Coptic Hope Charity in Donvale, Victoria, Australia | Non-profit organisation
Coptic Hope Charity
Locality: Donvale, Victoria, Australia
Phone: +61 1300 267 842
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25.01.2022 Our every own George visiting a childrens orphanage in Egypt. May God bless all our donors and continue your constant prayers and support.
25.01.2022 #coptichopechartity
25.01.2022 Coptic Hope Charity has now added 70 family sponsorships since December 2018! With your support our Family to Family Sponsorship is now a total of 560 families, meaning that we support these families on a continuous monthly basis. With your love and support and we pray that this service grows.
24.01.2022 ***Coptic Hope Charity Financial Update*** Dearest Brethren, The team at Coptic Hope Charity is very proud to announce through your generosity and support, you have kindly donated a grand total of $1,028,359.00 throughout the financial year of 1st July 2018 to 30th June 2019.... You, the Coptic Family are responsible for this amazing achievement and you may rest assured you have made the world a better place for many of our struggling brothers and sisters. With your help, we are able to provide support to the following: - 615 families across Egypt with ongoing support. - 1750 Easter hampers. - 1000 Christmas hampers. - Assistance to hardship cases across Australia. - Assistance to the victims and families of the St Samuel Church terrorist attack. - 75 marriages, 18 medical cases, 916 students, 115 university students - Monthly support to our Coptic orphanage in Fiji and orphanages in Egypt At Coptic Hope, we remain committed to assisting those through their hardships and endeavour to spread Christs love in order to remind them that He will not leave them nor forsake them. If you would like to become a regular donor and sponsor a family for as little as $60 per month, please fill in our sponsorship form on our Facebook page (a tax-deductible receipt will be provided to all donors). Please continue to support this worthy cause by donating to the below bank account: Account Name: Coptic Hope Charity Limited ATF BSB: 063-159 Account Number: 10 686 722 (Tax deductible receipt will be provided to all donors). All funds raised through Coptic Hope Charity are for the sole purpose of Coptic Hope Charity and the services it provides. For further information please contact Nagy Banoub on 0423 411 715 or send an email to [email protected]. May our Lord reward you for your generosity +
24.01.2022 #coptichopechartity Australian #bushfires Coptic Hope Charity is very proud to announce through your generosity our wonderful congregation have kindly donated a grand total of $68,500.00 throughout the Australian Bushfire Appeal. You, the Coptic Family should be proud of your ongoing commitment in assisting those through their hardships.May our Lord reward you for your generosity +
23.01.2022 Some of the many grateful families whom you have supported this Christmas with your love and continual support #hampers #christmasappeal #coptichope #charity @ Egypt
23.01.2022 Support our Easter Hamper Appeal
22.01.2022 ***Easter Hamper Appeal*** By the Grace of God and your generosity, we have raised $40,712 for our Easter Hamper Appeal. We are extremely thankful for your donation, and pray that we reach our target of $75,000. God bless your efforts helping our less fortunate brothers and sisters before this festive period.
21.01.2022 Have some questions for us? #coptichopechartity will have a stall at Archangel Michael & St Anthony’s Community Festival Oakleigh this weekend :) Come say hello! @stayouth #faqs #charity
20.01.2022 #beruit #appeal #coptic #coptichopechartity #charity #thankyou
16.01.2022 Let the packing begin! Thanks to all who have supported our Annual Christmas Appeal for our Brothers and Sisters in Egypt. With your love, support and generosity this appeal allows us to send much needed food hampers containing day to day needs for our less fortunate Brethren in all regions of Egypt. Our aim this year is to send 1500 families a special Christmas food hamper. Each food hamper will cost $50, which provides enough food for up to a family of 4. Larger families w...ill receive multiple hampers. You can join us by donating to the below bank account (a tax-deductible receipt will be provided to all donors) Account Name: Coptic Hope Charity Limited ATF BSB: 063-159 Account Number: 10 686 722 Please use the reference Food Hamper For further information please contact Nagy Banoub on 0423 411 715 or send an email to [email protected] #coptichopechartity #charity #christmasappeal #hampers
16.01.2022 Dearest Brethren, The blessed time of the year of the Holy Nativity is approaching quickly. Coptic Hope Charity is pleased and excited to announce that we once again will be running our Annual Christmas Appeal to support our Brothers and Sisters in Egypt.... With your love, support and generosity this appeal allows us to send much needed food hampers containing day to day needs for our less fortunate Brethren in all regions of Egypt. Our aim this year is to send 1500 families a special Christmas food hamper. Each food hamper will cost $50, which provides enough food for up to a family of 4. Larger families will receive multiple hampers. You can join us by donating to the below bank account (a tax-deductible receipt will be provided to all donors) Account Name: Coptic Hope Charity Limited ATF BSB: 063-159 Account Number: 10 686 722 Please use the reference Food Hamper For further information please contact Nagy Banoub on 0423 411 715 or send an email to [email protected]
15.01.2022 By the Grace of Christ and the blessings of Advent Fast, through your love and support, we have collected in excess of $46,000 for the St Samuel Emergency Appeal. Below are some photos of receipts and the families affected alongside His Grace Bishop Macarius. God bless your generosity always and keep us in your prayers.
15.01.2022 Two of these sewing machines are bought by Coptic Hope Charity. This program has been setup to provide jobs and apprenticeships for the unfortunate young people in Egypt. Photos courtesy of HG Bishop Stephanos #coptichopechartity #donations #thankyou @ Egypt
15.01.2022 It is more blessed to give than to receive (Acts morning 22:35) Last year, Coptic Hope Charity provided Easter hampers to 1000 of our less fortunate families in Egypt. This Easter, with Gods blessing and your generosity, we are aiming to distribute 1200 Easter hampers to families in need. Each hamper will cost $50 AUD, and all proceeds will be sent Egypt. You can donate for as little or as many hampers as you wish. If you would like to partake of this blessing,... Coptic Hope Charity Trust BSB 063159 ACC 10686722 Reference: Food Hamper Or via our Go Fund Me page In order for CHC to provide you with a tax receipt, please send your name and email address to: [email protected] With your support we can help make Easter a very special time of the year for those who are less fortunate. For any further information please contact Nagy Banoub (0423 411 715), your chruch treasurer or email us on [email protected] Please pass this message along and dearly thank you in advance. Join us in bringing hope to those who need it most this festive season.
15.01.2022 #copehopecharity mourns the loss of Very Rev Fr Macarius Wahba. Fr Macarius was the founding member of St Abraam Friend of the poor which has evolved into Coptic Hope Charity. His love for the poor and this service was supported by his encouragement and direction. Condolences to the Diocese of Melbourne, Tasoni Christina, mother Fayza, brother Joseph and the family. We will miss you dear Fr Macarius #chc #charity
14.01.2022 Whoever is kind to the poor lends to the Lord and He will reward them for what they have done (PR 19:17) CHC now welcomes Paypal and the choice of recurring donations. Click link for more details. Thanks for your continuous support and generosity
14.01.2022 And He said to me, My grace is sufficient for you, for My strength is made perfect in weakness. II Corinthians 12:9 Our communitys generosity towards their less fortunate brothers and sisters is something that we need to constantly celebrate. Our Easter Hamper Appeal has passed $65,012. God bless!
14.01.2022 Dear Coptic Congregation of Diocese of Melbourne and affiliated regions, Through your love and support Coptic Hope Charity has raised a total of $70,000 for the Australian #Bushfire Appeal. As you are all aware, the distribution of bushfire funds has been a major issue for many donors. After much deliberation, we have donated the money raised to The Gippsland Emergency Relief Fund ( The Gippsland Emergency Relief Fund is a registered charitable organization (A0020241A), making all donations tax deductible. All donations are returned to the community and no costs are deducted for administrative purposes #charity #coptichope #bushireappeal #gippslandemergencyrelieffund
13.01.2022 Our Committee members meeting with His Grace Bishop Rofael. We are also pleased to announce that through your love and generosity you have raised over $83,000 for our Christmas Hamper Appeal. We sincerely thank you again, and keep us always in your prayers.
12.01.2022 Update from #CopticHopeCharity To date, through your generosity, CHC has collected in excess of $51,00. With God's help, CHC requires a total of $90,000 to fulfill it's Christmas Hamper commitment for our struggling families in #Egypt. Wishing you all a blessed Nativity Fast
11.01.2022 #coptichopechartity #thankyou #lebanon
09.01.2022 Improving lives, Providing Basics #coptichopechartity #charity
09.01.2022 We believe that all people are created in the image of God and are loved equally by Him. We believe all people have a right to the basic necessities of life, such as clean water, food and shelter, as well as opportunities to grow and develop as dignified members of healthy and happy communities
08.01.2022 So let each one give as he purposes in his heart, not grudgingly or of necessity; for God loves a cheerful giver. 2 Cor 9:7 Through the love and generosity of the #Coptic Orthodox congregation across the Diocese of Melbourne and Affiliated Regions, #coptichope Charity is pleased to announce a total of $1,007,942 has been raised in FY 2020. All funds raised have been distributed towards various programs including: Easter Hamper Appeal $87,349 Christmas Hamper Appeal $92,...185 Emergency Bushfire Appeal $69,280 Family Family Sponsorship $180,530 COVID-19 Financial Support Program $9,170 Special Needs Funding $354,597 Direct Donation $184,547 Others Donations $30,284 Coptic Hope Charity confirms that 100% of all donations collected have been directed to the various appeals mentioned above or distributed to families included within the Family to Family sponsorship program. It is worth noting, out of the love and kindness of all the sponsors, Coptic Hope Charity currently support 667 families in the Family to Family Sponsorship program across the poorest regions of Egypt, however more sponsors are needed to maintain the funding of these families. Despite the challenges of the last 12 months and through your prayers, kindness and generosity; the congregation of the Diocese of Melbourne have demonstrated that Coptic Hope Charity continues to be a beacon of Christs love and light during these troubling times. To contribute to Coptic Hope Charity and assist with ongoing support please donate to the following bank account or via our Paypal account at Account Name: Coptic Hope Charity Limited ATF BSB: 063-159 Account Name: 10686722 Tax deductible receipts for all donations above $2 will be issued upon receipt. All funds raised by Coptic Hope Charity are for the sole purposes of the services provided by Coptic Hope Charity to serve the poor and in need. On behalf of Coptic Hope Charity, we would like to thank you for your love, generosity, and support. For further information please call Nagy Banoub on 0423 411 715 or email: [email protected] See more
07.01.2022 Our CHC Christmas tree is filling up !!!#coptichope #thankyou #stmaryscopticorthodoxcollege #charity #school #blessed
06.01.2022 Beloved congregation of the #DioceseofMelbourne and affiliated regions, Through the love and generosity of the #CopticOrthodox congregation across the Diocese of Melbourne and affiliated regions, Coptic Hope Charity is pleased to announce a total of $144,800 has been raised in support of the Christmas Hamper Appeal - 2021 for our less fortunate brothers and sisters across the poorest villages and provinces throughout Egypt. With your love and generosity, Coptic Hope Charity C...hristmas Hamper Appeal will provide 2500 Christmas Hampers that include meat, rice, flour, butter, milk and sugar etc to make celebrating Christmas a special time for our less fortunate brothers and sisters. Coptic Hope Charity confirms that all donations collected for the Christmas Hamper Appeal is providing hampers to be distributed to as many families as possible, including the 676 families in our Family to Family program. On behalf of Coptic Hope Charity, we thank you for your love and support. Wishing you and all your families a Happy New Year and Blessed Feast of the Glorious Nativity. To contribute to Coptic Hope Charity or assist with ongoing support please donate to the following bank account or via our Paypal account at Account Name: Coptic Hope Charity Limited ATF BSB: 063-159 Account Name: 10686722 Tax deductible receipts for all donations above $2 will be issued upon receipt. All funds raised by Coptic Hope Charity are for the sole purposes of the services provided by Coptic Hope Charity to serve the poor and in need. See more
05.01.2022 #coptichope #christmas #appeal #donate #charity
05.01.2022 #thankyou #bushfires
04.01.2022 Thank you for all your love, support and generosity to our 2019 Easter Hamper Appeal. Through the prayers and intercessions of our patron saint, St Anba Abraam "Friend of the poor" and with your kind donations and contributions, our generous congregation has raised a total of $98,000 towards this very important and crucial cause. The Funds raised will contribute towards Easter Hampers to be distributed to some of the poorest villages and dioceses across Egypt and abroad.... These include: The Bishopric Of Youth, The Bishopric Of Social Services, Diocese of Dair Mowas, Diocese of El Menia, Diocese of Akhmim, Diocese of El Baliana, Diocese of Ibshadat & Malawy, Diocese of Suez, Diocese of Shobra El Khema, Diocese Of Tema and St Mina Orphanage - Fiji. To contribute to this worthy cause, please donate to the following bank account: Account Name: Coptic Hope Charity Limited ATF BSB: 063-159 Account Name: 10686722 Please Reference "Food Hamper" Tax deductible receipts for all donations above $2 will be issued upon receipt. All funds raised by Coptic Hope Charity are for the sole purposes of the services provided by Coptic Hope Charity to serve the poor and in need. Wishing you all a blessed fast of the Great Lent and joyous Feast of Resurrection of our Saviour.
03.01.2022 #prayforlebanon #coptichopechartity is providing financial support through a new fundraising campaign. To make a donation to the Coptic Hope Charitys Lebanon fundraising campaign Visit select the donate button and Emergency Appeal from drop down menu.
03.01.2022 End of financial year is upon us. Therefore, it is the perfect time to make your EOFY donations. At Coptic Hope we remain committed to assisting those through their hardships and endeavour to spread Christs love. Make your credit card donation securely through Paypal via the following link:... Alternatively via direct deposit: Account Name: Coptic Hope Charity Limited ATF BSB: 063-159 Account Number: 10 686 722 Tax deductible receipts for all donations above $2 will be issued upon receipt. All funds raised by Coptic Hope Charity are for the sole purposes of the services provided by Coptic Hope Charity to serve the poor and in need. For any further information please contact Nagy Banoub on 0423 411 715 or email [email protected]
02.01.2022 Coptic Coptic Charity committee members with Their Graces Bishop Raphael and Bishop Daniel at the 50th year Anniversary Gala Dinner of the Coptic Church in Australia.
01.01.2022 As we have all seen the catastrophic results of the current bushfires burning throughout Australia, we must all support our fellow brothers and sisters who are in a time of need. All are welcome to donate to the bushfires through the Coptic Hope Charity. Please see details below
01.01.2022 Statement on the Easter Sunday terrorist attacks in Sri Lanka #melbcopts
01.01.2022 Over 900 likes! Over 900 likes!
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