Copeton Mäki in Cougal, New South Wales, Australia | Landmark & historical place
Copeton Mäki
Locality: Cougal, New South Wales, Australia
Phone: +61 416 301 109
Address: Lions Road 2474 Cougal, NSW, Australia
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21.01.2022 Resident Flora - Staghorn Staghorn (Platycerium superbum), Elkhorn (Platycerium bifurcatum) & Bird's Nest Fern (Asplenium australasicum) at Logan's Creek, Copeton Mäki, NSW
20.01.2022 The lantana slaughter had some collateral damage. Crofton weeds, also known as Sticky Snakeroot, (Ageratina adenophora - see NSW Weedwise at the Department of Primary Industries website) were caught in the middle & shared the same fate. Crofton weed is believed to have introduced to Sydney in 1904 & is now a Class 4 Noxious Weed under the NSW Noxious Weeds Act of 1993. It is responsible for Tallebudgera Horse Disease, so as a person who likes Tallebudgera I feel a certain responsibility to maintain the collateral damage.
19.01.2022 This is my new second hand John Deere 4x4 Tractor with high & low ranges giving 10 forward & 2 reverse gears in the mostly non-synchronised gearbox. In 3rd gear low range I can crank it up to 2.09 kilometres per hour.
18.01.2022 In my moose excitement I just wrote "Stop the Moose" look closely, I meant "Spot the Moose". It is possible to Stop the Moose by Spotting the Moose. The Moose is not called Spot. There is an old Finnish saying "Most Male Mooses are Mainly Morning Movers". This one was photographed in the afternoon.
18.01.2022 On Copeton Mäki we have the Brisbane to Sydney Railway line doing spirals. Why? The New South Wales town of Kyogle had a dream to be connected to capital of Queensland, that is Brisbane. So on the 24 April 1912 a group of dedicated citizens commenced agitating for a railway line to Beaudesert, near Brisbane. It took 5,184 dreamy nights (do the math - 23 June 1926) for work to commence. The line opened on the 27 September 1930. At Cougal trains do a 277 degree loop, the Copeton Mäki spiral, going through the 129 feet long No 1 Tunnel, the 124 feet long Tunnel No 2, and over the 330 feet long viaduct (dry bridge).
17.01.2022 Why Copeton Mäki? When I was a young lad last century I lived a short time at the property Bonnyview at Copeton, near Inverell, New South Wales. Thankfully in March 1900 Copeton changed its name from Boggy Camp, though Boggy Mäki would have a ring to it. In the 1970s Copeton was submerged by the Copeton Dam & Bonnyview flooded. The Suomi word Mäki has a more ancient origin as part of the Finnic group of the Uralic family of languages. The Vistulian glaciation of the last age, between 25,000 & 13,000 years ago, flattened much of Scandinavia & left Suomi with nearly 200,000 lakes covering 10% of the country. So in such a flat land observing a Mäki is like gazing on one of the Wonders of the World. A Mäki is a (Finnish) hill. So the inundated Copeton now has an offspring, a hill. Technically Soldier’s Hill which is part of "Bonnyview" isn’t submersed but just ignore that fact. See more
14.01.2022 I have decided to add a water feature to Copeton Mäki. I constructed a four metre high rock face out of a found four metre high rock face. I diverted a creek that was already running over the four metre rock face to give the impression of waterfall. This whole process was done with brawn and hand tools and a bit of luck. As far as I know this is the highest waterfall on Copeton Mäki. The highest waterfall on the planet is the Angel Falls in Venezuela that plunges 979 metres. Mathematically, since Venezuela has a total area of 91,644,500 hectares and Copeton Mäki is 60 hectares then proportionally the waterfall on Copeton Mäki is 6,240 metres high, making it a bigger fall then the Angel Falls. I officially name the proportionally 6,240 metre high falls the Peltola Plummet. P.S. stop the moose!!!
11.01.2022 Ian on huomannut virallisessa dokumentissa Department of Public Instruction in the Colony of New South Wales, että 24.2.1900 Round Mount Koulussa opettaja Herra H. Griffin sanoi: Minulla on kunnia raportoida, että tämän kaupungin nimi on virallisesti muuttunut Boggy Campista Copetoniksi. Tämän kirjeenvaihdon seurauksena voidaan vetää johtopäätös, että nimenmuutos tapahtui helmikuussa 1900 tai aiemmin. Siksi Ianin aiempi postaus nimenmuutoksesta maaliskuussa 1900 oli väärin. Ian toivoo olevansa ammattimaisempi tästä eteenpäin.
09.01.2022 For those who not understand Finnish the translation is as follows - Why Cope Tony Hill? When Ian was a young boy in the last century, he lived a short time "Bonny view"- In Filey, cope - so helpful rell, new south Wales. Luckily, in March 1900 Cope Tony changed his name from boggy campisi. Toni cope, but boggy hill sounds good. In The 1970 S Tony cope were flooded, and so therefore "Bonny view too". Finnish word hill is more ancient origins, because the Finnish language belo...ngs to the municipality of Ural Language Baltic Finnish language. Vistula glaciation did Finland "flat coat", Almost 200,000 in the lake country. So "Flat" Earth Hill may be considered one of the world as a miracle. Flooded with cope Marine Toni now has a kid named hill. Technically Soldiers Hill, who was part of cope not concrete tunnel, but leave this fact is ignored. See more
05.01.2022 I have uncovered, in an official document from the Department of Public Instruction in the Colony of New South Wales, that on the 24 February 1900 the teacher of the Round Mount Public School, Mr. H. Griffin conveyed, I have the honour to report that the name of the post-town of this school has changed from Boggy Camp to Copeton so that officially, the post-town is now Copeton. Since the date on this correspondence is 24 February 1900 it could be accurately concluded Boggy Camp was renamed Copeton in February 1900 or before. Therefore, my previous post that Copeton was named in March 1900 was erroneous & was based on the bureaucratic memorandum from the Department of Public Instruction dated the 12 March 1900. Hopefully I will one day be able to discover the precise moment of this unpublicised event. I apologise for the blunder & in the future will attempt to be utterly professional in my musings. See more
03.01.2022 Miksi Copeton Mäki? Kun Ian oli nuori poika viime vuosisadalla, hän asui lyhyen aikaa Bonnyview-nimisellä tilalla Copetonissa, lähella Inverelliä, New South Walesissa. Onneksi maaliskuussa 1900 Copeton muutti nimensä Boggy Campista Copetoniksi, mutta Boggy Mäki kuulostaa hyvältä. 1970-luvulla Copeton jäi tulvan alle, ja niin jäi siis Bonnyviewkin. Suomeksi sanalla mäki on muinaisempi alkuperä, koska suomen kieli kuuluu uralilaisen kielikunnan itämeren suomalaisiin kieliin. Veiksel-jääkausi teki Suomestakin litteän, lähes 200,000:n järven maaksi. Joten niin litteässä maassa Mäkeä voidaan pitää yhtenä mailman ihmeenä. Tulvan alle jääneellä Copetonilla on nyt lapsi nimeltä Mäki. Teknisesti Sotilaitten Mäki, joka oli osa Copetonia ei ole tulvan alla, mutta jätä tämä tosiasia huomiotta.
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