ConXions Church in Murwillumbah, New South Wales | Religious organisation
ConXions Church
Locality: Murwillumbah, New South Wales
Phone: +61 408 358 528
Address: 19 Prince Street 2484 Murwillumbah, NSW, Australia
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25.01.2022 Message For Today Saturday 14th November Pastor's Robert & Helga Spence IS THERE ROOM FOR FINGER POINTING Let any one of you who is without sin be the first to throw a stone at her.- JOHN 8:7... Picture the guilty woman brought before a group of smart, angry men. According to the law,they had the right to stone her to death. There would have been nothing accidental about thier aim, and each throw would be intended to kill. Now pictureJesus, who had just sat down to teach the people. What would he do about this woman? Was he angry too? Everyone waited to see what would happen. Jesus showed no sign of being angry. All we know is that he wrote something on the ground, and then stood and said, "Let any one of you who is without sin be the first to throw a stone." One by one, the accusers left. Eventually only the woman remained there with Jesus. And he told her to leave her life of sin behind. WHAT DO YOU AND I THINK JESUS WOULD SAY ABOUT OUR LIVES.....SHOULD WE BE POINTING FINGERS?
24.01.2022 Message For Today Monday 5th October Pastor's Robert & Helga Spence SEE WITH THE SPIRIT WHAT YOU CAN'T SEE IN THE NATURAL "Whether (Jesus) is a sinner or not, I don't know. One thing I do know. I was blind but now I see!" - JOHN 8 :25... A man blind from birth met Jesus. The story shows us that there is a difference between seeing physically with your eyes and seeing the truth - knowing the truth - clearly with your mind. The man blind from birth could only see after Jesus gave him the ability to see. But the pharisees, who could see physically all their lives, still couldn't see the truth. They still couldn't understand who Jesus was or what he was doing. But just like this man in JOHN 9, we can know with certainty what Jesus does in our lives. We can know the truth about how Jesus forgives our sins. We can know the truth about how Jesus gives us hope for the future. Because of the promises in the Bible and because of the change Jesus makes in our lives, we can know the truth about our Saviour, Jesus. THIS IS SOMETHING WE CAN SEE CLEARLY, NO MATTER WHAT OUR PHYSICAL SIGHT IS LIKE! ... I ONCE WAS BLIND BUT NOW I SEE.
23.01.2022 Simply tap on our online link...Happy viewing
23.01.2022 Message For Today Tuesday 1st December Pastor's Robert & Helga Spence LOVE GOD WITH ALL YOUR HEART "Love the Lord your God with ALL your heart ... soul ... mind and...strength." - MARK 12:30... When Jesus commands us to love the Lord with all our heart, soul, and strength, there's a little word that challenges me. It's that word ALL. What does it mean to INVEST ALL my energy into loving God? How do I invest ALL of my thinking into loving God? How do I love God with ALL my strength? I do love God, but I also know me. And when I really think about what it means to love God with everything within me, I have to admit there's something in me that hesitates. Do I dare to jump into his arms? If I give God everything, what will he do with me? This command has a way of exposing our deep desire to be in control. We love God, but we also love the feeling of being in the drivers seat of our lives and we don't want to hand over the keys. The starting point of this journey of love is with JESUS. JESUS GIVES US THE ABILITY TO LOVE GOD WITH ALL OUR HEART, SOUL, MIND, AND STRENGTH. ....WHAT A SAVIOUR HE IS!
23.01.2022 Message For Today Wednesday 30th September Pastors Robert & Helga Spence LET'S CONTINUE WHAT JESUS STARTED The Lord appointed seventy-two others and sent them two by two ahead of him to every town and place where he was about to go. - LUKE 10:1... In our text we read about seventy-two more people who were appointed by Jesus to spread the word about him. The good news of Jesus is for everyone everywhere. Even this group of people could not go everywhere and tell everyone about Jesus. They went to various towns where Jesus himself was planning to go. But these people who Jesus sent out represent the start of a mission to tell the world how God has shown his love through Jesus. The mission continues today. The good news about Jesus is that he offers forgiveness of sin and new life. Anyone who has heard this good news has the privilege to be a part of sharing the news with others, and it will continue until everyone has heard the good news. Like those seventy- two messengers, we are invited to share Jesus's love by what we say and do. LET'S PASS ALONG THE GOOD NEWS OF JESUS' LOVE TO EVERYONE! .. WHY NOT START TODAY!
23.01.2022 Many Times When You Do Something That You Are Not Qualified To Do .....God Qualifies You For The Job.
22.01.2022 This Message can give you "The Can't Help It's"
22.01.2022 Message For Today Friday 27th November Pastor's Robert & Helga Spence THE WORD IS OUR CREATOR Your Word , Lord, is eternal; it stands firm in the heavens. - PSALM 119:89... Though he's not explicitly mentioned in Psalm 119, Jesus - the eternal Word of God - provides the key for understanding this psalm. The psalmist hints at this truth by saying, "Your word, Lord, is eternal; it stands firm in the heavens." Though the psalmist sees "only a reflection as in a mirror" 1 CORINTHIANS 13:12,, JOHN1:1-3, 14 reveals clearly that Jesus is the living Word of God. In the beginning with God the Father and the Holy Spirit, he created all things; he came to live as one of us, full of grace and truth; and now he reigns over all things forever. All of the psalmist's love of and longing for God's Word are ultimately a longing for Jesus. "For by Him were all things created, that are in heaven, and that are in earth, visible and invisible, whether they be thrones, or dominions, or principalities, or powers: all things were created by Him, and for Him" COLOSSIANS 1:16 IF YOU HAVE TIME, READ PSALM 119 AGAIN - WITH A LOVE OF AND LONGING FOR JESUS.
21.01.2022 Message For Today Saturday 28th November Pastor's Robert & Helga Spence THE MESSIAH ...GOD KEPT HIS WORD In the beginning God created the heavens and the earth ...God saw all. "that he had made, and it was very good. - GENESIS 1:1, 31... The opening words of Matthew's gospel present us with a list of names in the family line of Jesus. Some readers skip over such lists, seeing them as boring or only filled with names that are hard to pronounce. The gospel account of Luke has a list of names like this too. These lists are selective genealogies of Jesus - and in them God is saying, "See, I have kept my word; the promised Messiah and Saviour has come through my chosen people. God created a good, amazing world, only to have it scarred by sin because our human parents disobeyed. GENESIS 3. But God did not sit idly by. He set out to redeem and restore his world - including us! From the beginning, God planned to renew us though his Son, Jesus, And when Jesus the Saviour, was born in Bethlehem, God's plan took a major step forward. So as we look ahead to celebrating Christmas in a special way. LET US JOIN WITH THE ANGELS WHO ANNOUNCED JESUS' BIRTH, SINGING, "GLORY TO GOD IN THE HIGHEST" LUKE 2:14!
21.01.2022 Message For Today Monday 30th November Pastor's Robert &,Helga Spence AN IMAGE BEARER OF YOUR MAKER "Where were you when I laid the earth's foundation? Tell me if you understand." - JOB 38:4... God is not threatening Job. Rather, God is addressing Job like the man of God he created and called him to be. "Where were you when I laid the earth's foundation?" God's opening question is really a statement. He is telling Job who and whose he is: AN IMAGE BEARER OF HIS MAKER .... GENESIS 1:26-27. God's question both humbles and honours Job. God is simply taking Job on a grand verbal tour of his creation, sharing it's glory with Job and implying how much he thinks of his image bearer. Job came to see what we know today: God in Christ Jesus has dignified us by walking with us through his creation, empowering us to treat every other image bearer we encounter with God- honouring dignity. "Brace yourself!" Enjoy God's company today! He asks, "Where were you when I laid the earth's foundation? Tell me, if you understand." And now we can understand! LORD, THANK YOU FOR HONOURING US WITH YOUR IMAGE. GUIDE US TO LIVE LIKE JESUS EACH DAY.
18.01.2022 Message For Today Thursday 12th November Pastor's Robert & Helga Spence WE ARE BUILT INTO LIVING STONES You also, like living stones, are being built into a spiritual house. - 1 PETER 2:5... The idea of being living stones is not very exciting to me. It's easy to picture the church as a big pile of unwanted rocks. But that is not what Peter had in mind. By calling us living stones, he is saying we have been selected and crafted for a purpose: to become part of a beautiful structure in which each shaped stone is set deliberately in line with Christ, the cornerstone - and made Alive by the Spirit of God. Peter reminds us that Christ, the cornerstone, is chosen by God and precious, and, like Christ, we are being built up to become a community of people serving the Lord. Stones are often described as dead, or without life, but in Christ we have been been born again through the imperishable, living, enduring Word of God. WE ARE LIKE LIVING STONES - LASTING, PRECIOUS, AND PERMANENT BECAUSE OF CHRIST.
15.01.2022 Message For Today Wednesday 2nd December Pastor's Robert & Helga Spence BEING CLOSE IS NOT GOOD ENOUGH You are not far from the kingdom of God." - MARK 12:34... Jesus says, "You are not far from the kingdom of God." What? Not far? AS a religious leader at first sight this appears to be a shocking statement, He may well look at the disciples and others who were following Jesus everywhere: former prostitutes and tax-collectors, ruffians and uneducated fisherman. And he could think. "Jesus, are you saying that those people are in the kingdom but I am not?" This statement was so shocking to the religious leaders that they didn't dare to ask Jesus any more questions. That shocking statement is good news for you and me, however. God measures us by different standards from those of the world. Though we may struggle with significant issues in our lives or feel rejected by certain people, there's a place where we can go to make a fresh start. We can go to Jesus. IF WE COME TO JESUS IN FAITH AND SURRENDER OUR HEART AND LIFE TO HIM, WE ARE BETTER THAN JUST NOT FAR FROM THE KINGDOM OF GOD ..WE ARE IN!
14.01.2022 We Should Not Only Bind The Strongman And Kick Him Out Of The House And Take Back What He Has Stolen.....But We Are The People Who Can Release The Blessings Over all To Fill The House With Heaven.
14.01.2022 Message For Today Thursday 1st October Pastor's Robert & Helga Spence JESUS IS STRONGER THAN DEATH "Lazarus, come out" The dead man came out, his hands and feet wrapped with strips of linen, and a cloth around his face. - JOHN 11:43-44... Lazarus had now been dead for four days, long enough for everyone to know that he was certainly dead. But Jesus told them to open the tomb anyway - and when he commanded Lazarus to come out, the dead man came back to life and walked out of the tomb. This is an amazing miracle, but it shows more than Jesus' miraculous power. It shows us that Jesus is stronger than death. This story acts like a kind of preview for the even more important story of Jesus' resurrection. Jesus points forward to that event when he says to Martha, "I am the resurrection and the life. The one who believes in me will live, even though they die; and whoever lives by believing in me will never die." This reality of Jesus' power over death gives Helga and I awesome hope because Jesus is the resurrection and the life. JUST LIKE LAZARUS, OUR DAUGHTER PAULA WHO WAS TRAGICALLY KILLED AND EACH ONE OF US CAN HAVE HOPE BECAUSE JESUS IS STRONGER THAN DEATH.
13.01.2022 As You Have Received Freely Give....MATTHEW 10:8 When You Discover Who You Are...All You Want To Do Is Give It Away
13.01.2022 All Revelation Is Given For Us To Have An Encounter....Not Just For Knowledge.
12.01.2022 Message For Today Sunday 29th November Pastor's Robert & Helga Spence GOD SEES HIS LIKENESS IN US When I consider your heavens ... what is mankind that you are mindful of them, human beings that you care for them? - PSALM 8:3-4... God the Father, always has us on his mind. "What is mankind that you are mindful of them...?" Though we don't often act like it, we humans are at the top of creation's glory. "God created nankind in his own image ... male and female he created them" GENESIS 1:27. But them their sin scarred his image in them. It wasn't destroyed, but it was definetely damaged. The psalmist's question is profoundly humbling and wondrously uplifting: "What is mankind that you are mindful of them ...? " We are each made in the image of God. And though the rebellion of sin reverberates in our daily lives, God still sees his likeness in us. His Son came to redeem and restore us. We are "growing in the knowledge of God" COLOSSIANS 1:10. WHAT A BLESSING IT IS THAT GOD IS MINDFUL OF HIS IMAGE BEARERS ... YOU AND I .... I AM SO GREATFUL.
10.01.2022 Amazing Things Happened @ Calvary a message From Pastor Bob Conxions Church
08.01.2022 CONXIONS FELLOWSHIP GROUPS FELLOWSHIP BIBLE STUDY Every alternate Friday to Garden Gurus 10am - 11.30am ...Fellowship around the Word of God and morning tea on Harris Farm....Contact Ps Narelle Harris 0427 594 459... GORDON'S GARDEN GURUS Every alternate Friday to Bible Study 1.00pm - 3.00pm on Harris' farm. ...A fellowship group of folk who are learning how to grow vegetables from Pastor Gordon....CONTACT Ps Narelle Harris 0427 594 459. MEN ALIVE ZOOM BIBLE STUDY JOIN Jeff Gant every SECOND Thursday 7pm - 9pm .. fellowship around the Word on Zoom...CONTACT Ps Bob Spence 0408 358 528 MEN'S FELLOWSHIP DINNER Every Tuesday night 6.30pm - 8.30pm @ the Church...CONTACT Ps Sam Leveridge ph 0439 273 427. LADIES THURDAY NIGHT BIBLE STUDY Every SECOND Thursday night 7pm - 9pm @ the Church...CONTACT.. Tracy Rose ph 0412 742 821 (in recess at the moment for Christmas) FAMILY PICNIC IN THE PARK A fellowship picnic in Knox park once a month for families after Sunday Church....CONTACT Ps Tamara Leveridge ph 0422 087 761. SCRAPBOOKING Every SECOND Thursday 9.30am - 12.00pm @ the Church....CONTACT Elaine Ashton ph 0484 295 556 or Annette Brooks ph 0418 119 744. (In recess for Christmas) TREASURED TEMPLES A new group is starting for women who want to live a healthy lifestyle whether that be healthy cooking, exercise, weight loss or jus keeping healthy bodies. Starting date and time to be announced in the coming near future.....CONTACH .. Debbie Menin ph 0407 311 072 or Annette Brooks Ph 0418 119 744. MEN ALIVE BREAKFASTS 7AM the third Saturday of every month @ 2/26 Joshua Street Murwillumbah Starting January 2021....Simply fellowshipping around food....BE OUR PASTOR'S GUEST $8
07.01.2022 Message For Today Sunday 15th November Pastor's Robert & Helga Spence THE RESURRECTED CHRIST ROLLS OUR OBSTACLES AWAY There was a violent earthquake, for an angel of the Lord came down from heaven and, going to the tomb, rolled back the stone and sat on it. - MATTHEW 28:2... The story of Jesus' death, burial, and resurrection is not complete without the incredible detail about the stone being rolled away. This wasn't just any stone. It was a big wheel chiselled from rock and rolled into a groove in front of the tomb. It would have taken several People to roll it into place and move it out of the way again. I like to picture the women walking up to the tomb, bringing spices with them, and wondering who could move the stone for them MARK 16:1-3. In some ways their wondering sums up many of our questions: How will we ever get past the biggest obstacles in our lives? In all of our paths are huge barriers, immovable stones. Who can move them for us? And yet, when the women arrive, they find the stone moved and an angel sitting on it! There is divine humour here: NOT ONLY IS THE BIG STONE NO LONGER AN OBSTACLE; IT'S A RESTING PLACE, A SIGN OF TRIUMPH, AND A FOUNDATION OF ALL THE BEST STORIES TO COME. THE STONE HAS BEEN ROLLED AWAY.
07.01.2022 Message For Today Tuesday 10th November Pastor's Robert & Helga Spence BUILD ON A SOLID FOUNDATION Everyone who ... puts (these words) into practice is like a wise man who built his house on the rock. The rain came down the streams rose, and the winds blew ....- MATTHEW 7:24-25... Jesus describes the storms of life as a matter of fact. He does not say "if" those storms come. Twice he says, "The rain came down, the streams rose, and the winds blew and beat against that house." We can be sure that our life's foundation will be tested. Will it stand up to the test. Have we chosen to build on a firm foundation, or not? Interestingly, many of the houses in Dalby and Roma, two places I have lived, do not always have a firm foundation, it is black soil country. While some areas in those towns have ridge country to build on, those built on black soil would often have undulating floors and they move and develop cracks in the walls. This leads to the house having to be leveled again. If our spiritual houses, are solidly based on Jesus and his Word, we can have complete confidence that no matter what happens, we are secure. This means grounding ourselves in Christ every day and making wise choices through the guidance of his Spirit before the storms of life come. ONLY IN HIM CAN WE BE ASSURED THAT OUR FOUNDATION IS ROCK SOLID.
06.01.2022 Message For Today Friday 2nd October Pastor's Robert & Helga Spence CONFESS REVELATION FROM THE FATHER " I tell you that you are Peter, and on this rock I will build my church, and the gates of hell will not overcome it." - - MATTHEW 16:18... As Simon tried to follow Jesus, He often made mistakes or blurted out something that he regretted later. And then although Simon did all those things, he was later restored and called to follow Jesus again. But sometimes Simon got it right. In our reading for today he made a bold and and true confession to Jesus saying, "You are the Messiah, the Son of the living God." And that is when Jesus gave him a nickname: Peter. The Greek word for Peter means "rock", so Jesus was letting him know that Peter's bold confession of the revelation from the Father was the foundation on which he would build his church. The most faithful thing a person can do is to trust in Jesus as the Messiah, the Son of the living God. WE TOO CAN MAKE THE BOLD CONFESSION THAT JESUS IS THE SAVIOUR, THE SON OF THE LIVING GOD, AND BY GOD'S GRACE WE CAN STAND ON THIS FIRM FOUNDATION.
05.01.2022 Message For Today Thursday 26th November Pastor's Robert & Helga Spence WE ARE CREATED FOR COMMUNITY God said, "Let us make mankind in our image, in our likeness...." - GENESIS 1:26... God created us knowing that we would hurt him in such incredible ways. God's love for us and his hope that one day, in spite of all the hurt we cause Him, we will live with him in perfect, eternal community. We have all failed in relationships in one way or another, to live up to the ideal expectations of community. We tend to hurt people we are in community with all the time. Not always on purpose but as a result of sin in our lives. Yet we all keep entering into community again and again. The hurt doesn't stop us, because we keep loving others and hoping for everything that community is and can be. Why do we enter into community? Because God did, and we are created in his image. God loves us so much that he sent his son, Jesus, who laid down his own life for us in order to re-enter community with us, his creation. And we love others so much that we enter into community again and again with love and with hope of something greater. COMMUNITY IS A REFLECTION OF GOD'S LOVE LIVING IN US. IT'S WHAT WE WERE CREATED TO BE.
05.01.2022 Message For Today Saturday 3rd October Pastor Robert & Helga Spence JESUS SEEKS RELATIONSHIP WITH YOU He wanted to see who Jesus was, but because he was short he could not see over the crowd,. So he ran ahead and climbed a sycamore-fig tree .... - LUKE19:3-4... Zacchaeus met Jesus, he was so eager to see Jesus that he climbed up into a tree in order to watch as Jesus passed by. Perhaps Zacchaeus realized that his life was not the best life he could be living, and he was looking for someone to show him a better way. Or perhaps he was just curious about Jesus because he had heard about all the miracles Jesus had done. Jesus took their interaction a step further when he told Zacchaeus that he would come and stay at his house. Even if Zacchaeus didn't know what he needed, Jesus knew what Zacchaeus needed. And during their time together, Zacchaeus' life changed. He became a generous person, giving half of his possessions to the poor and paying back the people he had cheated. Jesus gladly seeks out a relationship with you too. JESUS INVITES HIMSELF INTO YOUR LIFE. AND WHEN YOU OPEN YOUR HEART TO HIM, YOUR LIFE WILL CHANGE TOO.
04.01.2022 Message For Today Friday 13th November Pastor's Robert & Helga Spence LET'S BE FOUND WITH CHRISTLIKE TRUST While they were stoning him, Stephen prayed, "Lord Jesus, receive my spirit." - ACTS 7:59... The stoning of Stephen was the first recorded murder of someone in the early church of Christ. Furiously, the religious leaders exposed their bias against Christ and murdered Stephen. How could the high priest and the other leaders be so blind and so cruel? Their hearts of stone led them to cast stones. Though his stoning was undeserved, Stephen showed that he had a heart filled with the Spirit of God. Nothing - not even stoning - could stamp out the Spirit-filled, Christlike trust that Stephen demonstrated. IF A MOMENT LIKE THAT EVER COMES FOR US, LET'S PRAY THAT WE CAN DO THE SAME - IN GOD'S STRENGTH.
03.01.2022 Simply Tap on our Online Link at appropriate times....Happy viewing
02.01.2022 Message For Today Wednesday 11th November Pastors Robert & Helga Spence GOD HELP ME NOT TO STUMBLE A stone that causes people to stumble and a rock that makes them fall." They stumble because they disobey ....- 1 Peter 2:8... A negative perspective is so destructive to me that I have earnestly asked God to keep me from stumbling and falling into immature cynicism. In The Message Bible, it paraphrases 1 PETER 2:8 this way: "They trip and fall because they refuse to obey, just as predicted." Later the text says we are chosen to be "God's instuments to do his work and speak out for him, to tell others of the night-and-day difference he made for you - from nothing to something, from rejected to accepted." Sometimes we meet people who worry that they are not chosen to be part of God's spiritual house. They are afraid that they do not have salvation. This can be heartbreaking. But Peter urges people to grow up in God so that they can flourish and be completely confident of God's goodness and love. JESUS GIVES US THIS INVITATION TO RECEIVE THE WORD AND LET CHRIST BE OUR FIRM FOUNDATION.
02.01.2022 Message For Today Sunday 4th October Pastors Robert & Helga Spence TOSS EVERYTHING ASIDE AND SEEK HIM As Jesus and his disciples, together with a large crowd, were leaving the city, a blind man, Bartimaeus ... was sitting by the roadside begging. - MARK 10:46... Bartimaeus met Jesus. In the book of Mark, there are many stories about Jesus healing people, and Bartimaeus' story is remarkable in several ways. Mark takes the trouble to tell us his name, Bartimaeus, while many other people who met Jesus are just called " a man in the crowd" or "a certain woman subject to bleeding." We are also told that Bartimaeus followed Jesus after being healed, and this event happens only a short time before Jesus goes to Jerusalem to die on the cross. Jesus told Bartimaeus that his faith had healed him. Bartimaeus believed not in himself but in Jesus' power to heal. When he saw Jesus, he called him "Jesus, Son of David, " a royal title. And when Bartimaeus went to Jesus, he threw his cloak aside. Bartimaeus was willing to toss aside perhaps the only thing he owned in order to seek Jesus. And when Jesus asked what he wanted, he simply said, "Rabbi, I want to see." No matter who we are, we can approach Jesus with the same kind of simple faith. WE CAN TRUST THAT JESUS WILL HEAL US AND SAVE US BY HIS POWER ALONE, AND WE CAN FOLLOW HIM.
01.01.2022 Conxions Online Service 8.30am, 9.30am, 10 30am, 6.00pm and 7.00pM SUNDAY MESSAGE... "At Calvary" Just tap on link below
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