Cope Family Law in Cairns, Queensland, Australia | Legal service
Cope Family Law
Locality: Cairns, Queensland, Australia
Phone: +61 7 4031 1118
Address: 25 Shields St 4870 Cairns, QLD, Australia
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25.01.2022 They shall grow not old, as we that are left grow old; Age shall not weary them, nor the years condemn. At the going down of the sun and in the morning We will remember them. Lest we forget
25.01.2022 Our colleagues at Maurice Blackburn, Cairns have a permanent collection box for #sharethedignity. Sanitary items are something we all take for granted. #sharethedignity provides those items to vulnerable women in our community. We encourage you to donate to this worthy cause. - -... #oneformeoneforthem #mauriceblackburncairns #helpthevulnerable #community #DomesticViolenceSupport See more
24.01.2022 - - - #copefamilylaw #cairnsfamilylawyers #cfl #cairnsdivorcelawyers #domesticviolencesupport #dvisneveracceptable
24.01.2022 PARENTING BEYOND VIOLENCE Seeking Expressions of Interest for our Parenting Beyond Violence womens group in October. A group for women whove experienced domes...tic violence, who may or may not have children currently in their care. Parenting Beyond Violence (PBV) explores the dynamics of domestic violence and the impact it may have on women and their children, focusing on how domestic violence influences parenting and the parent/child relationship. If you would like more information please contact Colleen on 40336100
23.01.2022 We enjoyed a Christmas banquet (and maybe a few too many espresso martinis) at Ochre Restaurant on Saturday to celebrate the year that was! - - #sothisischristmas #merrychristmas #christmasinFNQ #CFL #copefamilylaw #ochrerestaurantcairns
23.01.2022 We are very excited to introduce our newest addition to the CFL team, paralegal Michelle Whitfield. Michelles been a family law paralegal for the last 3 years and is currently in her final year of her law degree. Michelle hopes to be admitted as a solicitor in December 2020. Michelle will work closely with our solicitors, Patricia and Louise. Welcome to the team Michelle! ... - - #cfl #cairnsfamilylawyers #copefamilylaw #cairnsdivorcelawyers #divorce #CFL #divorcelawyer #separation See more
23.01.2022 We love receiving feedback from our clients. Thank you for allowing us to help you when you're at your most vulnerable. "Louise, thank you for all your wonderful support to date. You have really made such a big difference with going through this process - having support rather than none or a really bad experience with lawyers. You're amazing at your job and I appreciate your diligence with your work at hand. Thank you again."
22.01.2022 The Federal Circuit Court and Family Court Registry will no longer offer face-to-face service. Assistance will be provided by phone and online services only. - - #familycourt #fcc #federalcircuitcourt #coronavirus #covid19 #cfl #cairnsdivorcelawyers #copefamilylaw #cairnsfamilylawyers
22.01.2022 Support the Cairns Regional Domestic Violence Service in this years Wheelbarrow Race. Click on the link for details as to how you can provide support to such an important local organisation. - - #copefamilylaw #cairnsfamilylawyers #cfl #cairnsdivorcelawyers #domesticviolencesupport #cairnsregionaldomesticviolenceservice #CRDVS #wheelbarrowrace ...
22.01.2022 *Co-parenting: it's not a competition between two homes. It's a collaboration of parents doing what is best for the children.* - - Here are some words and phrases that spring to mind when we think of positive co-parenting. -... - #cfl #cairnsdivorcelawyers #cairnsfamilylawyer #copefamilylaw #divorce #separation #coparenting #childsbestinterests See more
22.01.2022 4 weeks until Christmas! Our office will close at 5:00pm 23 December 2020 and re-open on Monday, 10 January 2021. Our appointments are filling up fast. If you require advice, don't delay! - - #copefamilylaw #CFL #cairnsfamilylawyer #cairnsdivorcelawyers #christmascountdown #divorce #separation
22.01.2022 Repost from PakMag Cairns - - #cfl #cairnsdivorcelawyers #cairnsfamilylawyers #parenthood #motherhood #fatherhood #children
20.01.2022 How is it Spring already? This means the September school holidays are fast approaching. It is important that parents start discussions about what the childrens living arrangements will look like during the holiday period - will the school term arrangement continue? Will the children spend half school holidays with each parent? Does one parent intend to travel with the children? - - #copefamilylaw #CFL #cairnsdivorcelawyer #cairnsfamilylawyer #divorce #separation #livingarrangements #schoolholidays
19.01.2022 The first day of winter and stage 2 of Queenslands easing of COVID-19 restrictions. - - #june #winter #covid19restrictionseased #lookingpositive #copefamilylaw #cfl #cairnsfamilylawyers #cairnsdivorcelawyers
18.01.2022 #whiteribbonday #endthecycle #stopfamilyviolence #standupspeakup #copefamilylaw #CFL #cairnsfamilylawyer #cairnsdivorcelawyers
17.01.2022 The formula for positively co-parenting your children. - - #cfl #cairnsfamilylawyers #cairnsdivorcelawyers #separation #divorce #coparenting #parentingorders #childlivingarrangements #positiveparenting
17.01.2022 With further easement of restrictions coming into effect this weekend, we hope all mothers and grandmothers have the opportunity to celebrate Mothers Day with their loved ones. Happy Mothers Day!
17.01.2022 We are very proud to announce that Cope Family Law was listed in the 2021 Doyles Guide in the following categories: - Leading Family & Divorce Law Firms North & Central Queensland Third Tier, Cope Family Law - Leading Family & Divorce Lawyers North & Central Queensland Leading, Patricia Cope... - - #CFL #copefamilylaw #cairnsdivorcelawyers #cairnsfamilylawyer #doyleslist #leading #northqueensland See more
17.01.2022 #melbournecup2020 #theracethatstopsthenation #copefamilylaw #cairnsfamilylawyer #cairnsdivorcelawyer
16.01.2022 Santa Clause is coming to town in 59 days! - - Where will the children spend Christmas this year? Click on the link to read our article about how best to approach these discussions: ... - - #CFL #copefamilylaw #cairnsfamilylawyer #cairnsdivorcelawyer #divorce #separation #children #livingarrangements #parentingplan #christmas
16.01.2022 Cope Family Law will be closed for the Easter long weekend. We take this opportunity to wish you and your family a safe and happy Easter. - - #cfl #cairnsfamilylawyers #copefamilylaw #cairnsdivorcelawyers #happeaster #longweekend
15.01.2022 What a great initiative for victims of DV. - - -
15.01.2022 Its been reported that the incidents of domestic violence will spike during the COVID pandemic particularly, in households who face strict lockdowns on top of mounting financial pressure. In those circumstances, victims are isolated more than ever before. A hand signal has been developed that can be subtly used by the victim during a video call with friends, family, medical professionals and the like. If you receive a hand signal, the advice is:... **Say nothing out loud once youve spotted the signal ** Nod or signal back with an okay sign or thumbs up to let the victim know youve received the message and continue verbally with the conversation you were having **Once the call has ended, ring the safe steps 24/7 Family Violence Response Line on 1800 015 188 to ask for advice on how you can get your friend or family member help. - - #covid19 #domesticviolence #domesticviolenceawareness #domesticviolencehelp #familylaw #copefamilylaw #cfl #cairnsfamilylawyer #cairnsdivorcelawyer
15.01.2022 The Cairns Regional Domestic Violence Service will be holding a virtual rose ceremony on Friday 22 May for those whom have lost their life as a result of DV. - - #cfl #cairnsdivorcelawyers #cairnsfamilylawyers #copefamilylaw #crdvs #domesticviolence
14.01.2022 Who doesn't love a good Christmas cracker joke! * What do you get if you cross Santa with a duck? A Christmas Quacker! *... Who delivers presents to baby sharks at Christmas? Santa Jaws! * What do Santa's little helpers learn at school? The elf-abet! - - 4 more sleeps until Christmas Day! See more
14.01.2022 The September school holidays are a month away! It is common for children to live with one parent interstate. How does the Queensland boarder closure effect parenting orders? People who have travelled to COVID hotspots cannot enter Queensland. However, if a parent is required to fulfil a legal obligation relating to shared parenting or child contact, including as part of an order or arrangement under the Child Protection Act 1999, that parents falls within an exemption. ...The parent MUST provide evidence of a court order or legal agreement. - - #copefamilylaw #cfl #cairnsfamilylawyer #cairnsdivorcelawyer #covid19 #parentingorders #interstatetravel #CovidHotspot See more
13.01.2022 For the parents balancing working from home and home schooling.... - - - #cfl #cairnsfamilylawyers #cairnsdivorcelawyers #separation #divorce
12.01.2022 They shall grow not old, as we that are left grow old: Age shall not weary them, nor the years condemn. At the going down of the sun and in the morning We will remember them. -... - #lestweforget
12.01.2022 A reminder that our office will close on Wednesday, 23 December 2020 at 5:00pm. If you require an appointment with one of our solicitors, please do not delay contacting our office as our diaries are filling up fast. - - #copefamilylaw #cfl #cairnsfamilylawyer #cairnsdivorcelawyers #divorce #separation #legaladvice
12.01.2022 Cope Family Law turns sweet 16 this week! CFL was the first boutique family law firm in Cairns started up by our Principal Solicitor Trish Cope, an accredited family law specialist with over 27 years of experience. - - - #copefamilylaw #cairnsfamilylawyers #cfl #cairnsdivorcelawyers
11.01.2022 Cope Family Law will close at 5:00pm today, re-opening on Monday 11 January 2021 at 8:30am. We take this opportunity to thank our colleagues and clients and, of course, our family and friends, for your support in what has been an unusual and difficult year for everyone. Merry Christmas & Happy New Year! We hope your Christmas break is filled with love & happiness and, our thoughts are with those who are unable to be with their loved ones at this time. From the team at Cope Family Law
11.01.2022 Access Community Housing Cairns yesterday unveiled the red bench constructed by the local Mens Shed. The red bench acts as a visual reminder of the significant level of domestic violence in our community and the need to promote change. - - #copefamilylaw #cfl #cairnsfamilylawyer #cairnsdivorcelawyer #accesshousing #domesticviolenceisnotokay #DV #domesticviolencesupport #change #enddomesticviolence
10.01.2022 Meet our Associate, Louise. Louise has practised exclusively in family law for over 6 years. She is known to give practical and straightforward legal advice. Louise feels that it is a privilege to help her clients at the most difficult time of their lives and with respect to their most precious and valued things children and property. Louise has significant experience in representing clients in relation to childrens living arrangements and regularly appears in the Federal Circuit Court of Australia and Family Court of Australia. #copefamilylaw #cairnsfamilylawyers #cairnsdivorcelawyers #separation #divorce
09.01.2022 **Testimonial Tuesday** Dear Louise & Patricia, I must extend my thanks and gratitude for both of your time, efforts and compassion you’ve shown throughout my family matter. ... I am very pleased with the result and, although I know I cannot predict or change any future behaviours from the child's father, I have a new found sense of security from what we have achieved. - - #copefamilylaw #cfl #cairnsfamilylawyer #cairnsdivorcelawyer #divorce #children #livingarrangements #consentorders #parentinglan
09.01.2022 It's beginning to look a lot like Christmas at the CFL office!
08.01.2022 Melbourne Cup champagne
08.01.2022 Our office will be closed on Monday 4 May for the Labour Day long weekend. We hope you enjoy some fresh air and sunshine from 2 May! - - #copefamilylaw #cairnsdivorcelawyers #cfl #separation #divorce #longweekend #covid19
07.01.2022 Quote of the day: - - #copefamilylaw #CFL #cairnsdivorcelawyer #cairnsfamilylawyer #divorce #propertysettlement #ConsentOrders #separation #familylaw #familylawcairns
06.01.2022 The Family Court of Australia provides some guidance in relation to complying with parenting orders during the Covid-19 crisis. If you require further advice, contact our office for a phone appointment. - -... #copefamilylaw #cairnsfamilylawyers #cfl #cairnsdivorcelawyers #familycourt #parentingorders #compliance #covid19
06.01.2022 What a fantastic initiative by Big W, Cairns.
05.01.2022 If you are clearing out your wardrobe, Ruths Womens Shelter are looking for clothing donations. - - #ruthsshelter #donate #DV #domesticviolencehelp #community
05.01.2022 Naidoc Week 2020 - Always was, always will be. - Amongst a list many factors, the Court must consider: 1. whether a child is Aboriginal or Torres Strait Islander; and ... 2. the child's right to enjoy his or her Aboriginal or Torres Strait Islander culture (including the right to enjoy that culture with other people who share that culture); and 3. the likely impact any proposed parenting order will have on that right. when determining what is in a child's best interests. - #NAIDOC2020 #naidocweek #alwayswasalwayswillbe #copefamilylaw #CFL #cairnsdivorcelawyers #cairnsfamilylawyer
05.01.2022 Ruths Womens Shelter has opened a hub at Raintrees Shopping Centre where vulnerable women and children can obtain information and support. - - #copefamilylaw #cairnsfamilylawyers #cfl #cairnsdivorcelawyers #ruthswomensshelter #domesticviolencesupport
04.01.2022 Our office will be closed tomorrow, 17July for the Show Holiday. Wishing you all a wonderful long weekend!
04.01.2022 We received this beautiful thank you gift from a client today after helping her obtain a very favourable outcome recently. It is a privilege to provide quality legal representation to our clients during one of the most stressful and vulnerable periods of a persons life. - -... - #copefamilylaw #cairnsfamilylawyers #cfl #cairnsdivorcelawyers #divorce #separation #familycourt #relationshipbreakdown #familyseparation #children #defacto #marriagebreakdown See more
03.01.2022 #Surrogacy is a complex area of family law requiring parties to undergo extensive counselling, obtain legal advice which includes a formal agreement being drawn up. In Australia, surrogacy can only be carried out for altruistic purposes. This is a good news story for surrogacy in Australia. Unfortunately, it does not always have a happy ending. Our Accredited Family Law Specialist, Patricia Cope, has the experience to provide advice and represent parties who are the s...ubject of a surrogacy arrangement. - - #cfl #copefamilylaw #cairnsfamilylawyers #cairnsdivorcelawyers #surrogacy #divorce #separation
03.01.2022 The Far North Queensland Youth Assistance Fund have set up a Community Crisis Fund to assist local families with children affected by the Covid-19 crisis. Unfortunately we will all know somebody impacted by job loss and financial difficulty as a result of Covid-19. Donations can be made using the form below and directly depositing funds into the funds bank account. ... - - #fnqyaf #comminitycrisisfund #covid19 #localassistance #covid19impact #unemployment #cairnsfamilylawyers #cairnsdivorcelawyers #cfl #copefamilylaw See more
03.01.2022 Happy Fathers Day to all the wonderful fathers out there. We hope you get some breakfast in bed and have a wonderful day! - - - #happyfathersday #fathersday #fatherhood #cairnsdivorcelawyer #cairnsfamilylawyer #CFL #familylaw
03.01.2022 #TestimonialTuesday "Patricia & Louise, it has been a terrible 12 months and without the guidance and professional assistance from everyone at Cope Family Law I would still be in a big hole and probably in more financial trouble with my ex-husband. I am so happy with the outcome and would and will recommend your firm to anyone who needs legal assistance. Thank you for understanding my position and supporting me." - -... - #CFL #copefamilylaw #cairnsfamilylawyers #cairnsdivorcelawyers #divorce #divorcelawyer #separation #results #service See more
02.01.2022 Happy International Womens Day! - - An equal world is an enabled world #eachforequal -... - #eachforequal #internationalwomensday #independentwomen #whoruntheworldgirls #cairnsfamilylawyers #cfl #copefamilylaw #cairnsdivorcelawyers See more
02.01.2022 Our Associate, Louise, is back from maternity leave and now taking appointments. Louise has been with Cope Family Law for 6 years having been admitted to the Supreme Court of Queensland and High Court of Australia in 2013. She has practised exclusively in the area of family law since that time. Our clients appreciate her straightforward, efficient and compassionate approach. Louise will continue to work closely with our Principal Solicitor Patricia Cope. Welcome back Lo...uise! - - #copefamilylaw #cairnsfamilylawyers #cairnsdivorcelawyers #cfl #divorcelawyer #familylawyer #divorce #cairns See more
01.01.2022 With school holidays only weeks away and further easing of restrictions, dont leave it too late to discuss with your ex-spouse how your children will spend the June/July school holidays! - - - #cfl #copefamilylaw #cairnsfamilylawyers #cairnsdivorcelawyers #marriage #separation #schoolholidays #childrenlivingarrangements
01.01.2022 The Family Court and Federal Circuit Court have made it clear that parents should continue to comply with parenting orders, where it is safe to do so keeping in mind the childrens best interests. #cfl #cairnsfamilylawyers #cairnsdivorcelawyers #separation #divorce #familycourt #familylaw
01.01.2022 A beautiful way to explain the #covid19 situation to children.
01.01.2022 Cope Family Law remains open at this time, however, we are closely following the advice from the government. We kindly request that you do not attend our office if you are feeling unwell. We are able to communicate by phone and email. Look after yourselves and your family. ... - - - #copefamilylaw #cairnsdivorcelawyers #cfl #cairnsfamilylawyers See more
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