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25.01.2022 For all y'all asking how work is going in the UK here's a wee update! I'm currently working with Shaw Trust as Digital Content Creator for the JETS (Job Entry: Targeted Support) program JETS is a government-funded program that will provide support to those that have sadly lost their jobs, to ensure that people have support through hardship and nobody is left without hope.... It aims to give those recently unemployed due to COVID the hand they need to get back into work, work that suits their unique skill set, and fills them with a sense of job satisfaction. Our approach has a focus on empowering community wellbeing, increasing self-awareness, and encouraging healthy lifestyle changes. Read more below ...

17.01.2022 Australia, where politicians place themselves above the legal system Peter Dutton

16.01.2022 FRIDAY’S EDITORIAL CORRUPTION, LIES AND LNP HYPOCRISY Many have seen the performances of Morrison and the LNP in Parliamentary Question Time this week, but y...esterday Morrison showed his true self. Morrison is becoming more aggressive and more arrogant with each passing day. Morrison’s body language with his clenched fist showing us what a bully he is. Before the election many woman in the LNP had mentioned that Morrison was a bully, that he was a misogynist. Those woman all chose to retire than stay with Morrison as leader, was that a coincidence? Morrison believes woman should be bare foot and pregnant and should be seen and not heard. Just like his wife Jen. Jen Morrison would have to be the least seen Prime Ministers wife that I can remember. It seems Jen Morrison hasn’t joined any groups to help the sick or the needy. It’s seems Jen Morrison is the invisible woman except when Morrison needs her on his arm for some event. Now back to Morrison’s atrocious behaviour yesterday, Morrison has always been an embarrassment but yesterday he made allegations about Labor being corrupt. When told by Tony Smith to withdraw the comment, Morrison refused. He then tried to make out he didn’t say it, it’s not what he meant, more ramblings from our inept Prime Minister. With Morrison refusing to withdraw, Tony Burke had every right to walk to the box. When Morrison saw that his arrogance and aggression seemed to explode, trying to belittle Tony Burke by telling him he could sit down, that it was none of his business. What a pompous individual we have as our Prime Minister. As ministers sat staring in disbelief as to how low Morrison would go, Morrison knew everyone knew he was in the wrong and that Tony Smith for once was going to make Morrison withdraw his allegation. You could tell Morrison was livid. Morrison hates the idea of apologizing as do many other LNP ministers. Morrison hates when someone questions him. We wonder how Morrison behaved when Question Time was over, did he attack Tony Smith for putting him on the spot and embarrassing him. It was great to watch The Speaker for once putting Morrison in his place. At the Bulletin we keep many list so that when the next election is called we are prepared. Here is one of our shorter lists on the some of the lies and corruption allegations that have never been investigated. Australians are angry that Morrison accuses the Opposition about corruption when Morrison has been protecting his ministers for years. Wake up Australia, the Australian Government are letting us all down for themselves. Morrison shouting about Branch stacking shoes how hypocritical he is since Morrison’s own electorate of Cook should be investigated for Branch Stacking. #PrivateSchoolBribe - corruption #DuttonForgets1millProperty - corruption #DuttonsRubyPrincess - corruption #ParliamentClosed - corruption #AngusWontTalkToPolice - corruption #ActOfGrace4million- corruption #SenateEstimateLies - corruption #AFPTakesItAllOnNotice - corruption #NewscorpRorts - corruption #SpellingBeeRort - corruption #ScottCamSocialMediaRort - corruption #DroughtReliefDoesntExist - lie #MoreLyingAboutEconomy - lie #AFPOwnedByLNP - corruption #TaylorStillLying - lie #TaylorNeverInvestigated - corruption #Emails136SportsRorts - corruption #CarparkRorts - corruption #RegionalRorts - corruption #InfrastructureRorts - corruption #Morrisons75millionforAds - corruption #AlexanderRortsTheSystem - corruption #BridgetMcKenzieSportsRorts - corruption #NewComCars unnecessary #MoneyToHillsong - corruption #AngusAndTheAFP - corruption #NYEPartywhileNSWBurns #CricketPhotoshoot #MorrisonDoesNorhingAgain #HawaiiForMorrison - #HoustonMoreImportantThanAustralia - corruption #TheLNPlieAgain - lie #MorrisonSneaksAway #DemocracyRuined - corruption #EndToMedivac - corruption #PQTIsStillAJoke - #MoreLiesAboutTheEconomy - lie #GeorgeCinHotWaterAgain - corruption #TaylorsWifeWantsCloversJob - corruption #RoboDebtIsUnlawful - corruption #ThePMInteferesInTaskforce - corruption #PMringsNSWPoliceCommisioner - corruption #PMdefendsAngusTaylorAgain - corruption #NoDroughtAssistanceForPublicSchools - corruption #QAnonAssistants - corruption #HoustonMorrisonsMentor - corruption #MorrisonRefusesClimateChange - corruption #EmpathyCoach- #AnotherTaylorGaffe. - corruption #XmasIsland30MlllionWasted.- corruption #AdvertisingWaste174Million. - corruption #DuttonScam7Billion. - corruption #PQTWasteOfTime #MoneyForCelebrities Corruption #NoMoneyForDroughtRelief Lies #EducationFundingforDrought. Corruption #LuiAndTheCommunistParty. - corruption #RustonNewstartGaffe. Corruption #LittleproudAndFamily20Million - corruption #DroughtReliefToAreasNotInDrought. Corruption #49daysWorkIn2019. Corruption #MillionForMarsMission - corruption $150mil #LuiAffairandtheCCP - corruption #ElectoralFraud. Corruption #NDISTheftForSurplus. Corruption #NewPlanesForGovernment. #PaladinAffair. Corruption #WaterGate. Corruption #ReefGate. Corruption #AWUraids. Corruption #HelloWorld. Corruption #Christmasisland. Corruption #Serco. Corruption #HomeInternet. Corruption #AuPairs. Corruption #CashForVisas. Corruption #Rolexs. Corruption #PrintingServices. Corruption #Travelrorts. Corruption #Grassgate. Corruption #Indue corruption #IPALiberals corruption #FWCCash corruption #ABCMorrison corruption #MinisterForManilla corruption #CashSplash corruption #RentGate Corruption #CrownCasino Corruption #RoboDebtSuicide corruption Australians want a National Integrity Commission or a Federal ICAC. Labor, Greens and the Independents want them, but Morrison and his cronies do not. NO FEDERAL ICAC FROM THE LNP. Australians deserve better. Is this the individual that should be trusted with Australia’s future, we don’t think so. His bully boy was a being shown to all Australians. Morrison is rude and shows in the photo of Bill Shorten offering him his hand exactly how rude Scott Morrison is. Morrison the worst and rudest Prime Minister of all time. The most arrogant Prime Minister. The Liberals need to throw him out.

12.01.2022 (Repost: author unknown)

06.01.2022 Lead by example <3

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