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Conscious Life Events in Sunshine Coast, Queensland | Medical and health

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Conscious Life Events

Locality: Sunshine Coast, Queensland

Phone: +61 400 673 563


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25.01.2022 Inna Segal- Awaken Your Intuitive Body So good to be running the first event of the year Hopefully the first of many once again

25.01.2022 -Conscious Life Events Sept 2020 Newsletter

25.01.2022 With thanks to Astromomma July 2020- Realizing How Resilient You Truly Are, Resolution of the Mental Clutter, A Boost of Courage + Will to Succeed Welcome to July 2020! Finally, we enter a month where perhaps we can catch our breath?!? 2020 so far has proven to be one roller coaster ride after another. After the eclipses, you might feel pretty worn out and ready to have some fun. Luckily July 2020, offers a bit of a reprieve and a chance to finally catch your breath. I wou...Continue reading

24.01.2022 Online National Meditation-Freedom Day Hosted by Jason Reynolds - The Quantum Movement In collaboration with Tom Barnett... We welcome you all to join in this powerful National Energetic experience Let's do this together and awaken the collective independence.

23.01.2022 Intro Webinar "PRESENT MOMENT" ARE YOU READY TO MOVE PAST INTO THE PRESENT MOMENT? We invite you to join us in this Intro Webinar where Jason Reynolds from The Quantum Movement will teach a simple practice which has been refined, elevated & taught for many years. It is a process which transforms the individual from a state of stimulated and reactive mental activity into a place of clarified and peaceful presence.... Present Moment is a simple practice though it is immensely powerful. A daily practice that enables you to become aware of the disconnected conversation of your mind which is distracting you from a present state of ease. Register FREE here :

23.01.2022 Full Moon in Pisces- Dream State Reveals, Remembering Your Faith in Divine, Unexpected Surprises + Liberation of Your Deep Seated Fears Read on .... with thanks Astromomma

22.01.2022 Due to a mishap last night with Jason's live event This has now been re scheduled for this evening - Apologies to all that attended We welcome you all back tonight ! Tues 9th June at 7pm (AEST)... Join Jason from The Quantum Movement Live with ''Awakening Independence- A journey into Personal Governance" Visit us on the Conscious Life Events facebook page We would LOVE to have you all join us ! If you are ready to Awaken Your Independence and step into Personal Governance join Jason from The Quantum Movement as he shares with you some inconvenient but unconscious truths about why you continue to hold onto what was rather than experience the freedom from understanding how to gracefully let go.

21.01.2022 [PODCAST INTERVIEW ] Personal Governance With Chef Pete Evans & Jason Reynolds The Quantum Movement We LOVE working with dynamic leaders who boldly step where others are fearful to go, who do not worry about what others may think, or whether they will be accepted or... rejected.... Both Jason & Pete do not follow or conform, but both show true independence and passion in what they believe in - You both are an inspiration Listen Here: "For the too many of us exploring our own "brilliance", "significance" and "mastery" has been a place of constant avoidance rather than discovery, a step away from deeper questions into the safety of previously formed answers and an escape from the powerful responsibility to create change into the destructive behaviors of blame'' - Jason Reynolds The Quantum Movement #consciouslife_events #thequantummovement

21.01.2022 We invite you to join us in this Introductory Webinar to 'Present Moment' Hosted by Jason Reynolds The Quantum Movement Thurs 18th June @ 6.30pm Present Moment is a simple practice though it is elegantly powerful. A daily practice that enables you to become aware of the disconnected conversation of your mind which is distracting you from a native state of ease. ... A practice to bring you to your own attention and presence by releasing, purging and letting go of what does not serve you. See more

20.01.2022 A journey into Personal Governance...

19.01.2022 Thankyou Jen McCarty and Sacha Stone For all You are doing to contribute to the Awakening

19.01.2022 What will you do today? What step in the direction of your dreams will you take? Just five minutes investigating, reading, or watching a video on your new project, new business or new dream, sets the intention and let's the Universe know you're serious! Start with the first piece of the puzzle ...

19.01.2022 Australia R I S E

18.01.2022 After such a powerful Eclipse Season, it truly is

18.01.2022 Y E S !! Amazing powerful lady .... No holding back - N O F E A R - just strength and Love ... This is what we must see more of Leaders not followers

16.01.2022 Own Your Deep State

16.01.2022 Present Moment - Intro Webinar - Tonight 6.30pm Thurs 11/06 Register HERE free to attend We invite you to join us in this Introductory Webinar to... 'Present Moment' where Jason Reynolds from The Quantum Movement will teach a simple practice which has been refined, elevated & taught for many years. It is a process which transforms the individual from a state of stimulated & reactive mental activity into a place of clarified and peaceful presence. A simple practice though elegantly powerful which enables you to become aware of the disconnected conversation of your mind which is distracting you from a native state of ease. To bring you to your own attention & presence by releasing, purging and letting go of what does not serve you. This simple daily practice will have a great impact on how you experience life & that once understood can heal broken relationships, release deep seeded judgments on yourself and those around you let alone find a place of peace and calm in the most challenging of moments Other Dates available | Contact Conscious Life Events

16.01.2022 - Conscious Lie Events July 2020 Newsletter with Medicine for your Spirit- Raelene Byrne

16.01.2022 FREE Virtual Event-The New Human Story with Gregg Braden Sat 13th June | Sun 14th June | Mon 15th June - Choice of times In this mind-expanding mini-workshop with Gregg, youll find out how these new scientific discoveries have the potential to change the way you think about yourself, your relationship to your body, to others, to the earth, and even to God.... Imagine discovering that youre not what youve been told and are far more than youve ever imagined That what we thought we knew about the human condition and the very origins of humanity had been misinterpreted and misunderstood Join with us for this riveting hour that will reveal what youre actually capable of achieving and becoming! FREE to attend Simply register here: Choose your preferred day and time to watch. PLUS A downloadable recording will be provided later to all who register, whether or not you listen to the scheduled event.

15.01.2022 Why people don’t heal and how they can - Inna Segal , - One of the main reasons people don’t heal, is because they carry unresolved emotions and traumas, which are constantly being re-triggered. ... Taking the time to come back to yourself, tune in, feel through and find empowering points of view creates a new environment inside your body, which is receptive to healing. When we connect to ourselves we befriend our inner wisdom and become our greatest ALLY! We start to listen to our inner guidance and treat ourselves we kindness and care, which leads to a profound improvement in health. We understand what created an inner conflict and trauma and work towards its resolution which opens new doors towards greater vitality and aliveness. Join Inna Segal who will be teaching live her new workshops on the Sunshine Coast QLD Sat 14 Nov 9-5.30PM - Awaken Your Intuitive Body Sun 15 Nov 9-5.30PM - Secrets of Soul Healing Book 1 OR Both workshops | P/plans also available - [email protected] Event Info: BOOK HERE :

14.01.2022 *IMPORTANT ANNOUNCEMENT* Due to the ongoing situation we are currently faced with, we have had to take the hard decision once again to postpone the 2020 Conscious Life Holistic Wellness Festival to 15-16 May 2021. We know so many look forward to this special event each year, so we thank YOU all for your understanding and patience.... We are looking forward to creating the best ever weekend for you all yet! Please stay tuned over the coming months..... Stand applications open : With Thanks to Cosmic collage for their amazing artwork

14.01.2022 Wake up wake up wake up

13.01.2022 November Newsletter- Conscious Life Events With thanks to Bianca Mayers ...

10.01.2022 White Wolf Alchemy I walk down the street. There is a deep hole in the sidewalk. I fall in.... I am lost...I am helpless. It isn’t my fault. It takes forever to find a way out. I walk down the same street. There is a deep hole in the sidewalk. I pretend I don’t see it. I fall in again. I can’t believe I am in the same place. But, it isn’t my fault. It still takes me a long time to get out. I walk down the same street. There is a deep hole in the sidewalk. I see it is there. I still fall in. It’s a habit. My eyes are open. I know where I am. It is my fault. I get out immediately. I walk down the same street. There is a deep hole in the sidewalk. I walk around it. I walk down another street. - Portia Nelson See more

10.01.2022 -August Newsletter- Conscious Life Events "Forgotten Ancient History"- Pane Andov

09.01.2022 Awakening Independence...

08.01.2022 Deleted again ..... Here we go everyone Full version still up here ... See more

08.01.2022 In Between the Eclipses- Incredible Downloads, Prophetic Dreams, Out of this Darkness Comes the Activation of Light Hey Astromomma fam! I wanted to write a litt...le update since I’ve been receiving lots of messages from you all. We are now in the eclipse portal which happens in between both of the eclipses. This is a very powerful time of: intense dreams, prophetic visions, uneasy nerves and in some cases insomnia + panic. Our time tables are majorly shifting within such energy. You can literally feel the intensity pulsating throughout the earth. If you are feeling a little off or just overwhelmed, realize that this is normal. We are approaching a major ascension phase that will require us to be flexible but at the same time, tenacious and grounded. My own channeling gifts have skyrocketed over the past month. You might also notice a heightened sensitivity and increase in your psychic + intuitive gifts. There is a battle between the shadow self and the light. When you can be at peace with both sides is when you will see true miracles manifest. You can co- create with both + it’s requested by spirit to not be scared or intimidated by these awakenings. How are you feeling at the moment? I’m sending you my love + support. Remember you are never alone. We have each other, and we will get through anything + everything. Astromomma, 2020 Image: @Jen Bartel #astrologypost #astrologyupdate #eclipseseason #eclipsetime #ascension #portalenergy #manifestation #thelightandthedark #cometogether #weareone

08.01.2022 Total Solar Eclipse in Sagittarius- The Light at the End of the Tunnel, After a Year of Darkness, Faith Will Bring in Miracles, Together We Are Stronger + You ...Are Never Alone On December 14th, we have the last eclipse of 2020, with a Total Solar Eclipse at 23 degrees of Sagittarius. Solar Eclipses are new moons on steroids and herald 10x the power and magnitude of: fresh perspectives, new beginnings and a clean slate. Sagittarius, the 9th zodiac sign, deals with: hope, wisdom, truth, faith and the will to seek authentic justice and enlightenment. After a dark and turbulent year filled with many challenges and struggles, we are all ready to turn a new leaf + create healing. Even as I write this, I am fighting back tears connected to the collective pain and sorrow that this year has produced. We are all ready for massive shifts and retribution. We are ready to stand united and to seek the light at the end of the tunnel. Well my loves, this last eclipse of 2020 has come to provide the hope and inspiration that our weary hearts so crave and desire. The Total Solar Eclipse in Sagittarius is here to provide a healing balm of truth serum filled with inspiration and hope. Us Sagittarius dominant folks, (I am a Sag rising) are always looking to provide a sense of relief and wisdom within the darkness of life. No other sign can produce such rays of fiery encouragement and faith like a devoted Centaur. In the darkness of 2020, we have been blessed by the star gods. This final eclipse holds such promise and such wisdom if we are willing to listen and embrace its presence. This will require that we get super REAL on what is our authentic truth. Nothing but the whole truth. This takes courage and guts. This takes grit. We are being asked to find the.... To view via full article via my website, click here: To view the full article + access to the Solar Eclipse extended horoscope predictions, please visit my Patreon page: To see how the Total Solar Eclipse in Sagittarius + other planetary influences will personally impact you, click here for my astrology and tarot services: Currently, I am running a Holiday Sale and all readings are 20% off using the code: ASTRO20 I know it's not an easy time for many, and your support allows Astromomma to stay afloat and provide guidance to so many people. Thanks for your trust and contribution to the page. Happy Total Solar Eclipse in Sagittarius my loves!! Astromomma, 2020 Image: "Burning Fire" by Nymonyrya on DeviantArt #astrologyupdate #astrologypost #eclipse #totalsolareclipse #sagittarius #totalsolareclipseinsagittarius #eclipsemagic #newmoon #magic #wonder #transformation #change #miracles

08.01.2022 A W A K E N I N G The great awakening is happening So much is unfolding before our eyes... We have been waiting so long for this and now its here .... so much is coming - the TRUTH finally- Do not be in fear - stay in your heart Exciting times to be alive, to be part of this huge awakening across the globe- the reason why we are all here.... to help create huge change, to live the most abundant and fulfilling lives we deserve by creating this with the power within - We ALL all have the capacity to do this - Do not forget this !!!! Remember .... Live in L O V E not fear L E A D not follow T R U S T + B E L I E V E Always stay true to YOU

08.01.2022 Maybe we have breached FB new censorship laws...?? Does anyone know Zuckerburg Both computers just turned off and we cannot get the live to restart??... We will be back and apologise for the inconvenience... We will go live again at 7pm Tuesday...look out for posting tomorrow

07.01.2022 - Junes newsletter - Keep up to date with the latest events and news

06.01.2022 SPIRITUAL PARTNERSHIPS "Some of the ways to define spiritual partnerships are these: - You complement each other as independent individuals who know they are fully responsible for themselves, as opposed to needing each other and hence continually entering the (shadow) dance that brings about so many of our blind reactions. ... - You are each invested in working on yourselves, alone, as well as within the parameters of the relationship, in order to grow into the richness you know you have within. - You are both aware of the fact that one of the best ways towards bringing about this growth, is through a conscious and aware relationship with a loving partner. .........................

04.01.2022 Join Jason from The Quantum Movement Live with ''Awakening Independence" This evening Mon 8th June at 7pm (AEST) To watch / participate please pop on over to the Conscious Life Events Facebook page... We would LOVE to have you all join us ! If you are ready to Awaken Your Independence and step into Personal Governance join Jason from The Quantum Movement as he shares with you some inconvenient but unconscious truths about why you continue to hold onto what was rather than experience the freedom from understanding how to gracefully let go.

03.01.2022 Join Inna Segal Internationally recognised Healer, Speaker and award winning best-selling author for her only Live in person event for the year and foreseeable future ... THIS WEEKEND Sunshine Coast QLD- New workshops 11.11.20 LAST CHANCE TO BOOK THE WEEKEND WORKSHOPs OFFER- Expires TONIGHT - $775 - P/plans available... Last available seats available Sat 14 Nov 9-5.30PM - Awaken Your Intuitive Body Sun 15 Nov 9-5.30PM - Secrets of Soul Healing Book 1 OR Both workshops | P/plans also available - [email protected] Event Info: BOOK HERE :

01.01.2022 December 2020 Conscious Life Events Newsletter

01.01.2022 Have you booked your spot on the Introductory webinar tonight? Present Moment - Jason Reynolds, The Quantum Movement Register HERE free to attend ... See more

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