Conscious Living Australia | Therapist
Conscious Living Australia
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25.01.2022 Mindful Life Coaching FREE 30 minute Coaching Sessions - Come and find out how mindful coaching can bring more peace, balance and harmony back into your life. Also if you are someone who suffers with anxiety, depression or like a lot of people today, 'Over Thinking' then this session is for you. Come and say hello and have a chat ... Wellness Consultant - over 20 years experience
24.01.2022 So often we get caught up with what someone has said and/or done and our attention gets caught up with what 'should have happened and what shouldn't have happened. What ever your life situation is, how would you feel if you could simply and completely accept it / them as it is, right Now? What would that feel like?
24.01.2022 A Conscious Living Gift Certificate for someone you care about this Christmas. Living and working 'Consciously' or 'In the Zone' means we are free more often from unwanted stress and anxiety. We are less angered and frustrated by situations, people and ourselves and we can cope a lot better and quickly bounce back from life's issues. Consequently we are happier and feel inspired and content about life. Do you have a friend, family member or work colleague that could benefi...t from talking to a Life Coach and Zone Mentor with over 15 years experience in these areas? Could they benefit from feeling better within themselves, about their life and/or work? Buying them a 1 hour Gifted Coaching Session might be the very thing that could get them started on a gentle journey of exploration and learning about what makes them happy. Please find reviews about my service on my page below PM me to purchase
23.01.2022 Good Morning Everyone, Because of the current circumstances we all find ourselves in, many businesses are going on line and Conscious Living Australia is doing the same. We are still operating, currently doing Skype, Zoom or Phone Coaching Sessions and these are working really well for clients. This allows us to have a further reach.... At the moment we are coaching clients here in Kal, Perth and South of Perth. Distance is not an issue. Fee’s are now done on a pricing scale so that no one misses out on getting some help if they need. These sessions will be affordable to everyone! Please contact for further information on this. There are a lot of people out there who are in need of help managing their emotional states, like anxiety, depression, stress, fear and panic. The uncertainty of these times is getting to everyone in varying degrees. Please feel free to share this post so people know about this service. Pm or call me for more info or to book your appointment
19.01.2022 In The Workplace MINDFULNESS - A SUPER POWER!! Practicing Compassionate Strong Leadership ...... Dealing with stress is differently for everyone and we all have a range of differing issues that is personal to us as individuals and our family as we navigate through these testing times. Practice mindful listening stay open and create a safe space for your employees to feel comfortable to share. Check in with them and listen with empathy and kindness. Everyone wants to be heard, understood and validated. This will go along way with your staff. Have a backup plan for if you or your employees are showing signs of stress, worry or fear. Have on hand a list of people or organisation you can recommend to help them and tools to offer and introduce them too. For more information, contact Conscious Living so we can share our Super Power with you and your workplace. It really, really works!
19.01.2022 Sometimes we can get stuck in a loop of thoughts... Which can bring us down When we do some investigating to see if these thoughts are true, we soon realise that they are an assumption, or a judgement about a situation, event or person.... Not necessarily true, but seems to be true, based on our best guess at the time. Guess work has the potential.... to bring us down! So be a lover of reality? Reality is what's showing up in 'the moment'. Leave the stories of the past and the stories of your future where they belong and come into this moment where reality is kind, peaceful and actually 'ok'. X
19.01.2022 Dear Family of Love and Seekers Everywhere, Coronavirus: Do Not Fear the Bogeyman The world is currently gripped in fear of the scary coronavirus. Let’s first ...get one fact clear: If you have ever had a cold or flu in your life, odds are that it was the result of a coronavirus infection. Yes, coronaviruses cause colds. But, we are being programmed with the belief that this particular cold virus is deadly. This fear has shut down concerts, conferences, and major public events all over the world. The fear has led to quarantines and closing down of international travel. It has even led to a major scarcity of toilet paper in Australia, were concerned citizens emptied the shelves of this commodity in anticipation that they will be walled up in their homes with this infection. First, how deadly is this version of the virus? Yes, there have been corona-related deaths reported with the statistics suggesting that ~2% of the infected population dies. Wow! That number is almost 1% more deaths than are attributed to any conventional flu the world experiences. What is misleading is the fear that everyone who carries this virus may die from their cold. This is simply untrue! The health of almost all the victims of this coronavirus was already compromised before they were infected. For example, the following information was provided by the news in regard to the 6 patients that died of the virus in the state of Washington last week (I added the bold print): Washington State Six people have died in Washington and health officials have identified 18 cases. Four of the cases in King County were linked to the Life Care nursing facility in Kirkland. More than 50 residents and staff at the facility are being tested. The deaths announced Monday, according to health officials, included: -A male in his 70s, who lived at LifeCare. He had underlying health conditions and died Sunday. -A female resident of LifeCare in her 70s. She also had underlying health conditions and died Sunday. -A woman in her 80s, who was already reported as in critical condition at EvergreenHealth, died Sunday. -A Snohomish County resident at EvergreenHealth also died but details of that patient have not been given. Two previously reported deaths included a man in his 70s who had underlying health conditions and had been a resident of LifeCare. He died at EvergreenHealth on Feb. 29. The other was a man in his 50s with underlying health conditions. He was admitted with serious respiratory issues and tested positive for the virus. He died at EvergreenHealth Medical Center in Kirkland. As emphasized in this report, the health of all those that died with the coronavirus was already compromised. Healthy people get cold and flu symptoms, while those already sick and near death’s door may experience the Grim Reaper when infected by the virus. True, sick people are more vulnerable to the virus; healthy people really have nothing to fear. As presented in The Biology of Belief, stress is responsible for up to 90% of illness, including heart disease, cancer and diabetes. When an individual is in stress, the release of stress hormones (e.g., cortisol) shuts down the immune system to conserve the body’s energy for running away from the perceived stressor, that proverbial saber-toothed tiger. Stress hormones are so effective at compromising the immune system, that physicians therapeutically provide recipients of organ transplants with stress hormones to prevent their immune system from rejecting the foreign implant. The conclusion is clear: The fear of the coronavirus is more deadly than the virus itself! The media (perhaps in conjunction with the pharmaceutical industry) is compromising people’s health using the fear card! This is the result of negative thinking (the nocebo effect) which is the complete opposite of the placebo effect manifest through positive thinking! If you make efforts to stay healthy, with good nutrition, exercise, taking vitamins and supplements, and more importantly, avoiding stress (e.g., the fear of the virus), even if you do get infected with the virus, you will likely only end up with a cold and/or slight fever. If you are someone with a compromised immune system, it is supportive to surround yourself with loving family and friends, nature, and positive thoughts as well as any other nutrition and vitamins that you may already be taking for your health and wellbeing. Following your intuition about what is best for you is key! The point here is that no matter who you are and what your state of health, you will only benefit from steering clear of the fear and supporting yourself in whatever way feels best to you. Please remember the truth of quantum physics, the most valid of all sciences on the planet: Consciousness is creating your life experiences! Are you being conscious of disease or of health? Wishing you all Health, Happiness and Harmony. With Love and Light, Bruce LATEST From the The Guardian (newspaper in England, March 11, 2020): What is the mortality rate of the new coronavirus? It is probably about or a bit less than 1%. Much higher figures have been flying about, but the chief medical officer, Chris Whitty, is one of those who believes it will prove to be 1% or lower. The World Health Organization’s director general, Dr Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus, talked of 3.4%, but his figure was calculated by dividing the number of deaths by the number of officially confirmed cases. We know there are many more mild cases that do not get to hospital and are not being counted, which would bring the mortality rate significantly down. Deaths are highest in the elderly, with very low rates among younger people, although medical staff who treat patients and get exposed to a lot of virus are thought to be more at risk. But even among the over-80s, 90% will recover.
16.01.2022 Going Live at 4pm
16.01.2022 One on One coaching to help you and your staff in these testing times
16.01.2022 wíth ur thughts, w crt th wrld
15.01.2022 You don’t want to miss how these 28 lessons can bring powerful changes to your life. Starting this Thursday, you get to find the WISDOM in this summit from Russ...ell Brand, Graham Hancock, Zelda Hall, Alex Grey, Ed Sheeran, Koya Webb, Sri Prem Baba, Gary Weber, and many others who use their art and music to HEAL. See more
14.01.2022 Did you know that research shows, that you have a 1 in 400 trillion chance of being here on the planet? Amazing! So get out of your head, listen to your intuition and act on your inspiration!... As Mel Robbins say - author of the 5 second rule, "You got stuff to do". Today..... lets get out there and do it!
13.01.2022 Yesterday i was on the beach with my daughter and Indi, the fur baby. I was enjoying the sun, sea and surf before i went in for a medical procedure later in the... day. For awhile, quite unconsciously I got caught up in my thoughts, no longer aware of the real experience in front of me that I could be having. The enjoyment had vanished. Until I realised and I brought myself back to my gorgeous kid running up and down the beach playing with her much loved fur baby. I breathed in the ocean, felt the sun, watched passers by... I was back, living and having the full experience of life. All of which put a smile on my face. More and more I am in the land of the living, caught up less in the mind. So happy....because I dont want to miss a thing!
11.01.2022 Come join us for a wee chat and some really awesome techniques on how to manage the stresses, changes and uncertainty's that has been 2020 so far
11.01.2022 In these radical changing times its so important to take care of our emotional states and know how to self regulate. Of course there is alot on our minds and we each have our worries, not just about ourselves but about our loved ones too. Its important to remember though that what we think about always creates a feeling in the body. These feelings are our emotions. ... So what we think about has the potential to make us feel good or make us feel bad. Lets use these times for good and practice some techniques that will help to quieten the mind so we can feel a bit better. I will be sharing some of these as we travel in these unprecedented times so watch this space. If you are finding it particularly challenging at the moments dont hesitate to pm me or call to make a time to skype or have a phone session. Im working on a pricing scale so no one will be excluded from this service because of money. Just pm to ask how this works. Please take care of yourselves, trust that we will get through this, think of others, use your common sense when purchasing and its especially important to practice random acts of kindness if you can. Nameste Everyone (I see the light in you and in me)
08.01.2022 What you resist, you give life too! As soon as you resist a thing or situation, you are guaranteed, 100% to experience pain and suffering on some level. Having a fundamental understanding that we cannot change anyone and we definitely cannot change the past is basically the first step toward 'acceptance'. ... Why do we want to bring about an attitude of acceptance? Because it feels a damn sight better than non acceptance and resistance! Today, pay attention to what you are not or cannot accept in your life, about another person or a situation / event from the past. Notice how it makes you feel... A clue to this is to notice when you say "this should have happened or should not have happened" or "they shouldn't have done that or they should have done this" etc. Every time you utter the words 'should or should not' you are in resistance. These words that you say bring you down and are futile. They do not change the past but only ' change how you feel. How would it feel to say these words instead... This has happened, what do I need to do now? Do I need to take some action? (Do this if this is what is appropriate) Or Can I just simply accept and move on? (Do this if this is appropriate) Neither of these keep you stuck in your past and wallowing there but instead move you forward toward peace. Conscious living is all about learning and letting go of the past and creating peace and harmony in this moment. Wishing for you.... more of this!
05.01.2022 This is the absolute secret to dealing with someone who’s always argumentative. Or someone who always needs to be right. Be honest-- you’ve got someone in mind ... Watch this video and save it for the next time you know you’ve got to deal with this kind of person, and you’ll walk away feeling like a winner
04.01.2022 FREEDOM TO SPEAK, LEARN AND SHARE Let’s take a look at our capacity to get fired up when we think we are right and/or feel very passionate about a topic or when... fear takes a hold. I have not been exempt from these things that I mentioned, on the contrary, at times all of the above has got a grip on me too. But like everyone else I am human, although... I do have a Super Power but that's another story.... When we express ourselves in a negative way it has the potential to hurt others and fire up the situation. If this happens, we can feel saddened, remorseful and guilty, after the fact, once we reflect on it. So here are some words of wisdom that at times I have had to take on board myself. 1. Learn from it, if it didn't feel good, change the way you express yourself. 2, Don't get stuck in the past, move on. Make it right with whomever you may have upset or hurt. 3. Don't make others wrong because they have a different opinion to you. Let’s adult up and discuss things openly and fairly. These can be huge learning curves for others and ourselves. 4. Create a good space for people to express themselves without fear of being put down or shamed, especially on social media. 5. If you can't say something with love, it’s best not to speak up until you can. Take care of 'you' first, breathe deeply, walk away and give yourself some space to collect yourself. 5. Decide - who do I want to be? - how do I want others to see me? - how do I want to be treated and am I treating others with the same respect and values that are important to me? Next Post... EFFECTIVE COMMUNICATION
02.01.2022 NO ORDINARY COACHING SESSION My work and the power of the sessions when experienced will help you in the area of your life that you are struggling with but the beauty and the magic doesn't stop there! In a few 45 minute or 1 hour sessions discover how working on one area of your life can positively impact the whole of your life.... Are thoughts of work, life and/or others causing you distress, maybe in the form of anxiety, anger, stress, sadness, indecision and even fear or do you just simply feel you are holding yourself back? Shaking these feelings can be challenging to let go of on our own. Regain your power to change the way you feel and change your circumstances with a few Conscious Living Sessions!
02.01.2022 Are you ready for some 'Me' time? Tomorrow - Tuesday 10th FREE 30minute Well Being Consultation ... I have two appointment left - 3:30pm or 5:15pm Have you been thinking about getting some help but not sure how to get started, who to see or are you a little fearful about the unknown? We all need a bit of help with something, sometimes and that's ok. Has it time to take the first step and just simply get some information to help you decide?
02.01.2022 Hi everyone, Just checkin in How are we all doing?
02.01.2022 Below is a review a lovely client sent through to explain her personal experience with just a number of Conscious Living Coaching Sessions. I thought I would share in the hope it may resonate with some of you who may be struggling with the circumstances of life or shaking unwanted thoughts and feelings that you are experiencing at the moment.
02.01.2022 If we pay attention, the only suffering there ever is, is when we can't accept' what is'.
01.01.2022 Wisdom from Arundhati Roy
01.01.2022 Tune in Tuesday 30th at 12:30 via Zoom. Contact the Goldfields Women Health Centre to book in. We will be talking about life, what's concerning us today and what issues we are having to deal with, including some really healthy tips on how to get through these new and challenging times of 2020.