these draft ideas to the next level and I’ve outline why below. To start with, let’s find a new word for the over used Quintessential and Iconic words used by some, with our own collective of experience for our own GC Lifestyle- May be a Archetypical Advance could be a new start to this unique project, by providing our own special place for our GC residents and tourists alike. Please look to my October 27 comments sent and the additional explanations added below, thank you all. Good morning Spit Master Planning Team Here is a brief summary only, of points I’d liked tabled for consideration in the overall Master Planning process, some may have already be presented by others, so that just reinforces the need I feel: (I’m happy to elaborate if there is some interest in any of the concepts for discussion, as they as only concepts in draft) Better Connectivity: To include better integrated Public Transport, Road Networks, to alleviate current pressures and congestion to Main Beach, the Spit, the Gold Coast Highway and the Southport Road networks. Improved Pedestrian and Bike access links, around the complete Broadwater to the Seaway Spit foreshore connections, allowing for good water viewing and additional access with other links currently in place, both north, south, east and west. This would mean some greater vision shown by some established waterfront lots, to create and open up this to greater public access. Which ultimately will improve their visitations too to their establishments, by passing trade! Alternative people moving transportations needed, such as cable cars from Southport Light Rail to the Spit and beyond- All creating and becoming one great linkage for all of those general transport methods mentioned. Alternatives such as cable cars, was mentioned by Phillip Follent, at the first KSG meeting and should be one new item for the agenda planning. One Centre Piece I feel, to these suggestions is to create an Iconic (Archetypical) direct road/bridge link to the Spit, so as to create alternative routes, network flows and public transport needs. I’m suggesting this connection be part of a Superyacht Development, which should offset some of the costs. Please find attached one small section of a draft mud drawing of such a crossing and I’d be happy to show and add other sections of an overall plan to both North to Sth. Stradbroke/ Wave Break Island and South to the Sundale Bridge. By coming directly off the M1/Smith Street road network, this will divert some traffic away from the already congressed Queen Street, Sundale Bridge and Main Beach areas. While providing greater relief and alternative ways around gaining access to events and visits to the Spit and Main Beach. Other suggested bridge crossings at Queen St to Main Beach, will only add to the current Sundale Bridge, Main Beach and Gold Coast Hwy intersections pressures currently experienced, hence the alternative bold plan to connect Smith Street directly to the Spit and the heart of this masterplan is the key and the loop needed. Funding can be a public private partnership linked to a Super Yacht Berth Resort low rise development, with both Local, State and Federal Business cases presented to help make this a reality. The reality is, no amount of ferry service or light rail feeders will ever deal with the increased visitations to the spit that our current population allows for. Let along the planned 1.2M, double our current permanent residents total estimated to live here in 2030/40. This doesn’t even allow for this great improvement we are about to embark on and the increased tourism to this improved centre park planning. We have the opportunity to get it right the first-time planners, in such areas as mentioned above, with more emphasis on: 1. Full and greater Pedestrian and Bike access links, around the complete Broadwater to the Seaway Spit foreshore connections, allowing for good water viewing and additional access with other links currently in place, both north, south, east and west. Presently this is not achieved in this draft plan. 2. Other modes of transport and people movers, such as a Skylink, need to be considered, as there is one proposal from Ada Bell Way Parkland next to the Light Rail in Southport to the Spit and or beyond. Condition it to have a small token, for each individual trip movement, to come across to the maintenance of this special place of peace, for our Centre Park and Broadwater. (attached a link to the proposal) 3. There needs to be greater understand the greater benefits of the Superyacht industry, to this piece of centre park and provide more public access to that initial Super Yacht presentation provided to the key stakeholder’s earlier meetings. We can improve on this design and incorporate it better into this state land near SeaWorld and or a resort style development. 4. Better design and understanding of what’s needed for Superyachts in this planning stage and I feel we should bring some key stakeholder back to the table for details design talks. 5. Southern facing restaurants are open badly to the southernly conditions, so a better alignment is needed in these areas, than currently shown. 6. With all due respect, we should not be avoiding discussions around a unique Archetypical centre pieces of some sort, by restricting some form of height statement is limiting. Let’s make a statement here, in that we reinforce and stick to the three/four story high limits to the commercial and residential built form by having one monumental statement of greater height and design credits out our own gateway to this parkland. We do have an opportunity to create an entrance statement to the Broadwater, that could double as a navigation beacon. Like those statements made in world parks around the world, such as the Statue of Liberty, the monument overlooking Rio and the Eifel Tower, just to name a few. This statement can be our pathway statement to our Broadwater and to our new Central Park, photographed for all to see around the world, so just think of the potential of this Archetypical statement. 7. May be make our light rail different to the current vehicles used, something like the trolley trams in San Fran, along this stretch coast line as a good alternative. Public Access and Safety: Apart from the connectivity mentioned in the Better Connectivity heading above, it’s so important to give Our City the Lungs our residents need, so they can recharge their life batteries, whenever the need requires, with no restrictions and fears of safety issues. Safety improvements need to be made in and around the Federation Walk and Doug Jennings Park, to ensure good visual surveillance over these public sites is improved. Fire safety too needs to be a key point to the improvements, to the areas relatively untouched on the spit. Areas that appear to be just sand dunes, to those uneducated in coast environments. Development of some of these areas should be avoided at all costs. Allowing development only on those site set down in the State and Local Plans and to the heights that do not exceed the built form of three stories, while protecting those areas of sensitivity long into the future, for our future! Fire safety has also been highlighted of late and needs great attention, as has been mentioned. Create Event Spaces: Allow for event spaces and viewing areas for the public for both on land and on water major events. Please find attached one such event space that should already been provided to Council and or this forum. The White Eagle Point, was set down as one proposal for the Spit and Doug Jennings parkland. We need to also include event spaces for Polo and on water activities such as America Cup Sailing style events, Formula 1 Boats and more. Greater access to vantage point around the Broadwater, for viewing, which could also open up opportunities for air shows and more. We should have at least two, on water Broadwater Stadiums, simply by maintaining the current on water one near SeaWorld and add a large centre piece stadium for larger events (see draft Plan attached in White markings). Some protected areas need to be set aside for environmental spaces, but this can be work through with assistance and consultation over time. There is an opportunity, in my suggested proposed redesigned Broadwater/Spit linkage to relocate the Councils current sand stockpiling, provided greater staffing parking close to major attractions like SeaWorld. All of this and more needs greater discussion around environmental issues, with practical solutions and offsets made. All conditioned to this if it was to be considered and mentioned in my next point Environmental Sensitive Areas. There is always solutions with proper consultation and investigations. There was a Hydraulic report called for, of the basin around the Sundale Bridge and Southport Marinas, by me back in 2010/11 at Full Council, so we should start there and ask for the report to be tabled. When I get time I’ll look up the minutes of that General Business Item that was called for at Full Council. Environmental Sensitive Areas: Some of these areas can be manmade, as nature has and can adapt to properly manage designed changes, if allowed to and been helped through with proper consultation. This may seem very negative to some thinking, but I’ve seen sensitive areas work through these issues with success. Areas such as the Cairns Cable Way and now the new planned Cable Way at Tasmania’s Cradle Mountain, one of the most sensitive areas on this planet. Our own areas such as South Stradbroke Island has great Bio Diversity and even the man made Wave Break Island has an important part to play in this overall plan, providing these environmental spaces we need to work with. Some sand formed Islands of late need to possibly be relocated and more such island planned for other areas of the Broadwater, north of Wave Break. Some could even double as event viewing spaces, parking areas and resource recovery processing, as was one example shown in the draft proposal attached. So as to maintain and keep the Broadwater and our Beaches protected from storm events and flooding. A permanent sand recovery sites should be identified and possible even a dredging barge connection points located at areas such as current marine stadium near the boat ramp at the Voluntary Marine Rescue. So sand can be pumped along our northern beaches when required. EDMP did do some work on this proposal for a permanent pipe laid for such a us and this should be looked at as a long term solution to our Beach replenishment requirements. M1 on Water: We need to maintain and improve some of our channels, particularly the western channel past Charis Seafoods to Runaway Bay, Paradise Pt, Sanctuary Cove and Hope Island, as a secondary smaller boat, under 80 foot, channel while making a larger M1 Channel to link up the Marine Precinct, our northern partners at Jacobs Well and beyond to Moreton Bay. Has everyone seen the Superyacht reports of late, on the news items in all forms of media? This is just the tip of what we have been talking about, the greater economic benefits, as well as the need to have our own Pilot boat attached to this plan and any port improvements here. Again please refer to the next heading- Super Yachts Preferred and great Economic benefit. Super Yachts Preferred and great Economic benefit: The Gold Coast would be much better off focusing on our strengths in the Super Yacht Industry both Power and Sail and a presentation was forthcoming at the August KSG meeting. By having best practice facilities, a good Dive site in the north, aligned with events and even an Executive Airport to service this all, would have greater economic long term benefits for our city. We should look to capturing, a good dive site for the north of the coast, more major Sailing and Power events like the America's Cup and the recent Off-Shore Power races. This will bring the Coast, real and true economic outcomes! It would set us apart from other cities and provide something unique and the envy of the world-wide Superyacht and Dive Site industries in the Luxury Marine playgrounds. So, give us some of that standout infrastructure needed to support those high-end return industries, like Business Tourism does. Along with a properly located executive airport to service these needs. That would make the Coast unique and the first fully integrated outcome worldwide. With our own Pilot Boat to service the Coast arriving Super Yachts. High end business luxury is what's needed, not the false imitation image portrayed for the Coast for so many years. We need some real vision, that gives the Coast a standout image that suits our lifestyle, of all things 'elegant in motion' that works for our environment. Bringing those high-end investors to the Coast with big wallets and big visions, for balance sustainable development that works with our natural waterways and environment. We need more projects and a firm policy position on quadruple bottom-line developments. Not those develop at all costs policies we currently run and are currently expect to be pushed down our throats. The Jeff Leigh Smith project that was floated back when this Cruise Ship Terminal was first raised, was a good basis to start with, but got lost in the debate of the Cruise Ships debacle. Those reports have proven to show the economic benefits of such a boutique superyacht port, punching far above its weight in comparison to any questionable Cruise Ship Terminal benefits for our Coast. Our waterways authority should be taking the lead on this and getting us the port needs to support such a super yacht port. The lost visitations of super yacht crews and their owner’s boats is measurable, if they look hard enough! I’m on the record with reports to council in 2006/2007, showing the economic benefit of these and what a good Executive Airport would bring our city. Both the Marine Super Yachts and Executive Airport benefits of having them both and with the comparable returns equal or if not better outcomes than the current Marine Industry precinct has for the Coast today. Please investigate and spend our rate payer money more wisely, while getting us the best bang for our buck, is what good vision is about? Isn't this what you want to see more of, for the Coast and for your lifestyle? Possible Relocation of Commercial Fishing Base: Some more consideration should be given to relocating the Commercial Fishing Precinct from the Spit, to include Pete Seafood as well. To either a new Super Yacht Resort precinct and or even across from the Grand Hotel Waterfront and dinning precinct, just as another possibility. Making this area opened to a seafood precinct style experience, like those of the Sydney Seafood Market. If there is a feeling to keep the fishing fleet here in its current location, than by all means but at lease consider the comments on location within any super yacht inclusion and restaurants locations mentioned above, all with full public access. I still feel there could be other alternative sites with close access to the entrance, that should be explored. Dive Site Needed for Gold Coast: Former Councillor John Wayne had a local task force set up in his time in Council from 2008 -12. Where he lobbied heavily for four sets of diving stairs at the seaway wall, three are in place I believe and for a Naval Vessel to be sunk as a dive site for the northern Gold Coast. At one stage the Darwin us lost to Tasmania, but it appears this may be back on the vessels now available. In the meantime, when the announcement was made that the Darwin was going to Tasmania, I made contact with our friends in Ft Lauderdale. They immediately gave me the contact person who could assist us, if a US vessel was available. I’d be happy to provide these contacts in more detail if required. (attached a copy of correspondence and reply from the Premier’s office re Dive Site Options). I feel we should at least explore further, with a US Marine vessel and we should have some further discussions with our Sister City Ft Lauderdale. My earlier contacts with those in the US was provided to the Premiers office. I’m happy to start those conversations again when I’m in the US later this year with my contacts. What can it hurt to ask the hard questions needed? That’s it from me for the present, as some feedback and input in brief. I’m happy to sit down with any group to discuss proactively and positively for a greater GC. Let’s Build it Right the First Time, with Vision, while bringing our Community along with the dream. Kind regards Grant Pforr (CNGC and KSG Member)

21.01.2022 Our Festival of Elegance's "Water Wheels Wings" invitational May 3-4 2019 starts off with the Awards Gala Night on Friday May 3, where not only will the Concour...s winners be announced, but our Community's Recognition of Excellence Awards magnificant 7 for 2019. Saturday will see our classic Car, Coffee and Aircraft meet at the Southport Flying Club Airfield at Coombabah, before heading off on the Trivia Tour, Hill Climb and Teams Challenge. Entries for the FOE invitation will be out April 2 2019 or on request by emailing [email protected]. or Contact Grant on M: 0419 701 942 for more information #Aqualuma #CarCoffeeAircraft #Concours2019 #Shannons #SouthportFlyingClub #1029HotTomatoGoldCoast #ZClubQueensland

20.01.2022 The Gold Coast has been given an opportunity to see one of its most treasured assets enhanced for the future. The Master Plan is being led by the Queensland Government in collaboration with the City of Gold Coast and the Gold Coast Waterways Authority. The Spit Master Plan provides an exciting period of transformation and economic opportunity for the Gold Coast. The Plan commenced in August 2017 to provide for a low-rise future for The Spit in accordance with the current plan...ning schemes. It is expected that the Master Plan will take 18 months to complete. The Spit Master Plan has produced a vision that encompasses... ‘enterprising businesses have the confidence to capitalise on the unique attributes and offerings of this remarkable setting, creating local job opportunities and prosperity’ The Gold Coast Waterways Authority is helping that vision to be realised through a Business Workshop and we'd love you to be a part of it. In the workshop we will be exploring: How can businesses best invest in the Master plan to ensure economic return and longevity of the vision? Can business and community groups work together? What innovative models exist for investment? #GoldCoastBulletin #MyGC #SaveOurSpit #SaveOurBroadwater #CommunityForChange #GoldCoastMedia

19.01.2022 Festival of Elegance expression of interest for this years Print Proofs will now be made available for those cars who attended the Super Saturday event at Mason... Field. We have some great photos with the aircraft from the day and once we have all money and interest covered we will place one order for everyone. Prices will be slightly increased from last year and will depend on the numbers ordered. Some Friday night images can be arranged too in A3 Canvas and Gloss mount as well as A4. Contact email for your EOI to [email protected] Or Grant 0419 701 942 #Concours2019 #PhotosFestivalOfEkegance

18.01.2022 Festival of Elegance May3-4 Water Wheels Wings Gala Awards InterContinental Sanctuary Cove. Watch MyGC Link: For More Information and tickets available for Awards Night Contact Grant on 0419 701 942 or email: [email protected] Follow us and Share our Event: - Facebook Link: Our Connecting Northern Gold Coast Website Link: Our CNGC Facebook Page Link: #Concours2019 #1029HotTomatoGoldCoast #GCB #GoldCoastMedia #Channel7GoldCoast

17.01.2022 "Extend and Empower the Banking Royal Commission" Sign the on-line Petition today: #FederalMembersOfParliament #BankingRoyalCommision #GCB #1029HotTomatoGoldCoast #SevenGoldCoast #NineGoldCoast #TenGoldCoast

17.01.2022 At the Paradise Pt Progress meeting last night we heard Cr Caldwell lay claims to be instrumenting in deleivering infrastructure in Hope Island opening them in ...2013. Another stretch of the real facts! He also layed claims on local TV in the lead up to the 2016 election, that he delivered Santa Barbara Rd Upgrade two years ahead of capital works program. When it was clearly a year late and instead of the 4 lanes budgeted and battled for, we only got two lanes and a slip lane! The hard fought battles around Budget times were done by others Cr CC, not you prior and to your May 2012 election to the job. Stop the claims they were yours and that you were instrumental in their deleivery! The Hope Island Levies- For one bridge the canal and some parks, that were to be recovered from land owners in the wider area, were successfully debated down by myselfon the floor of the Council Budget in 2008. Our Youth Centre was budgeted successfully for completion in 2013, you only opened it with the Mayor after 7 years of planning and budgeting for with reports being brought forward. You just opened these facilities and road works Cr CC, so stop laying claims to deleivering them and much more of the previous Capital Works for Div 3 that I and our PCommunity Panels deleivered. Images below are: * 2008 Budget adoption where on the floor I successfully debated down the levies at Hope Is and moved them to whole of city budget allocations. * Youth Funding announced in 2011 * The Adopted 2011/12 Capital Works Budget * Runaway Bay Youth Centre Funding years. * Santa Babara Rd Upgrade and Sickle Ave Sth Bridge Line items and years the money is required to be spent. * Pine Ridge Rd Upgrade moneys allocated and plans drawn starting 2010- 2011 Budget year.

17.01.2022 Division 3 Councillor Cr CC Claims the new Oxley Dr Youth Centre, when really the heavy lifting was done by the community. Pre 2004 a youth playing chicken wit...h a bus died, so the newly elected Councillor Cr Grant Pforr pulled the Federal member Hon David Jull, the State Member, the Police and the wider community to help address the lack of youth facilities in the North of the GC. Founding Chairman Bernie Scobie OAM lead the first voluntary not for profit youth centre on Oxley Dr. Youth Point Connect (YPC). The centre specifically was for youth at risk, which was a new approach to the established youth centres of Police Citizens Youth Centres by complimenting the social pressures of the homeless youth. They worked with the youth providing heathy eating programs, skating events, live local music events to encourage the talented youth, job placements, homework and art extension, as well as youth radio training, with the help of our local radio station 102.9 Hot Tomato. Post 2013 funding was cut by the area councillor Cr CC. What a disappointment, as the councillor missed the important need of social infrastructure support for the youth at risk and was trying to shut down the older skate bowl centre when opening the newer facility on Oxley Dr. Buildings alone don’t work they need the back up support attached to them. Having completely missed the point of the needs and cut his support for the Youth Point Connect drop in centre. The new centre building did not cater for these youth at risk and the old skate bowl facility has been left to fund itself since 2013. Let’s be very careful who we vote for at the March 2020 elections in the New Division 4. Only support candidates that support our youth at risk in the north! Cr CC had 7 years of ignoring the youth at risk, so it’s time for a change. Former Patron of the Centre 2005- 2018

16.01.2022 Our 4th Recognition of Excellence Awards closes January 31 2019. under our Festival of Elegance May 2019. The magnificent 7 awards cover all regions events and those behind the scenes who make them happen, so if you know of any event in any region we touch in the SE then nominate them today: Winners have been recognised as far away as Winton Shire Council, the Scenic Rim, Toowoomba Shire Council, Redlands and the Gold Coast. So do you know any worthwhile nominees for this ROE, then enter them today, the entry is FREE! Categories Include: 1. COMMUNITY LIFESTYLE AWARD 2. EMERGING FESTIVAL/EVENTS AWARD 3. FINE ARTS of EXCELLENCE AWARD 4. BOUTIQUE EVENTS AWARD 5. SUSTAINABLE LIVESTYLE AWARD 6. ELEGANCE in MOTION EVENTS AWARD 7. TOURISM and HOSPITALITY AWARD (Supreme Award) Contact us on Email: 'Admin Office' or Phone Grant for more information 0419 701 942 #EleganceInMotion #1029HotTomatoGoldCoast #PremierQueensland #GCT #QueenslandEvents #DestinationGoldCoast #QueenslandTourism #StarGoldCoast #AqulumaGoldCoast #GCB

16.01.2022 Met a lovely gentlemen last week, who had heard about our Festival of Elegance May 3-4 2019. He’d like to have is 1904 Speedwell enter this year Gala Concours a...t the Gold Coast Convention Centre. One of two in the World We are fast becoming The Gold Coast Premier Invitational event, as we continue to uncover those special treasures hidden away in those very special garages. All to help us raise some much need funds for our youth at risk and youth driver training programs. For more information on the two day event May 3-4, including our Super Saturday’s Cars, Coffee, Aircraft morning and the Trivia Tour and Hill Climb reliability nominated time event in the afternoon- Email [email protected] or phone Grant 0419 701 942. #Concours2019 #1029HotTomatoGoldCoast #DestinationGC #DestinationQld #GCB

15.01.2022 Our Festival of Elegance May 3-4 Entries are officially open. Please find attached or email [email protected] or Call Grant 0419701942. Help us much needed funds for youth at risk and youth driver training programs. Special packages available for advertising and tables of ten before April 15 2019. #Concours2019 #1029HotTomatoGoldCoast #DestinationGC #DestinationQld

13.01.2022 Cars Coffee Aircraft - Invitation When: Saturday May 4 Where: Starting at the Coombabah Airfield down Rain Tree Glenn Rd Coombabah... What Time: Marshalling 7.30am for 8 am Winners announced: Category Winners at 11.30am Tour and Hill Climb: Leaves at 12 Noon for the Goat Track at Canungra marshalling 1.30 pm for 2pm start time. Hill Climb: is a reliability style participation run, where you nominate your time to travel the set distance, to normal road rules and the participant closest to their time will be announced King of the Hill at drinks at 5pm. Some arrangements can be made for participant’s to meet at the Marshall Areas at Mt Tamborine Rd Canungra for this event but by prior arrangements only. Note: the Hill Climb this year is limited to 60 invitations only where the road is closed for this event- Ror invited Clubs and Individual entry from the last three years events only. Clubs are limited to 4 per club and a short list will be taken in order of their requested email and Notified if they make the final start participants list will be by Wednesday Evening. More information and the Hill Climb details will be provided to the participants close to the start date. Contact for more information on entry and whether you qualify for this year’s event Please approach: Grant on email: [email protected] or mobile 0419 701 942. #1029HotTomatoGoldCoast #Concours2019 #HillClimb2019 #CarsCoffeeAircraft

12.01.2022 Congratulations Warren on your Community Lifetime Award at the fifth Festival of Elegance on May 3 at the InterContinental Sanctuary Cove presented to Full Coun...cil today. It’s so very well deserved and your innovation in lifeguarding practises is well documented. The Gold Coasts Lifeguard Services should always be kept in the city’s hands, as professionals servicing our locals and tourists alike. Sponsors 102.9 Hot Tomato of the The Chris. #1029HotTomatoGoldCoast #GCB #DestinationGoldCoast

12.01.2022 Media Release Re- Coombabah Wetland Development Silting of the Coast most valued Ramsar Site is effecting our native migratory bird life and fishing nursery. Resident Steve Jeffery has been raising his concerns over the Black Mud Sludge and the Orange Soil that’s been seen over several months in the Coombabah Lake Wetlands. I feel this is a result of pour control measures by some developments up stream, putting pressure on our World Heritage Ramsar site. The threat to our local fish nursery and the large number of migratory bird species that visit the wetlands annually is of great concern to me. Said Mr Jeffery The development silting, resulting in a large quantity of orange soil and more recently black mud spreading out through the creek and lake, by some upstream sites is effecting the tidal flows, our fish nurseries, our birdlife, visits by our local dolphin population and local fishermen in general. Something needs to be done immediately to address the sudden appearance of this sludge that has destroyed our wetland. Mr Jeffrey said My approaches to the area Councillors for Divisions 2, 3, 4 and 5, have fallen on deaf ears for months now. A response from Council’s catchment officers denied any problem putting it down to natural causes. So I’ve had to contact the Department of Environment and Science (DES) myself and fortunately I’ve had an excellent response from their senior wetlands scientist with some 30 years of coastal wetland management. He and a team from DES and also Fisheries visited the site by boat last week and have indicated to me that they have great concerns over the silting and have agreed to continue with further joint urgent and urgent investigations. Said Mr Jeffery. I only hope something can come of this before it creates irreversible damage to the Ramsar Site. Mr Jeffery went onto say. I’ve even contacted Mr. Grant Pforr a former Councillor for some 8 years from 2004-2012 asking for his help and direction. He is well known to have been a strong advocate of the protection of this important Ramsar Wetland at Coombabah. He saved the important Jabiru Island from overdevelopment. His work kept the important green corridor to the Ramsar Wetland and out to Coomera Island and St Stradbroke Island from over development and he was also responsible for saving Tipplers. Mr Pforr’s placing of important inclusions on developments, like those imposed on the Oyster Cove and the negotiated decisions resolved on the integrated housing units and hotel day spa. This resulted in some 26ha of wetlands returned to Council for the conservation area, back in March 21 2005. That was decided at Council Meeting 353 Minutes item 10 Pile PN235803/12/DA5 of the City Planning Committee Meeting of March 15. Mr Jeffery clarified. Depending on the outcomes of the DES/DAF reports, we are considering a number of large protest rallies on water and on the land. These will be centred around the cork in the bottle to this important wetland being the Jabiru Island boat ramp and parkland where the first battlelines were drawn back in 2004 to save the old sand mining dump site, from over development. It is now protected and owned by the community. Former Councillor Mr Grant Pforr said. For further information feel free to contact me direct on my Mobile- 0412 438 299 or by Email- [email protected]. Or feel free to contact our patron Mr Grant Pforr on mobile 0419 701 942 Thank you. Yours Sincerely Steve Jeffery Coombabah Resident #WorldHeritageRamsarSites #CoombabahWetlands #GCB #GooldCoasMediat

11.01.2022 This year Festival if Elegance Hill Climb invitational nominated time results for the Youth Driver Training Program: AT is actual time NT is nominated time... Craig AT 2.39 NT 2.19 Hot Tomato AT 2.39 NT 2.55 Gordon AT 2.23 NT 2.20 Brian AT 2.23 NT 2.25 Warren AT 2.59 NT 3.51 Mark AT 2.45 NT 2.45 (King of the Mountain 2019) David AT2.52 NT 3.38 Daniel AT 2.36 NT 2.55 Peter AT 2.53 NT 3.15 Troy AT 2.46 NT 3.10 Mike AT 2.31 NT 2.40 Scott AT 3.051 NT 3.05 Paul AT 3.00 NT 3.55 Liz AT 3.10 NT 3.58 Grant AT 3.42 NT 3.21 The weather did scare several nominees off, but we still raised enough entry fee dollars to cater for another 4 Mt Tambo youth driver training program recipients for 2020. Thank you to all those who supported the trying conditions! Drive safely and see you next year. #Hillclimb2019 #1029HotTomatoGoldCoast

10.01.2022 Just had my T-Bird 56 detailed by a great young detailer, Patrick. I’m happy to recommend him to anyone, who needs there car brought back to its best. He does ...all types of cars, new and old with at special touch! Let me know if you want his phone number? Grant

08.01.2022 Tempory Road Closure Saturday May 4 2019 on Mt Tamborine Road for 1hour and 50 mins.- From 2pm on. PERMIT NO: CM13337 "CALLING ALL CARS and CAR CLUBS" You are ...invited to come to our year 4- "Relaiblity Run" and nominate your "Time to do the 2 Mile Course" up the Goat Track. it's a nominated timed event to normal road conditions, by invitation, so contact us by email: festival.of.elegance at or phone Grant on 0419 701 942 All Money's raised go to our Youth Driver Training Program for Students who are selected by the Mt. Tamborine Community leaders. Please find below: The Letter the Mt. Tamborine Residents effected by the road closure and they have received athis letter in their mail or on their front fence gate Further information contact the details above! #Hillclimb2019 #FestivalOfElegance

08.01.2022 Good afternoon Premier, Ministers and Local State Members Re- Build it Right the First Time- Our Broadwater a home for Superyachts, needs that Hydraulic Model...ling called for back in Feb 7 2011. (Copy of GCCC Minutes Feb7 2011 attached) Given the State is preparing studies for sites for Super Yachts in the Broadwater, I think they should start by calling for this report on the Hydraulic Modelling for the Broadwater that was called for back in Feb 7 2011. I called for the CEO of the GCCC on Feb 7 2011 to bring back a report? Can that report please see the light of day? Was the Report Done and followed up on? As a member of the Key Stakeholders Business Group for the Spit Master Planning, I was instrumental in bringing forward the Superyacht presentation by Mr Barry Jenkins and Mr Lance Cushion’s to the table. (Copy of which is attached) I’ve also attached my brief copy of some suggested alternatives for the split, as constructive feedback to the draft report that was presented, for everyone’s consideration. Back in 2011, I had some concerns over flooding in both the Brisbane with the Riverwalk and Gold Coast Coomera River Systems and the events in Port Hinchinbrook with Cyclone Yasi in 2011. My concerns were in regards the possibility of failure of infrastructure under the likelihood of further major hydraulic events in the Southport Broadwater and called for further inspections of this aging infrastructure. Was this marina in the best place? Has the infrastructure had foundation damage to the Marine Piles, due to the Broadwater Parklands development in the Broadwater Basin area, adjacent to the Southport Yacht Club and what options are available to protect the marina’s in this location? We don’t want is a repeat of Port Hinchinbrook here on the GC, particularly for any proposed Superyacht berthing planned for our Broadwater. Has this Feb 2011 report been done, if not why not? If not, I think it should be a priority, before any further feasibility for a Superyacht berthing is commenced. If there is a better location, then this area should be included in any report. Don’t just build it because there is a marina there already, lets build it right the first time so we attracted the best practise as the best Superyachts Destination! I strongly believe and recommend, that the Superyacht presentation location near Sea World, provides the best Superyacht protection for large yachts and should be preferred over the existing aging marinas, that may not meet current Q100 or Q500 event status under a Major Hydraulic event? It provides protection from both Seaward Storm Surges and Downstream Flooding in both cases. I do speak with some knowledge and experience with my Council 2006, 2007, 2010 Trade Missions to Fort Lauderdale Boat Show and my 2008 speaking conferences in Urban Waterfronts Dubai and Busan City Port Redevelopment, with Queensland Marine Industry. All of which were reported on the important matters around dredging and superyacht berthing’s post trips. Please feel free to contact me if you require any further information on any of the attachments and reports mentioned or requested.

06.01.2022 Thank You to- Southport Flying and SAAA members for our "Cars Coffee Aircraft" day and Mason Field and to all those Cars who risked the weather. We had a great ...turn out on the tarmac to help our youth at risk programs and youth driver training programs. Big thank you to Neil Aitkenhead, Petar Novakovic, Robert Fraser, Rod Peachey, Gary Spicer and all the members who helped out and participated at our Festival of Elegance "Water Wheel Wings" May 3-4 2019 Celebration. #1029HotTomatoGoldCoast #Concours2019 #Shannons #DestinationGC #GCB #GCMedia #YOTClub #CarsAndCoffee

06.01.2022 Here’s the 6 pages of the 31 page presentation of our cities Green Heart. The real plan was presented to Council in Nov 2008 with a 2020 carbon neutral target set! So Council where are we at with the 2020 Target??

04.01.2022 First Day at Pre-Poll at the 56 Siganto Dr Oxenford and the Helensvale Community Hall off Discovery Dr. John’s set up early and ready to represent the people by... putting the Community first at the forefront of his campaign. He has a proven track record on the big ticket items he achieved in 2008-2012 for his community. He’s completely self funded, reliable, independent with a common sense approach. This election you have a real choice in Division 2, but don’t forget there has been some major boundary changes in the March 2020 elections. Avoid Election Day crowds and vote early from 9am to 5 pm this week and next week the hours will be extended. Vote 1 John Wayne your next Div. 2 Councillor it will be good to have you back! #BringBackJohnWayneDiv2

04.01.2022 Gold Coast City Council Elections John Wayne Division 2 Candidate - 2020 and experienced former Councillor for Division 2 (2008 - 2012) I first met John in 2003 during Gold Coast Community meetings regarding the proposal by the Beattie-Bligh State Government to build a cruise ship port in the Seaway and to annex large tracts of Doug Jennings Park for private and commercial developments. John was instrumental in the formation of the community action group, Save Our Spit Alliance Inc. (SOSA). He has maintained his support for SOSA over the past 17 years. Using his professional graphic-art skills, John was also the catalyst behind the classic SOSA bumper sticker and T-shirts that are worn as a badge of honour by Save Our Spit supporters following the cancellation of the Beattie/Bligh cruise terminal proposal in late-2006 on environmental, navigational-safety and economic grounds. During the 2003-2007 SOSA campaigns, we held many public information sessions and rallies at The Spit. We gained national TV news coverage for a stunt John was involved in which drew upon his expertise as a qualified diver. John, who dressed as Deputy Premier Anna Bligh and another diver playing Premier Beattie, were forced by the community to walk the plank off a boat anchored in the Seaway. If ‘Bligh and Beattie’ floated back to the surface then their cruise terminal proposal was a goer. If Beattie and Bligh did not return to the surface then their cruise ship proposal had also sunk. Watch the video footage below of the stunt and the outcome on the following link. John of course had an air-tank awaiting him on the Seaway floor in the capable hands of GC diver, Ian Banks. And so Bligh (and Beattie) literally sank along with their cruise terminal plans. In 2008, John was elected to the Gold Coast City Council as a hands-on, truly Independent Councillor. From 2008 - 2012, John achieved many positive outcomes for his community in Division 2, including the areas of Helensvale, Oxenford, Monterey Keys, Studio Village and Upper Coomera. John secured the Helensvale Library; new open space acquisitions, skate parks, half pipe, outdoor gyms; the master planning Damien Leeding Park and Rowing Lake; and successfully lobbied State Government to deliver the long awaited Seaway Access Steps on the southern Seaway Wall. As part of Cr Peter Young’s Sustainable City Futures Committee, John helped develop concepts and strategies like the Green Heart, Tides of Change, Bushfire Management Plan, Koala Conservation Strategy and set a number of green targets for 2020. John’s vision and forward plans for the Division 2 had projected and fully budgeted the run-out of much needed infrastructure and improvements across the area, bike ways, footpaths, park upgrades, shade sails, even new parks with boat ramps, tennis courts, skate parks and new Men’s Sheds. In 2012, the LNP (led by local Federal MP Stuart Robert) deliberately targeted John Wayne in an attempt to take-over his Division 2 with a candidate who was an LNP member. The support provided to the LNP chosen candidate and the donations provided by the development industry resulted in our Independent Councillor, John Wayne, being defeated by the LNP ‘machine’ after only one term in Council. However, John has returned to run against the LNP incumbent in Division 2 and we encourage those living in Division 2 to get in touch with John to see how they may assist his campaign to return to Council and bring back public and open dialogue, reduce the number of secret closed door meetings and break the strangle hold the LNP based voting ‘bloc’ have under the current Tate 8 Council. John is up for the challenge of combating a City Plan that favours massive infill developments with the loss of public amenity, parks and residential estates like in leafy green Oxenford and the equestrian pocket (around the old pony club) that are now caught in a new ‘future development investigation area’ targeted for major unit and townhouse developments. John is horrified that if successful, this type of high density development will be code assessable and the public will have no opportunity to submit their objections. If you can provide any support and assistance for John’s campaign to return honesty and transparency to Council and to advocate for the best interests of the residents in Division 2, rather than the interests of developers and political party agendas, please contact John Wayne immediately at: Mob: 0416 027 919 [email protected]

04.01.2022 Congratulations to all our Recognition of Excellence Award Winners over the past four years. So very well deserved in all seven categories in our region, well ...done. Consider nominating in the 2020 ROE Awards. Email: [email protected] #Concours2019 #Concours2020 #1029HotTomatoGoldCoast #Shannons #DistinationGoldCoast #GCB #GoldCoastMedia

03.01.2022 Festival of Elegance Concours "Water Wheels Wings" Gala Awards Night and Recognition of Excellence May 3 2019. For more information and your tickets to our Fifth Gala Event- email: [email protected] or Contact Grant's Mobile: 0419 701 942... #Concours2019 #MyGC #1029HotTomatoGoldCoast #CasCoffeeAircraft #CarsAndCoffee #DestinationGoldCoast #DestinationQueensland

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