Cosmic Codes (Amanda Coppa) in Sherwood | Astrologist & psychic
Cosmic Codes (Amanda Coppa)
Locality: Sherwood
Phone: +61 415 619 524
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25.01.2022 NEW MOON IN LEO This week we have a New Moon in the dynamic sign of Leo. New Moons are a time to reset, get clear on what we want to manifest and plant new seeds. This is the beginning of a new cycle and an opportunity to focus on that which brings us JOY, PLEASURE and allows us to express ourselves CREATIVELY. Leo energy invites us to take a more playful approach to what we do and where we are heading. To put doubt aside and have the confidence to experiment, have fu...n and do the things wed really love to do. To follow our passions, create with an open heart and to put our hearts desires into action. Nows the time to draw upon our inner strength to make the changes we know we need to make or take the actions we need to take. Dont just wait for things to happen, step into your creative power today and create the life you love. Blessings to you all x #newmoonleo #sunmoon #newbeginnings #reset #createthelifeyoulove #cosmiccodes #carnelian #citrine #clearquartz #crystalhealing Cosmic Codes (Amanda Coppa) 2020
24.01.2022 ** THE MESSAGES HAVE NOW BEEN REVEALED AND ARE POSTED ON THIS THREAD ** Time for an interactive reading.... If youd like some insight for the full Moon today take a deep breath and ask "What do I need to focus on most right now?"... Allow yourself to be drawn to just one row in this crystal grid and choose either: A. Sea Green - inner row B. Blue - middle row C. White - outer row Comment below and later this afternoon Ill share the full Moon message, self care tip and mini meditation each one offers. Remember dont overthink it. Trust that the crystal you choose today has the message you need to hear right now. The full Moon is still on the rise, peaking at 3:22pm AEST....enjoy xox #fullmoonpisces #interactivereading #crystalwisdom #intuitiveguidance #cosmiccodes Cosmic Codes (Amanda Coppa) 2020
24.01.2022 #attitudeofgratitude
23.01.2022 #putyourselffirst
23.01.2022 Good Morning and welcome to a new week and the full Moon in Aquarius (peaking at 1:58am tomorrow morning)! Aquarius is known as the visionary, the change-maker, the rebel; and whenever the Moon is in Aquarius it brings with it the energy of adjustment and CHANGE. This is a time of breakthroughs, shifts in perception and releasing old ties that hold us back. Uranus, the ruler of Aquarius, is exactly square the full Moon so we can expect some tests and challenges, stress and ...resistance but equally many Aha moments and powerful realisations. With the full Moon in my own sign it feels deeply personal to me. Triggering some of my earliest childhood memories and equally my vulnerabilities, yet weirdly my strengths. I created this crystal grid earlier in the year just before major changes took place in my life. It was inspired by a vision I had which was so full of clarity, purpose and the most exhilarating energy. Although this is a time of letting go and surrendering, it is equally a time of ILLUMINATION. Aquarius is the visionary, the rebel heart who operates for the collective rather than as an individual. As the world around us is changing, its a reminder that we too must change. Its time to leave our comfort zone so we can show up in the way we are truly meant to. Brightest of full Moon blessings to you all x #lapislazuli #turquoise #clearquartz #herkimerdiamonds #crystalgrids #energywork #fullmon #aquarius #uranusruled #illumination #change #cosmiccodes
22.01.2022 Good Morning and welcome to a new week I've chosen some cards for us each with a message for the week ahead. Please comment below with your choice of either Top Left - Top Right - Bottom Left or Bottom Right and the messages will be revealed on this thread later today. Have a beautiful day x #weeklyguidance #awakeneddreameroracle #cosmiccodes #amethyst #citrine #angelite #selenite #calcite
22.01.2022 The full Moon lunar eclipse in Capricorn is peaking right now. What are you willing to release? What are you ready to embrace? #makeyourownmagic #fullmoon #lunareclipse #crystalhealing #cosmiccodes
21.01.2022 FULL MOON PISCES At 3:22pm AEST 2 September the full Moon reaches her peak in the dreamy sign of Pisces. Pisces is a water sign ruled by the planet Neptune, and is linked with the unconscious, spirituality and deep mystery. This full Moon is a time of baring our soul, acknowledging our feelings and honoring our intuition. Pisces embodies the energy of trusting the flow of life and is deeply sensitive. So nows the time to go inwards, to be truly present and delve int...o the beautiful abyss of our being. With the Sun in Virgo theres a focus for the month on cleansing, clarity and purity. With the Moon in Pisces it provides the perfect backdrop to hold a mirror up to ourselves, to be more aware of what is no longer supporting our growth and to release it with grace. Notice what comes and let it come. Notice what goes and let it go. I created this crystal grid exactly 12 months ago and sharing it today reminds me of how things have changed and how different my life (and me) is today. Like all processes of transformation this is a time to simply be present, aware and observe, trusting the great current of life to take us exactly where we are meant to be. The little rainbows in this grid signify brighter times lay ahead and rainbows often follow storms. May this full Moon bring rainbows your way x #aquatinelemuriancalcite #aquamarine #larimar #clear quartz #shivaeyeshells #fullmoon #pisces #watersign #crystalhealing #lunarenergies #releaseandrenew #blessings #cosmiccodes
21.01.2022 NEW BEGINNINGS "A clean slate is presented to you as you now encounter fresh opportunities and novel experiences." Embrace the new in your life, including new opportunities, people and projects. The angels know that change can be frightening, and they surround you now with loving energy. Call upon them whenever you feel afraid of facing novel situations. They will boost your confidence and energy so that you can enjoy your new beginnings.... Sometimes we cling to old routines because they are familiar. By drawing this card, The angels ask you to be open to new approaches to life. Perhaps they will teach you a new way of looking at situations. Or maybe they will call on you to learn a new skill. Whatever the new beginning is for you, allow yourself to be stretched by the fresh circumstances. We learn about ourselves through new experiences. #healingwiththeangels #dailyguidance #cosmiccodes
21.01.2022 Did you miss out on a message yesterday? If you would like some inspiration from the Universe, please comment below and I'll draw a card for you. Have a wonderful day x #inspirationalmessage #theuniversehasmyback #cosmiccodes
21.01.2022 #beyourbestself
20.01.2022 Love this Max Coppa
20.01.2022 CREATIVE WRITING Archangel Gabriel: "Make time to write down your thoughts in a journal, or pen an article or book." Your Soul longs for creative expression through writing. I can help you schedule this activity. Honor any inner nudges that guide you to write. The writing may be for your own enjoyment, or may be a cathartic experience of self-expression in a private journal. As you work with your connection to the written word you may receive Divine guidance to write article...s or books for publication. Call upon me at any time to guide you through this process. #Archangels #dailyguidance #ArchangelGabriel #cosmiccodes
19.01.2022 If you want something to change you will need to not only plant the seed of the change you want but also water and nourish it to assist it to grow, otherwise, the seed just dies. Apply yourself to the change you want to see. Commit to its growth and it will grow and flourish.... No one can do this for you You are the gardener of your own inner reality. Blessings Source: Contemporary Shamanism (Safe Practices) Art: unknown as yet
19.01.2022 NEW MOON IN CANCER On Tuesday 21 July we have a rare consecutive New Moon in Cancer (previous New Moon in Cancer 21 June). New Moons are special times to focus on new beginnings, setting our projects in motion and turning over a new leaf. When in sensitive Cancer its an opportunity to re-commit to our personal goals, stretch out of our comfort zone (even just a little) and be real about how we feel and what we sense and attune to. Often, we put pressure on ourselves to ...achieve, yet this New Moon encourages us to relax into our next steps. By pushing or trying to control the outcome, we just get in our own way. Instead, focus on gentle, productive action then relax, trust and feel your way forward. ~ Breakthroughs, opportunity, potential ~ New energy, new direction ~ Trust your intuition ~ Listen to your feelings ~ Less overthinking and stress ~ More peace and tranquility Today ask yourself What excites me? What brings me joy? and do more of that! Listen to your body, nourish yourself, your dreams and the seeds you are planting. Turn over a new leaf and trust your feelings and senses to lead you in the right direction x #newmooncancer #moonruled #lunarenergies #newbeginnings #freshstart #cyrstalgrids #healingenergy #lepidolite #amethyst #clearquartz #cosmiccodes Cosmic Codes (Amanda Coppa) 2020
19.01.2022 Trippy flashes of light on a cool piece of #orangecalcite
19.01.2022 Super sparkly Angel Aura, my go-to crystal right now. Not only is it mesmerizing to look at, it has wonderful healing properties and like its name suggests aids angelic connection. Its soo easy to get lost in all the sparkles! This beautiful crystal didnt come out of the earth this way. Like other Aura Quartz varieties it is actually natural Clear Quartz that has undergone treatment where finally vaporized platinum, silver and trace minerals are permanently bonded to the This process doesnt harm the stone, but does result in a higher vibration. Need some of this on your collection? Ill have two pieces available for sale early next week (including a stunning Angel Aura heart cluster eek!). #angelaura #angelicvibes #peace #connection #chakrabalance #cosmiccodes
18.01.2022 NEW MOON IN CANCER On 21 June we have a New Moon solar eclipse in the nurturing and feeling-orientated sign of Cancer. Eclipse energy is deep, potent and its effects can be felt up to six months after it begins. This New Moon occurs at 0 degrees of Cancer and coincides with the Winter/Summer Solstice, marking a time of powerful shifts and transformation for us all. This New Moon carries an energy of healing; guiding us to be mindful of how the familiarity of past patter...ns and limiting beliefs are influencing us. And, to consider where we seek to grow but have not yet taken the steps to do so. There is great momentum for creating powerful, lasting change in our life right now. If you are seeking to make change or take that all important first step forward in any area of your life, this is the time to fully commit to it! In every moment we are creating our future. Trust your intuition, feel your way forward, embrace new beginnings and new growth with flourish. Sending LOVE and New Moon blessings to you all <3 #ammonite #shivashells #smokyquartz #redjasper #carnelian #citrine #pinkopal #blueapatite #amethyst #rainbowmoonstone #clearquartz #crystalgrids #newmooncancer #moonruled #solareclipse #timeforchange #newbeginnings #trustyourintution #lunarenergy #solstice #cosmiccodes Cosmic Codes (Amanda Coppa) 2020 Cosmic Codes (Amanda Coppa)
18.01.2022 Blessings for the New Moon in Scorpio <3 #newmoon #manifestyourmagic #uplevelyourlife #transformation #marsplutoruled #setyourintentions #clearquartz #rosequartz #hematite #redjasper #blacktourmaline #crystaltherapy #youaremagic Cosmic Codes (Amanda Coppa) 2020... See more
18.01.2022 Welcome to a new week :D Ive drawn a card for us representing the energies of the week ahead - the perfect crystal for the upcoming New Moon in Leo! If you would like to receive a personal message from the crystals please comment below and Ill draw some cards each day this week for those Im guided to x CARNELIAN ~ MOTIVATION Carnelian asks the questions:... What motivates me the most? Am I procrastinating? When Carnelian appears in your reading it is time to look at what motivates and encourages you to take action. Carnelian provides the fire and passion to get motivated. It stimulates your vitality and initiative. You surrender in deep trust to your perceptions and are able to easily maintain focus on any task. Carnelian can strengthen your courage and confidence. Carnelian is all about doing things in such a way that the outcome takes care of itself. #carnelian #motivation #crystalspirits #weeklyguidance #cosmiccodes
17.01.2022 ** OFFER CLOSED ** Would you like a mini message for the full Moon? Ill be hanging out here for the next 30mins. Please comment below with one word about something youd like guidance on (LOVE, DIRECTION, CAREER etc) and Ill draw a crystal-inspired card for as many as I can x... #fullmooncrystalguidance
16.01.2022 #happinessisachoice
15.01.2022 Sending some Amethyst love your way
14.01.2022 Good Morning, Ive drawn a card for us representing the energies of the week ahead - a timely message for the upcoming Full Moon in Pisces! If you would like to receive a personal message please comment below and Ill draw a few cards each day for those Im guided to x 52. THE VIOLET FLAME Consider your psychic toolkit. Do you have a range of accessible go-to practices for re-centering, cleansing your aura, and protecting your energy? An exercise routine for psychic fitnes...s will keep your aura strong and resilient, your energy sovereign, and your vibration high. Maintaining clear and vibrant energy will also help you see through illusions that may be blocking or disorientating you. Bring the violet flame into your meditation and self-care practices for graceful re-balance after heightened energy levels. #weeklyguidance #beyondlemuria #fullmoonpisces #watersign #cleansing #psychicawareness #cosmiccodes
14.01.2022 Love your work Max Coppa! What does your heart line say about you?
13.01.2022 Good Morning and welcome to a new week Ive chosen three beautiful crystals for us each with guidance for the week ahead. Please comment below with your choice of either A, B or C and the messages will be revealed on this thread later today. Enjoy your day x #weeklyguidance #crystaltherapy #cosmiccodes #crystalmessages
13.01.2022 Welcome to a new week Ive chosen three crystal grids for us each with guidance for the week ahead. Please comment below with your choice of either A, B or C and the messages will be revealed on this thread later today. Enjoy your day x #weeklyguidance #crystalgrids #cosmiccodes #crystalmessages
12.01.2022 INTERACTIVE NEW MOON READING Brightest of blessings for the New Moon. If youd like to receive some guidance today, please choose one of the following three numbers and comment below with your choice. Please choose either: 8 - 9 - 11... Stay tuned.....the messages will be revealed on this thread later this afternoon. Enjoy x #newmoonvirgo #mercuryruled #interactivereading #resetandrenew #cosmiccodes
12.01.2022 Look at those colours! Sourcing beautiful crystal jewellery for my clients today #ilovemyjob #labradorite #turquoise #chrysoprase #sugilite #highquality #crystaljewelry #colourhealing Looking for something special? Whether its quality jewellery, crystal supplies, customised crystal grids or a unique piece just for you, I can help. Please PM for details.
10.01.2022 FULL MOON IN VIRGO On Saturday 27 February at 6:17pm AEST the full moon in Virgo will be at her peak. Virgo is a mutable earth sign, ruled by the planet Mercury and is represented by the symbol of the virgin / maiden representing purity, grace and femininity. This full moon carries an energetic vibration of ALIGNMENT. Triggering and calling back those aspects of us that are not currently balanced and which may be creating challenges for us. ... Virgo seeks to heal and perfect. It embodies the energies of cleansing, purification & self-improvement, and dislikes chaos. It finds comfort in organisation, routine and attention to detail. Virgo’s motto is ‘I analyse’, and we can use this energy to gain more clarity and rectify imbalances within ourselves or our life. As within so without! This is a time of HEALING and RESTORATION. Releasing old baggage, sorting through details, restructuring daily habits, thinking things through and clearing the fog. Honoring the needs of our mind, body & spirit and prioritising self-care will help to nourish us and restore balance more easily. Whatever is coming up for you at present, don’t ignore it or wish it away! Face itheal itfix itand align it! This grid has been created with selenite, clear quartz, smoky quartz, red jasper, carnelian, citrine, yellow calcite, green aventurine, blue lace agate, lapis lazuli and amethyst. It represents the chakras and not only bringing them into balance but allowing them to align us with the Universe flow of life and our highest potential. May the full moon bless all that you are and all that you are becoming x #fullmoonvirgo #ianalyse #mercuryruled #cleansingandpurification #goddessenergies #crystalhealing #chakrabalancing #alignment #cosmiccodes Cosmic Codes (Amanda Coppa) 2021
09.01.2022 NEW MOON IN VIRGO Today we welcome the new Moon in Virgo, a time of renewal and new beginnings. As a mutable Earth sign, Virgo covers organisation, detail, self-improvement, perfection and analysis. Everything we are giving attention and energy to at this time is creating our way forward. This new Moon provides us with an opportunity to re-evaluate and re-focus on what really needs our attention. Helping us to add structure to our goals, refine our approach to simplify ou...r daily actions. The Virgo new Moon is the perfect time to restore peace in our lives and take better care of ourselves. To commit to making positive change, and allowing for the activities, exercise, food and nourishment we need. As we give to ourselves, the more aligned we feel, and the more easily we can function. This grid has been created with a beautiful sodalite sphere at the centre, surrounded by clear quartz, optical calcite, sodalite, bright green peridot and blue & green fluorite. Allow its pure and peaceful energies to help you move back into wholeness where you are peaceful, aligned and clear. Blessings to you all and may this new Moon be the start of something wonderful for you #newmoonvirgo #renewandreset #mindbodyspirit #crystalhealing #clarifyyourgoals #keepitsimple Cosmic Codes (Amanda Coppa) 2020
09.01.2022 Time for a little fun. Take a deep breath to relax your mind, and trust your intuition to guide you to the card that has a message for you today. Comment below with your choice and I will turn the cards over this evening and will reveal the messages on this thread x #fullmoonguidance
09.01.2022 Unique clay gifts handmade by my son for my crystals Lol #clay #mysonshine #proudmum #crystaladdict #spherestand #crystalbowl
09.01.2022 #newmoongoals #thinkpositive #liveyourbestlife
09.01.2022 Hello and welcome to a new week....sorry bit slow off the mark LOL Ive drawn a card for us all representing the energies of the week ahead and trust it resonates with you. If you would like to receive a personal message please comment below and Ill draw a few cards each day for those Im guided to. To make it fair for everyone if you have received a personal message recently please let others comment this time so they dont miss out. Have a great week x TURQUOISE ~ PRIOR...ITIZE YOUR HEALTH Take your health into your own hands. The first step is to identify what your body needs. Everyone is unique, so your health journey requires self-reflection to discover what will make you feel your best. Then take one step, no matter how small, in service of that. Maybe you commit to going to bed 15 minutes earlier or find a yoga routine online, or perhaps you download a meditation app, go for a walk, or workout at the gym. Whatever you choose to do for yourself and your health, make it a priority and commit to it each and every day. With consistency, small actions will build into amazing results. #weeklymessage #dailycrystalinspiration #healthmatters #mindbodyspirit #cosmiccodes
07.01.2022 FULL MOON IN CAPRICORN At 2:43pm AEST Sunday 5 July the full Moon reaches her peak in the earthy and responsible sign of Capricorn. This full Moon coincides with a lunar eclipse and is being triggered by a number of close conjunctions and retrograde planets. The energy is heightened as a result and brings with it a timely cosmic push, to give us a better idea of what needs to change, or what needs to go. This is a time of (emotional) self-control, grounding and stability.... A time for reality checks, shedding old habits and surrendering that which stalls our progress. This full Moon will be influencing our career and family needs in particular. It invites us to release what weve outgrown and make way for what is truly meant for us. By nature, Capricorns are very smart and tuned-in people who are great at focusing on long term gains rather than short-term wins. However, if they get too set on something, they can miss the obvious. Yet when they step back, they see it. We can best use this full Moon energy to step back and see how things really are in our life, to think clearly, rationally and not let our emotions create knee jerk reactions. If old fears, triggers or blocks are rising, know that its just a last-ditch effort to keep us contained in old energy systems. Acknowledge it yet keep rising above it and moving forward. Sending the brightest of full moon blessings to you all. #garnet #redjasper #ruby #carnelian #clearquartz #fullmoon #lunareclipse #saturnruled #crystalgrids #releaseandletgo #cosmiccodes
06.01.2022 , , . - . daryavaseum IG
05.01.2022 Stuck for ideas on what to give Dad for Fathers Day tomorrow? Max Coppa shares his top tips to save you time, money and sanity.
04.01.2022 #fullmoon #pisces #neptuneruled #watersign #releaseandrenew #cosmiccodes
03.01.2022 #fullmoonaquarius #challengeperceptions
03.01.2022 Good Morning, each day this week Ill draw an angel card for us all representing the energies of the day. If you would like to receive a personal message from the angels please comment on any of the cards posted this week and Ill draw a card each day for as many as I can. Enjoy your day xx TRUST "Believe in yourself, and have faith that God and the angels are with you. Ask them to help you lose the fears that block you from enjoying full faith."... Your angels know that youve been disappointed in the past. These experiences may have eroded your faith in yourself, other people, or even God. However, the angels remind you of the importance of holding on to your faith. By drawing this card, the angels emphasize the value of self-trust. They know that you, like everyone, have made mistakes in the past. However, these mistakes have not eroded your true nature. You still have omnipresent God within you, and God is infallible. The angels ask you to trust in God and to trust in them. They will help you trust in yourself x #healingwiththeangels #angelicmessengers #loveandlight #cosmiccodes
03.01.2022 THANK YOU SO MUCH to everyone who commented on yesterdays post and shared wonderful messages of hope, healing and encouragement for us all. Im so grateful, and have pinned that beautiful post to the top of my page. If you or anyone you know needs extra love and support right now be sure to read through the many uplifting comments. Know that there are many of us who hold the light and send love and strength to all xox #lightworkersunite #healingenergy #lovelightandblessings
02.01.2022 #newmooncancer #believeinyourdreams #cosmiccodes
02.01.2022 This beauty is still it for you? Septarian (AKA Dragonstone) is an interesting crystal comprising of Calcite, Aragonite, and Limestone. It has a nurturing and grounding energy that enhances feelings of happiness and understanding. It increases self-confidence and is known for its ability to assist with public speaking. It looks like the limestone & aragonite curtains have been pulled back on this beautiful large heart to showcase its gorgeous yellow calcite c...entre. Its a lovely flat yet thick shape to work with. This crystal is available to purchase at the special price of $55 + post. To claim it, comment SOLD and PM Amanda with your postal address.
01.01.2022 Good Morning! I created this crystal grid to hold space while I take some big steps in my life this week. Many of us are being asked to step forward, step up and break through fear right now. As those niggling doubts or worries rise up, this is when we can reach out and help each other. If you are in need of support, encouragement or just a reminder that you have what it takes, I invite you to leave an inspiring word, emoji, quote or message of hope for others on this threa...d. Your gift of support no matter how small may make a big difference to those who need it. I will also draw cards each day this week for those who comment. "If we are serious about dreaming our awakening into being and creating a peaceful, loving earth in which the heart, spirit and soul are the only true leaders, we must continue to keep our focus on thoughts of unity and all that truly brings us together." ~ Diane Hall #crystalgrids #lemurianseed #peridot #greenaventurine #prehnite #rosequartz #selenite #healing #lightworkersunite #inspiration #support #cosmiccodes
01.01.2022 DIVINE ORDER Archangel Raguel: "Everything is how it needs to be right now. Look past the illusion, and see underlying order." A win-win situation is brewing, one with solutions that are fair to everyone involved. This requires you to have blind faith that Heaven is working behind the scenes to extract the highest good for all. ... Ask me to buoy your faith if it waivers. Use positive affirmations and prayers to keep your spirits high. Above all, make sure that your conversations about this situation involve positive and optimistic words and phrases. Youre so powerful that your positive thoughts can speed the resolution along even quicker. #Archangels #dailyguidance #cosmiccodes
01.01.2022 Brightest of blessings for the New Moon solar eclipse / solstice. The energy feels amazing today! If you would like a mini message for the New Moon please select the crystal you are drawn to the most in this crystal grid and comment below. The options are: Ammonite (brown shells)... Shiva shells (white) Smoky quartz (brown) Red jasper (red) Carnelian (orange) Citrine (yellow) Pink opal (pink) Blue Apatite (blue) Amethyst (purple) Rainbow Moonstone (pearl) Clear quartz (clear) The messages will be revealed on this thread later today. Sending love and blessings to you all x #newmoonguidance #cosmiccodes