Consortium Botanicus in Trentham, Victoria | Agriculture
Consortium Botanicus
Locality: Trentham, Victoria
Phone: +61 405 032 566
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24.01.2022 ~ POLKA DOT BRIDE ~ Welcome to one of Australias leading wedding blogs in supporting Australias bee-friendly Slow-Flower movement. #beefriendlyflowers #goodseeds #strongertogether #lessstuffmoremeaning #mindfullywed :)
24.01.2022 ~ Buy Local Flowers ~ A Global Mantra. On the eve of British Flowers week and following on from our local slow flower headlines is Flower Farmer Cel Robertson of Forever Green Flowers in Norfolk. Cel was interviewed by The Telegraph in the UK where she encouraged consumers to rally together to use their combined buying power to Buy Local, Buy British and take a moment to think about where the flowers we buy come from, which also assists in reducing the high carbon footprint... imported flowers create. Over 90 per cent of flowers currently sold through UK florists are imported. Supporting local growers creates jobs, community and economic sustainability. All important to Cel is the impact her business has on the environment so she grows organically. A mentor to many starting out she is keen to share her passion with others wanting to take their hobby to the next level. We wanted to congratulate Cel from downunder! See more
23.01.2022 SUPPORT LOCAL | Most of our CB tribe are artisanal flower farmers, but, together we have a strong voice and its been getting stronger as the years move on. So, its wonderful and affirming to see this special event! If youre in Melbourne city today get along to @joostbakker + @bakkerco Tulip installation where their team is raising awareness of the decline in Australian flower farmers due to pressure from cheap sprayed out-of-season bee-harming imports! Youll get to be among the flower tribe and take a tulip home! Take a photo and tag us in! Share the floral LOVE! Date: Today 1 Sept 2019 Where: @seafarersresidences near Shed 5, Melb #goodseeds #slowflowersaustralia #consortiumbotanicus
22.01.2022 LOCAL is LOVELY | Hello flower lovers! We thought wed share this news with you ... Ponderosa and Thyme will be the special guest at Crofters Fold Farmhouse Goodness floral gathering this November! A chance of a lifetime to be part of welcoming Katie to Australia and watching her create with local, in-season flowers. All the event details are on Crofters Fold Estates website: #sowinggoodseeds #consortiumbotanicus #seasonaloweralliance #grownnotflown #goodseeds Pic of beautiful Katie by Mariel Hannah Photography
22.01.2022 ETHICAL FLOWERS | Not clear-cut Sourcing imported fair-trade, or even better, Australian-grown flowers and foliage is a good starting point towards improving floristry and floriculture practices in Australia. But does buying local dig deep enough? When you look beyond the carbon footprint argument, you will discover a deeper level of ethics: flowers and foliage that are farmed in a way that protects and respects biodiversity, human and flora-fauna health, minimizes waste..., eliminates the use of toxic pesticides, herbicides, fumigants, supplies in-season varieties, uses efficient logistics models, and does not involve human exploitation in supply chain. Just as within the Slow Food movement, there will be those who green wash their businesses by (over)relying on the term local. Buying Australian meat might reduce the carbon footprint, but it doesnt necessarily mean the animals have been treated humanely or that they arent being pumped full of hormones. Similarly, buying local flowers and foliage doesnt mean they are bee-friendly i.e. healthy for you and the environment. Its about finding your ethical pathway. Change is hard. It takes time, spirited commitment and courage to be part of the innovation and disruption. Support one another and support those who support positive change. Heres some concisely summarised research:
22.01.2022 SUPPORTING LOCAL FLOWER FARMS | The perfect duet: Floret Flower Farm interviews Ponderosa and Thyme
21.01.2022 LIVELOVELIFE | A festival for the ages. In a world of ever increasing disconnection and busy-ness, this inaugural festival in Daylesford Macedon Ranges invites all who venture to seek wellness through connection and immersion with nature, music, art, culture, stillness, clean air. Registrations open to get tix ahead of the crowds. REGISTER #sowinggoodseeds
20.01.2022 JUST THE BEGINNING | Sustainability and plastics and waste are issues within the flower industry too. Here, Sandy of Acre of Roses gets the conversational ball rolling. We also have Aga Jones of Aga Jones Flowers whose George Alexander Foundation Fellowship will focus on these very topics. Well done ladies!...
20.01.2022 ECO-FY YOUR BIZ | Keen to up your eco wedding game? Spring workshop for Melbourne + surrounds wedding + event folks. Join @less_stuff_more_meaning and a team of eco-friendly sustainable small biz folks to learn the hows + whys and tips + tricks of going green. Register your interest by commenting below and tag a friend/s whod love to join in the healthy revolution!
20.01.2022 ~ Flower Farming laid bare ~ A raw and honest blog post by leading garden rose farm @gracerosefarm describes the other side of the glamorous pictures of flower farming - and the business reality of ongoing sustainability. Hop over to their blog and read a brave post by an inspirational woman.
19.01.2022 Sustainable Bouquets: Why the world is better for having them. Flowers are essential. We not only love them and have cultural traditions around their use; no flowers, no pollen, no bees, no food, no life. Lets not define the importance of flowers to just their aesthetic symbolism. Lets consider them essential and worth honouring and valuing along with other natural finite resources....
19.01.2022 ANTITHESIS We know were preaching to the converted here, but in case you missed it, a full-page Pantone colour-matched advert in todays Age, placed by ebay, seems the antithesis of mindful living? It exudes so many outdated assumptions and stereotypes; that only girls receive flowers, that the buyer is stereotypically male and that he knows nothing about flowers, a heterosexual bias, it dismisses the wonderful ages-old symbolism of flowers etc. If this mystery partner c...hooses to partake in the St. Valentines tradition cant manage to buy a bunch of flowers, heaven help them trying to navigate their way through the fast-paced, Uber-commercialised jungle jostle that is the online mass-produced, flown, shipped, plastic-wrapped shopping experience! PS. The upside interpretation is that it seems someone feels threatened by the enduring human connection to flowers. #flowerpower #consortiumbotanicus #goodseeds See more
18.01.2022 ~ Flower Change~ There are sea changes and tree changes. Now flower changes. congratulations to Victorian flower farmers @fleurs_de_lyonville - Janae and Chris on their upcoming article in next months @countrystylemag - their stunning dahlias adorn the front cover :)
17.01.2022 Sentiments we all share and that which brings those that work with Flowers so much joy , hopefully we can get to see the documentary in Australia
17.01.2022 Eco-fy your Floral Wedding + Event Biz | How to run a successful eco-ethical floral business. A collaborative workshop for mindful floral designers, florists + flower farmers. Date: Tuesday 24 September 2019 Venue: Newham Hall (near Woodend) Investment: $470 Early Bird Tix end this Friday 19 July.... Hosts: Aga Jones Flowers + Crofters Fold Farmhouse Goodness + Less Stuff - More Meaning Special Guest: Wild Flora Studio All the details:
17.01.2022 Please support this Petition on today. In our current environment it is so important that we do whatever we can to support our locally Australian Grown Flowers
17.01.2022 CONSCIENTIOUS CONFETTI | Patience and dedication are two traits of those who care for the environment and work in harmony with Mother Nature - so why not employ them to create your own biodegradable eco-friendly confetti from spent leaves? #wholelottaholes #leafetti ;)
16.01.2022 SLOW FLOWERS | Yes, flowers ARE important, way beyond their aesthetics and perfume appeal. No flowers > no pollen > no bees > no food > no life! Lets work to promote bee-friendly, sustainable, cut-flower farming and elevate flowers back to where they should be BEFORE humans deemed them a frivolous unnecessary product. They are an amazing, miraculous finite gift of Mother Nature. If you like flowers you pick them; if you love flowers you nurture them. #consortiumbotanicus #sowinggoodseeds #growstrongertogether @abcaustralia
15.01.2022 FLORAL HAPPINESS - A JOURNEY The benefits of sustainable, natural, locally grown flowers seem endless and are further highlighted at this years Melbourne International Flower Show. We all know that whether a flower farmer or gardener, when you walk amongst the rows of blossoming flowers; watch them grow; tend to them until they are ready for harvesting, there is a state of satisfaction, calm and happiness we feel (unless Mother Nature has sent a deluge of wind or rain!).... This feeling is not by accident but a progression of chemical reactions which positively stimulate our dopamine, serotonin, and oxytocin levels in our brains , something one of this years Gold Medal winners, Ryan McMahon, envisioned for his award winning design entitled Journey. Flowers connect us , whether growing or giving and ultimately help us feel grounded..
15.01.2022 LANDLINE SUNDAY 9 JULY, 12.30 PM - IMPORTED FLOWERS - THE REAL STORY BEGINS. Landline tomorrow ( Sunday) at 12.30pm on the ABC. The conversation about imported flowers has started. This is just the beginning. Decisions can be better made for our country, our biosecurity and our industry when the truths are on the table for all, not just a small few.
14.01.2022 ~ Standing Tall ~ While many of us are taking time to relax with family this Easter, one of the Consortium Botanicus tribe is on an important research adventure to New York to learn from among the best and most influential about local farm-to-florist sustainable business models that actually work for both designers and farmers AND how to run a successful eco-ethical floristry business using zero waste and no floral foam. Aga Jones you are an amazingly inspiring human. . . . .... . When it comes to change, theory and pretty pictures on Insta will never compare to real-life sacrifice, energy and personal action. Congratulations on being a @issinstitute @gaf_community Fellow and for making a path that others may choose to follow. We cant wait to hear of your learnings upon your return. #goodseeds #consortiumbotanicus @agajonesflowers See more
14.01.2022 BEE the CHANGE | Inspirational.
12.01.2022 ~ Easter Flowers ~ Much of our Easter traditions over the years have been inspired by the Northern Hemisphere and for them the season is Spring - an abundance of bulbs and lilies heralding new life. However down under our tones are autumnal and rich heralding harvest time and preparation for winter with dancing Dahlias, the last of the vibrant Cosmos and Zinnias, rich Roses of course the little Asters - known to many as the Easter Daisy. Whatever the variety or hemisphere flowers have a special place in the Easter traditions and celebrations. Wishing all our flower friends a Very Happy & Safe Easter. (Beautiful image by @idreaminflowers)
12.01.2022 INVEST IN YOURSELF + YOUR FLORAL BIZ | In case you havent already heard or booked a ticket to the Mindfully Wed eco-fy your purpose-driven floral biz workshop - see Agas post below for details. Only a handful of tix remain. Date: 24 September 2019 Venue: Newham Hall... Fee: $570 A collaboration between Aga Jones Flowers + Crofters Fold Farmhouse Goodness + Less Stuff - More Meaning featuring special interstate guest floristry business mentor and floral foam-free designer Nadine Brown of Wildflora Studio.
12.01.2022 WORRIER to WARRIOR | There are those who worry what others will think of their eco-ethical approach and how it might negatively impact their business and there are those who make a business out of championing it. Did you read @deliciousaus + @heraldsunlifestyle article on @joostbakker s contribution to the #zerowaste movement in the food industry. Were not sure why he holds the infamous fluffy noxious weed like a warriors spear, but, maybe tackling waste, imports, weeds and chemicals in the floral industry is next on his agenda! Lets keep doing what we do well and spread the word: #warriorsnotworriers #grownnotflown #beefriendly #slowflowersaustralia
12.01.2022 PESTS not the PRETTIEST | Its not the pretty side of flowers, but we are so glad to know that Australias Dept. of Agriculture and Water Resources are conducting a Risk Review to assess the risk that imported flowers and foliage present to our biosecurity. So far, some countries "were found to have failed the inspections, with failure rates in excess of 50 per cent". Scary. Buy local, sustainable, bee-friendly flowers and foliage. Know your flower farmers. #sowinggoodseeds... #grownnotflown #australiangrownsustainableflowers ISS Institute Daylesford and Macedon Ranges Regional Tourism Board Inc. Regional Development Victoria
11.01.2022 We are proud to introduce the FIA, an organisation whose aims include: - Promoting local Australian flowers - nationally - Advocacy for Strict Biosecurity to encourage Clean Import Practices. - Access to an Industrial Relations Partner/Easy access to award rates - Networking via a Growers/Florists Register... - Creating lasting relationships with Industry Partners - Fostering strong & friendly relationships with State Associations & Organisations. This is the "next step"! Memberships open in September 2020. Head over to Instagram @flowerindustryaustralia for more information.
11.01.2022 ~ Climate Change ~ a universal flower problem! On a recent floral venture to the USA, it was interesting to hear how top of mind the very real issue of climate change is affecting even the hardiest and experienced flower farmers. With a group of near on 20 from geographies well spread across the United Stste, the issue was the same, our weather has changed and the impact on their business significant. Whilst Mother Nature is never predictable those with many years in th...e business are having to adapt and change more regularly with each season to cope and thrive. Areas that were previously temperate now suffer extremes including ravaging wildfires; those traditionally with dry heat now suffering with humidity. Lack of rain driving wildlife from wilderness areas creating new issues for floral farmers especially deer, gophers and prairie dogs. Likened stories and issues that we deal with downunder reinforcing the global nature and awareness of the issues. Yet even with the direst of stories was a sense of steadfast will to overcome a passion driven by a love of flowers and ultimately the understanding of the importance of our existence with nature. Buy Locally, Grow Sustainably for the benefit of the planet and create Community to drive education and change were resounding. Specifically the ability for Floral Designers to work directly with Flower Farmers was overarching, and further, the ability of end consumers to tour, view and buy directly from flower farms pivotal to spread the word for change and witness the very real impact of climate change. Combine this with flower farmers who work together in localised floral markets to help reduce down the influx of convenience based and toxic imported Ecuadorian Roses & Cut Flowers and to assist shift some unrealistic market trends by growing what suits the geographical climate. Some floral communities in the US are more established in their slow flower ethos, others newly developing, but the overall message is lets work globally together to buy locally and grow sustainably to lessen the impact on the planet. See more
08.01.2022 All aboard the Perfume Express! A chance to visit two artisanal bee-friendly flower farms in one day! Details below.
08.01.2022 TREE WHISPERERS | Everyday science makes new discoveries that help make us think more consciously about the world around us. Those of us who work with plants on a daily basis know that plants seek out the sun or thrive where water is plentiful, so, when we read recently that biologists at the University of Western Australia are undertaking experiments to test the theory that some plants seem to listen i.e. grow towards a dripping drainpipe and respond to signals from hum...ans, we had to read further! The notion that plants listen might all sound a little farfetched and controversial, however, empirical evidence has shown that plants make sounds (like a muffled underground click) that insects and microbes can feel. Maybe the theory is not that farfetched after all? There are opposing arguments that suggest that what appears to be learnt behaviour is simply DNA expression that makes the plant look like its learning. The jury is still out and the experiments continue, however, it does give pause for more mindful thought about the plants and trees around us. We learn so much from observing and living among and in respect of them; could we actually have a positive impact on them? Watch this space we are sure more is to come. #consortiumbotanicus #goodseeds See more
05.01.2022 GOOD SEEDS | Were super thrilled to have one of CBs members featured in this weeks @farmmagazine_ in the @theweeklytimes ~ farming journalism doesnt get much better! A huge congrats Hayley @therookblooms ~ Danielle & Co. #sowinggoodseeds #consortiumbotanicus #beefriendlyflowers #sustainableflowers
05.01.2022 So good to see this happening :)
05.01.2022 Hi Everyone, Flower Industry Australia has recently launched nationally and memberships for micro flower farmers and florists are now open. In its infancy FIA has already provided a Biosecurity Submission to Government by Dr Isla Fitredge , a fellow Micro flower farmer and a Country of Original Labelling submission with Lucy Nairn. The membership provides apart from advocacy at government level and Industrial Relations access for micro flower farmers and florists,... a national flower directory map as part of the membership - yes you can now list your business geographically to match flower growers and florists all over Australia, if you don't want to have people visit you can nominate an outlet for people to gain access to your flowers. There are many benefits listed below in the flyer, and many more to come online in the future, so your feedback and input is pivotal. One benefit we are most excited is that a fellow board member of FIA is the lawyer responsible for developing the Australian Grown logo. He and the NSW Flower Growers are working through how they can have smaller growers access the mark through simple accreditation, one way is to enable purchase of biodegradable sustainable flower wraps (non plastic) with the mark on it. Something we know many have asked how can they gain access to it. What they would like to know is sizing , initially it will need to be one size. If that then what size? So this is also a mini survey! If you could let me know in the comments section of your thoughts that would be fantastic. This is an exciting step of action for a number of activities Consortium Botanicus has wanted to do , bar for resources. The FIA is made up of 9 men and women nationally in the industry with a passion for working "stronger together" for the betterment of the flower industry. If you have any questions please let us know. See more
04.01.2022 ~Flower Footprints~ Who would have thought a bunch of imported flowers had a carbon footprint equivalent to half of someone flying from Paris to London! This was highlighted in a recent article by @flowersfromthefarm when they reviewed a thesis in the UK by Rebecca Swinn (@petal_and_twig) at Lancaster University which used Life Cycle Analysis to quantify and compare the carbon equivalent emissions from cultivation and transportation of seven cut flowers available in the UK. In the comparison a bouquet of imported flowers had emissions of 32 kg of CO2 whilst a banana incurred 80g of CO2. It would be certainly be interesting to see how the analysis of imported flowers to Australia sits versus those that are locally grown, not flown! courtesy @flowersfromthefarm
03.01.2022 Bug Off | Research into unwanted living bugs coming into Australia on imported florals has revealed an unacceptably high interception rate of up to "85% in some cases ...This high interception rate has introduced a level of uncertainty into the Australian cut flower import process ... with the government insisting they be reduced to more acceptable levels (i.e. less than 10% of consignments)." - Flowers Australia Lets not encourage extra fumigation, but extra local farmers ~ #farmigationnotfumigation ;) Danielle
03.01.2022 FAIR FLORALS | We are super proud to let you know that Issy of Scouts Garden is our newest Consortium Botanicus Ambassador for North East Victoria. Issy has been invited to speak about the slow-grown flower movement at this years Fair Food Farmers & Followers annual gathering in Stanley. Congratulations Issy! xCB Venue: Stanley Memorial Hall Date: 24 February 2019... You can purchase your tickets via the link below: #consortiumbotanicus #goodseeds #strongertogether #slowgrownnotflown #seasonalfloweralliance
03.01.2022 SUSTAINABLE FLORISTY | Read about Aga Jones Flowers Fellowship journey to improve waste and sustainability in the floristry industry over on The Flower Press Blog.
03.01.2022 REMINDER | Just a quick reminder to book your seat at the Stronger Together luncheon. Date: 28 July 2018 Venue: Mt Towrong Winery Bookings: Contact Aga Jones Flowers for payment details. $35pp grazing table... CB x
02.01.2022 OH LEI! | How wonderful to see the beautiful work of Australian floral designer Tanya Barbariol of @ohflorastudio gracing the young Royals in recognition of the importance of mental health. #growstrongertogether #flowersarehappiness #ruok #ruolei #goodseeds
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