NSW SES Cooranbong Unit in Cooranbong, New South Wales | Local business
NSW SES Cooranbong Unit
Locality: Cooranbong, New South Wales
Phone: +61 132500
Address: Cnr of Martinsville Rd and Freemans Dr 2265 Cooranbong, NSW, Australia
Website: http://www.ses.nsw.gov.au
Likes: 683
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24.01.2022 Late post but here are some photos taken by hybrid teams of Lake mac and Cooranbong assisting Hornsby unit last week.
22.01.2022 We've had an interesting arvo we managed to get most of the new crew going through the storm and water damage course out on a job tonight which doubled as a training night exercise.
21.01.2022 The NSW SES is monitoring the ever changing situation in relation to the COVID-19 pandemic. The safety and well-being of our members, and the wider community is... our highest priority. The NSW SES is implementing a number of measures to ensure the continuity of our operations and support our volunteers. Following advice from NSW Health, participation in non-essential community events, large meetings and ceremonies will be suspended. Volunteer training will be scaled back, but essential training will continue to maintain operational readiness. The NSW SES will continue to support communities become better prepared for severe weather events, and respond to communities in need over the coming months. When calling for emergency help during floods and storms, the NSW SES may ask you for additional information, including whether you are currently in isolation or have cold / flu symptoms so our volunteers can take additional safety precautions. We appreciate your assistance during this time. #NSWSES #covid19
19.01.2022 Well Cooranbong ses had an absolute blast yesterday just seeing how many members jumped at the idea to dazzle the trucks and members up to join the Cooranbong Rural Fire Brigade in escorting Santa around Cooranbong. Even the constant threat of rain didn't seam to dampen any Christmas spirits or stop everyone coming out. As usual with any rain or wind around if you need assistance in storms or floods call the NSW SES on 123500.
19.01.2022 Have you got a plan to ensure your pets will be safe? If you’re not at home when an emergency occurs, it’s worth having a simple chat to share your plan with family, friends or a neighbour. You can then have peace of mind they can help your animals if you’re not there.... www.getreadyanimals.nsw.gov.au #GetReadyAnimals
19.01.2022 As steady rain falls across the region there is the possibility of isolated heavy downpours in the mix that could result in flash flooding. If you are out and a...bout tonight please take things easy on the roads and be aware that some roads may have water across them. If you do come across a flooded road please turn around - there is always another way. Flash flooding consists of very fast rising water and water that rises quickly also drops quickly once rainfall eases. It's safest to wait it out not take unnecessary dangerous risks. Your family wants you around this Christmas and our volunteers don't want you to be our next flood rescue statistic. For emergency SES assistance call 132 500 For life threatening emergencies call 000 #FloodSafe
18.01.2022 A quick message put together by the newcastle ses unit.
18.01.2022 This Sunday daylight saving ends. So don't forget to turn your clocks back for one glorious hour.
18.01.2022 As our members are out doing there best to protect the people and properties who've requested assistance, we want to remind everyone to NOT drive through floodwater and to secure any loose objects in the yard, if you need assistance in storms\floods\tsunamis call the 132 500 number.
17.01.2022 We're being warned it's going to be an unusually wet and wild summer with powerful storms, like tonight's, predicted across the state. The NSW SES today launche...d a demonstration of just how dangerous floodwater can be and the risks of jumping in to save someone. www.7NEWS.com.au #NSWstorm #7NEWS
17.01.2022 Windy and cold conditions will hit NSW from today as a series of vigorous cold fronts cross the state. This means damaging winds could potentially bring down trees, powerlines and blow away outdoor furniture such as trampolines. People can start preparing now for the windy and cold conditions:... Move vehicles under cover or away from trees. Secure or put away loose items around your house, yard and balcony. Stay vigilant and monitor conditions For emergency help in floods and storms, ring your local SES Unit on 132 500.
16.01.2022 This week members of our Cooranbong unit travelled to the mid north coast region to assist with the floods along with NSW SES Lake Macquarie Unit, NSW SES - City of Newcastle. They were there for multiple days assisting with multiple storm repair jobs based in Taree. If you see yourself in orange please visit www.ses.nsw.gov.au/volunteer to join our Cooranbong unit! ... #COO #Cooranbong #stormseason #volunteer #NSWses
16.01.2022 This year we are going to be doing something a little bit different. Tomorrow morning our volunteer ses members will be joining our brothers and sisters in the Cooranbong Rural Fire Brigade on their annual Santa run, to try spread abit more christmas cheer into what's been a very tough year for everyone. If you see our tinseld up trucks cruising around with a jolly red bloke in a big red truck at the bow don't be afraid to come say hello or snap afew photos.... Thanks again to the Cooranbong RFB for giving us the chance to tag along :)
15.01.2022 Here's a quick video shot by the Cooranbong Rural Fire Brigade before our departure to assist with the Santa run. It was awesome to see so many people come out to say hello and of course meet Santa even with the rain trying its hardest to put a damper on things. I'll compile the best snaps caught on the day and post them up a little bit later for you guys to enjoy and thanks again to the Cooranbong Rural Fire Brigade for letting us tagg along :) .
14.01.2022 Rain is beginning to intensify in the eastern parts of the State, with flash flooding and strong winds possible. Make sure that you are prepared if you are in the impact area, and if you do require emergency help call the NSW SES on 132 500.
14.01.2022 This weekend members of our Cooranbong unit took part in the statewide flood boat exercise. While also beginning their flood boat course with NSW SES Lake Macquarie Unit. The team had an amazing 2 days out on the water! If you see yourself in orange visit www.ses.nsw.gov.au/volunteer to join our Cooranbong unit and begin your journey in the SES! ... #SES #Cooranbong #WhoLetTheBoatsOut #NSW #FloodBoat
12.01.2022 Merry Christmas everyone from the Cooranbong SES team. We are wishing everyone a happy Christmas period and safe travels for anyone heading out for the holidays. with all the fires around and for any potential road closures the fires near me and rfs pages are a great way to stay in the know.
12.01.2022 Cooranbong 31 out and about for deployment in QLD
11.01.2022 As one of our core roles we often get called by police to assist in a missing person search as was the case last night for cessnock city unit and a follow up search this morning with the help of afew more units. NSW SES Maitland Unit NSW SES - Cessnock City Unit NSW SES - Muswellbrook Shire ... NSW SES Swansea - Catherine Hill Bay Unit NSW SES Lake Macquarie Unit NSW SES Cooranbong Unit NSW SES - City of Newcastle See more
10.01.2022 Communities in the Hunter and Inner North of the State are asked to be aware and prepared. A slow-moving low-pressure trough is expected to linger over north-e...ast NSW during Monday afternoon and evening. Heavy rainfall is likely with this slow-moving weather system which may lead to FLASH FLOODING and RIVERINE FLOODING. Isolated thunderstorms are possible across the warning area and very heavy rainfall may result in flash flooding. NSW SES reminds people to never drive, ride or walk through floodwater as this is the main cause of death during floods. To read the full media release: https://bit.ly/3reoM1h You can find regular updates on the NSW SES website www.ses.nsw.gov.au And for all weather updates visit the Bureau of Meteorology https://bit.ly/3nEyCHo
09.01.2022 Evacuation centres are busy and stressful places, and you will be completely responsible for looking after your animals whilst there, so make sure you pack everything your animal needs in an Emergency Grab and Go Bag for Pets: 3-7 day supply of food (including instructions on feeding) A secure crate or pet carrier An extra collar, leash and ID tag ... A photo of you with your pet Any medicines, tablets or creams (with instructions) Bowls for eating and drinking (plus can opener and spoon) Treats A first-aid kit with bandage, tape, antibiotic ointment, flea and tick prevention, etc Favourite toys Litter bags or toileting requirements Towels and/or a blanket and bedding Paper towels and disinfectant (puppy pads are a good idea too) Photos or copies of vaccination papers and any other important documents. www.getreadyanimals.nsw.gov.au #GetReadyAnimals
08.01.2022 I’ll be wearing orange to say thank you to the volunteers who provide assistance to my local community in a variety of ways. Wear Orange Wednesday or WOW Day is May 23rd show your support and say #thankyouses #wowday
07.01.2022 Severe Thunderstorm Warning for DAMAGING WINDS and LARGE HAILSTONES For people in Mid North Coast and parts of Hunter Forecast Districts. Issued at 2:33 pm Frid...ay, 15 January 2021. DAMAGING WINDS AND LARGE HAILSTONES LIKELY WITH SEVERE THUNDERSTORMS, THROUGH PARTS OF THE HUNTER AND MID NORTH COAST Severe thunderstorms are likely to produce damaging winds and large hailstones in the warning area over the next several hours. Locations which may be affected include Port Macquarie, Taree, Kempsey, #Scone, #Maitland and Yarrowitch. A trough of low pressure is slowly pushing northeast through the inland which may trigger severe thunderstorms throughout the afternoon and evening. The State Emergency Service advises that people should: * Move your car under cover or away from trees. * Secure or put away loose items around your house, yard and balcony. * Keep at least 8 metres away from fallen power lines or objects that may be energised, such as fences. * Report fallen power lines to either Ausgrid (131 388), Endeavour Energy (131 003), Essential Energy (132 080) or Evoenergy (131 093) as shown on your power bill. * Trees that have been damaged by fire are likely to be more unstable and more likely to fall. * Unplug computers and appliances. * Avoid using the phone during the storm. * Stay indoors away from windows, and keep children and pets indoors as well. * Stay vigilant and monitor conditions. Note that the landscape may have changed following bushfires. * For emergency help in floods and storms, ring the SES (NSW and ACT) on 132 500. The next warning is due to be issued by 5:35 pm. If severe thunderstorms develop in Sydney Newcastle Wollongong or surrounding areas, a more detailed Severe Thunderstorm Warning will be issued to people in this area. Warnings are also available through TV and Radio broadcasts, the Bureau's website at www.bom.gov.au or call 1300 659 210. The Bureau and State Emergency Service would appreciate warnings being broadcast regularly. http://www.bom.gov.au/products/IDN21033.shtml
07.01.2022 REMINDER With the potential for our volunteers to be out over the weekend now is a timely reminder of how to react around emergency vehicles. If we have our... red and blue lights flashing while stationary by the roadside, please slow down and give us space. If in a speed zone of 80 kmh or less you must slow to 40 kmh. If an emergency vehicle is behind you with their lights and sirens, indicate and pull to the left. Your help keeps us safe and allows us to respond to emergencies safely.
07.01.2022 Detailed Severe Thunderstorm Warning for DAMAGING WINDS and LARGE HAILSTONES For people in parts of Maitland/Cessnock and Greater Newcastle areas.
06.01.2022 With the ECL (East Coast Low) expected to form off the south coast on Monday bringing some unpredictable weather with it over the next few days, I want to remind everyone to prepare there homes for such events by parking cars under cover or away from tree's, tieing down objects in yards like trampolines/furniture and avoiding unnecessary travel during storms as we are in an area prone to flash flooding .... For more information visit the SES website at https://www.ses.nsw.gov.au And for emergency help in storms and floods call the 132 500 number.
06.01.2022 Call the NSW SES on 132 500 if you have experienced damage from storms,wind,hail or a fallen tree and if a tree branch is threatening your property or a persons safety. Stay safe out there guys an gals.
05.01.2022 With all the severe weather systems moving through the area over the last few days the SES has been kept busy responding to requests for assistance. if you need assistance in storms or floods call 132 500 or anyone interested in joining the NSW SES go to www.ses.nsw.gov.au
05.01.2022 Cooranbong ses unit chainsaw operator's were once again in high demand when a call out for a few local tree jobs come through with last nights storm event. Jobs like these are a constant reminder of how bad things could have been and to always think #stormsafe by takeing steps to brace for incoming storm events inc :tieing down loose objects in yards ,makeing sure gutters and valleys are clear aswell as keeping an up to date home emergency kit. If you need assistance in stor...ms or floods call 132 500 NSW SES Cooranbong Unit NSW SES Credit to featured model's Alan and Andrew
05.01.2022 Over the coming days, early warning weather modelling is suggesting that a low pressure system is expected to approach and cross #NSW between Thursday and Satur...day, bringing cold, wet and windy weather. There are a few things you can do as self-preparation: Check and clean your gutters Secure any outdoor items including outdoor furniture and trampolines; and Move your vehicle undercover and don't park under branches or trees. For more information on how to prepare before a #storm visit http://bit.ly/2m248nN If you need NSW SES assistance, please call 132500 , If you find yourself in an emergency or life threatening situation call 000
05.01.2022 Cooranbong SES Volunteers John & Mitch fixing a leaking roof. After a long day of responding to calls for assistance on Monday after the wild weather on the weekend, Cooranbong SES Members were surprised by the payment of their late night dinner at Toronto McDonalds by a generous member of the public! Thank you!
05.01.2022 As another year comes to a close i want to take a second and just look at how much has actually happened throughout the last 12 months for our unit. A couple of accomplishments this year are afew members receiving special honour's for outstanding efforts and a life membership award plus 4 members recognised for assisting with the devastating bushfires with citations.... takeing delivery of our new General purpose vehicle Cooranbong 56. makeing big improvements in our flood plans getting 2 members up to the operator rank and 5 to job ready rank reorganising of the unit so we can fit all our vehicles and equipment New chainsaw maintenance bench and store layout an influx of new members ready to get out there and help out And although one of our main activities (community engagement) was all but non-existent this year we have been doing our best to relay our goings on to the community through this page and will continue to do so into 2021. Even though we take a break from training over Christmas we will still be attending request's for assistance so if you need assistance in storms or floods call the 132500 number and happy #Holidays2020 to everyone and we look forward to continuing to help our community in 2021 :). NSW SES
04.01.2022 Hey everyone the cooranbong and lake mac ses units will have a stall set up at this weekend's Morrisset rodeo so swing on in and say hello to the members and see what the nsw ses is all about.
03.01.2022 As part of our regular maintenance we are always checking and maintaining our equipment, Here is mitchell's group last week going over all the chainsaws.
02.01.2022 Issued at 4:48 pm Sunday, 9 August 2020. Severe Weather Warning for DAMAGING WINDS, HEAVY RAINFALL and DAMAGING SURF For people in Metropolitan, Illawarra and p...arts of Mid North Coast, Hunter, South Coast and Central Tablelands Forecast Districts. HEAVY RAIN IN THE ILLAWARRA. COASTAL WINDS AND SURF TO INCREASE SOUTH COAST TO MID NORTH COAST. A trough along the New South Wales coast is deepening with multiple low centres developing within the trough. This system is currently bringing widespread rain to the Illawarra Sydney coast and adjacent ranges, and is set to bring increased winds and surf along the coast from late this afternoon as one of the low centres make landfall. HEAVY RAINFALL, which is leading to RIVERINE FLOODING, may continue for the Illawarra this evening. The areas of heavy falls may extend to the Sydney Metropolitan, the Blue Mountains and the Hunter Coast late this afternoon or tonight depending on the position and the movement of the lows. Thunderstorms embedded in the rain or any development of a small scale low within the trough may exacerbate the rain rate leading to FLASH FLOODING. The rain should ease around late this evening as the trough starts to move northwards late tonight or early Monday. Moderate to Major Flood Warnings are current for some of the South Coast river catchments. See http://www.bom.gov.au/nsw/warnings/index.shtml for more information. DAMAGING WINDS, averaging 60 to 70 km/h with gusts in excess of 90 km/h, are likely to develop on the coastal fringe of the Illawarra, the north of the South Coast, the Sydney Metropolitan and the Hunter from late this afternoon. They may ease somewhat overnight before strengthening again Monday morning on the Sydney and Hunter coastal fringe, then extending to the Mid North Coast in the afternoon. DAMAGING SURF CONDITIONS, with waves exceeding 5 metres in the surf zone, may lead to significant beach erosion along coastal parts of the South Coast, Illawarra, Sydney Metropolitan and Central Coast regions from late this afternoon,extending north to about Smoky Cape on Monday. Beach conditions in these areas could be dangerous and people should stay well away from the surf and surf exposed areas. Surf conditions should ease in the south later Monday, and hazardous surf conditions should persist along the northern coast Tuesday. A Hazardous Surf Warning is current. See http://www.bom.gov.au/nsw/warnings/hazardoussurf.shtml Locations which may be affected on SUNDAY include Sydney, Wollongong, Nowra, Batemans Bay, Braidwood, and Moruya. Locations which may be affected on Monday includes Sydney, Wollongong, Newcastle, and Port Macquarie.
01.01.2022 Cooranbong SES has just taken delivery of our new General purpose response vehicle replacing our old hilux. This new vehicle has been purpose build for SES operations in mind as such it can be paired with either our storm trailer or flood boat to suit the jobs at hand .