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25.01.2022 Who will you share your success with? The Card for today is the 6 of Pentacles... This is a card of generosity and charity towards others...the more you have the more others can benefit from your kindness. Its asking you to balance your expansive wealth, to offer assistance and to share your increasing funds. For doing so, may be reciprocated by being valued and rewarded. As all things are considered equal, there may be a minor risk of too much power and authority. ... The kindness could also be shown as help being given as a loan, employment or grants. Its calling for you to be grateful for your successes , so that you can afford to be generous but be careful to not squander your riches as there may come a time when youll be in the same position of asking for a handout. Life is about give and take, a balance in everything as things have a way of coming back to us in a negative format. Love and blessings to your Day. Corrina See more
25.01.2022 Todays card is from The Starseed Oracle Guidebook, by Rebecca Campbell...The Card is Jump In... She says; say yes to change. This card says dont wait to be asked, just take the plunge and jump into life. Take a deep breath and be courageous for courageous is what you are being asked to be. You are facing in the right direction and all there is to do is take a leap of faith as youll figure it out on the way...a bit like, learn on the job!... We didnt come to Earth to have a passive life, we came here to truly live. How can you be more adventurous - how are you being called to jump right on in and leap? So, remain calm and do not procrastinate, if you want to live a life worth living! Love and blessings to your day. Corrina See more
25.01.2022 Thursday thinking...
25.01.2022 Have you had good news today? The card for today is the Page of Wands... There are messages on the way, so expect them to be good news or news of a birth! They can come through letters, phone calls, social media or word of mouth. Be positive, optimistic, energetic and enthusiastic but not impulsive in rushing in with this information. ... It can herald a new adventure for new beginnings! Let it eventuate in the form of plans and bright, amazing ideas for the fun times ahead. It is an active card, so the news or messages may set things in motion. Its asking you to be fearless in this news arrival as it can bring about a childlike state of being. It can also be news about a young boy/man. It also comes with good intentions. Love and blessings in your day. Corrina See more
25.01.2022 Today’s card is from The Flower Therapy Oracle Cards Deck, by Doreen Virtue and Robert Reeves. The Card is the ‘Waratah, Become The True You’...Show the world who you really are and what you were born to do... Let go of procrastination; get to work, lightwork; it’s safe to share your true feelings with others; you will receive abundant blessings. Love and blessings to your day. Corrina
24.01.2022 What needs to change in your life? Todays card is Death... Yes, change is scary but it can also be exciting! So, let go of the fear and make the changes, so, when we do that, what does not matter anymore will move us forward to the beginning of a new period, a transformation can take place! Sometimes this transition will be sudden and unexpected but always consider whats important. Use the tools you have, your inner knowing, intuition and strength, it will guide you to bl...essings you may not have considered in your life. Life is a journey and change is the one constant you can count on. You have the power to change your circumstances through positive thoughts and affirmations, vibrating to a higher energy so that you can start to manifest what you truly desire! So, what are you putting an end to and moving in your desired direction. Get ready for new starts and enjoy the journey, you will receive spiritual guidance if you simply ask for it. Love and blessings in your day. Corrina See more
23.01.2022 What do you need absolution from? Todays card from the Major Arcana is Judgement... There is an ending here and a great opportunity for a fresh new start. With this full moon eclipse on the weekend...what is coming to completion in your life? Are you hoping for a re-birth, fresh start or renewal in your life? ... What was going on 20 years ago in your life (2000)? Follow your intuition, your inner calling to bring about a major change in status. Call on Arch Angel Michael, to bring you protection, peace and wisdom. Its time to leave our old ways and see new perspectives especially given what is happening in our universe this year...its about reflecting on what has happened in the last 6 months and to move forward with lessons learnt from the past! Love and Blessings in your day. Corrina See more
23.01.2022 Todays card is from The Oracle of E by Pam Grout & Colette Baron-Reid. Its the 26th card in the deck, Talkin Smack... That small thinking youve been doing? Get over it. There is no reason to compare yourself to others because there is no other like you. The only person capable of putting you down is... you. So, all that remains are three little questions; why? why? why? Love and blessings to your day. Corrina
22.01.2022 Todays card is from The Oracle Tarot by Lucy Cavendish. Its number 4 in this deck called; The Empress. The Empress represents the future fullness of possibilities. Fertile, lush and delightful, your future will be closer to nature. Despite this being such an enjoyable time, you will find that you may need to seek solitude from time to period. Self-fulfilment is fast approaching This card is also letting us know that life is abundant and there may be many new beginni...ngs ahead for us. It is a card of feminine care of love and beauty. It is connected to the planet Venus. It is also a sign for love, forgiveness, respect, creation and material income. It might even mean that some of us will be ready for a new relationship. Whatever it is its the birth of something wonderful but it will require some structure to be put in place! Love and blessings in your day. Corrina See more
21.01.2022 Anyone feeling emotional with these major shift in the planets?
20.01.2022 What have you committed to taking on? Todays card is the 10 of Wands... This is an indication that you have taken on a massive task. Youre being too ambitious and its going to be a heavy burden to carry with hard work and stress along the way. However, it can also be that you need to exercise time management skills and pace yourself if you want things to turn out well in the end. On the other hand, if you push yourself and make those sacrifices for your future, then grea...t success and achievement can be yours and you can then grow in confidence. Although, it will also ask you to let some things go! We all need a bit of a breather and to stop and smell the roses because if we dont we could miss important events in our lives. Love and blessings in your day! Corrina See more
20.01.2022 Todays card is from the Star Temple Oracle deck...its the 5th Card The Ruby Star... The word for this card is Flow, I embody my authentic and sensual essence. Words associated with this card are; Joy, Feel, Twinkle. This root chakra is asking us to get in touch with grounding our deepest desires. The crystal spirit of the Ruby personifies vitality, primal hunger for passion and a thirst for pleasure. ... This card is also asking us to draw deep into our root chakra and establish your sensual flow, power and strength to thrive and not just survive. Blessings and love to your day. Corrina See more
20.01.2022 Todays card is from the Energy Oracle Cards, by Sandra Anne Taylor. Its the 39th card from the deck representing The Fifth Chakra, Archangel Gabriel. The number represents communication and focuses on our self expression and speaking your truth. This is sending powerful energy to your throat centre to communicate effectively and efficiently. This Angel opens you up to truthful expression for yourself and others. This could mean a communication project is coming-or ...a time of enhanced communication! Affirmation; My throat chakra is open to its perfect, healthy state, spinning with the beautiful energy of freedom and self-empowerment. I am free to express myself in every way. Love and blessing in your day. Corrina See more
19.01.2022 What are you looking forward to? Todays card is the 3 of Wands... This is an optimistic card of luck, greater opportunities, help from others and a successful movement forward, its a time to think big and brave! It also foretells of re-location or a chance for long distance travel for work purposes. Its a time of opportunities for expansion in your field of work but it is calling to you to be patient at the moment as plans are not set in motion have faith that th...e desired results will come. If we have confidence to focus on the bigger picture then our efforts will bear fruit. We have the freedom to make a happy and successful choice...meaning that our hard work will eventually pay dividends!! Love and blessings in your Day! Corrina See more
17.01.2022 Todays card is from the Heal Yourself, Reading Cards by Inna Segal. An Intuitive guidance to transform your soul... Its the Entrapment Card... She says; Its a time for a realistic look at how we can shift our power. Its a time for reflection, being solitary and thinking things through. Its time to take responsibility for our lives and to choose new ways to create that change we are seeking. ... As long as you blame everyone for the circumstances that you are in, you will remain powerless. An affirmation to say to yourself; I am in control of my life. Nothing can affect me unless I choose to let it. My thoughts create my reality. Love and blessings in your day. Corrina See more
17.01.2022 Todays card is; Journey, from the Energy Oracle Cards deck by Sandra Anne Taylor... She says Its about; Movement, Relocation and Travel. Its about just changing your perspectives about journeying...its not necessarily about the physical journey but it also can be an internal journey, a shift in ourselves! Its saying that things might go well, whatever your journey! The old saying; that life is a journey, for it can foretell exciting adventures coming up. ... An affirmation to say to yourself or out aloud is; I am attracting wonderful new adventures to me. My life is a blessing, taking me to new places-inside and out. Love and blessings in your day. Corrina See more
17.01.2022 Todays card is from The Flower Therapy Oracle Cards Deck, by Doreen Virtue and Robert Reeves. The Card is the Waratah, Become The True You...Show the world who you really are and what you were born to do... Let go of procrastination; get to work, lightwork; its safe to share your true feelings with others; you will receive abundant blessings. Love and blessings to your day. Corrina
17.01.2022 Keep this in mind as we are now in a Mercury retrograde phase!
16.01.2022 Todays card is Entangled, its from The Oracle of E Guidebook, by Pam Grout and Colette Baron-Reid. Its the 13th card from the deck and I found it coincidental that todays date is the 13th...then I read the meaning of the card... You would probably call whats about to happen synchronicity. Or maybe even coincidence. Au contraire! The Big truth is, you are already connected to everything and everyone. Quantum physics has its own name for it: entanglement. The reason appears that all ducks are lining up on your behalf right now is because youre finally paying attention. Let the games begin. This is about having faith that life really does work out for you in magical ways. Just live in the moment and always reach for that positive feeling and think the best of everything and everyone. Love and blessings in your day. Corrina See more
15.01.2022 Have you had a harmonious day? The card for today is the Ten of Cups... Today is about happiness, family, harmony and contentment, whether it be in a marriage or with the people nearest and dearest around you. Its about our long-term relationships that have lasted the distance. Its asking you to follow your heart and wish upon that pot of gold at the end of a rainbow that things will turn out well!... So, give thanks for that blessing and be happy that you can achieve your deepest desires for a perfect relationship, your happily ever after. Love and blessings in your day! Corrina See more
13.01.2022 Message for today... Good deeds will come back to you ten fold, be kind... Love and blessings in your day. Corrina
13.01.2022 Todays card is from the deck called The Secret Language of Colour Cards by Inna Segal... The card is the 20th and is called Lilac, Strengthen Your Faith... Its very much a colour associated with intuition and psychic abilities. Its expands your visions and your spiritual awareness and strengthens your connection with the Universe. You can bathe yourself in a lilac light helping you to create a stronger connection to the Divine. Having faith in something is a strong ...belief one has for something that is not tangible. This card is saying to have faith in something but not necessarily give up just before it can come to fruition. She says, you can use your third eye and imagine a magnet that will draw in your deepest desires. You can visualise this magnet and by saying activate you will draw it in towards you. Then act as if this desire is already present in your life. An affirmation to use; With every breath I take, my faith in my Self and the Divine is renewed. I am ready to receive the highest love and abundance from the Universe. Love and blessings in your day. Corrina See more
10.01.2022 Is this whats happening to you now? We have another eclipse on the weekend. Have faith, things happen for a reason!! Love and blessings in your day. Corrina
10.01.2022 Friday wisdom...
08.01.2022 Todays card is from the Mystical Lenormand deck by Regula Elizabeth Flechter...its number 33...the key... The key indicates that something is one hundred percent certain. When asked if something is going to be successful, this card should always be interpreted as a positive reply. The 33 is a master number for a teacher, in particular a male teacher. Whether you need to learn something or teach, this card is a positive sign that you need to do something about it. You w...ill be protected and will unlock a skill which can help you in your future endeavours. So why wait, its now time to do that course or project that you have been putting to one side. Love and blessings in your day. Corrina See more
08.01.2022 One of my favourite sayings! Love and blessings in your day. Corrina
07.01.2022 Todays card is from the Star Temple Oracle deck by Suzy Cherub. Its no.18 The Shining Star, meaning Glow...I no longer dim my light. I shine bright for all to see. Its time now to shine bright! She says; this card is symbolic of a positive breakthrough for you. By letting your light shine you then attract high vibrational people that can resonate with you at a high level. ... As you harness your inner power and radiate it out into the world so that you can attract all that you desire and deserve. This way it encourages others to shine their light as well. Love and bless in your day. Corrina See more
06.01.2022 How are you going to shine today? Todays card is the Major Arcana card of The Sun... There is a huge potential for growth and achievement today. It is a happy time in your life filled with warmth, hope, fun, success, freedom, love and passion. If youre looking for an answer, it definitely is a yes. ... This card is associated with summertime and in the Northern Hemisphere it is summer and this can indicate a holiday or a trip overseas but it will all depend on when we are allowed to travel again...theres no reason we cannot travel in our imaginations! It can be an indication of good health or fertility. You are on a spiritual journey to enlightenment and that can mean opening up your channels to psychic abilities...the Universe is presenting us with gifts of opportunity. This is also a time of expansion, so go out and play and have fun bring into your lives vitality and most of all positivity, for miracles can happen! Love and blessings in your day. Corrina See more
06.01.2022 The card for today is from the deck Fortune Reading Cards by Sharina Star...Angel... Your angels are guiding and protecting you on your journey. Her power tip; placing a crystal angel figurine in your home will give you spiritual protection and increase your intuition. She says that angel figurines will remind you of the beautiful power of the angels and give you comfort, knowing you can call on them at any time. You are truly blessed with a deep connection to your ...angels. Pay particular attention to your dreams and gut feelings, knowing your angels are there to guide you towards your dreams. Love and blessings in your day. Corrina See more
04.01.2022 Unlocking Your Answers ... Intuitive Tarot to "C" your future ...
04.01.2022 Todays card is the Court Card, King of Pentacles... This person in your life is a very businesslike male. He likes control, traditional values, stability, disciplined, hard-working, dependable and faithful. Remembering, that we can all have a negative side as well! Those above qualities are if we are vibrating at a higher level!... This person will always help somebody out with money or time. They are also very conservative and are generally for the long-term relationships. In their field they are often very successful and can hold a lot of power in their positions. They are family focused and are always trying to improve the situation and can be considered by some as being well off in life. They generally have lots of resources open to them and they will work hard in reaching their goals. They are grounded and will co-operate always showing maturity for who they are! We can all aspire to these qualities! Love and blessing to your day. Corrina See more
02.01.2022 Todays card is from the Spirit de la Lune Guide Book... Its card number 35, Waning Cresent...meaning Rest.. As the Moon fades, my body knows best, my energy wanes and it is time for rest. It is time to slow down and preserve our energy levels before we make more plans or decisions. When we get enough time to rest then we will be better equipped to do the things that need to be done. We will have the power back with us when we listen to the clues of our bodies to Rest and listen to your body; practise yoga; take a break from caffeine; pay particular attention to how much you work; get to sleep earlier or take more naps; schedule in rest time; what are your energy drainers? Allowing rest will create more space for extra energy and new opportunities. Love and blessings in your day. Corrina See more
01.01.2022 Today’s card is from ‘The Oracle of E’ by Pam Grout & Colette Baron-Reid. It’s the 26th card in the deck, ‘Talkin’ Smack’... That ‘small thinking’ you’ve been doing? Get over it. There is no reason to compare yourself to others because there is no other like you. The only person capable of putting you down is... you. So, all that remains are three little questions; why? why? why? Love and blessings to your day. Corrina
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