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Consistent Running

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25.01.2022 I was chatting to another runner on the weekend about training methods and they asked me what ‘system’ I use for coaching. I’m sure many runners also get asked this question while training for a race... ‘Do you follow the 80/20 system? Or Lydiard? Maffetone? Jack Daniels? These are usually discussed as oversimplified training methods and people usually only discuss their core principles while neglecting how complex they really can be. I base my coaching, not on any system,... but on the latest science and research into training theory, including load management, running economy, strength and conditioning, mental training, and injury risk management. Influenced by many great coaches from the past and present, as well as exercise scientists and experts in other fields. When I'm not running, I'm usually working on training plans, reading a running-related book or catching up on the latest research into running (if I'm not doing any of those I'm probably eating or sleeping ). There are no systems that will work for all runners, just well-proven, science-backed training principles and these apply equally to all runners, from beginners to elites. Some Consistent Running training principles are... 1. I ALWAYS TRAIN THE INDIVIDUAL, NOT THE SYSTEM. customise training based on how each individual is responding and their current work/life/training balance. I adapt my training philosophy around the individual, rather than the other way around. 2. ALWAYS TAKE THE NEXT LOGICAL STEP in training. While this may seem boring at times, there are no shortcuts to be taken. Never try to force progress or PBs. Nail the foundations, provide the right support workouts for the goals you are working towards and the breakthroughs will come without the higher injury/burnout risks involved when skipping steps. 3. YOU LOSE WHAT YOU DON'T TRAIN. We always talk about progress when training but seem to neglect regress. What you train (and allow proper recovery), you improve, what you don’t train, you lose. An example is when people blame lots of slow running for losing speed. It’s not the slow running, it’s often completely neglecting any speed work. A good rule is to never let the body forget what it feels like to run fast, do aerobic work, strength train etc. 4. ENJOY YOUR RUNNING & HAVE FUN. It’s the most simple but also the most important principle. That may mean that at times you back off or mix up your approach to training. My number one goal as a coach is to help you enjoy a long term love of consistent running. I'm always happy to answer any questions or have a chat at races or group runs. If you have any questions feel free to message me and I'll get back to you as soon as possible.

24.01.2022 If life gives you lemons... you could make lemonade or, you could reach for the salt & tequila or, you could rush out and buy toilet paper ... We all have a choice of how we perceive and react to the current changes we are all facing. I have read (listened to the audiobook) 'The Obstacle Is the Way' by Ryan Holiday a couple of times and just started #3. The gist of the message in the book has been around for over 2000 years. This video is a good summary. If life gives you melons you may be dyslexic

24.01.2022 There are many runners who currently need to modify their training and some who may be unable to run outside while in self-isolation. For those lucky enough to have access to a treadmill, it is certainly easier to maintain a good training load. However, if you usually run outdoors and have had limited treadmill running in the past, it is important to know that simply continuing with your usual training load on a treadmill may result in a higher injury risk than normal. Tread...mills are a uniform surface and quite often you are running for a long period at a uniform pace. This uniformity works your muscles and joints in a very repetitive way. It results in an increased load to areas that may be at risk when compared to running in an outdoor environment, where hills, rocks, and uneven surfaces in trails or paths may cause you to alter your gait and pace. These slight changes to your movement patterns help even out the workload on the muscles and connective tissue, reducing the risk of overuse injury. So while no single treadmill run is likely to cause any problems, two weeks (or longer) of regular training may increase your risk of injury so it is worth making some simple modifications. Some options to consider include... 1. Use the preset programs to add variety through changes in elevation and pace. 2. Rotate footwear if possible between runs. 3. Alternate or occasionally replace a treadmill session with a spin bike or wind trainer or another cross-training session if possible. 4. Split some longer runs into double run days. 5. Shift some focus to strength work, prehab, or mental training, reducing overall running load. 6. Use the treadmill as part of a circuit or run/strength session. 7. If watching TV, consider using the ad breaks to add in interval work, with easy running during the show, or tempo during the show and recovery during ad breaks to mix up the pace. 8. Walking on the treadmill with the incline set high is a great session that uses same muscle groupings as when you run but with less impact on the joints. You are also activating the hips, glutes and hamstrings on the incline more than you do when you run flat. So if you have a treadmill and it's not something you already use regularly, definitely use it to maintain your training, but be sure to add in some extra variety both on and off the treadmill to balance out the workload.

22.01.2022 I love having the Yaberoo Budjara Heritage Trail so close and use it for the majority of my training runs. It's rare to not see wildlife on a run, usually, they are kangaroos, snakes or quendas but today was special with this emu and chicks running ahead of me for a few hundred meters ( I slowed to a very slow shuffle)

21.01.2022 Some great savings and bonus offers from the Tribe&Trail store today and tomorrow. Get in quick

20.01.2022 It's been a great couple of weeks with races returning to WA (and some other states). I've been very grateful to have been able to see some awesome runs by Consistent Runners, with some amazing PBs and goals reached at the Perth HM last weekend and then some more distance PBs and fantastic efforts over this weekend at Birdy's Backyard Ultra - Last One Standing. Out of the 10 Consistent Runners at Birdy's, it was only the coach who pulled up before the planned distance after getting a slight niggle and deciding it was better to step back and enjoy the race as a spectator. While the PBs are great, the best thing about the last couple of weeks is seeing so many runners happy with their running, both in training runs and at races. A happy run is a great run, regardless of how far or fast you go .

16.01.2022 If you are a runner, and if you have been training for an important race in the coming weeks or months, you may have had those plans completely undermined due to the COVID-`19 pandemic. In the last week we have seen many races around the world and locally being cancelled or postponed. You may have been diligently training for an event for months already, only to have suddenly been left wondering what to do next. There is plenty of information available to help inform us how ...Continue reading

12.01.2022 Over the weekend it was great to see half of the Couch to 200 finalists down at The Delirious W.E.S.T. (Western Endurance Scenic Trail) 200 Miler helping out with crewing, pacing and volunteering. Many others who have been inspired by Couch to 200 were also helping or running. I had the privilege of both the finalists, Sharene Blake and Pete Hookham helping me out with crewing and pacing duties while I attempted to gain my double plugger for back to back Delirious finishes. ...I was extremely impressed with both of them, with Sharene pacing for well over 100km over 3 days. She ran with me when I was feeling great and running well after bouncing back from a long bout of nausea. She also was with me when I was completely empty after being both physically and mentally scraped bare when injuries made uphills and downhills extremely difficulty (there isn't much flat). Pete joined in later in the race after rushing down after work on Friday. He joined me on Saturday morning and was a great help as I started to feel better and was able to get in some running and power hiking after walking all through Friday. I was a bit concerned that he had only experienced pacing me when I was feeling relatively good but that all changed on the second last leg where he witnessed how quickly someone can go downhill ( I did it for you, Pete ). Sharene then guided me (literally, as my vision was going) through the last leg and I was relieved to finish what was my most rewarding race yet. They both got to experience what a 200 miler race involves and saw both the highs and lows that can go along with such a big adventure. A huge thank you to both of them, as well as another entrant in The Irrational S.O.U.T.H. 200 Miler, Harmony Waite who also crewed, paced and took care of me over the Delirious week. (check out Miler Mullet for Irrational SOUTH). The adventure would not have been the same without them. I'll hopefully get a full race report up in the next week... it'll be a long one. Photo by Pete

10.01.2022 It was a perfect morning for a trail run today. We had a great turnout for the Tribe&Trail group run around the Old Feral Pig Ultra course in Pickering Brook. While I was planning to lead the group, that job was taken over by Mojo who didn't miss a turn to lead us through a 25ish km loop with a great mix of trails. It was great to catch up with so many Consistent Runners able to join in the run as part of their training for various races. A big shout out also to Matt Salinovich who crushed an amazing solo 100km run yesterday on the Herbertonne Ultra course in Queensland (with over 3500m elevation) after some very solid recent training.

10.01.2022 Here are a few good videos to keep you motivated while on the treadmill or just while relaxing at home. If you have any suggestions, feel free to post them below. I'll add more over time . A mix of Netflix, Youtube and videos for rent/purchase. Boston: The Documentary- The Spirit of The Marathon- Various sources The Spirit of The Marathon 2- Rent/Buy The Barkley Marathons: The Race That Eats Its Young Netflix Where Dreams Go To Die- The Source | Courtney Dauwalter- Karl Meltzer: Made To Be Broken- Netflix Out There - A Journey to the Barkley Marathons- AUSSIE Mega Run - Delirious WEST 200 Mile Ultra Marathon Race 2019 - Long Form Documentary ^ All of the videos from Kerry (@Fulltiltward) are worth watching.

09.01.2022 If you are looking for some new trail running gear, check out the sale on now at tribe& 15% off shoes, specials, hydration, nutrition, sports bras, compression, shorts, merchandise, buffs, sunnies, clothing, socks, hoodies, caps and more. Great gear and great service Be quick, sale ends midnight Friday 29th May (tomorrow night).

09.01.2022 New Consistent Running shirts coming soon. Thanks to Justin and Shannon from the OC Clothing Co for helping with the new design. Please message me or comment if you would like to place an order. Shirts are $40, very lightweight, comfortable and perfect for all running conditions. A link to sizing charts is in the comments.

07.01.2022 It's a long read but here is my Delirious 2020 race report. I definitely got the full Delirious experience this year

07.01.2022 For some, this weekends forecast may look a bit depressing. For trail runners, it's looking pretty good. I'm looking forward to heading down to Northcliffe this weekend with a great bunch of people for a Tribe&Trail group weekend, running the awesome trails around Pemberton and Northcliffe. There will be quite a few Consistent Runners coming along and it's always great to run and chat with athletes I coach *Pic from Yaberoo Budjara Heritage Trail (which is also great to run in the rain). I'll have to get some good trail pics on the weekend.

03.01.2022 It was great to catch up with Meagan today for her first short test run after a recently rolled ankle. With 0/10 pain over the short run, it will be back to full training very soon We also used the opportunity to get some data on her gait using the RunScribe Plus pods. RunScribe is a gait analysis platform able to collect data on a treadmill or outdoors on roads/trails. With L/R pods to compare symmetry on about 50 metrics from Flight time to Ground Reaction Force Rates, i...t's a great way to analyse running under different conditions, paces, shoes and levels of fatigue and make connections that can otherwise be difficult to see. I will be using them whenever possible with coached athletes, with the goal to offer a more comprehensive and targeted gait analysis service, in the near future. Thanks for the run & chat Meagan *pic not from today's run. See more

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