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Corowa Presbyterian Church in Corowa, New South Wales | Religious organisation

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Corowa Presbyterian Church

Locality: Corowa, New South Wales

Phone: +61 2 6033 3184

Address: Cnr Mary St & Federation Ave 2646 Corowa, NSW, Australia


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23.01.2022 From midnight tonight with a valid Border Region Permit you will be able to cross the border without need for a particular reason!

23.01.2022 A body lives and grows on food. Deprive it of nourishment, or give it the wrong food, and the body will waste away and die. The Church is a body. It’s the body of Christ. And given the right food, it will grow. The right food for the church is the truth spoken in love. Without love, the truth can hurt. Without truth, love stagnates and dies. But the two combined bring life.... Click the link for more of our Bible talk on Ephesians 4:7-16

23.01.2022 Every culture, every civilization, has its own way of counting the days and months and years. In our reckoning today is Sunday, 22nd November. This calendar was set by Julius Caesar over 2000 years ago. And in all that time it has only changed twice. Firstly, 1500 years ago the system of numbering the years since the birth of Jesus was introduced. According to that reckoning, this year is 2020 AD. Secondly, in 1752 the calendar skipped 11 days. People went to bed on September... 2nd and woke up the next day on September 14th. The old calendar had too many leap years and the date of the year was falling behind the motion of the sun. It’s a big deal to change the calendar. It takes something important to make it happen. Exodus chapter 12 records the changing of the calendar for the people of Israel. The Lord said to Moses, This month is to be for you the first month of the year. Because that day was the mark the Exodus, the exit, when the people of Israel left their slavery in Egypt behind. It was to be their independence day. And it was to be celebrated by the feast of Passover. Click the link for more of our Bible talk.

22.01.2022 There are many things that divide us. Some of us are young and some of us are old. Some of us are rich and some of us are poor. Some of us vote for the right and some of us vote for the left. Some people like Justin Bieber and some people have taste in music. There are so many things that divide us, but the most important things unite us. A Bible talk on Ephesians 4:1-6

20.01.2022 Suppose a brother or a sister is without clothes and daily food. If one of you says to them, Go in peace; keep warm and well fed, but does nothing about their physical needs, what good is it? James 2:15-16

20.01.2022 Our Corowa care home residents were very excited to be recently having their first church service since February. Rev Richard played the piano and gave an enco...uraging message about new seasons ahead. Everyone appreciated the positivity after such a challenging year. Residents could also be heard singing along to some of their church favorites as the Rev Richard asked for requests.

18.01.2022 For your information, this is the current advice from NSW Health on singing that we are currently following: In indoor areas, audience members and congregants should not participate in singing or chanting. In outdoor areas, if the event is one where the audience or congregation are likely to participate in singing or chanting, such as religious services, audience members and congregants older than 12 years should wear a face mask.

17.01.2022 Moses was lucky to enjoy the best of two worlds. He was born a Hebrew, one of the people of Israel, the descendants of Abraham. As a little boy from his mother’s knee he would have learned of God’s great promises. They would be a great nation. They would have a land of their own. They would be blessed in order to bless the whole world. Moses was born one of these people. But he grew up an Egyptian. Although the king of Egypt ordered that all Hebrew boys be thrown in the river..., his daughter found him, floating in a basket. She felt sorry for him and decided to adopt him. So Moses grew up in the palace. He would have been given the best education in the world of his time. He would have learned how to count, how to read and write, how to fight and how to speak. While the rest of fellow Hebrews were treated harshly as slaves, building the monuments for the king, Moses lived like a prince. But a time would come when Moses would have to choose. Was he a Hebrew or was he an Egyptian? Would he go on enjoying his privileges or would he throw in his lot with God’s promises? Click the link for the rest of the Bible message on Exodus 2 & 3:

17.01.2022 EXCITING ANNOUNCEMENT - Church is Open Our Church, in Mary Street, Corowa is open for worship this Sunday at 9.30am. We would love to see everyone there. Visitors are most welcome, but since we are limited to 50 people, please check with our minister, Richard, first on 0487 520 450.

17.01.2022 Exodus is a word that means exit. The way out. It’s called that because what we find in this book is how the people of Israel found their way out of Egypt. What we find in the book of Exodus is the gospel. And I hope that as you hear the story of Exodus, you hear your own story of deliverance as well.

15.01.2022 Psalm 22 has puzzled Bible readers for thousands of years. I mean, for one thing, is this a sad psalm or a happy psalm? The first 21 verses describe in excruciating detail, not only the writer’s suffering, but his spiritual struggle as well. He begins, "My God, my God, why have you forsaken me? Why are you so far from saving me? O God, I cry out by day, but you do not answer." I wouldn’t be surprised if you thought that people weren’t allowed to talk to God like that. Shouldn...’t he just have more faith? Shouldn’t he just trust in Jesus more? And yet here it is in the Bible, as if God was saying, If you need to, you can talk to me like that too. For more of Sunday's message on Psalm 22 click the link below:

14.01.2022 It’s no coincidence that these are the two great stumbling blocks to prayer, to asking God for help. Some of us do not pray because we are not sure if God can help. Our problems seem so great. They exert such great power over our lives, that we cannot imagine a power even greater that could help. But some of us do not pray because we are not sure if God wants to help. He may be able. He may be able to do anything. He can create everything out of nothing. He can raise the dea...d. But what we are not sure of is whether he wants to do that thing that we need him to. Why would he be interested in our small problems, when he has pandemics to stop and galaxies to spin? Why would he care? So we do not ask. And because we do not ask, we do not receive the help we need. In my lifetime I have prayed for many things, and I have not got them all. But I can guarantee you that all the prayers I have never said have never been answered. In Ephesians chapter 3 we see that there are no stumbling blocks to prayer, because God is both willing and able to help. Click on the link for more:

14.01.2022 Don't just believe the gospel. Don't just tell the gospel. Live the gospel too.

10.01.2022 Psalm 19 is about two messages. Verses 1 to 6 tell us about a message that is loud but unclear, like someone shouting from another room. Verses 7 to 11 tell us about a message that is quieter and clearer, like someone speaking to you face to face. And verses 12 to 14 remind us that they are messages that we may not want to hear, but we need to hear them. Click the link below for more of our message on Psalm 19:

10.01.2022 You can subscribe to our Youtube channel:

07.01.2022 Sticks and stones may break my bones, but words can never harm me. So goes the old proverb. Well it may be old, but unfortunately, it just isn’t true. For one t...hing, sticks and stones leave wounds that heal. Bruises heal. Cuts heal. Broken bones heal. But words can leave wounds that never heal. Sticks and stones may break my bones, but words can kill. We see it today. The world is drifting apart into greater division. We live in a time of strife and division, when one person’s terrorist is another person’s freedom fighter, when opinions are polarized to extremes and people have dug deep trenches in their minds. What we need in a time like this is a person of peace. Someone who can see both sides of the story. Someone who can reach out to opposing sides and bring them to the negotiating table. Someone who can bring us healing justice, that can help the oppressors and the oppressed to see their common humanity in order to stop the cycle of violence. And while the world looks for a leader, a statesman, someone high in the United Nations or someone respected in the Islamic community, we Christians can yet affirm that God sent his man of peace a long, long time ago. Our Lord Jesus Christ. Click on the link for more:

06.01.2022 From the Inside Out True lasting change isn't about changing our habits. It isn't about improving our manners. It isn't about keeping up appearances, but remaining the same deep down. God is not content to fuss around the edges of our lives, like mowing the lawn of a rundown old house. Through his Spirit, God is determined to change us from the inside out, transforming our beliefs and attitudes and goals and desires.... Click on the link for more of Sunday's Bible talk on Ephesians 4:17-32

05.01.2022 I love a good mystery. A crime is committed. An investigation is launched. Everyone, I mean, literally everyone in the town had a motive. But apparently no one could have done it. The first suspect was at home with his family. The second suspect was in a coma in the hospital. The third suspect wasn’t even in the country. Every clue leads to a dead end and nothing seems to make sense. But with ten minutes to go something is discovered. The perpetrator is identified and cornere...d. There is a final confrontation and the hero saves the day. A bad mystery will be predictable. The culprit is obvious from the very first scene. But a great mystery will always deliver a surprise. And only with the benefit of hindsight will all the confusion start to make sense. What we have in the gospel is a mystery. I don’t mean that the church is a club with secrets that are only revealed to the chosen few. I don’t mean that the church is a great conspiracy, hiding the truth while it peddles a lie. What I mean is that what we have in the gospel of Jesus Christ is a surprise. An ultimate truth that could not have been predicted from the hints and clues that were dropped before. But only with hindsight, once the truth is revealed, can the believer look back at the hints and clues and see that they all make sense. Click on the link for more of Sunday's message:

04.01.2022 At the beginning of Exodus the family of Abraham was 70 odd people. They moved from Canaan, the land God promised to give them, to Egypt because there was a famine. And because Joseph, one of Abraham’s great grandsons, had become governor of Egypt and made sure that there was plenty of food. Abraham’s family made themselves at home in this strange land. And for a long time, it was great. They were well fed. They had lots of children. The family grew. It became a great people,... a multitude. It was one third of the way to becoming a great nation. But why would they ever want to leave Egypt? It was paradise. Why would they want their own land? Why would they ever want to go back to Canaan? Compared to Egypt it was second rate. The people of Israel had become a victim of their own success. Why not stay in Egypt and forget about God’s big plans? But God had not forgotten his plans and he was determined for them to be fulfilled. And isn’t it interesting how God, when he wants us to move, makes it hard for us to stay where we are. We are so comfortable, but God has other plans, and so almost for not reason, things become hard. We have to go and we end up where God wanted us to be. Click the link for more of our message on Exodus 1&2: Born to Save

03.01.2022 Our passage today is a good example of one of my favourite sayings. That is, we are called not just to believe the gospel or to tell the gospel but to live the gospel. Click on the link for the whole message on Ephesians 5:1-20: or on video:

03.01.2022 Re-advertised Vacancy Manager New Dunesk PIM is seeking applications for the position of Manager New Dunesk, to commence in 2021.... New Dunesk is the Presbyterian Inland Mission’s (PIM) brand new initiative to mobilise the church to make disciples of the Lord Jesus Christ in remote and rural parts of our nation. Based at our 600 acre property in Ardlethan, NSW, we aim to inspire, equip and send out God’s people for ministry to Inland Australia. The Manager will live on site at the property’s homestead and play a vital role is establishing this exciting new ministry by: 1) Setting the spiritual tone of the property, so that all who visit will know this place is set apart for serving God. 2) Creating a warm, welcoming and well organised place so that visitors and programme participants will enjoy their time on the property. 3) Actively discipling the Gap Year participants, planning and coordinating their weekly activities and helping them develop a servant heart, grow in the understanding of the Scriptures and acquire a range practical farm skills. 4) Liaising with the organisers of the various events and programmes scheduled for New Dunesk to ensure the property is ready for each event. 5) Building connections with local community groups and organisations so that New Dunesk continues to be a welcome part of the community. 6) Maintaining meaningful connections with local Presbyterian Churches so that New Dunesk can be of service to them. 7) Overseeing the upkeep, maintenance and presentation of the property and playing an active role in the ongoing development of infrastructure. 8) Promoting New Dunesk to the wider church. 9) Exploring new ideas and proposals for New Dunesk to grow in effectiveness each year. The ideal applicant will be a married couple, with many years of experience serving in a local church, preferably with experience in the eldership and some theological training. Skills in discipling and mentoring others are crucial, practical skills and a rural background are desirable. New Dunesk is located near Ardlethan in rural NSW, about 5-6 hours from Sydney and Melbourne. On site accommodation is provided and remuneration is the equivalent of the PCQ Minster’s stipend (remote). For more information and a copy of the position description and applicant information package please contact PIM CEO Andrew Letcher on 0438 868 964 or by email [email protected] Applications close 1 March 2021. A starting date during the first half of 2021 is desirable and will be negotiated with the successful candidate.

02.01.2022 We are having a one off Zoom church service on Sunday 14 February at 5 pm for our Victorian members. If you aren't on our email list, send us a private message and we'll see if we can send you an invitation.

02.01.2022 "We proclaim to you what we have seen and heard, so that you also may have fellowship with us. And our fellowship is with the Father and with his Son, Jesus Christ." (1 John 1:3) By sharing what he heard and saw with his readers, John invited them into a shared experience. They had communion, they had fellowship with each other. They shared a faith, a calling. They weren’t just a collection of people, but a community. A family. They shared their lives. They shared their love.... They shared a common hope. But the foundation of their community was the relationship they shared with God the Father through Jesus Christ. They weren’t just a community, but the community of God. His church. The body of Christ. They were family because they were brothers and sisters by their faith in Jesus Christ. This is the true holy communion. It isn’t something you can put on a plate. It isn’t something you can get from a cup. It is something that comes from receiving the word of life, Jesus Christ himself into your life through faith. He is the basis of our fellowship with each other. He is the source of our love and our unity. He is the basis of our fellowship with God because in his own body with his own flesh and blood he paid the price of our peace with God. That we might know him and love him and serve him. Click the link below for more of last Sunday's sermon

02.01.2022 They say that ignorance is bliss, but seriously, what you don’t know can hurt you. If you don’t know what lies round the corner on the freeway, if you don’t know to turn the power off before changing the light bulb, you can be seriously hurt. What we learn today from the book of Exodus is that at the heart of sin and in the heart of every sinner is a deep and almost wilful ignorance. And what God sets himself to do is to remove that ignorance by making himself known. Click the link for more of Sunday's message on Exodus 5 to 11

01.01.2022 Who do you belong to? Who owns you? Who has a right to your complete and unreserved obedience? Whose will is supreme and pre-eminent in every facet of your life? Today’s message is that it is not your parents. It is not your employer. Your only Lord and Master is Jesus Christ. For more of Sunday's message either follow the link to our website or the other link to our Youtube channel

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