Heidi Merika Botanical | Businesses
Heidi Merika Botanical
Phone: 0415626893
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25.01.2022 It was great to get a chance to chat to the very inspiring Nicki McKay on her podcast ‘love of dirt’ where we chatted about medicinal weeds in the back yard tha...t can support our immunity. If you want to listen you'll find the direct link here ->https://www.loveofdirt.com.au/?p=3692 or Itunes https://podcasts.apple.com//podc/love-of-dirt/id1468043517 or Spotify https://open.spotify.com/show/4NW7jRRRuYtrPumFKqmdF9.
24.01.2022 Last chance to join me for 6 weeks of online herbal medicine making. My Kitchen Table Medicine course closes in 48 hours!! It will close Tuesday 19th May at mid...night. It will never be this cheap again so take advantage of the special covid pricing offer. The fun is kicking off tonight with the private Facebook group having just gone live. We hope you can join us! https://heidimerika.com.au//kitchen-table-medicine-online/
24.01.2022 ‘BURN SHOCK’ AND REGENERATION The smoke is gradually shifting in Sydney and my lungs are able to breathe more deeply of air that is not so redolent now of burne...d trees, our precious animals and blackened earth. It’s less than a month since the Gosper’s mountain fire swept up Govett’s leap, leaving swathes of black char at Blackheath and Mt Victoria, yet many trees are already bursting forth vital growth. Friends have been sending me photos of eucalypts sprouting inches of tender new shoots, signalling regeneration and hope. So much is going on at the moment, it’s like a whirlwind emotionally. Stories flood in of unbelievable courage, of miracles, devastation, loss, grief and anger. Living in Australia we know of many ferocious bush fires, but everyone is saying how these ones were different, with so much burned, so fast, and the wild unpredictability of the flames. Even though the air is softer this week, with the moisture of rain and its gift of life, people are so tired, even exhausted. Many folks are irritable, heart weary, veering between hopeful and despairing, often overwhelmed. One of the things that can be easily forgotten with any big fire, and these ones have been beyond belief enormous, is that they destroy boundaries, literally physically, as well as emotionally and psychically. A bush fire triggers shock, even if someone isn’t actually hurt or even near the fire. The shockwaves impact you through the graphic media images, the stories from beloveds and communities impacted by the fires and the numbers of deaths and evacuees. These have triggered an Australia wide collective trauma response. I worked in an intensive burns unit many years ago and learned first hand that you need to not just treat the client but also anyone in close proximity to them. After an emotional collapse, I realised I needed to be treating myself for shock, for ‘burns’ too. The auric field gets damaged and stripped, energetically ‘blown open’ and you can become super sensitive to sound, other people or places, and easily overwhelmed. It’s a vicarious traumatisation. Symptoms can include anything from palpitations, nausea and digestive problems, adrenal burnout, loss of co-ordination, lack of focus and concentration, anxiety or panic, vivid dreams or nightmares, irritability and arguments, crying jags, shortness of breath, depression, even chest pain. After a number of people have been describing how ‘crazy’ and wiped they feel, as well as confused about what’s going on for them, I thought some information about how to work energetically to stabilise this ‘burn shock’, might help. There is so much profound healing available in our environment. My first response for support is always to turn to nature. My key remedy for any kind of burn whether literal or metaphorical, is Pink Flannel Flower. This incredibly rare wild flower grows after a terrible bush fire leaves everything charred black. It can only be found in several places in the upper Blue Mountains and is one of the first plants that spring up in the early regeneration period. Walking among its soft bobbing, little pink flower heads, feels like a gentle balm bringing solace. It offers the wisdom of knowing that everything is ok, somehow, there’s a calmer place, a loving space. Your heart is able to gently open once more, after clamping down from pain and hurt. When you feel like you can never love again, pink flannel flower shares its simple joy in being and the safety in the constancy of the love that underlies all creation. You can trust this and your heart sighs in relief. I made the essence after big fires in Blackheath and Katoomba in 2013. It goes into just about every essence combination I create for animals, humans and the land. It’s also great topically in washes for cuts, burns and scalds. You don’t need the actual essence (although I’m happy to post you out some). It’s easy to connect in with a plant spirit, simply by looking at the photos and asking the plant for assistance. Check out the article I wrote about Echinacea and a quick process for plant spirit ‘heart breath’, earlier in the week. FLOWER HEART BREATH IS SIMPLE Breathe into your heart, into your love for nature, the plant and yourself. Look at the image of the plant and ask to connect with its spirit. Imagine breathing into its presence, its pattern of being. Every plant, indeed, every thing in creation has its own unique pattern of consciousness, it’s own wild medicine. Explore the photo with your eyes and senses, feeling into the plant. Imagine what it might feel like to be tiny and inside this flower or to have it inside you, breathing its sweetness into your heart. Visualise the flower going to a person, an area, animal, or for yourself. Use your heart breath to imagine you’re breathing into the flower and the flower is breathing its medicine to the recipient, in whatever way is best for their highest will and good. The key for any connection with nature and plant spirit engagement, is your heart felt appreciation and love for nature. Include loving appreciation for yourself here too. Connection and communion flows with your intention and love. Other flowers of great benefit are Echinacea, as I mentioned before. Echinacea supports us returning to our sense of wholeness. It’s useful in trauma situations, or when you feel shattered. Another one to consider is Arnica. Classically prescribed for physical bruising, I also find it great for the feeling of being emotionally bruised, with tight breath. Star of Bethlehem flower is commonly available as an essence in the Bach Flower remedies or the one I made at Ste Baume in southern France, on the mountain top where Mary Magdalene lived and taught for many years. It’s a wonderful flower to support the amelioration of shock. It’s also in the classic Bach Rescue Remedy, a great, readily available support for any stress. In shock you lose your greater sense of self, the ‘I AM’ awareness. Your identity and world becomes smaller and tighter. When you are deeply rooted in your body, grounded and strong, then all experiences can be more easily integrated. Star of Bethlehem reminds you who you really are, the truth of which can never be lost. It stabilises your being with calm presence. There are many other plants and essences that may assist during times of grief, shock and loss but these ones in particular will safely assist with many different responses. BALANCING THE AURIC FIELD Normally, you connect with the earth consciously or unconsciously, in order to move around and to ground yourself. With so much of the country shocked and scorched, connecting with it is also painful. As a result people tend to try and pull away and retreat from the land, which is kind of impossible. You are connected, you are earth. There is no separation. It can help to be aware of this connection, that what you may be feeling and responding to is not only personal, but from the environment too. When I’m going out, working on a screen, or reading any media, I pull in my auric field so it feels closer to my body. You can expand and contract your auric field easily. Try practising this now. The expanded field feels like you’ve just had a hot bath and folks usually feel happy and loving. Sometimes though, the field widens extensively in hyper vigilance, when someone is continually scanning the environment to assess for safety on different levels. If you go out to a shopping center or a noisy place in an expanded field state, you’ll quickly feel overloaded, out of balance and maybe headachey or sick. If you pull your field in a little tighter, you are not so open. It’s like having the stage curtains more closed. The concept of ‘psychic protection’ is a much larger topic and one I consider debatable as I prefer not to engage in practices that promote fear. Being accountable for your own energy and supportive of maintaining your vitality is another matter entirely. One day basic psychic ‘hygiene’ skills will be taught to everyone in primary school! EARTH CONNECTION For conscious grounding with the earth, it is more effective to tune into its core of molten iron, and feel yourself coming into alignment with that, rather than the surface. Linking in this deeply is more stabilising for your body. To do this, connect with body first and settle into a quiet space, before focusing into your heart and feeling love for the universe. Then, imagine tracing down through your central channel and into the heart of the earth. As above, so below. After you connect with the core of the earth, bring your awareness up to Source. You may imagine this as the black hole in the center of our galaxy, divine spirit or God/Goddess. I flow upwards from my heart, through the central channel into the heart of the cosmos, into Beloved’s embrace. I am connected above and below, held and supported with a flow of energy. It’s also a good practice to energetically ‘wash’ yourself off several times over the day, or at least morning and night. Imagine you’re standing under a shower of nectar, of radiant golden light, flowing over you, through you and all around your field. Most people imagine they energetically extend out only a few feet. This is not wide enough. Imagine, that this ‘shower’ is actually the size of a tennis court, with you in the center. It’s also a useful practice to invite that golden nectar to flow through all of your nervous system, soothing any ‘sting’ of tension. You don’t need to ‘carry’ other’s peoples emotions and thought fields or be automatically transmuting any pain of the land. It’s important you support the integrity of your auric field, to help maintain health and balance. On a final note, keep up plenty of hydration and good, clean food. Vitality filled greens are great at this time, as is parsley, and lemon juice. Feel free to contact me if you’ve any questions. Wild blessings and love, Jacqui Bushell
24.01.2022 Hi in the spirit of wildcrafting and foraging we are trying to wildcraft and forage as much food as we can for my Wildcraft book launch on this Friday at 6pm at... the Noosa Pengari Steiner School. If you live on the Sunshine Coast and have an abundance of fruit in your backyard or neighborhood that you are willing to share with the community we would be Extremely grateful. We can come and pick it up so amazing Botanical @ChefChay-ya can turn it into an amazing culinary creation. See more
24.01.2022 The Herb Sessions 2020 is now open. This 6 week online course is a deep dive into working with 6 powerful plant allies (Calendula, Mugwort, Tulsi, Ashwagandha, ...Lemon Myrtle and Gumbi Gumbi). I will be sending out the materials list this week. The date for the live calls has changed from August to October to give people time to gather resources for the course. We will be using these plants in our daily lives, taking them and making things from them, learning about them from an academic and scientific perspective and exploring them spiritually/energetically through the use of drum journeying. For more details visit https://heidimerika.com.au/shop/the-herb-sessions/ See more
23.01.2022 Inkweed, or Dyeberry, is native to Mexico, Central America, the Caribbean and tropical South America, and is now also found in New Zealand, Australia and the Pacific Islands of New Caledonia and Hawaii. The keyword for this plant is ‘order’ as it brings order and organisation to your body and life. Dyeberry can help us clear anything that is no longer needed, making our space and our lives clearer, and cleaner. It’s useful for overthinking, especially when there are too many ...scattered thoughts and you need to bring focus to your mind. The root of Dyeberry can be used topically for swollen lymph glands and sinus congestion but it should be noted that this plant is toxic and care must be taken when handling it and gloves worn. - Heidi Merika, Wildcraft Image: @karina_jean_sharpe
23.01.2022 I just met this gorgeous woman but I already love her! Annie from Annie's Books on Peregian is a true supporter of local authors. Putting passion for people and community first and showcasing local home grown talent. I will be at Annie’s this Saturday the 30th November signing copies of my wildcraft book! Come along and say hi, drop in to Annie’s to see what’s on offer for Christmas and pick up a signed copy of ‘Wildcraft’.
23.01.2022 Hope You can join me this weekend for a special workshop in a special place! Click on link for details https://www.secretcabinsociety.com//wildcraft-the-science-... Click on the instagram symbol below to watch the video
21.01.2022 Sneak peak and behind the scenes look at the creation of my new online course ‘Kitchen table medicine’ 6 weeks of live zoom calls, with recordings if you miss i...t. Beautiful instruction videos like this one, (but with voice over) PDF’s of recipes and additional info, and a closed Facebook group to share with your classmates. Also pleased to announce an incredibly flexible and amazing Covid friendly pricing structure for every budget!! I offer this pricing structure so that I can genuinely and unapologetically share my gifts with the world, trusting that my sisters and brothers out there have my back and will respect the value of my offering and pay according to their means. I want us all in this together, with nudges and winks and hey giiirl I got you #kitchentablemedicine #onlinecoursecreation https://heidimerika.com.au//kitchen-table-medicine-online/
20.01.2022 Books are on their way folks!! The most epic mail out! #wildcraftbook
19.01.2022 Looking for something to do while your in isolation. I will be talking on the radio with Lou Gatliff on her program ‘No Rhyme, No Reason’ on Thursday morning around 10am sometime. We discuss Wildcrafting in the time of covid-19, hand sanitizer recipes and much more. Tune in to Noosa FM 101.3 or stream live at noosafm.org photo by Eric Nopanen via Unsplash
18.01.2022 Wildcraft has been officially launched!! It is now out in the world. What an incredible community effort to make this night happen. So many people contributing ...in some way. karina Sharpe for co-producing the book!!! Chef Chay-Ya for making the food, Ample Organics, greenacre organics, the falls farm, Lisa Delanoue and Linda Broman for supplying the food, Kaz McElroy for the elderberry wine and ginger beer. Jeunae Rogers for the incredible music, Jandamarra Cadd for his moving acknowledgment of country, James Yates for stepping in as MC and along with Chantel Rose creating that amazing table spread. Anne Harris Kristin Hamilton Honi Chaitanya Peter Weeks Shannon Merika, Darcy and Malinda, Deanna Lee and Christine Johnston who all helped contribute time, energy, food and equipment. And to everyone who showed up at the end of a very big week, on a 37 degree day!! Your support is everything. This is how we make good things happen in the world by coming together and creating something with beauty and meaning. So much love to you all!!! See more
18.01.2022 Hope you can join me for this very inspiring Free virtual summit! I am doing a session on wild plants as food and medicine at 1.30pm Brisbane time. But check out the full Itinerary for all the amazing speakers sharing health and business information to help you move forward in your life in positive and exciting ways. It’s a free event but you still need to register. Here is the registration link. https://www.eventbrite.com.au/e/reignite-virtual-summit-tic
17.01.2022 The books are here folks. The mail out will begin on Friday so stay tuned! Local pick up available this Saturday 16th November from 9am to 12noon or Friday 22nd November from 2-4pm or the most at 11 Lilly Pilly Rise Eumundi. Or the most exciting option pick up from the book launch at Noosa Pengari Steiner School on the 6th December at 6pm. I’m super excited to share it with you!! #wildcraft #wildcraftbook
16.01.2022 So this just happened!! The fulfilment of a life long dream to have one of my books in a gorgeous bookshop like @harryhartogmaroochydore it’s now on the shelves ready for Christmas shoppers and nature lovers alike. #dreamscometrue #wildcraftbook #wildcraft #booklover
16.01.2022 Getting ready for Wildcraft book launch fresh herbs from @lisadelanoue and fresh leafy green from @thefallsfarm bursting with life and love from the people who grew them with total dedication to a green food revolution #wildcraft #freshherbs
15.01.2022 I’ll be signing books at Berkelouw Books in Eumundi markets tomorrow from 9.30 till around midday. Drop by and say hi or grab a signed copy of the book! #wildcraftbook #berkelouwbooks #eumundimarkets
14.01.2022 A massive Thank You to Kristin Hamilton Bellbunya Sustainable Community and all the participants of Wildcrafting and Medicine Making 2020 for an amazing weekend of connecting with community and nature. Such a joy to share this work with these wonderful wise women.
13.01.2022 I’m so excited to announce that everyone who has purchased a copy of my Wildcraft book has contributed to the planting of 765 trees!! through @treesisters_official. Every time you buy a copy of Wildcraft $1 goes directly to Treesisters to support the incredible work they do planting trees and supporting women around the world. I’m so excited about the little forest we have created. You can keep it growing buy sharing pictures of your wildcraft book with the plants you love. Woo hoo we made a forest This is just the beginning... image by @filipz__ #wildcraftbook #wildcraft #treesisters #forest #naturelovers
13.01.2022 I'm excited to announce my courses page for 2020 is now ready. This year there are a variety of course offerings. There are some old favourites like my 2 day ...Wildcrafting & Medicine making, The Herb Sessions are back by popular demand, kids courses are back this year after not running for a couple of years, including Fairy Medicine for 5-7 year olds. New additions to my offerings include Wildcraft Live Online based on my book Wildcraft. The science & spirit of wild plants as food and medicine and brand new is Kitchen Table Medicine an online course with a complete focus on how to make your own remedies. See link below. https://heidimerika.com.au/herbal-medicine-workshops-on-th/
10.01.2022 Hi Hope you can join Karina Jean Sharpe and myself as we launch our baby into the world along with very special guest Jeunae Rogers who will be singing nature inspired music for us and all the way from Melbourne botanical Chef Chay-Ya who will be making beautiful plant based foraged food.
10.01.2022 It may not have been the New York Times but I was beyond excited to make this bestsellers list at Harry Hartog in Maroochydore!! Seeing my book in the centre of... the bestsellers shelf next to the awesome Bruce Pascoe's Dark Emu (I'm a HUGE FAN! Love you Bruce!) was definitely the highlight of my year so far. See more
08.01.2022 The Secret Cabin Society and Cathy Fitzgerald are hosting me in an intimate gathering to share deep nature connection in a magical space. Saturday the 14th of March 1:00-3:30pm. What to bring - arrive at 1245 for a 1pm start. No fuss just bring yourself & wear some boots/closed in shoes to walk down to our beautiful Cabin & around the rain forest. All materials will be supplied & we will enjoy a fruit platter/bliss balls & refreshing tea infusion made by Heidi.... Limited to 10 places In this 2.5 hour long workshop you will be introduced to the local edible and medicinal weeds and wild plants; learning how to identify them, harvest and use them as simple foods and medicines. We will be making a our own insect repellant on the day using native essential oils and local wild plants. We will also make an anti-inflammatory gel from local wild plants that can be used topically for bites, stings, arthritis and inflammatory pain. You will be guided on a special mediation journey to connect with a chosen plant ally in order to deepen your appreciation for the plants around us and appreciate their benevolent guidance. For bookings and details visit https://www.secretcabinsociety.com//wildcraft-the-science-
08.01.2022 Had a lovely time with Hollie from Ebb + Flow Studio and Nadja Dinneen doing this interview for Experience Eumundi
08.01.2022 I'll be signing books at Berkelouw Books in Eumundi this Sat between 9.30 and midday sometime. Hope to see you XX
08.01.2022 Head over to @karina_jean_sharpe on Instagram for an exciting GIVEAWAY of our new book. Wildcraft. The science and spirit of wild plants as food and medicine. Win a copy for yourself and a friend. #wildcraftbook #wildcraft #giveaway
07.01.2022 Hope you can join me for a wild weed talk at this months Harvest Swap at Starlight Community Hall in Yandina.
05.01.2022 I will be giving a talk at this amazing retreat. March is already sold out but July and October still have spots left. These guys are next level energy and vitality! VERY inspiring!
05.01.2022 The stunning Wildcraft book by Eumundi local @heidimerika is now in stock! Heidi's work is helping to create a green revolution where our trust in natur...e is restored and our bodies and environment are healed. She donates $1 from every book sold to Treesister.org, to offset the carbon cost of production. Heidi will also be running a hands-on wildcrafting workshop at an incredible local property on Saturday, 14th March. Head over to @secretcabinsociety for details and tickets. DM us to secure your copy of Wildcraft: The Science and Spirit of Wild Plants as Food and Medicine -$45. See more
04.01.2022 I’m GIVING AWAY a FREE spot on my exciting new Kitchen Table Medicine Course which starts on Wednesday the 20th May to on of my friends who SHARES this post wit...h their friends. The winner will be randomly selected at 6pm Brisbane time on Sunday 17th (tomorrow night) from the people who have shared this video. You can use this spot for yourself or nominate a friend and gift it to them. Cause sometimes we all need a little help from our friends. Here is a sneak peak at some of the footage I've been busy shooting and editing. Note: the actual instruction videos are slower with voice overs and actual instructions! If you have always wanted to learn how to make herbal remedies but didn't want to do a big course, here are all the fun bits in just 6 weeks!! and with the amazing income friendly pricing structure anyone can afford to join. I've had sooo much fun making this. I can't wait to share it with you. Thanks to Anne Harris for being my sexy hand model and Jack Barton for lesson in videography. I hope this is just the beginning ... For full details visit https://heidimerika.com.au//kitchen-table-medicine-online/
03.01.2022 The Herb Sessions Closes next Tuesday the 22nd September only a few days left to save your spot. I'm not running this again as a live course next year so if you want a spot jump in now!!
02.01.2022 My fairy medicine kids wildcrafting course was an absolute delight with these incredibly engaged, smart and beautiful children! So enthusiastic and sincere in their learning and openness to mother nature. And SO sweet and cute!! Thanks to Lani Baskerville for the photos X
01.01.2022 This was my Fairy Medicine Kids wildcrafting course at Bellbunya. Such magic and these kids are so switched on and sincere in their learning. Gives me faith in the future.
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