Core and Floor Restore | Health & wellness website
Core and Floor Restore
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25.01.2022 This is one of my go to stretches in pregnancy but its great for anyone! I find it gets into the quads a lot deeper than the traditional standing quad stretch. If youve got an anterior tilt posture (typical in pregnancy and postnatal) where you walk around looking like Daffy Duck, you know the one, bum poking out, belly hanging forward then this is an important stretch for you.... Our quads can get quite tight when we hold this posture and also when we spend a lot of time on our toes (high heels, toe runners, toe jumpers). Imbalanced muscles (weak and/or tight) often cause issues in other areas of our body. Tight quads can lead to SIJ (sacroiliac joint pain). So foam roll and stretch team Let me know if you try this one - remember its not a stretch unless you felled the stretch and its in the right spot. Really focus on tucking/tilting your bum down and forward and pushing forward with your back hip. The front foot is just to stabilise you and you should lean forward onto it. We do this one in my live classes - come join them and practice with us #notsosubtlehint
25.01.2022 Achieve your goals with personalised support and techniques from me! Ill keep you on track and accountable so that you achieve what YOU want! We start again Monday the 10th of August - are you ready to finally do something for you? ... If youd like to win a 4 week package, valued at $150 simply comment on this post My coaching program entitles you to Set your own goals and priorities to suit your needs Free access to all online zoom sessions - choose from 8 classes a week to do live or watch the recording at a time that suits you (this alone is worth $25 a week) Free online live education and exercise sessions in a private group page Daily support and contact with Me to help keep you on track Accountability - set and achieve your goals each and everyday! Is it time your day involved a little bit of you? Ill help you to make sure it does! Sign up for 4 or 12 weeks now. For more info check out the coaching page on my website or get in touch. If you sign up and win this competition youll be refunded the full amount of the four weeks Are you ready to achieve your goals #letsdothis Winner announced Friday 7th August at 9pm
24.01.2022 Whose got some big for this twin mumma? Feeding one twin, burping the other and collecting the let down @south_coast_mama you are our shero! This is what real super humans look like! #restorerreality - sharing our pregnancy and postnatal reality so we all feel a little more connected! Pregnancy and postnatal can feel isolating and relentless but we’re in smashing it out together. Hopefully these weekly post remind us all how epic we are developing, raising and guiding o...ur little humans through the world. Tag #restorerreality in your next keeping it real post so I can share another pic next week
22.01.2022 Who here sees an osteopath, physiotherapist and/or chiropractor? And leave your hand up, if you do things in between visits to help with your condition or (leave me a comment as to which one you are ) I like to use the analogy of going to music or language lessons when it comes to allied health appointments. ... At your first lesson you turn up, motivated and ready to learn. During the lesson you learn and practice and you walk away at the end often feeling motivated, potentially more confident and excited to learn more. BUT, if you then dont do your homework and rock up the next week to your lesson, you wont have improved. You may feel overwhelmed and potentially behind. You promise yourself youll do your homework and catch up but you dont. Each week that overwhelming feeling and fear of failure increases until you either stop going or get your act together Seeing an allied health professional can be a similar experience. We often seek their care because of a condition or pain (remember you can see them for preventative health and maintenance too especially when pregnant and postnatal). We turn up to our first apt motivated to do something for ourselves and get on top of what were feeling. We often leave feeling much better after having their care and motivated to stay on top of it. But if we dont do things in between appointments to help our bodies both release and strengthen, then we arent going to improve and heal, especially in the long term. I hear so often about how people go to get fixed. The fixing and how often it needs to happen and how good it works, has a big part to do with what we do/dont do at home. Foam rolling, using a ball, prescribed exercises, functional movement, incidental exercise, nutritious food, water intake, reduced stress and sleep (just to make a few ) My programs are one thing you can do in between appointments to assist with your healing and strengthening journey! Id love to know what else you do and what helps you self care This is my talented physio @breeharrisphysio at @strengththerapyphysio - isnt her room stunning! Epic sign by @thesignshopaust
22.01.2022 You were lovers before you were parents What advice would you give your child free couple self in regards to your relationship post birth? What support/systems work for you as a couple with children? ...Continue reading
21.01.2022 Are you still pulling your belly button to your spine or pushing your back to the mat? If so, you need to get with the program. The Core and Floor Program Pulling your belly button to your spine or breath holding does not activate your deep core. It also puts a lot of downward pressure on the pelvic floor causing us to work against it rather than with it.... Core and pelvic floor health is not just about Kegels or pulling everything in. Theres specific activation methods and these vary based on what exercises you do. To learn more, check out my programs. They are suitable for anyone of any age, gender or life stage including pregnancy and postnatal. I also offer gift vouchers so you can give the gift of health to a pregnant or postnatal friend, a mother, father or grandparents Any questions please get in touch xx B
21.01.2022 Who needs a back stretch? Try this modified downward dog! This stretch is heavenly for a tight back and hamstrings (muscles on the back of the thigh). ... Ideal for those pregnant and postnatal or just not flexible enough to get onto the ground and downward your dog Try it on a wall or kitchen bench Comment below if you give it a go
21.01.2022 This involves hand expressing and collecting colostrum during pregnancy. It is stored in syringes and frozen until needed. Add a sticker with your name and date of expressing if taking it to a hospital. I was going to film and share a video of me doing it but we all know how insta flips over nips! I thought it best not to lose my account For a knitted boob demo, see my antenatal class 7 ... Research has shown that for people experiencing a low risk pregnancy, expressing from 36 weeks is safe. Express from both breasts for around ten minutes, twice a day (if you can be bothered ). Why do it? decreases the risk of formula supplementation provides a back up of colostrum should your baby have feeding issues or need extra calories after birth (this includes babies born to diabetics, small babies and those with congenital conditions such as Down syndrome and cleft lip and or palate) can assist in the promotion of successful and exclusive breastfeeding which promotes growth of good gut bacteria amongst many other things it help you to mentally and physically prepare for breastfeeding by enabling you to get used to handling your breasts for feeding and seeing them for their function. It can feel a bit odd (even I found it odd at the start!) until you get used to it. It’s advised to stop if you experience uterine contractions, vaginal bleeding, decreased fetal movements or signs of low sugar. It’s not recommended for people with a history or risk of preterm birth, bleeding through pregnancy or those with placenta praevia. There is a wide variation in amount of colostrum people can express antenatally. Most importantly there is no evidence to suggest that a person who expresses a tiny amount is at risk of low milk supply or visa versa. Some people may not even get a drop, others will get mls and mls. If this is something you’re interested in, please talk with your care provider about it for individual advice. Most will provide you with the syringes and caps. You may need to buy them from a chemist if they don’t. There are many things that can help prepare you for successful breastfeeding, this is just one. Chat to your care provider, educate yourself antenatally and look up resources such as the Australian Breastfeeding Association @ozbreastfeeding I always say spend as much time learning about breastfeeding as you do labour and birth. Don’t leave it to when you have to do it to learn about it!
20.01.2022 Heads up ~ this time I’m giving birth to a 3-year-old. One that sleeps through the night, has all its teeth & is toilet trained! #blessed I’ve joked about this my whole pregnancy but the truth is, there’s a lot about having another child that I’m not looking forward to. It’s not the newborn phase that worries me that much although I can’t say I’m excited about the afterbirth pains, sore vulva, bleeding for six weeks and sore nips but the squishy delicious newborn cuddles an...Continue reading
20.01.2022 Suffering with constipation? This is one of my favourite ways to help get things flowing What is it? Its an acupressure technique. Simply apply pressure with your thumb as shown in the picture, between the first finger and thumb. You should feel a very dull ache in this spot, the more constipated you are the stronger the ache will be. ... THIS POINT IS NOT RECOMMENDED IN PREGNANCY This point is also used during labour to help intensify contractions (useful if contractions are of irregular intensity) and during second stage to help move the baby through the pelvis if pushing isnt working as effectively. For more information and techniques on acupressure, google Debra Betts Acupressure and download her incredible free PDF with acupressure points for pain management, natural induction and issues like nausea and vomiting. Remember to use a squatty potty and the ooo cha technique to avoid straining and its damaging effects on the pelvic floor (ill pop the post where I explain this in my stories ) . Other tips for constipation include movement and exercise adequate water intake (increased if breastfeeding) increased fibre and decreased sugar in your diet prune or pear juice clockwise lower abdomen massage Please consult with your health care provider if youre concerned or need further advice.
19.01.2022 Well look who it is podcasting it up again such an epic privilege to be asked on @lynda_griparic_naturopath Love and Guts poddy! Thanks so much for having me! I could have talked all day but thats nothing unusual Head over to her page and click the link in her bio to listen! ... And thanks to everyone on here for all your support! Im completely overwhelmed by it and the opportunities Ive had through it xx
18.01.2022 Check out my IG account for a video of what this looks like @coreandfloorrestore Do you notice your belly coning or doming when you get out of bed? Off the couch? Lifting up your child? Or during exercise? Its common to see this during exercise and daily movements. Common but not normal Its exacerbated during pregnancy (as in this picture) but it can happen to anyone of any age.... Youll actually notice it on your children when you pull them up from the change table, have a look next time youre trying to wrangle them and the pooey nappy! So what is it? IAP - intra- abdominal pressure. Your body is creating more pressure in the abdomen in order to move how youre asking it to. Our bodies are master compensators. They will do what we tell them to do, unfortunately theyll do this at our own expense. When this occurs it places strain on our connective tissue (that holds our abdominal muscles together), making it thin and weak. Constant repetitive movements (aka getting in and out of bed a million times to wee whilst pregnant and attend to babe post birth) increase our risk of diastasis recti (weakened connective tissue causing ab muscles to be separated more than they are meant to be). This increased IAP also places a lot of pressure on our pelvic floor and causes us to push against it when we really want it to be lifting up. Again constant pressure on the pelvic floor during movement and exercise leads to increases our risk of issues like incontinence and prolapse. Coning also occurs a lot during exercises that place a load on the spine - think planks, push ups, bear crawls, double leg lowers etc, again if this is happening youre not activating the muscles needed for that exercise correctly and youre doing more harm then good. Want to learn how to avoid this? Correctly activate your core (and pelvic floor)? and move with your body throughout the day rather than against it? Theres this epic program called core and floor restore just waiting for you to log in #hinthint #timetorestore
18.01.2022 This is my new party trick - pregnant /not pregnant. Lucky Im in iso and theres no parties to go to These techniques are for EVERYONE regardless of gender or pregnancy. I teach men these same techniques as I teach preconception, pregnant and postnatal people. Why? Well we all have the same anatomy when it comes to core muscles. Yep, we all have a pelvic floor! These techniques just look far more impressive in pregnancy so get ready to be bombarded with these vids ove...r the coming months! Please dont suck your belly in or push your back into the mat (see my Instagram account or stories for explanation video and endurance holds). These cues do not enable you to correctly activate your core and holding your breath puts A LOT of pressure on the pelvic floor. I honestly believe this is why so many of us, including elite athletes who havent had children, experience pelvic floor issues. Learn how to activate correctly and then practice these techniques in my programs. Easy ten minute workouts suitable for your busy schedule! 21 weeks today and were back in stage 3 iso restrictions. Mixed emotions currently as Im super grateful Im only in stage 3 and not stage 4 like my melbourne friends but jealous of my friends and family interstate. Im feeling pretty grateful we are planning a homebirth but also mindful of what my care may look like should complications arise in my pregnancy. Ive switched my workouts to be more light weight and body weight based now I can no longer go swimming and actually enjoying the mix up. Also super grateful I can still see my osteo and physio atm. Im completely over the nausea and vomiting now - I had been pretty positive up until this week as whilst Ive vomited most days its been nothing like my first pregnancy but this week I cracked the shits with it and gave myself permission to feel over it. Its been long enough . Super excited about an ultrasound this week and the fact Mr C + F has already felt baby move! Its so much more active than Banjo ever was, which im really loving. Its like its saying hey mum Im here to! I want to play! If you have any questions about core activation please get in touch or check out my website xx
18.01.2022 What do I love more than Iced Vo Vos? Icing your vulva! Experiencing one or more issues listed above? Grab whatever is in your freezer, find a comfy position and ice, ice, baby! Den den den den den den den! Elevate your legs, pop a pillow under your bum and 20 mins later, wallah! Relief.... Currently doing this whilst I post this. Its a lifesaver at the end of the day when my PGP is at its worst. Whose going to try this Feel free to be an epic friend and tag someone you know who needs to ice their vulva #truefriendship
17.01.2022 Did you know there is meant to be a gap between your rectus abdominal muscles? Muscle never sticks to another muscle. Connective tissue (in this case the linea alba) connects the muscles together! Therefore there is naturally a space between the muscles (of around 1-2cm - its different for everyone). There can be a lot of fear and hype around diastasis recti. What you should and shouldnt do and the dreaded GAP! The truth is the width of the separation isnt as important as... the depth. The depth tells us crucial information about the connective tissue and how strong it is. You can also do exercises like a crunch if you have diastasis as its much less about WHAT you do and more about HOW you do it! Some people will bring the width back to within a normal range, others wont but this doesnt mean they cant heal. If the connective tissue regains its strength then people will have whats called a functional diastasis, where the gap is still present but the connective tissue is strong. Is it time for you to regain strength, body confidence and RESTORE? Head to my website and check out my programs, join me on a live class or get in touch with your questions. In just under a year over 850 people have signed up to Core and Floor to RESTORE Im incredibly overwhelmed and grateful for all your support and amazing feedback! I love hearing from you all about how much stronger, healthier and happier you feel from taking time to heal and strengthen! . . . #pregnant #postnatalfitness #postnatal #mumlife #pregnancylife
16.01.2022 Him becoming a big brother... If you’ve been following my stories you’ll know how obsessed Banjo is with kissing my belly. It’s the first thing he does in the morning, even before he is fully awake! So this pic (and that leg ) means the world to me. Most women I have cared for who are pregnant with their second child have had fears about how they could possibly love their next child. ... This isn’t something I fear because I’ve seen everyone around me fall in love all of again and have room in their heart for all their children. What I’m most worried about is how Banjo will respond to our transition, how I’ll respond to this and both of us missing our one on one time. In a ‘Tuning into Toddlers’ workshop I attended a couple of weeks ago they asked us to imagine that our partners came home with a new partner. They introduced them with so much excitement, the whole family was thrilled they were there! You were told that she/he would now live with you, share your bed and get cuddles and kisses from everyone. It was going to be so wonderful and you’re absolutely going to love them. There were some laughs but most of us filled with anger and jealousy. This, they said, is how a child feels when a new sibling is born. This, is why 1:3 children try to harm their new sibling when it enters the family. I had to turn my zoom camera off because I started pregnant crying. It probably wasn’t the best session for me to attend heavily pregnant with our second child all I could think was this is how Banjo may feel. We discussed ways to help the transition and a big part of that was acknowledging feelings and letting them occur. Also trying to allocate small quality snippets of time with you and your eldest child. Maybe you’ve already been through this and you’d like to add some tips in the comments below for those of us about to go through it. Or maybe you’re in the same boat as me and feeling a tad the same? Let me know below xx
15.01.2022 10% off @mamaanditens TENS machine hire! Use the code ‘coreandfloor10’ If you’ve watched my antenatal classes you’ll know I’m a big fan of the TENS. If you follow my stories you’ll know many of you are too! @mamaanditens has kindly offered 10% off for all of you following along here ... Did you use a TENS during your labour? How did you find it? Love this little testimonial below Posted @withregram @mamaanditens BEST investment for labour "The TENS Machine I hired from Mama and I was the best thing I could have done for the birth of my little man. I used it once I got to hospital for the 3 1/2 hours I was labouring there and it was the ONLY pain relief I needed for the entire birth. I 100% believe it took my mind off the pain during contractions and relaxed me in-between. Im recommending Mama and I to anyone and everyone that will listen!! Use the Tens and your breathe and you will be on the right path to a drug free and natural birth - you wont regret it! Thanks again - Kristen" Thank you beautiful Kristen for your lovely review - it makes us so happy that we can help you all . . . . . . . #tensmachine #mamaanditens #labourtens #hypnobirthing #bimbyandroy #birthaus #tens #positivebirth #bumpaus #bumpaustralia #positivebirthmovement #birthstory #mumlifeaustralia #ausmumtribe #ausmumpreneur #fempreneur #australiansmallbusiness #mumpreneur #girlbossquotes #buildingbossladies #melbournebusiness #melbournesmallbusiness #review #productreview #australian #australianbusiness
15.01.2022 How often do you feel guilt? How many of you know its true definition? Do you stop and think whether what youre feeling is actually warranted? Guilt means to intend harm or do wrong. What makes you feel guilty? Are you intending harm or doing wrong when you do these things? ... If not, get rid of it. Or as one of my super epic fearless females did - write it down, burn and bury it. There, the word no longer exists Its something most parents feel on an almost daily basis. So, why do we let ourselves feel it? Let me know in the comments below what commonly causes you to feel guilt and now that you know the meaning, will you allow yourself to feel it from now on? Mine would have to be spending time working rather than playing with my son. Surprisingly I dont feel guilty about time spent of self care (anymore). Its taken me three years to realise Im a MUCH better wife and mum when I do this! Im learning to drop the guilt about work, its a hard one when you work a lot from home and most of it is on your phone (so he sees that side of it) but I know Im teaching him valuable lessons at the same time too and Im NOT intending harm by doing so. Therefore I cant be guilty! #winning Special thanks to one of my fearless female tribe members who shared this with us this week and inspired this post . . . #stoptheguilt #motherhood #parenting #selfcaresaves #motherhoodunplugged
15.01.2022 The Diaphragmatic Breath THIS is what it looks like. If youve done one of my live classes or any of my programs youll have heard me bang on and on about it. Im hoping this incredible visual will enable you to understand it better or remind you to practice it ... Breathing this way is how were designed to breathe. Its an incredible breath for decreasing feelings of stress and anxiety, it helps us get into a deeper sleep, its the optimal breath to use between contractions in labour and its our first technique to reconnect and heal our bodies post birth. We breathe approx 22 000 times a day - can you practice the diaphragmatic breath for just ten breaths prior to sleep? Let me know if this visual helps you and thanks to @movepilateslakes for tagging me in this post so I could share it too! Reposted from @antoniomaximo_
14.01.2022 PHYSICAL DEVELOPMENT AND BABY EQUIPMENT Have you ever seen a baby elephant born? Its up and standing within minutes! Our cheeky little human babies take SOOOO much longer to get their act together Its really tempting to want to help them along or use equipment that fits into our modern day world.... Good marketing also leads us to believe these items are a must! The truth is we are born knowing how to move and develop. We are also born to adapt to our environment. The more equipment we use to assist our positions and movements (think cars, couches, tables and chairs and above baby items), the less we use our body for how it was designed. Instead we manipulate our movements and postures to fit into our designed equipment. The more we adapt to our environment the more we lose our instinctive movements (such as the squat). This leads our bodies to become weak and we experience pain, obesity and chronic diseases as a result. It also keeps our health professionals booked out! If we introduce these items BEFORE our babes have even learnt the correct way to sit, squat or move then how does that affect their bodies? Many paediatricians, osteopaths and physiotherapists recommend avoiding some items altogether and limiting the use of others. This allows our children to actively use their muscles and sensory systems needed to master a position or movement and develop how their bodies were designed to. Take the baby seat for example. It holds a baby upright by locking the pelvis and lower limbs into position and slopes the baby backwards. This tilts the pelvis back and brings the head forward in an immature sitting position. The babe is unable learn to control its head, trunk and pelvic position, unable to move in and out of sitting, or rotate and weight shift. Its also unable to learn how to use anticipatory and protective balance reactions to stay upright. Aka all the things needed to learn how to sit!! It also prevents the baby from developing and exploring other dynamic skills needed to crawl, stand and walk. Leaving your baby to move as it cues on flat low surfaces are a much better option (and cheaper!).
14.01.2022 Year made 18 months ago my intelligent friend (and motivator for getting me to do this!) asked me what I wanted for Core and Floor. That was easy - every preconception, pregnant and postnatal person to have access to this knowledge! In less than a year almost 950 of you have chosen to self care, restore and strengthen your bodies! Nothing makes me happier than hearing how youre healing, how your pain has subsided, how your birth was epic or how youve finally gotten back doing what you love feeling even stronger than before! Thank you for your incredible support, trust and hard earned dollar bucks! It means the world to me and my family! Core and Floor isnt just about exercise. Its about knowledge and giving you the skills to empower yourself! If youre new to following me I offer a range of programs and services Free online antenatal classes Four online video based core and pelvic floor programs for preconception, pregnancy, postnatal and a mens specific program Live zoom exercise sessions five days a week that are super cheap! Individualised coaching programs to enable you to reach your goals Face to face and online consultations And Im always here to answer your questions. My coaching program starts its new round tomorrow so if youre keen to prioritise you - get in touch or sign up via the website! Tomorrows class is at 1015am and is suitable to all abilities (pregnancy and postnatal included). No need to change out of your trackies, leave the house or wake a sleeping baby - just log in and workout! Thank you, thank you, thank you, you epic humans! Now to get C+F publicly funded!
14.01.2022 Birth is not only about making babies. Birth is about making mothers - strong, competent, capable mothers who trust themselves and know their inner strength - Barbara Katz Rothman I keep staring at my face in this photo and reliving that intense rush of euphoria, joy, pride and relief that came with giving birth to my perfect babe. Thank you to the incredible @erin_matthews_photography for capturing one of the two greatest moments of my life! ... #birth #empoweringwomen #birthprep #birthwithoutfear #birthwithconfidence #birthphotography #birthphotographer #birthphoto #strongwoman
13.01.2022 This birth affirmation was inspired by one @petajean_ had written and my lovely friend @midwifejohunter had shared! I thought it was too good not to add to my collection! What affirmations did you use/have you got written down? Did you buy them already made or make your own? ... For me, birth affirmations have to be personal, one or two that mean something, remind me of someone or something I did. Sayings that I resonate with. That I can think of over and over again to help me get through. I have a whole lot that I had written from Banjo’s pregnancy. I kept them and have put them back up on a wall in my room and I look at them often. I’ve also added some extras that resonate more with me now that I’ve birthed before. Many of you have asked what some of them are so here’s a few of my top thoughts/mantras My grandmothers - birthing back in the 1940s, at home in Malta (that heat and no air con!) and Scotland. Neither of them are alive. I felt that they were there with me my last labour and this gave me so much strength. Im hoping they’ll be with me again this time The fact that 350 000 other people are going through the exact same thing on the same day. I’m not special and this is a normal life event How privileged I am to labour and birth in Australia where maternal and infant mortality and morbidity is so much lower than the majority of the world How privileged I am compared to the majority of the world but also the majority of most of my fellow Australians to be able to have choice over my care provider and place of birth (this includes the ability to afford it). So many people in Australia including most Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islanders have these choices removed or unavailable for different reasons (cost, availability, options close to home etc). My uterus is just one muscle, it’s a small part of me so therefore it’s contractions are not stronger than I am All the mental and physical events I’ve ever overcome and achieved previously Wall squats! I’ve done this before so this time I’m going to embrace it rather than doubt my ability or question myself. I’m going to live in my body not my head and just roll with it All the people I’ve ever had the privilege to witness birth or known to have birthed - I carried their strength with me last time and I hope to do the same this time Once that contraction is done, it’s done. I don’t have to do it again It will end, my baby will be born! #birthprep
13.01.2022 This was something I repeated over and over in my head during labour. Knowing I was just one of so many women going through the exact same thing at that time gave me so much power and strength. It made me remember I wasnt alone, that this was something I was made to do and that I could do. If 359 999 other women could do it that day, why couldnt I? What affirmations helped you during your labour? ... If youre pregnant now what phrases or facts are resonating with? I hand wrote my affirmations out (I had the time back then ), some were ones Id read, some were physiological facts others were personal like thinking about my grandmothers in Malta and Scotland all those years ago #birthprep #birtheducation #pregnant #pregnancy #womenempowerment #womensupportingwomen
12.01.2022 Rolling over in bed whilst requires about as much effort and energy as moving house! It can also be a real struggle if you’re experiencing pelvic girdle pain. So here’s some tips to take the pressure off the core and pelvis - copy what I’m doing in this video. It may take a little longer but it will hurt a lot less! ... keep knees together exhale and wrap core then move (if you know how, otherwise just exhale on movement - or buy my program to learn how to protect your core ) dig heels into bed then lift and shift- this activates and uses your bum muscles which are bigger and stronger muscles made for movement repeat until your make it ALL the way to your other side #phew #hardwork rearrange your 647 pillows and try to fall back asleep or get up a wee for the fifth time that night Feel free to tag a pregnant friend who may need this xx #pregnancy #pregnant #pregnantbelly #pregnant_world
12.01.2022 Edit: this is an information sharing post. Growing a human is one of the most physically and mentally challenging events many of us undertake. Its for this reason that I advocate, above everything else, being kind to yourself. Individualised care is what we strive for in health and what you should be provided with. Whilst I acknowledge and totally understand the frustrations many people have with BMI (myself included), its currently what is used and what evidence we have ...Continue reading
11.01.2022 300 squats a day during pregnancy. That’s what midwifery guru Ina May Gaskin recommends and I’m with her (as long as you’re experiencing a healthy pregnancy). Towards the end of your pregnancy (or maybe at the start of you haven’t been very active prior) you may need a little support with your squats. These three tips can help you get those squats into your day. They can be used by anyone at anytime but are extra fab during pregnancy.... Want to know more about exercising during pregnancy - my pregnancy program contains loads of information as well as epic workouts to get your mind and body ready for labour AND post birth! Check it out on my website or get in touch for more info xx
11.01.2022 Since so many of you were keen for this last time, Ive decided to offer it again! My coaching program starts a new four week block next Monday 7th September! What is it? ... My coaching program is offered in addition to my exercises program. Set your goals Be supported Be accountable Achieve whats important to you! It includes: goal setting and tracking free access to all my live zoom classes (worth $100 on its own) recordings you the sessions if you cant make them live daily connection via a private page with me - this is where the accountability comes in access to our tribe - a group of supportive women all trying to get shit done amongst the chaos and self care a little along the way live education and exercise sessions private to our group page Set your goals, these can be whatever your heart and mind desire, exercise, nutrition, self care, financial, work or study and Ill help you achieve them! To win just comment below. Winner will be announced this Friday at 830pm Please note my programs are not apart of this price. You dont have to be doing my programs to sign up and your goals dont need to be exercise related. Check out this link for more info on the program or get in touch for more info Good luck!
11.01.2022 Prolapse? Pelvic Floor Tightness? Feeling like a bowling ball is falling out of your vagina pre period? Try this for some relief! Pop a pillow under your hips to help take gravity off and decompress your pelvic floor, reduce swelling and allow for better circulation. ... Pop a heat pack under your back and an ice pack on your vagina and well now youre in sweet pelvic floor heaven Its common to feel heaviness, pressure and aching in your vagina just prior to and at the start of your period. Its also common for this to only start happening once youve had children. Its likely due to weakness in your pelvic floor, a heavier flow postpartum and laxity in your vessels. This can be done during your period, postnatal and for those comfortable on their back during pregnancy (for short periods). Its especially good at the end of the day when youre body has had enough of that damn gravity! Incorporate your diaphragmatic breathing (to enable the parasympathetic nervous system to let it all go ) and stay here for as long as comfortable (two minutes may be enough especially if pregnant). If its comfortable you may want to come into a butterfly position (feet together and knees open) and grab a book. This will enable a deeper release of the pelvic floor (the stretch not the book ). If youre pregnant and dont feel comfortable on your back, you can try elevating your head and shoulders with some pillows. If it still isnt comfortable please dont do this. As always if youre unsure or worried you may have a condition such as a prolapse, please speak with your care provider and/or see a womens health physio.
11.01.2022 Have you read to your unborn baby? Whats your favourite childrens book? Did you know that babys start hearing in utero from 18weeks? ... Reading to them is a beautiful way for you and your partner to connect with babe. It allows you to take some time to focus on your growing babe. It also sets you up for including reading in their life everyday post birth This was us reading to Banjo when he was in utero, he still loves this book and I actually read it to him last night. Victoria has a great initiative called a 1000 books before school to encourage families to read. Being as competitive as I am I think we reached this before he was one . This baby will probably reach it before birth with the amount of books we now read daily with Banjo. Last night we had a pretty proud parenting moment when Banjo read us a whole book. Ok, ok, I may be embellishing a little - swap the read for has memorised but Im claiming it, my child is gifted #ofcourseheisb . . . #mumlife #parenting #pregnant #pregnancy #pregnant_world #pregnancydiary #motherhood #children #pregnantbelly
10.01.2022 Are you ready to start prioritising youre mental and physical well-being? We start again THIS MONDAY! Theres no need to wait until 2021 to start feeling better, every day is as good as January 1st! Show 2020 just how epic you really are ! ... For the next 24 hours use the code ineedthis (because about 100 of you said you did ) and get 15% off either the 4 or 12 week coaching programs. Sign up, set your goals and start achieving them TODAY! For just $127.50 youll get four weeks of free access to all my live classes (worth $100 alone) goal setting and accountability daily support and guidance from B on your own personal page access time a supportive group of fearless females live education and exercise videos in our own private group I think youve waited long enough to start looking after you mumma! Click on the link below for more info or get in touch if you have any questions! Congratulations to @jess_plus5 - youve won four weeks of FREE coaching! Thanks so much to everyone who joined in! Please note: This discount does not apply to my programs or equipment.
10.01.2022 My little midwife.... Some of you have been asking about how I’ve been preparing Banjo to be at our birth.... I’ve taken the same approach as I do to explaining everything to him. I’ve been honest and realistic and used resources where possible. ... Banjo has watched his own birth over and over, it’s something we do every birthday with him and any other time it comes up. He has also watched other births that the internet so kindly shares. We also spend a lot of time reading children’s books about midwives and birth. Check out my stories to see my favs, they are just divine! I’ve been at a lot of births with siblings present, some at home, some in hospital. Children typically respond to a situation from what they observe. So if everyone at the labour and birth is calm and trusting, children interpret it as a safe space and typically aren’t scared or phased by it. At home they are obviously in their own environment. If it’s night time most don’t wake up, whilst some will wake right at action time as baby is born . If it’s during the day, they often go between playing as usual at home and the birth space. Being inquisitive and nurturing. I’ve often asked children days or weeks after what they thought of the birth and they’ll remember things like the fact they got to eat chocolate biscuits or mummy made funny noises Banjo knows that mummy will be loud, he knows horses breath himself and he is aware there will be blood and that mummy has to work hard to get baby out of her vagina. He knows that there will be a cord attached to babe and that mummy has to give birth to the placenta too. I also have a friend coming who Banjo calls his other mummy. So if he is awake she can care for him and I can get on with my job of labouring. On occasion I’ve seen children at birth inhibit labour a bit as the birthing person is unable to get into the zone due to being worried about their other child/ren. So I’ve put this plan in place in case that happens to me. If we have to transfer to hospital for care, he will stay with our friend. Have you had your child/ren at birth? Feel free to share your story below
10.01.2022 Nips of Silver! Slightly better than nips of steel Our little man is doing all the right things at the boobie! We’re about to head into night three and I’m expecting a repeat of last night - feeding, feeding, feeding! I’m sure by the morning I’ll wake to a set of Dolly Partons and we will need to sleep from 9 to 5 Whilst his attachment is pretty spot on, nips are sensitive body parts! And those first few sucks are ouchy mumma! I wriggle my toes and horses breath until my ...nipple reaches that soft palate and I can relax a little. In between feeds though they’re feeling pain free and I’ve currently got no damage. I recently learnt about @silveretteaustralia from a post @thebreasthelp did. I got in touch with Anh and had her send me a pair as I wanted to try them out for myself and well if you’ve been following my stories you’ll know that I’m already a fan! Made from 925 silver, these shields are made to protect, heal and soothe sore nipples. Silver is anti bacterial anti fungal anti inflammatory anti viral No creams or gels needed. Squirt some breastmilk in if you like otherwise just place them in your maternity bra. Check out @silveretteaustralia for more info. Anh has kindly offered all restorers 5% off for the next 48 hours use the code coreandfloor5 #yourewelcome And no, no name yet but thank you for all the epic love you’re sending us! We’re just smitten and loving the newborn bubble so damn much
10.01.2022 37 week workout! I’m currently the most pregnant I’ve ever been and I’m feeling epic! This pregnancy (my second) has been so much better than my first. Less nausea, vomiting, pelvic girdle pain, incontinence, aches and pains and night wees! Sure it hasn’t been all rainbows and butterflies but compared with my last pregnancy it’s been epic and I’m LOVING being pregnant (something I NEVER would have said first time around!). I have to remind myself how far along I am as I sti...ll feel about 32 weeks pregnant! Workouts atm consists of squats (birth prep and especially epic for those with PGP), upper body work for all those newborn cuddles and feeds I have ahead of me and core and floor activation and release (both equally important). If you’d like to know more about exercising in pregnancy and more so how to do it correctly, check out my pregnancy program #winkwink Already got my program? Sunday night is your perfect opportunity to plan your workouts for the week - hopefully this little clip inspires you to lock in some you time with Core and a Floor this week. Get it done mummas I can promise you won’t regret it!
09.01.2022 I don’t recommend watching this whilst 40 weeks pregnant. I’m not crying, you are Core and Floor is a brilliant way to look after yourself too #justsaying
09.01.2022 Hows this for a frank breech presentation? This little ones mother knew Id be impressed with this photo and she wasnt wrong (swipe across to read her birth msg). Shared with permission of course. This bubba was obviously like this for a long time! Was your babe breech at birth? Did you have an external cephalic version (ECV)? Was it successful? How did you birth your babe?... Breech presentation occurs in three to four percent of births at term. It is more common in people having their first baby. An ECV from 37 weeks has been shown to decrease the incidence of breech presentation at term and the subsequent elective Caesarean section rate. If there are no contraindications, all people with a breech presentation should be offered an ECV from 37 weeks. Some care providers support vaginal breech births, others do not. Planning for a vaginal breech birth requires careful assessment of suitability criteria, contraindications and ability of your birthing service and experience of care providers. An Emergency Caesarean section is performed in approximately 40% of women planning a vaginal breech birth. A baby in a footling breech position is unable to be born via vaginal birth. Vaginal breech birth increases the risk of low Apgar score and more serious short-term complications but evidence has not shown an increase in long term morbidity. (Information for this post was sourced from Safer Care Victoria - breech presentation. More information and references can be found here). . . #breechbirth #birth #birthphotographers #birthphotography #birtheducation #birthpreparation #birthpre
09.01.2022 Support during your labour and birth What did your support person/people do that helped you during labour and birth? As I was pushing I starting screaming no, no, no and Mr C+F would chant back yes, yes, yes. As soon as Banjo came out he yelled YOU DID IT. I can still feel his excitement and pride - it gave me so much strength in those final moments. ... Continuous support during labour may improve outcomes for women and infants, including increased spontaneous vaginal birth, shorter duration of labour, and decreased caesarean birth, instrumental vaginal birth, use of any analgesia, use of regional analgesia, low five-minute Apgar score and negative feelings about childbirth experiences. This is from a Cochrane review and can be accessed for free via the Cochrane library. This stunning photo, shared with permission as always, comes from one of our restorers who rocked her publicly funded homebirth recently. I just love the emotions on each of their faces, dont you
09.01.2022 Whats the best thing we can do to support breastfeeding? Get your boobs out and do it in public, encourage others to and support those that do. How many times this month have you seen a person breastfeeding (not on social media)? ...Continue reading
09.01.2022 20% off all my programs and packages!! What a difference one week makes! I’m always in awe of how epic our bodies are but nothing compares to what it does during pregnancy, birth and postpartum. This time last week I was still growing Aloysius on the inside, now his out and feeding off me in a whole different way ... If you’ve been following my stories you’ll know it’s been an epic first week. My only wish is that more families had such positive birth and postnatal experiences. So since I’m loved up on oxytocin and truly believe my programs can enable people to: protect their core and floor during pregnancy prepare for birth restore post birth and get back to doing what you love even stronger I’m offering 20% off my programs and program packages from now until the 2nd of Jan 2021. Use the code ‘commit’ at the checkout and commit to your health! Sale does not include Mobeco or Shapemaker products or any other core and floor services. #pregnancy #postpartum #transformation #womensupportingwomen #empoweredwomenempowerwomen
09.01.2022 Whose feeling a little tired this morning? Oh big yawn! (Anyone else yawning whilst reading and seeing this?) This tired little bubba was captured mid yawn at a 30 week scan! ... At our scan this week our little baby did the exact same thing. I posted about it to my stories and this little ones mum sent this to me. Too epic not to share! Did you know babys yawned in utero? What other things did they do that surprised you? Kudos to the clever sonographer for capturing this and thanks to mums for letting me share . . . #pregnant #baby #pregnancy #bigyawn #goodmorning #pregnantbelly
08.01.2022 We actually have a name! Introducing...... Aloysius Joseph ... Pronounced - Al - oo - ish - us Rhymes with - delicious Aka - Aloysius you’re delicious! Will most likely get - Louis Will most definitely be asked how to spell his name daily - sorry buddy!
08.01.2022 22 weeks Feeling pretty STRETCHED this week. In the Solomon Islands they say your bubbley instead of pregnant. Mr C+F reckons its a pretty accurate term Im officially over the nausea and vomiting. Its still not that bad and in comparison to my first pregnancy its almost awesome buuuut Im done with it and would politely like it and COVID (whilst Im wishing for things) to F off now. ... We had a little looksie at our babe this week via our morphology scan. It was bliss! Something so incredible about seeing your baby growing inside your body. Everything is perfect and we even got a sneak peak of what babe will look like. This babe looks completely different to Banjo (Ive shared comparison pics in stories so you can judge yourself) and it was the first time it really hit me that were going to have another unique personality join our little fam. I obviously knew this but seeing how different they look from each other really made it hit home for some reason. We get a whole new surprise personality to love and sometimes be tested by its so incredible the not knowing and the wondering. What will it look like, what will it like and dislike, what little quirks will it have. As exciting and incredibly special as it is to be adding to our family, its also made me want to soak up this special time we have as a family of three. Were a pretty tight unit the three of us and we love spending time together, its a little odd knowing that this will change. Pain and exercise wise - I dont walk anywhere without my Mitton pregnancy belt now. It not only decreases my pelvic girdle pain but its gives my surrounding muscles and connective tissue (ligaments and tendons) a break from trying to hold my pelvis together. I had a Bowen massage this week and my tailbone pain has eased dramatically. Ive replaced my swims with walks as we cant access the pool (lockdown), and Ive just done gentle core and pelvic floor workouts post massage. Ill get more into some glute strengthening and low impact body workouts this week. Ive shared some rough sizes of the thigh bone, head and belly circumference from an average 20 week scan. I love going through the report with parents and showing them the measurements with a measuring tape. Babies can look so big on the ultrasound screen and then when you use the tape to show people the measurements they are often shocked of how teeny tiny their little babies are. You can ask your care provider for these measurements and use a tape to see for yourself if youve had an ultrasound lately
08.01.2022 Fetal positioning One of my favourite things to do during an antenatal appointment is describe and get the parents to feel the exact position their baby is in. Couldnt help but share this stunning photo as this womans midwife shows her the position babe was in, still attached to its placenta. ... Regramed from @jessica_vi_photography - thanks for the epic pic! Belly pose // the midwife is showing mom how baby was positioned in her belly. Baby is still attatched to the placenta. . . . . . __________________________________________________ #wombpose #bellypose #lotusbirth #homebirth #thuisbevalling #thuisbevallen #midwifery #midwife #verloskunde #verloskundige #badbevalling #waterbirth #waterbaby #birthphotography #birthphotographer #birthphotogs #geboortefotografen #geboortefotograaf #geboortefotografie #navelstreng #placenta #birthphotographersofeurope
08.01.2022 This new post is over on my Instagram account with video explanations and pics IG @coreandfloorrestore
07.01.2022 Most people dont relate the pelvic floor to the tailbone but they are connected! Pain when sitting (like youre sitting on a golf ball), pain during sex, pain when getting up from a chair and pain when activating your glutes (bum muscles) are all signs of a tight pelvic floor. As is SI pain, pelvic girdle and hip pain, difficulty pooing or weeing, issues during childbirth (especially to do with babes position and descent into the pelvis) and sharp shooting anus, vaginal or... clitorial pain. Tight muscles are often weak and just like other tight muscles in your body, they need to be released and then strengthened. A womans health physiotherapist can diagnose and release tight pelvic floor muscles. Please dont suffer with the pain and symptoms. Its not a case of oh well this is my post baby body now. You can heal, these conditions can be treated! Please book yourself in and see someone. How do they get released you may ask? By external and internal massage. Its nowhere near as scary as you think and youre body will wish you had done it earlier. (Yes an internal release involves the physiotherapist inserting their fingers into your vagina, locating the muscles that are tight and releasing them as they would your neck, back etc). Check out my stories to hear how I got this done today - if youre curious enough. If you have my program head to the Im struggling section where there is a specific video on lengthening your pelvic floor - you need to do this in addition to internal release. This will be my focus over the next coming weeks in between physio apts #painfulsex #postpartum #pregnancy #postnatal #aussiemums #aussiemum #pelvicfloor #pelvicfloorhealth #mumsofig #mumsofinstagram #mumsofinsta #toddlermum #motherhood #realmotherhood #realpostpartum #bodyafterbaby #womenshealth #pain #painfree #vagina #mumlife #healthandwellness #healthandwellbeing #pelvicfloorexercises #pelvicfloorhealth #health #healthymum #selfcare #strongmum #fitmum
07.01.2022 The Australian College of Midwives have put out this position statement in response to the RANZCOG statement suggesting the use of water during labour and birth in COVID hotspots be diasallowed. This does not mean all hospitals have implemented this or will.
07.01.2022 Anyone else currently pregnant and feeling the effects of this? Watching this made me realise just why Im feeling so squished! And its not even showing all the other organs being shoved out of the way! Im only 24 weeks and already I feel like the space under my ribs requires a were at full capacity sign! No social distances for these organs ... Thanks to @aboutbirthonline for sharing @douleando epic video. Such a great reminder of how incredible the body is during pregnancy and whats required of it! Be kind to yourselves pregnant people
06.01.2022 What position is your baby in? Feel free to tag a pregnant friend so they can do this little activity at home too! I love informing people about how to work out the position of their baby. It’s something I do during most antenatal visits from around 30/32 weeks (the bigger the baby, the easier it is to work out its position). ... You know your baby and it’s movements better than anyone else. You can use these to work out exactly where babe is. Using a doll can be a great visual for yourself and your partner/family too. Both my babes have hung out on my left side. Both have been stretchers as opposed to crazy movers but this one loves to kick out my right side, so much so it feels like it might be born out that way Where did your baby’s lay? And what type of movers were they? If you’re pregnant hopefully this little video helps you to map your baby’s position. I’d love to hear from you if you do so feel free to comment! Please note: This doesn’t replace midwifery or medical advice. If you’re concerned about your baby’s position, please consult your maternity care provider.
06.01.2022 This free workout is over on my instagram page @coreandfloorrestore with lots of hints and tips.
06.01.2022 One of us is pregnant. The other is sponsored by ice cream #whichiswhich #justkidding #bothsponsoredbyicecream Totally interrupting all things Core + Floor to ask for your help........ with baby names Anyone else find this extremely difficult? Ughhh! It took us four days to name Banjo and that’s not actually his first name (it’s Amos) So feel free to offer up suggestions below! 10 points if we use yours One of my friends suggested Peggy if it’s a girl. If you follow my stories you’ll understand the epicness of this suggestion. If you don’t, too bad you miss out. Kidding - our family loves to prank each other by trying to secretly place a peg on the back of our clothes and then let that person go about their day. Banjo got Mick so good the other day, a police officer actually noticed and asked if he’d just taken his shirt off the line So the name Peggy (I like Peggie as well) just may stick. In all seriousness though we’ve got nothing so comment away! I tried the kinder app and when it offered me ‘ISIS’ I gave up! See my stories for what Banjo would like to call babe. He is adamant it’s a girl (we don’t know it’s gender) and has had this name (sound) picked the entire pregnancy. Trouble is it’s a sound so I can’t spell it, hence why it’s in my stories I’ve also added a Q&A in my stories ~ these a lot of newbies now following me and I thought some of you may have questions Ps, I’m so in love with this photo - apologies for all the maternity shoot span but be prepared, these more coming #nudierudie credit @erin_matthews_photography
04.01.2022 Join me for a LIVE exercise class Locked in iso? At home with a new baby or children? Too hard to get to an exercise class? Never fear! B is here! Workout with your messy bed hair and pjs, stop and feed a baby or wipe a bum (or two ) or let a child sleep! ... You dont have to have started or completed my programs to join us and you dont need any equipment! Suitable for everyone including pregnant and postnatal people. 45 minutes Low impact Full body workout Extra love given to the core and pelvic floor Focus in technique and teaching the right modifications to suit your needs! Super cheap at just $7 a class (down to $5 if you do three or more #bargain!) For more info check out the online class section of my website or get in touch xx #getyourarsetoclass #melbournemum #activemum #homeworkout #pregnancyexercise #postnatalworkout
04.01.2022 Anyone else feeling the same? I remember after Banjo’s birth, once the stinging subsided, the joy of doing a full blown big wee again #sosatisfying Jokes aside, when you’re NOT pregnant, issues with how you wee are connected to pelvic floor imbalance (tight or weakened muscles, fascia and/or fibrous tissue). ... Here’s a list of common but NOT normal issues you may experience post birth: frequent night weeing weeing a little then standing up and having more wee come out (this is often indicative of prolapse) lock key syndrome - needing to wee as soon as you unlock the door or when you get in the shower if you shower wee. This is a conditioned behaviour and working on it involves behaviour change urge incontinence - weeing more frequently then every 3 to 4 hours and only having a little bit of wee come out having to move yourself around on the toilet to get all the wee out weeing when you cough, sneeze, jump, run, dance, exercise having to insert fingers into your vagina to help get the wee (or poo) out If you’re experiencing any of these issues or any others please know that you can heal and it doesn’t hav Sri be this way. Consult with your health care provider - a physiotherapist experiences in this area is a good person to start with. My Restore program is designed to help you bring balance to your pelvic floor - this means getting it to contract long and hard enough when needed and lengthen and relax when it’s not needed. Right pelvic floor muscles can cause just as many issues as weakened muscles. Hence why the balance is key it’s not just about kegels baby! Weeing during pregnancy is obviously altered due to babe resting on poor old bladder. However, if you experience burning or stinging or are concerned about how you’re weeing please consult with your maternity care provider. For more info on my programs head to my website or get in touch for more details xx B #pregnant #pregnancy
03.01.2022 Suns out, bumps out! How do you activate your core? This is what correct pelvic floor and core activation looks like. Its an exercise on its own but its also what we add to exercises to strengthen and ensure were using the right muscles for that move and during daily movements to protect our core, pelvic floor and back (especially in pregnancy and post birth). Want to learn how? Check out my programs - preconception, pregnancy, postnatal and men! If youve followed me fo...Continue reading
03.01.2022 Whose joining me for a live session or two or three this week? Locked in iso? At home with a new baby or children? Too hard to get to an exercise class? Never fear! B is here! Workout with your messy bed hair and pjs, stop and feed a baby or wipe a bum (or two ) or let a child sleep! Workout amongst the chaos and feel mentally and physically better for it! ... You know you need it mumma! You dont have to have started or completed my programs to join us and you dont need any fancy equipment! Suitable for everyone including pregnant and postnatal people. 45 minutes Low impact Full body workout Extra love given to the core and pelvic floor Focus on technique and teaching the right modifications to suit your needs! Super cheap at just $7 a class (down to $5 if you do three or more #bargain!) For more info check out the online class section of my website or get in touch xx #getyourarsetoclass #melbournemum #activemum #homeworkout #pregnancyexercise #postnatalworkout
03.01.2022 15% off my coaching programs for the next 24 hours Over 50 of you commented on my competition post, most stating that you needed it badly! Well, heres some extra incentive mummas! Use the code ineedthis (because you do ) and FINALLY start dedicating some time to YOUR mental and physical health! ... I know that for most times are tough right now but when you start prioritising YOU in YOUR day, its incredible how all the other things become a little less stressful, a little more easier to complete and how your mental and physical health starts shifting towards the positive side of the scale My coaching program includes FREE access to all my live online classes (and recordings if you miss them). This is valued at $100 for the four weeks. So essentially youre paying $6.80 a week for someone to hold your hand, make you accountable for your goals and enable you to feel better! Youll also get daily support and motivation from me, extra live exercise and education videos and access to our member only group of supportive fearless females! This offer ends in 24 hours so, get on it! The winner of our competition is @kbo87!! Well done sista, youve got the next four weeks coaching for free! Time to achieve your goals Get in touch to find out whats next! Check out my website for more info or get in touch! We start Monday tribe!
03.01.2022 A couple of months ago in my stories I talked about the need for a super hero that reflected the epicness of pregnant, birthing and postnatal people. For there is nothing more superhuman than what we do! Whilst a little disappointed @marvelaunz havent taken me up on the idea, my incredibly talented bestie @fay_keightley did!! Complete with postpartum belly, varicose veins, stretch marks and leaking boobs, super mum gives birth to epic humans that make the world a better pl...ace and splooshes baddies with breast milk enabling them to solve their issues and positively contribute to society. #happilyeveraftermyversion I now have this masterpiece to hang in my office and marvel at the strength, we, as pregnant, birthing and postnatal people have! Oh Fay how I love you! Best gift ever
02.01.2022 Merry Christmas from the four of us to all of you, our epic C + F tribe! Thank you so much for your incredible support and love this year! In just under a year over 1700 of you have committed to your health across our four programs. Whether it be protecting yourself in pregnancy and preparing for you birth, restoring yourself to a healthier state or strengthening to get back to what you love! Well done you epic humans ... And thank you to the thousands more of you who are such loyal supporters on social media offering your love and support especially throughout my pregnancy. We appreciate each and every one of you and thank you for your trust, support and hard earned dollar bucks! TBH I was never a huge social media fan (you wouldn’t know it from the amount I post ) but I am so grateful for this awesomely supportive online tribe we have created. May you all have an epic Christmas and/or holiday period. Sending lots of extra love to people who may be struggling for any reason at this time, may you find something that brightens your day xx
02.01.2022 Did you know that some babies are born with teeth? Whilst most babies get their first tooth between 4 and 7 months, some babies are born with one or more teeth. These are called natal teeth. They are rare (some reports state 1:2000 births) and are often left to fall out on their own unless they cause issues with feeding (due to pain from biting) or injury to baby’s tongue. ... I’m curious to know if anyone else’s babe was born with teeth? Thanks so much to this beautiful baby’s mumma for letting me share this pic xx
02.01.2022 A few of our tribe have sent stories and pictures of having their children at their birth. Thanks for helping build my oxytocin team now I’m wishing for a day birth so Banjo can have this experience too! I couldn’t help but share these stunning images and story (with permission, as always) with you all. My three year old was part of her baby brothers birth two weeks ago and it was such an amazing and wonderful experience for our whole family. ... We had a home water birth and big sister helped to catch her baby brother. Was totally epic. Been meaning to thank you for your pregnancy course and antenatal classes. I didn’t think I needed to prepare much for the birth of my second baby, we had a beautiful hospital birth centre water birth for big sister and I was pretty confident. With covid though and gym closures I signed up for core and floor pregnancy and with all of the fantastic information and exercise videos I figured why not and watched the antenatal classes as well. So good! Horses breath and the tens machine were a game changer that made labour so peaceful and beautiful. Transition and pushing were super intense with a major crisis after which I ROARED my son into the world Wishing an equally beautiful and epic birth for you and your family! Thanks for all the love and well wishes tribe! I’m feeling incredibly supported by you all. Head to my website to learn more about my programs and the blog section for the free antenatal classes xx @marthagracebirthphotography
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